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1、大学英语四级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 214及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 On Catchwords 1目前出现了各种各样的流行语 2人们对流行语褒贬不一 3我认为 2 Second-hand Mobile Phone Messages 1一项调查表明,我们发送的祝福短信中,多数为二手短信 2分析二手短信兴起的原因及人们为何不喜欢这类短信 3面对二手短信,我们应该怎样做 3 Should Retirement Age Be Postponed? 1近年来推迟退休年龄引起人们的热议 2推迟退休年龄有利也有弊 3我的看法 4 On Idol Worshipping 1许多青

2、少年将娱乐明星当作崇拜偶像 2对此现象不同的人有不同的看法 3我对此事的分析和看法 5 My View on Micro-blog 1目前,微博用户数量持续增长 2微博是一把双刃剑 3我的看法 大学英语四级改革适用(作文)模拟试卷 214答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 【正确答案】 On Catchwords Catchwords are novel descriptions, which enjoy great popularity among the public and possess the ability of wide spreading. They can b

3、e applied to depict everything, including mindset, state, and people. Therefore, increasingly more catchwords are produced at the speed far faster than we expect. There has always been a great dispute over the popularity of catchwords. For some people, catchwords reflect the development of language

4、and information technology, which stands for the improvement of the whole society: while for others, they are of the opinions that catchwords are vulgar and momentary, which have no positive effect on the society. Personally speaking, catchwords conform to the trend of the historical development und

5、er certain circumstances, which cannot be eradicated. Besides, some catchwords do demonstrate the younger generations creativity and sense of humor. 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Second-hand Mobile Phone Messages It is reported by Chongqing Evening News that during the New Years holiday each interviewee of 426

6、 received 58 best-wishes messages on average, of which 78.4% were second-hand messages. And among the messages sent out, the original messages only took up 21.8% . With the popularity of mobile phones, its common for people to send messages to express their best wishes. Consequently, some carefully

7、composed messages which indeed sound rhymed and beautiful are springing up. However, wishes should be originated from sincerity, yet sending second-hand messages seems a duty-fulfillment. Its no doubt, according to the survey, that the majority of the interviewees choose to delete this kind of messa

8、ges. So when you intend to convey your best wishes, please choose simple words from heart, which may sound not so beautiful but would gain more popularity. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Should Retirement Age Be Postponed? Along with the trend of longevity, nobody could have failed to notice a heated debate on

9、whether it is wise to postpone retirement age. Some people argue that its necessary to postpone the retirement age in that it is a good way to deal with the aging population. One of the direct results of the aging society is a drop in the labor force supply, which can be relieved by postponing the r

10、etirement age. However, other people hold a negative view about it. For one thing, this reform could raise the pressure of social employment, especially for the present severe situation. For another, it may diminish the seniors leisure time and the probability of the retired people enjoying their re

11、tirement pension. For my part, we should take the level of the reform and the elders interest into consideration so that a clearer perspective of the debate can be gained. 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 On Idol Worshipping Idol worshipping is not a new phenomenon, but the recent cases of unreasonable acts condu

12、cted by some young people have made it a focus of attention again. Especially, a young girls father has committed suicide just to wake up his daughter who is possessed by the idea of following her idol wherever he goes. Some people argue that the mass media is to blame for the tragedy because it alw

13、ays shows a picture of glamorous movie stars, pop singers and all the other entertainers that young people desire to have. However, young people are just not mature enough to tell fact from fiction. Other people believe that it shows the weakness of our educational system. School pays much attention

14、 to students studies and exams, but overlooks their psychological status. As far as I am concerned, the tragedy sends out an alarm signal to us all. The media, the school, the parents and even the youth themselves have to reflect on the issue and try to prevent such kind of tragedy from happening ag

15、ain. 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案】 My View on Micro-blog With the number of micro-bloggers soaring, micro-blog has become part of our life and has drawn much attention around the country. Micro-blog is a double-edged sword. On the one hand, micro-blog plays an important role in upholding justice, advancing soc

16、ial democracy and providing a platform for people to comment about their life. On the other hand, micro-blogging can also be potentially dangerous as it may give away peoples privacy. What is worse, some people argue that the widespread use of micro-blogs has made it easier for people to spread rumo

17、rs and false news, and the platform is predestined for closure. As far as I am concerned, micro-blog will play an increasingly important role in our life. Only when the administration creates a favorable condition for communication and users conform to the rules of the new media, can micro-bloggers enjoy a healthy information-sharing platform. 【知识模块】 作文


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