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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 11及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Professors lecture is boring but crucial. ( B) Its not necessary for the man to attend the lecture. ( C) The man should have been more attentive in the lecture. ( D) Professors lecture has nothing to do with the final exam. ( A) Hed better submit his resume

2、 at once. ( B) Not all applicants will be interviewed. ( C) She does need his help for the moment. ( D) There might not be any interview at all. ( A) The man wants to be a business manager. ( B) The woman is working in a kindergarten. ( C) The woman is not happy with the mans decision. ( D) The man

3、will go in for business right after high sc ( A) Lend her his hiking shoes. ( B) Be more flexible. ( C) Lend her his gym shoes. ( D) Take more exercise. ( A) The woman paid only $ 120 on her books. ( B) Joanna saved a lot of money on textbooks. ( C) The man doesnt think textbooks are expensive. ( D)

4、 Many students find useful books in the bookstore. ( A) He should try a different field of work. ( B) He should quit his job as soon as possible. ( C) He should find a more promising position. ( D) He should be more positive toward his work. ( A) He thinks dining at Hilton is not worthwhile. ( B) He

5、 believes the woman is not serious. ( C) He isnt familiar with the way to Hilton. ( D) He doesnt enjoy the dishes at Hilton. ( A) He has no experience at all. ( B) He has a charming personality. ( C) He is so lucky that he got the job. ( D) There were so many applicants. ( A) She will take some less

6、ons. ( B) She will travel in the downtown. ( C) She will attend the party. ( D) She will do the teaching job. ( A) They cannot find a good math teacher. ( B) They cannot pass the examination. ( C) They cannot catch up with the lessons. ( D) They cannot meet the requirements. ( A) She asks for a leav

7、e from her professor. ( B) She finishes her examinations first. ( C) She only gives the lessons on weekend. ( D) She affords more time to the tutoring. ( A) She needs more efforts to help the students. ( B) She has made some encouraging achievements. ( C) She is lack of time for teaching. ( D) She c

8、an do nothing to help the students. ( A) A college degree. ( B) Good credit record. ( C) Living in the college. ( D) An age of at least 18 years. ( A) Free. ( B) 18 pounds per year. ( C) 25 pounds per year. ( D) 125 pounds per year. ( A) You will get a fine. ( B) You will be given a booklet. ( C) Yo

9、u cannot borrow any item. ( D) Your rights of borrowing will be canceled. Section B ( A) It keeps readers away from the PC. ( B) It helps a lot with environment protection. ( C) It costs less than buying traditional newspapers. ( D) It will become the best means of advertisements. ( A) It offers 24-

10、hour newspaper service. ( B) It is only sold on Amazons website in the US. ( C) It is a portable e-newspaper reading device. ( D) It can be rented at $5.99 to $14.99 monthly. ( A) The e-newspapers dont contain pictures. ( B) It only offers headlines and tops of articles. ( C) Its black-and-white scr

11、een isnt big enough. ( D) The pages dont appeal to the readers much. ( A) Ambitious but sensible. ( B) Ambitious and unrealistic. ( C) Expecting the child to be a genius. ( D) Setting a super high standard for the child. ( A) He knows very little about music. ( B) He is a member of a large orchestra

12、. ( C) He wants Michael to be a great trumpet player. ( D) He never makes Michael enter music competitions. ( A) Both of them are successful educators. ( B) They are happy even when Winston does not win. ( C) They want Winston to be a successful musician. ( D) They fail to enter Winston in many pian

13、o competitions. ( A) He does not like to play piano. ( B) He has to attend many piano lessons. ( C) He has to enter every piano competition. ( D) He is afraid of disappointing his parents. ( A) It will always be very profitable. ( B) Its easier and cheaper than ever before. ( C) The moneymakers will

14、 get you off the ground. ( D) It requires very little knowledge in management. ( A) A magazine, an idea and a laptop. ( B) A friend, an idea and a good knowledge of Internet. ( C) An idea, a little knowledge about Internet and $10,000. ( D) Some knowledge about business, an idea and $10,000. ( A) It

15、 develops modestly but steadily. ( B) There is a lot of free stuff on Taymans website. ( C) It began to show signs of failure within months. ( D) Its capacity is approximately 10,000 visits each week. Section C 25 One of the strangest and most fascinating things about Scotland is the Loch Ness Monst

16、er. Some people believe in the monsters【 B1】 _Many do not! However, very important【 B2】 _people do believe there is some truth in the famous monster story: experts from Britains Royal Air Force, scientists from the Boston Academy of Applied Science and specialists from NASA, to【 B3】 _but a few! Loch

17、 Ness is an【 B4】 _lake in Northern Scotland. It is about twenty-four miles long and one mile wide, and【 B5】 _1,000 feet, which makes it very difficult for anybody to find and examine the monster. In fact the first【 B6】 _reports of people seeing the monster date from only about six years before the b

18、eginning of the Second World War. Since then there have been other【 B7】 _and photographs of the monster. Many of these photographs【 B8】 _silly jokes played on an unsuspecting public later. However, other photographs have amazed the most searching scientific minds. In fact, it seems certain that some

19、thing does exist in the deep waters of the【 B9】_lake. The most amazing photographs show a flipper the flipper perhaps of a very large animal. From these photos British expert in animal life, Sir Peter Scott, who is also an artist, has【 B10】 _the picture of what he believes the monster might look lik

20、e. 26 【 B1】 27 【 B2】 28 【 B3】 29 【 B4】 30 【 B5】 31 【 B6】 32 【 B7】 33 【 B8】 34 【 B9】 35 【 B10】 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 11答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 M: Professor Johnsons lecture is so boring. I dont think its useful for me. W: How could you think so? It was very crucial to our final exam. Q: What does the w

21、oman mean? 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 由女士提到的 It was very crucial to our final exam可知,女士觉得讲座对期末考试很重要,男士本应该认真听教授的讲座,故答案为 C)。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【听力原文】 M: Hello. Im calling about your help-wanted ad in the newspaper. May I submit my resume when I come for an interview? W: You have to send your resume first. Only after

22、 screening them will we conduct personal interviews. Q: What does the woman mean? 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 由女士提到的 Only after screening them will we conduct personal interviews(只有经过筛选简历之后,我们才会安排面试 )可知,并不是所有申请者都会有面试的机会,故答案为 B)。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 M: After high school, Id like to go to college and major in bu

23、siness administration. I really like power and enjoy telling people what to do. W: You are very ambitious. But Id rather spend my college days finding out what children are interested in. Childs psychology is for me. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 由男士提到的 go to college a

24、nd major in business administrationlike power and enjoy telling people what todo( 去大学主修企业管理 喜欢权力和告诉人们怎么做 )可知,男士想成为一名经理,故答案为 A)。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 M: Do you think I should join the group of hikers, Mary? W: Why not? If I were in your shoes, I certainly would. As the saying goes, all work and no play

25、 makes Jack a dull boy. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 对话中男士问女士他是否应该加入徒步旅行者团队,女士回答Why not?If I were in your shoes, Icertainly would(为什么不呢 ?如果我处在你的位置,我肯定会 ),然后提到谚语 “只工作不玩耍 ,再聪明的孩子也会变傻 ”。由此可知,女士建议男士多锻炼,故答案为 D)?be in sb s shoes意为 “处于某人的地位或处境 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 W: I paid

26、 $300 just on the books this semester. Thats unbelievable. M: The bookstore on the campus has some used textbooks on sale and I heard Joanna only paid $120. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 对话中女士说她这学期买书花了 300美元,男士说他听说乔安娜仅仅花了 120美元,由此可知,乔安娜在买教材上省了很多钱,故答案为 B)。 【知识模块】 听力 6

27、【听力原文】 W: You know why Tom wants to quit his job? M: He says his present job seems to be a blind alley. But if he doesnt change his attitude toward work, I dont think a new job can make any difference. Q: What does the man think Tom should do? 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 对话中男士提到 “但是,如果他不改变对工作的态度,我认为一份新工作不会带来什

28、么改变 ”,由此可知,男士觉得汤姆应该对他的工作有一个更积极的态度,故答案为 D)。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【听力原文】 W: Honey, why dont we have dinner at Hilton? Ive never been there. M: Are you kidding? That will cost us a fortune. Better somewhere else. I dont want to let my money go down the drain. Q: Why does the man respond to the woman this way? 7

29、 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 对话中男士提到 I dont want to let my money go down the drain(我不想让我的钱白白浪费掉 ), A)正是对男士的话的同义转述,故答案为 A)。(go)down the drain意为 “被浪费;白费 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【听力原文】 W: Its a miracle that John got the job! There were so many applicants and John is not experienced at all. M: It must be his charming person

30、ality that brings him the good luck. Q: Why is the woman surprised about John? 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 对话中女士用 “约翰能获得这份工作真是一个奇迹 ”来表达她的惊讶之情,然后说明原因 “有那么多的应聘者,并且约翰没经验 ”,由此可知,女士觉得约翰获得工作很幸运,故答案为 C)。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【听力原文】 M: Amy, are you interested in joining us for the party this weekend? W: Id love to. But I have

31、 tutoring then. M: Tutoring? I can hardly imagine that you need a help with a class. W: I mean Im tutoring someone else. I go downtown to tutor a few students at high school. M: I find that hard to believe. And what subject do you tutor, math or something else? W: Right. You see, the city is trying

32、to raise the standards for its math classes. The problem is, a lot of the kids are far behind when they get to juniour high school. M: Yeah, I have read such report in the newspaper. But does the time schedule conflict with your own classes? W: I only have three students for forty minutes each weeke

33、nd. Most of the tutors there are students at university, so our classes arent over there. And we are volunteers, so the programme doesnt cost a lot and the city education department likes us. M: Can you afford to take that much time away from your own studying? W: Some weeks are kind of hard especia

34、lly when the examination is approaching. But anyway I may as well get used to teaching easy materials to the students, so as to get the practical experience. M: And it must be nice to help people. W: Definitely. Forty minutes a week isnt much time, but all the three of my students have improved in t

35、he months weve worked together. Its really inspiring. Questions 9 to 12 are based on the conversation you have just heard. 9. What will the woman do on the weekend? 10. What is the problem with the kids in juniour high school? 11. How does the woman cope with the tutoring and her own studying? 12. W

36、hat does the woman think of her teaching? 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 选项均以 “She will+原形动词 ”开头表明,本题考查女士将来的行为动作。由女士提到的 I godowntown to tutor a few students at high school可知,女士将要去教书,故答案为 D)。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 选项中的 They cannot pass the examination meet the requirements表明,本题可能与 They遇到的问题有关。由女士提到 的 The p

37、roblem iskids are far behind when they get to juniour high school 可知,孩子跟不上课,故答案为 C)。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 选项中中的 finishes her examinations first和 only gives the lessons on weekend表明,本题可能考查女士如何安排自己的学习和教书。由女士提到的 I only have three studentsea ch weekend可知,女士只在周末教书,故答案为 C)。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 B 【

38、试题解析】 选项中的 She, needs more efforts, has madeachievements 和can do nothing表明,本题可能考查女士对自己教书工作的看法。由女士提到的butmy students have improved 可知,女士觉得自己的教书工作取得了成效,故答案为 B)。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【听力原文】 M: Excuse me, I was wondering if it was possible to join the library. W: Are you a student in our college? M: No, Im not.

39、But I heard that it was possible to join. W: Thats right. The 18 years of age is the minimum joining age. M: Yes, I am. Could you tell me what I have to do to join it? W: Well, you need to fill out some forms. You will also need to bring two passport photos with you. We also need two documents for I

40、D, so a driving license would be fine. M: Good. Does it cost anything to join? W: Well, its free for students here but otherwise it is 125 pounds per year or 25 pounds when youve got acurrent student card from another college. M: I was at West College until last year, but now Ive got a job. But it i

41、s too expensive. W: But you will find more range of reference books or facilities which we bought for our students. M: I see. How many books can I borrow? W: We allow twelve items borrowed one time if youre a student, and that includes CDs, DVDs and videos. However, its only eight items for members

42、of the public. M: And what happens if I return them late? W: Like all libraries, there is a fine system in place. The minimum fine is 1.5 pounds but it can be much higher for some items up to 5 pounds. We will give you a booklet with all the details when you join. Questions 13 to 15 are based on the

43、 conversation you have just heard. 13. What is the basic requirement for joining the library? 14. If the man wants to join the library, how much should he pay? 15. If you return the book late, what will happen? 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 选项中的 Good credit record和 An age of at least 18 years表明,本题可能考查某个限制条件。由女

44、士提到的 The 18 years of age is the minimum joining age可知,办理图书证的最低年龄是 18岁,故答案为 D)。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 选项的内容表明,本题可能考查收费情况。女士说到三个收费标准: free for students here butotherwise125 pounds per year or 25 pounds whengot a current student card from another college 。由男士提到的 but now Ive got a job可知,男士应该每年交 1

45、25英镑,故答案为 D)。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 选项中的 get a fine和 rights of borrowing will be canceled表明,本题可能考查与借书有关的某项 惩罚措施。男士问书归还晚了会怎样,女士回答说 there is a fine system in place ,由此可知,书归还晚了会罚钱,故答案为 A)。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 16 【听力原文】 The portable, paperless e-newspapers would be a huge environmental win, elimi

46、nating the need to cut down trees and burn gasoline delivering the traditional folded parcels to readers driveways. Like many technologies, however, e-paper has been slow to take off. In the past year, since Amazon introduced its Kindle electronic reading device, thousands of Americans have experien

47、ced the pleasures of e-books but for most people, e-newspapers arent yet a reality. Millions of us already read paperless newspapers and magazines on the Web, but e-newspapers would offer different benefits for both readers and publishers. For consumers who already spend too many hours staring at PC

48、 screens, e-newspapers would offer portability and a simple reading environment, free from e-mail bells ringing or instant messages popping up mid-paragraph. Among publishers, theres real hope readers will pay subscription fees for those benefits, and that advertisers will pay considerably more for

49、ads on e-readers than they do on the Web. For a primitive look at how e-newspapers might work, consider the Kindle. Amazon currently offers 24 newspapers for use on the device. Subscribers pay $5.99 to $14.99 per month, and each issue arrives wirelessly before sunrise. However, e-reader enthusiasts describe reading a newspaper on the Kindle as disappointing. The Kindles black-and-white screen doesnt handle photographs or graphics well, and its e-papers carry no advertisin


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