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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 248及答案与解析 Section A ( A) The degraded farm land. ( B) The extreme weather in summer. ( C) The increased number of dying trees. ( D) The decreased rainfall in recent years. ( A) The oldest living things on Earth. ( B) How the drought is formed. ( C) Ways to help sequoias survive. (

2、 D) Whether they should cut down some tree species. ( A) The food is wasted during transportation. ( B) People there eat everything they buy. ( C) Half of the food is thrown away. ( D) All of the food is wasted. ( A) Persuading people to buy proper food. ( B) Buying food once a week. ( C) Keeping pe

3、ts that eat less. ( D) Giving food away to the poor. ( A) Rescue dogs are humans good friends. ( B) Rescue dogs help people during disasters. ( C) People should be kind to their dogs. ( D) People always get help from their dogs. ( A) It is a serious and sacred job. ( B) It is a dull and boring job.

4、( C) It is a hard and dangerous adventure. ( D) It is a fun and playful adventure. ( A) Six months. ( B) Six to twelve months. ( C) Twelve months. ( D) More than a year. Section B ( A) She is not interested in her specialty. ( B) She doesnt know how to teach her students. ( C) She has limited knowle

5、dge of history. ( D) She doesnt know the approach to learning. ( A) Develop the interest in more fields. ( B) Learn as much as possible in class. ( C) Stop students from dropping classes. ( D) Let students enjoy the learning process. ( A) It is too complicated to understand. ( B) It arouses her inte

6、rest in accounting. ( C) It isnt as boring as she expected. ( D) It is the most boring class she had attended. ( A) Provide a suitable environment for students. ( B) Make students relax as much as possible. ( C) Avoid mentioning jokes in classes. ( D) Cancel the evaluation of students. ( A) It has t

7、he largest market share at present. ( B) Its products are easy to use and cost-effective. ( C) It is superior to its competitors in technology. ( D) Its productivity is much more effective. ( A) It doesnt have any cooperation with other companies. ( B) It has limited kinds of software products. ( C)

8、 The after-sales team isnt effective and qualified. ( D) It doesnt adopt an appropriate marketing strategy. ( A) Advertising. ( B) Product quality. ( C) After-sales services. ( D) Transportation. ( A) It has dominated the market. ( B) It has products of good quality. ( C) It has efficient sales netw

9、ork. ( D) It mainly concerns small business users. Section C ( A) It is the time when children are interested in language. ( B) It determines childrens language ability in the future. ( C) It is an important period for childrens physical development. ( D) It is the critical period for childrens lang

10、uage ability. ( A) It is better to expose children to language earlier. ( B) There are critical periods for children to learn language quickly. ( C) Language ability is dependent on physical ability. ( D) Language can be learned at any time. ( A) By crying for others attention. ( B) By pleasing othe

11、rs with smile. ( C) By asking for food from others. ( D) By making noise for care. ( A) Mothers care is the most important for children. ( B) There is a gender difference in language skills. ( C) Early education of high quality is good for childrens language skills. ( D) Fathers are more concerned a

12、bout their children. ( A) The rise of food prices. ( B) The lack of male labor force. ( C) The low productivity in agriculture. ( D) The migration to bigger cities. ( A) They lack knowledge of farming. ( B) They take on more responsibility for children. ( C) They are less likely to get help from oth

13、ers. ( D) They are discriminated in many countries. ( A) Help women to master knowledge in law. ( B) Invest more in food, health and education. ( C) Provide financial support and fair legal provisions. ( D) Pay attention to the roles of women in life. ( A) The equal rights of black people. ( B) The

14、political equality of women. ( C) The better-off life of other people. ( D) The political career of herself. ( A) She enjoyed living with children in the neighborhood. ( B) She hoped to make changes by educating children. ( C) She was assigned the work of teaching after graduation. ( D) She wanted t

15、o help children in poor areas. ( A) Deal with changes confidently. ( B) Find peace with those new immigrants. ( C) Offer more rights to the poor and women. ( D) Respect the cultures of other groups. 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 248答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 (1)California continues to suffer under a historic dro

16、ught. The state has received very little rainfall over the past four years. California is famous for its huge sequoia trees. They are among the largest and oldest living things on Earth. But scientists say the trees are suffering because of the lack of water. (2)Now the National Park Service is stud

17、ying how the drought has affected the sequoias and what can be done to help them survive. Researchers are using scientific equipment in the tree canopies to help measure air temperature and humidity levels. They also are studying sequoia seedlings, information from individual trees and images collec

18、ted by aircraft to measure the seriousness of the danger. One possible solution would be to cut down less important tree species because other plants compete with the sequoias for water. Scientists say the sequoias will probably survive this drought, unlike many other California trees. 1. What is th

19、e problem of California? 2. What does the National Park Service study? 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,加利福尼亚继续遭遇历史性的干旱。过去四年,该州的降雨量一直非常少。 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,现在国家公园管理局正在研究干旱对红杉树造成了什么样的影响,应该怎样帮助它们生存下去。 3 【听力原文】 Up to half of the food the world produces is never eaten. It is instead thrown away. Experts sa

20、y food is wasted in both rich and poor countries, but for different reasons. In poor countries, food is usually lost while it is still in the field or during storage and transportation. That is because food producers there are inefficient. These businesses are unable to operate effectively without w

21、asting materials, time or energy. Once food is sold in developing countries, people usually eat everything they buy.(3)However, people in the United States and other developed countries throw away as much as half of the food they purchase. The British researcher called this custom “a disgrace. “(4)O

22、ne way to solve the problem of wasted food is to take steps to persuade people to stop buying so much food in the first place. 3. What do we know about food in developed countries? 4. What step can be taken as the first solution? 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,美国和其他发达国家的人们将他们所购买的食物的一多半浪费掉了。 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解

23、析】 新闻最后提到,解决食物浪费的一个办法就是首先需要采取措施说服人们不要一次性购买太多食物。 5 【听力原文】 (5)When devastating earthquakes hit Haiti, Japan and Nepal, rescue dogs were among the first to arrive. American search-and-rescue teams and their specially trained dogs also helped during the US hurricanes Katrina and Sandy. Ron Sanders and h

24、is 6-year old Labarador, Pryse, were part of a US team to help find survivors in Nepal. Sanders, a retired firefighter, says Pryse and the other special canines, are essential to the team. The dogs obviously have a wonderful sense of smell. So they can quickly determine where the scent is coming fro

25、m and hone in on that location that we need to dig down. The dogs can also navigate quickly through collapsed buildings and squeeze through tight spots to find victims.(6)For the dogs, the job is a fun and playful adventure. They want to go find that person, to play with that person. But becoming a

26、rescue dog is serious business.(7)To become certified, the dogs train long and hard for six to twelve months. What helps them get there is lots of practice. 5. What is the news report mainly about? 6. What is the rescue job like for the dogs? 7. How long does it need to train certified rescue dogs?

27、5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 新闻的主旨大意一般出现在新闻的开头。由新闻首句可知,本则新闻主要是关于搜救犬在灾难当中帮助人类:毁灭性的地震袭击海地、日本和尼泊尔之时,搜救犬总是第一批到达。美国搜救队与经过特殊训练的搜救犬,在美国飓风卡特里娜和桑迪横扫之时,也发挥了很大作用。 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,对于狗来说,这份工作是一种既有趣又好玩的冒险。 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,要想通过测试,这些狗需要接受六到十二 个月之久的艰苦训练。 Section B 8 【听力原文】 W: Teaching is a whole new ball of wax

28、 for me.(8)Im not sure how I should approach my subject. M: I know how youre feeling. I felt the same way when I first started teaching. You are teaching history, arent you? W: Yes.(9)I want my students to learn the subject, but I would also like them to enjoy the process. How do I do that? I know I

29、 had teachers in the past that were boring and all I did was to go to sleep. I had others that made the subject live for me. Looking back now, Im not sure how they did it. M: I think you will find that those teachers whose classes you enjoyed were those who loved the subject they were teaching. W: Y

30、oure right.(10)I remember Mr. Donner, my accounting teacher. I was sure that was going to be the most boring class of the year but it wasnt. He came to the classroom in the first day and told us, “You are here because you have to be here. Im here because I love it!“ M: Thats what I mean. If the teac

31、her really enjoys the process of teaching, the students will most likely enjoy the class and learn more. W: I really do enjoy history, so I guess I should just relax and help the students enjoy it. M:(11)It helps to have a comfortable physical environment, but the most important thing is to have a m

32、entally stimulating environment. It doesnt hurt to tell a joke or two to get the students in a relaxed and interested frame of mind. 8. What is the womans problem? 9. What does the woman expect her students to do in her class? 10. What does the woman think of Mr. Donners class? 11. What can be done

33、to help students enjoy classes according to the man? 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是女士遇到了什么问题。对话开始,女士说教学对她来说是一个全新的体验,她不知道如何教自己的课程。即女士遇到的问题是她不会教学生。 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是女士希望学生在课堂上怎么做。女士提到,她想让学生们学习这门课程,同时还想让学生们享受学习的过程。 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是女士如何评价 Donner先生的课程。女士提到, Donner先生是她的会计学老师,她本以为会计学是最无聊的课程,但事实并非 如此

34、。由此可知,女士认为 Donner先生的课程并不像她原本想象的那么无聊。 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是男士认为如何使学生喜欢上课。对话末尾男士提到,好的物质环境有利于学生的学习,但最重要的是要给学生提供发展智力的环境。即要想让学生喜欢上课,就要给他们提供适合学习的环境。 12 【听力原文】 W: The market is becoming really more and more competitive. M: Exactly. So we must know how things stand with us and do something to keep our le

35、ad. W: Wed better look at the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats we have. First, it is obvious that our main competitive advantage is our range of products.(12)Our software packages are perceived as the most user-friendly ones on the market, requiring much less training than those of o

36、ur competitors and representing better value for money. So all in all, we have got an excellent product. M: I think our strength also lies in another thing, which is our staff. W: You mean. M: I mean the after-sales side. W: Yeah, our after-sales team is faster, more qualified and more efficient. M:

37、 How do you analyze our weaknesses? W:(13)I think our problem is that we have a strong product but we havent achieved the sort of market penetration we should have. M: Thats because our marketing isnt so effective as our competitors.(13)Weve relied too heavily on product quality, not enough on promo

38、tion. W: I agree.(14)So from now on, we have to put more efforts into our advertising. And we actually have the opportunity to dominate the small business user market but we are clearly not taking it. M: We should take effective measures to dominate the market.(15)Look at Collin company. It has got

39、a more impressive dealer network and its promotion is more sophisticated than ours. W: So, we still have a tough job to do. 12. What is one advantage of the speakers company? 13. What disadvantage is the speakers company faced with? 14. What will the speakers company put more efforts into? 15. What

40、does the man think of Collin company? 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是讲话者公司的优势。女士提到,公司既有优势也有劣势,既有机遇也有威胁。其中优势有很多方面,包括产品种类丰富、产品易用、不需要太多培训、物有所值、产品售后服务好等。 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是讲话者公司面临的劣势。 女士表示,虽然公司的产品质量不错,但是没有达到应有的产品渗透力;男士也表示他们太重视产品的质量而忽视了产品的宣传,即他们的产品销售做得不好。 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是讲话者公司今后将投入更多的努力做什么。对话中男士提到

41、他们太重视产品的质量而忽视了产品的宣传,女士表示赞同且提出从今往后,他们必须投入更多的努力来做广告。 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是男士对 Collin公司的看法。对话末尾,男士说 Collin公司具有更好的销售网络,而且宣传促销策略也 更为老练。 Section C 16 【听力原文】 (16)The first three years of a childs life is the most intensive period of language and speech development. This is the time when the brain is dev

42、eloping. Language and communication skills are believed to develop best in an environment that is rich with sounds and sights. Also, the child should repeatedly hear the speech and language of other people.(17)The National Institutes of Health says evidence suggests there are important periods of sp

43、eech and language development in children. This means the brain is best able to learn a language during this period. Officials say the ability to learn a language will be more difficult if these periods pass without early contact with a language.(18)The first sign of communication happens during the

44、 first few days of life when a baby learns that crying will bring food and attention. Research shows that most children recognize the general sounds of their native language by six months of age. At that time, a baby also usually begins to make sounds. These sounds become a kind of nonsense speech o

45、ver time. A long-term American study shows the effect of early education on future learning abilities.(19)It found that children who received higher quality care before starting school had better language skills by those ages than children who had lower quality care. Child care included any care pro

46、vided by people other than the childs mother that lasted at least ten hours a week. This included any care given by fathers or other family members. 16. What does the speaker say about a childs first three years? 17. What does the National Institutes of Health tell us? 18. How do babies communicate

47、with others in the first few days after birth? 19. What does the American study find? 16 【正确答案】 D 【试题解 析】 本题问的是讲话者讲了关于孩子最初三年的什么信息。短文开篇便提到,孩子最初的三年是语言和言语能力发展的最重要时期。 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 本题问的是国家健康协会告诉了我们什么信息。短文中提到,国家健康协会说有证据显示孩子学习语言有关键期,在这关键时期内,孩子的语言学习能力最强,如果错过这一时期,孩子学习语言会更困难。 18 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是婴儿刚

48、出生的几天内如何与他人交流。短文中提到,婴儿学习交流的最初迹象发生在出生后的最初几天,这个时候他们 知道哭能带来食物并引起关心。即婴儿刚出生时通过哭引起他人的注意,这便是他们与他人交流的方式。 19 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是美国的研究发现了什么。短文最后提到了美国一项长期的研究,该研究表明,上学前接受高质量护理的孩子比其他接受低质量护理的孩子语言技能强。由此可知,高质量的早期教育对孩子未来语言的发展有积极作用。 20 【听力原文】 (20)Food prices continue to rise, threatening to push more and more peopl

49、e into poverty and hunger. A new report from the UN food agency says one of the best ways to boost agricultural productivity worldwide would be to remove the barriers women farmers face but their male counterparts do not. Women farmers tend to be less productive than men, but there are good reasons for that, says Susan Stone, an economist with the UN food agency. Her report finds that in many countries, women are half as likely as men to use fertilizers to increase yields.(21)In addition, many of the worlds women are raising their children at


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