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1、大学英语四级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 184及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Better Aim High than Low by commenting on the remark, “If you dont aim high, youll never hit high.“ You can give examples to illustrate your point. You should write at least 120

2、 words but no more than 180 words. 2 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay commenting on the remark, “Not to know is bad; not to wish to know is worse.“ You can give examples to illustrate your point and then explain how people can develop curiosity. You should write at le

3、ast 120 words but no more than 180 words. 3 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Attitude Makes a Big Difference by commenting on the saying, “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.“ You can cit

4、e examples to illustrate your point and then explain how people can be more optimistic. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 4 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled It Pays to Focus Ones Efforts by commenting on the saying, “Person who c

5、hases two rabbits catches neither.“ You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 大学英语四级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 184答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 【正确答案】 When it comes to life goals, it is often believed that wed better aim high than low, as the saying goes, “If you dont aim high, youll never hit h

6、igh.“ A high aim, or an ambitious dream, can. bring out the best in people. In other words, challenging goals that are more difficult to realize can inspire people to keep working harder and do their best. The Wright Brothers dreamed of making a flying machine for humans. It was doubted and deemed a

7、s completely crazy. However, they were determined, and eventually devised the worlds first airplane. If the Wright Brothers had had more “realistic“ goals, they would hardly have achieved such a success. Evidently, such ambitious dreams can also prompt the development of the whole society. To summar

8、ize, aiming high can not only motivate us to maximize our potential and attain more significant achievements, but also promote social progress. Therefore, better aim high than low, and you will discover a new world that opens up to you. 【试题解析】 这是一篇引言分析型论说文。首先要求考生就 “不立大志,难攀高峰 ”这句引言做出评论,并提出自己的看法;其次要求考

9、生举例阐述自己的观点。根据题目要求,文章内容安排如下: 第一段:引出名言,并提出主题。 第二段:列举典型例子说明志存高远所带来的好处。 第三段:重申观点,呼吁人们树立高远志向。 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确 答案】 The saying that “Not to know is bad; not to wish to know is worse“ best illustrates the importance of curiosity, a desire to know, a hunger to explore and a delight to discover. Without curio

10、sity, human beings would never reach the civilization today. Curiosity motivates us to uncover the truth about nature and life. It takes a curious mind to look beneath the surface and discover new worlds and possibilities. Were it not for curiosity, Newton would never have developed the law of gravi

11、tation, nor would the continents of America or Australia be discovered. Being curious allows us to engage in activities that will stretch the boundaries of our mind and naturally broaden our horizons. Fortunately, curiosity is a habit that can be nurtured and developed. To be more specific, we need

12、to approach the world with a child-like habit of asking questions. With practice, we are sure to transform everyday tasks into enjoyable experiences and lay the ground for future discoveries and opportunities. 【试题解 析】 这是一篇引言分析型论说文。首先要求考生就 “无知是悲哀的,无意求知更可悲 ”的引言做出评论,并提出观点;其次要求考生举例论证自己的观点,并告知人们怎样开发好奇心。根

13、据题目要求,文章内容安排如下: 第一段:简单评述题中的引言,并分析引言,从而引出核心论点。 第二段:列举典型例子说明好奇心的重要意义。 第三段:提出开发好奇心的建议,总结全文。 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 There goes a saying that “a pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty“. This saying tells us that optimists and pessimists adopt

14、opposite attitudes towards problems, and their ability to cope with hardship differs as a result. In fact, optimists and pessimists have fundamentally different ways of interpreting the world. Specifically, optimistic people believe that negative events are temporary, limited in scope, and manageabl

15、e, while pessimistic people tend to view problems as internal, widespread and unchangeable. It is generally believed that people who carry an optimistic outlook are more resourceful and productive. Winston Churchill, the British Prime Minister during World War II, was a typical example of an optimis

16、t. When the whole Britain lost confidence in defeating Germany, his optimism carried Britain through the horror of the war. To sum up, attitude does make a big difference. An optimist is confident and strives to see all the possibilities. In order to become optimists ourselves, we should learn to fa

17、ce daily struggles with confidence and make best use of all options available. 【试题解析】 这是一篇引言分析型论说作文。要求考生先就 “悲观主义者在机会中看到困难,乐观主义者在困难中看到机会 ”这句引言做出评论,并提出观点;其次要求考生举例论证自己的观点,并就如何才能变得更加乐观这一问题提出建议。根据题目要求,文章内容安排如下: 第一段:简单评述题中的引言,指出引言中所包含的道理,提出论点。 第二段:举例论证态度的重要性。 第三段:就如何养成积极的态度,提出建议。 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 “Perso

18、n who chases two rabbits catches neither.“ The proverb tells us that people should focus their efforts, instead of putting eggs in different baskets. Yet perception is not always reality. Say in China, businessmen try to engage in politics, while officials are desirous of wealth. Ones efforts are li

19、mited at a given time; therefore it pays to focus his/her efforts. To begin with, anyone who focuses his/her efforts on what he/she holds passion for has a higher possibility to succeed. For instance, Kobe Bryant has been fully dedicated to the Lakers since graduation from high school, and he had wo

20、n several champions for the team and for himself as well. In addition, having people focus efforts is a good way to uphold work ethic, because they will fully devote themselves to their jobs. Some say, never put all your eggs in one basket. Truly, it applies to investment and many other things, but

21、not ones efforts. Technically, it is very hard to kill two birds with one stone. So, stay hungry, stay focused. 【试 题解析】 这是一篇谚语评述型论说文,要求考生以 It Pays to Focus Ones Efforts(专注有回报,注意不要理解成:专注的代价 )为题,围绕 “逐二兔者,不得一兔 ”这句谚语展开讨论,表述自己的观点,并加以论证。根据题目要求,文章内容安排如下: 第一段:简要评述谚语,指出现实中人们容易目标过多; 第二段:分点阐述专注的好处; 第三段:呼吁人们要专注,总结全文。 【知识模块】 作文


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