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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 251及答案与解析 Section A ( A) 2 dollars. ( B) 100 dollars. ( C) 1 982 dollars. ( D) 60 000 dollars. ( A) The thieves stole the book with no body there. ( B) The thieves stole the book with the writer there. ( C) The thieves stole the book with employees and guards there. ( D) The thiev

2、es stole the book with the police there. ( A) The bus skidded off the icy bridge. ( B) The prisoners fought against the prison staff. ( C) The driver drank too much. ( D) The bus brake broke down. ( A) 8. ( B) 10. ( C) 12. ( D) 15. ( A) Concerns about migrant riots. ( B) Concerns about migrant drown

3、ing. ( C) Concerns about migrant family. ( D) Concerns about migrant education. ( A) 28. ( B) 96. ( C) 700. ( D) 1 500. ( A) The Europeans are nice. ( B) The sea is comparatively small. ( C) The weather is good. ( D) The rescuers are well-trained. Section B ( A) The different opinions on being a doc

4、tor. ( B) The reasons why the woman wants to be a doctor. ( C) The negative sides of being a doctor. ( D) The positive sides of being a doctor. ( A) Its interesting and easy. ( B) Its meaningful but boring. ( C) Its very stressful but important. ( D) Its satisfying but needs a long-time training. (

5、A) She has an interest in her mothers job. ( B) She listens to her mother. ( C) She is an ambitious girl. ( D) She is a caring girl. ( A) Its interesting and challenging. ( B) Its expensive but satisfying. ( C) It takes a long time to train. ( D) Its pretty hard work. ( A) To choose a topic for a te

6、rm paper. ( B) To type some research material. ( C) To find material not available at the main library. ( D) To learn to use the computers there. ( A) An analysis of early presidential elections. ( B) A comparison of political journals. ( C) The use of computers on calculating election results. ( D)

7、 The impact of television on recent presidential elections. ( A) It is quite general. ( B) It can be found in newspapers. ( C) It should be changed. ( D) It is difficult to find material on it. ( A) Go to that library to get it. ( B) Pay a little money to use it. ( C) Read it in that library. ( D) O

8、rder it from the publisher. Section C ( A) Many parents of brides dont pay for the wedding. ( B) Modern couples prefer simple weddings. ( C) People need to save money due to the economic recession. ( D) Many people hire a wedding planner. ( A) Buy flowers from a flower shop. ( B) Invite everyone the

9、y know. ( C) Ask parents to pay for the wedding. ( D) Buy a second-hand wedding dress. ( A) To have more fun. ( B) To save money. ( C) To make everything organized. ( D) To show off. ( A) It helps a lot with environmental protection. ( B) It keeps readers away from the PC. ( C) It costs less than tr

10、aditional newspapers. ( D) It will become the best means of advertisements. ( A) It is an electronic reading device. ( B) It is only sold on Amazons website in the US. ( C) It offers 24-hour newspaper service. ( D) It can be rented at $ 5.99 to $ 14.99 monthly. ( A) Its black and white screen isnt b

11、ig enough. ( B) Its e-newspapers dont contain pictures. ( C) It only offers headlines and tops of articles. ( D) Its pages dont appeal to the readers very much. ( A) He remained conscious. ( B) He was already dead. ( C) He was in a deep coma. ( D) He could hardly speak. ( A) His wife. ( B) His paren

12、ts. ( C) His friends. ( D) His private nurses. ( A) Jackson was arrested on the charge of harming children. ( B) Many of Jacksons fans imitated his dance moves. ( C) Jacksons death was first reported by a newspaper. ( D) Jackson liked to live alone and avoid people. ( A) To start a series of concert

13、s in Los Angeles. ( B) To rehearse in Los Angeles. ( C) To launch a comeback tour from London. ( D) To launch a comeback tour from Los Angeles. 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 251答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 A signed first edition of the novel 100 Year of Solitude by the late author, Gabriel Garcia Marcus has been s

14、tolen in Columbia.(l)The book is estimated to be worth 60 000 dollars. But its owner says that for him, its priceless. Gabriel Garcia Marcus, won the Nobel prize for literature in 1982. Our Americas editor Candace Piette reports. “The book was on display in a pavilion at the international book fare

15、in Bogota. The fare this year is dedicated to the work of Garcia Marcus who died last year at the age of 87. A spokesman for Colombian association of independent bookshops(2)who is responsible for the pavilion said the thieves had opened the cabinet very quickly despite the presence of 20 employees

16、and 2 security guards, which is really a shock to everyone there.“ 1. How much is the book worth? 2. How did the thieves steal the book? 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,这本书估计价值在六万美元。 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,负责人称,小偷们在二十名雇员以及两位保安在场的情况下,迅速打开了柜子。 3 【听力原文】 At least 10 people have died in the American state of Te

17、xas after(3)a bus carrying 15 prisoners and prison staff skidded off an icy bridge on Wednesday morning. Kim Ghattas is in Washington. “The bus was carrying 12 prisoners who were being transferred from one prison to another in Texas, also on board was three correction officers. The white bus was alm

18、ost half way through its 6-hour journey from Abilene to El Paso on the border with Mexico. It slid on the icy roads at seven thirty in the morning just west of the town of Odessa, slipped down in an embankment and then hit a freight train before landing on its side.(4)Eight prisoners and two correct

19、ion officers died. The other five passengers were injured and taken into hospital. “ 3. How did the accident happen? 4. How many prisoners died? 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,星期三早晨,一辆载有十五名囚犯与监狱工作人员的大巴车因在有冰面的桥上打滑而失事坠落,其中至少 10人丧命。 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题 解析】 新闻中提到,八名囚犯与两名教改官丧生。 5 【听力原文】 (5)Concern grows over migrant

20、 disasters in the Mediterranean. The United Nations human rights chief accused Europe of a “monumental failure of compassion“ on Monday in its response to the soaring number of migrants who are drowning in the Mediterranean. Zeid Raad al-Hussein said he was “horrified but not surprised by this lates

21、t tragedy,“ referring to the capsizing last weekend of a boat filled with 700 migrants or more off the Libyan coast as it headed to the southern Italian island of Lampedusa.(6)All but the 28 survivors who were rescued are feared dead. Lisa Schlein reports on search and rescue efforts. International

22、Organization for Migration spokesman Joel Millman, tells VOA search and rescue missions are continuing. “(7)The waters are calm and the weather is fair right now, the authorities believe there remains a chance to find people.“ The International Organization for Migration reports the death toll this

23、year is more than 1 500, compared with 96 during the first four months of 2014. The majority of migrants making this perilous journey are from Sub-Saharan Africa, Eritrea, Somalia, and Syria. Lisa Schlein for VOA News, Geneva. 5. What is the news report mainly about? 6. How many people survived and

24、did not drown? 7. Why do authorities believe there still is a chance to find people? 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 新闻的主旨大意一般出现在新闻的开头,由新闻首句可知,本则新闻主要是关于发生在地中海的难民溺水事件引发人们持续的关注。 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,除了 28名幸存者之外,其他人可能已无生存可能。 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,官员们相信还有一线希望能够搜 救到遇难者,因为此时水温尚可而且天气状况良好。 Section B 8 【听力原文】 M: Emil

25、y, youre a senior at City University and you must be thinking about what you want to do after you graduate, right? W: Youre right, Tim. Ive been thinking about nothing else these days. M: And what are your thoughts? W:(8)Ive decided I want to be a family doctor. M: Does that mean you have to go back

26、 to school? W: Yes, Ill graduate with a BS degree and then next semester Im going to a medical school. M: Medical school? Isnt that expensive? W: Yes, thats one of the negative things about wanting to be a doctor.(9)It takes a long time to train. M: Its pretty hard work too, isnt it? W: Yes, its har

27、d work but there are positive sides too. M: Tell me a bit about that. W: Doctors help people. I think that makes the job important and meaningful.(9)For the same reason I think it must be very satisfying. M: I can understand that.(8)So those are your main reasons for choosing medicine as a career? W

28、: Not exactly.(10)I think that the main reason is that my mother is a family doctor and I have always been interested in the type of work she does. It always seems so interesting. M: I guess you must have talked a lot with your mother about your decision. W: Thats right. She told me that it is a str

29、essful job and that the training is long and hard.(11)But she also said that if you really want to be a doctor, it is a very interesting as well as challenging job. M: That sounds like good advice. Im sure youll make a wonderful doctor. W: Thank you. 8. What are the two speakers mainly talking about

30、? 9. What does the woman think of the job “doctor“? 10. What is the main reason for the woman to choose her future career? 11. What does the womans mother think of being a doctor? 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 对话一开始男士问女士将来毕业想干什么,女士回答说想成为一名家庭医生,男士提出了一些疑问,女士就为什么想成为医生进行了解释。故正确答案为 B项。 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 对话中男士问女士学医的费

31、用是否很高,女士说是的,并提到学医需要长时间的训练。接下来女士又说医生能够帮助人们,这使得这份工作很重要也很有意义,从这点来说,这份工作让人满意。 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 对话中男士问女士选择医学的主要原因,女士回答说她的母亲是一位 家庭医生,她一直以来就对母亲的工作很感兴趣。 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题问的是女士的妈妈对成为一名医生的看法。对话中男士猜测女士一定和她的妈妈谈论过她的决定,女士回答说,她妈妈告诉她医生是一份有压力的工作,它的训练时间是长的且是艰苦的。她的妈妈还说医生,也是一份非常有趣且充满挑战的工作。 12 【听力原文】 M: Excuse me,

32、 I wonder if you could help me. The reference librarian at the main library suggested I come here. W: What can I do for you? M: Well,(13)Im working on a term paper about the influence of television on recent United States presidential elections.(12)I found a few of the books I need at the main libra

33、ry, but I was told that the library here at the graduate school had more specialized material. W: Of course it depends on what you want, but we do subscribe to a large number of journals. Youll probably have to do a lot of digging. It may take some time,(14)but Im sure youll be able to find many art

34、icles relevant to your topic. We also have quite a few newspapers on microfilm. M:(15)What if I run across a reference that isnt available here? W:(15)You can request any outside material just by typing your request into the computer. M: You mean you can get material from other universities? W: Not

35、only from other universities, but from virtually any public or private library in the United States. (15)The only limitation is that outside material cannot be checked out. M: Oh. I see. Thats kind of convenient. Thanks a lot! W: My pleasure. 12. Why does the man come to the graduate school library?

36、 13. What is the topic of the mans term paper? 14. What does the librarian say about the topic of the mans term paper? 15. What might the man have to do if he requests material from another library? 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 对话中男士说他在写论文,他在主图书馆已经找到一些他需要的书,但是那里的管理员告诉他,这里有更多的与其论文主题相关的专业材料。由此可知,男士到研究所图书馆的目的是要找

37、主图书馆里没有的资料。 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 男士向图书管理员解释来研究所图书馆的目的时提到他的学期报告,主题是电视对最近美国总统选举的影响。 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 男士说他被告知这个图书馆里会有些专业材料,女士回答说那得看你要查找的内容,而且查找出 需要的材料可能要花些时间,但是她保证一定能找到很多与男士的论文主题相关的文章。由此可以推断,男士报告的主题较宽泛,所以能找到很多相关的材料。 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士询问如果碰到这里没有的资料怎么办,女士回答说可以把要求输入电脑,从其他地方的图书馆借书,但最后强调唯一的限制是不能借出。由此可推断,

38、如果读者通过研究所图书馆从其他地方的图书馆借书,必须要在其他地方的图书馆里阅读,不能带出去。 Section C 16 【听力原文】 Each year, more than two million weddings take place in the United States. More than seventy billion dollars is spent on those weddings. And that does not include honeymoon travel for the newlyweds. Some people have big weddings and

39、invite everyone they know. Some have small, simple weddings and invite only their closest friends and family members. And some elope. They get married first and tell people later.(16)Spending on weddings has reportedly dropped about ten percent in recent years because of the economic recession. Stil

40、l, the average cost of a wedding is more than twenty thousand dollars. However, people can find many ways to save money on their weddings.(17)For example, they invite fewer people. Or they buy flowers from a local farmers market instead of a professional flower shop. The bride may buy a used gown ra

41、ther than pay thousands of dollars for a new one. Traditionally the brides parents pay for the wedding. But Americans now get married at an older age than they once did. So working couples might pay for some or all of the wedding themselves. Or the two families share the costs. Many parents of bride

42、s think this is a wonderful idea. Many couples plan their weddings themselves.(18)But some hire a wedding planner to organize everything for them. The planner helps the bride find a wedding dress as well as dresses for her bridesmaids. The planner helps find a place for the reception after the cerem

43、ony. And the planner organizes all the details for the celebration, from the flowers to the food to the entertainment. Finally, during the ceremony and reception, the planner makes sure that everything takes place as planned. 16. Why has spending on weddings dropped in recent years in the United Sta

44、tes? 17. Which one of the following can help people save money on weddings? 18. What s the purpose of hiring a wedding planner? 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是为什么美国人近几年在婚礼上的花费有所降低。短文中明确指出:据报道,由于经济衰退,近几年在婚礼上的花费减少了 10。 17 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 本题问的是能帮助人们在婚礼上减少花费的方法。短文中提到人们有很多方法来节约婚礼的开支,比如邀请较少的人、从当地农场买花 、买二手礼服等,只有

45、D符合题目要求。 18 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题问的是雇用婚礼策划人的目的。短文中提到有些人会雇用婚礼策划人,而婚礼策划人会帮助准备婚礼的各个细节,并确保婚礼进行得井井有条。 19 【听力原文】 (19)The portable, paperless e-newspapers would be a huge environmental win, eliminating the need to cut down trees and burn gasoline delivering the traditional folded parcels to readers driveways.

46、 Like many technologies, however, e-paper has been slow to take off.(20)In the past year, since Amazon introduced its Kindle electronic reading device, thousands of Americans have experienced the pleasure of e-books but for most people, e-newspapers arent yet a reality. Millions of us already read p

47、aperless newspapers and magazines on the Web, but e-newspapers would offer different benefits for both readers and publishers. For consumers who already spend too many hours staring at PC screens, e-newspapers would offer portability and a simple reading environment, free from e-mail bells ringing o

48、r Instant Messages popping up in mid paragraph. Among publishers, theres real hope readers will pay subscription fees for those benefits, and that advertisers will pay considerably more for ads on e-readers than they do on the Web. For a primitive look at how e-newspapers might work, consider the Ki

49、ndle. Amazon currently offers 24 newspapers for use on the device. Subscribers pay $5. 99 to $14. 99 per month, and each issue arrives wirelessly before sunrise. However, e-reader enthusiasts describe reading a newspaper on the Kindle as disappointing.(21)The Kindles black and white screen doesnt handle photographs or graphics well, and its e-papers carry no advertising. Instead of offering well-designed pages that entice readers to skim a story they might otherwise skip, todays e-newspapers merely list headlines or tops of articles


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