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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 266及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Education problems of American children. ( B) Education problems of Syrian children in Turkey. ( C) A statement published by Human Rights Watch. ( D) Many children in Turkey dont receive education. ( A) They built long-lasting schools in Turkey. ( B) They

2、established a huge school system in Turkey. ( C) They offered financial support to Turkey. ( D) They sent refugee children to refugee camps. ( A) They killed no more than 50 people. ( B) They fired against NATO troops. ( C) They attacked an airport in Afghanistan. ( D) They killed 10 children, and t

3、wo police officers. ( A) Withdrawal of combat troops from other countries. ( B) False claims of foreign military troops. ( C) Decline of the local troops strength. ( D) Last years victory over foreign troops. ( A) Violate the civil liberties in Australia. ( B) Increase the legal age to buy cigarette

4、s. ( C) Introduce a plan called plain packaging. ( D) Raise the price of cigarettes in Australia. ( A) Details of anti-smoking policies. ( B) Pictures with olive trees. ( C) Health warnings including pictures. ( D) Data of cigarette sales worldwide. ( A) To follow the anti-smoking trend in Kuwait an

5、d Hawaii. ( B) To make Tasmania Australias healthiest city by 2025. ( C) To ease existing tough anti-smoking policies. ( D) To have more tough anti-smoking policies. Section B ( A) She wants him to review the lessons before finals. ( B) She wants him to have her car repaired ( C) She wants to borrow

6、 his camping equipment ( D) She wants him to go canoeing with their classmates. ( A) They wont have another break until after the final exams. ( B) Itll be very exciting as the river has some rapids this time of the year. ( C) If it gets too hot they can swim. ( D) Many students will go so he can kn

7、ow more people. ( A) Drinks. ( B) Food. ( C) A bathing suit. ( D) A Tent. ( A) The specific time theyll set out. ( B) What he needs to bring. ( C) Whether he has to drive his car or not. ( D) Whether he has decided to go or not. ( A) He visited it in person. ( B) He learned from a friend about it. (

8、 C) He read of it in a magazine. ( D) He knew the sculptor. ( A) They are very expensive. ( B) They weigh very much. ( C) They are made of pieces of aluminum. ( D) They have triangles all over. ( A) It was too expensive. ( B) It was too heavy to hand. ( C) It was not pretty. ( D) It was easy to get

9、rotten. ( A) It is made of aluminum. ( B) It is too heavy to hand. ( C) It is strongly built. ( D) It is in the art museum. Section C ( A) They were possibly caused by man. ( B) They were mostly caused by volcanoes. ( C) They were certainly caused by nature. ( D) We know nothing about their causes.

10、( A) Afraid. ( B) Excited. ( C) Curious. ( D) Indifferent. ( A) Copper and iron. ( B) Copper and tin. ( C) Iron and tin. ( D) Copper and zinc. ( A) The noises from the games. ( B) The possible environmental damage. ( C) The overindulgence of their kids. ( D) The potential danger of the games. ( A) B

11、eijing Amusement Park. ( B) The National Amusement Park. ( C) The International Sculpture Park. ( D) Beijing Sculpture Park. ( A) Wear clothes made of filmy material. ( B) Take off their glasses before enjoying thrill rides. ( C) Wear slippers and casual clothes. ( D) Eat as much as possible before

12、coming. ( A) For four months. ( B) For six months. ( C) Until he finds the girl. ( D) Until the girl accepts the ring. ( A) In a crowded bar. ( B) Outside a crowded bar. ( C) In the bookstore. ( D) In the department store. ( A) The man has fallen in love with the girl at first sight. ( B) The man an

13、d the pretty woman were attracted to each other. ( C) The woman was single. ( D) The woman was married. ( A) He will ask the woman to accept the diamond ring. ( B) He will accept the fact and try to forget the woman. ( C) He will throw the ring away. ( D) He will tell the woman he cannot live withou

14、t her. 大学英语四级改革适用(听力 )模拟试卷 266答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 (1)There are about 650.000 school-aged Syrian refugee children in Turkey. Government officials estimate only about one-third of them are going to school. Educating the refugee children is an enormous task. One U.S. official says that a huge scho

15、ol system like the one in New York City would be overwhelmed. The United States says it is working with the United Nations to help bridge the education gap for refugee children. Without school, the effects will be negative and long-lasting. The United States provided Turkey with aid for education ea

16、rlier.(2)In December, it offered an additional $24 million. Human Rights Watch says a quality education will ensure a more stable future for these children. The organization says about 90 percent of children in refugee camps run by the Turkish government attend school. But most of the children livin

17、g outside of those camps are not receiving education. 1. What is the news report mainly about? 2. What did the United States do to help refugee children? 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 新闻通篇讲的是在土耳其的叙利亚难民儿童的教育问题。 B正确。新闻后段虽提到美国为土耳其提供了教育援助,但 A项 “美国儿童的教育问题 ”张冠李戴。新闻后段确实提到了人权观察组织的声明 (Human Rights Watch says ),但这只是新闻的细节

18、内容,并非主旨,故 C“人权观察组织发表了声明 ”也排除。新闻最后提到 “难民营外的大部分儿童并未接受教育 ”,而非 D“土耳其的大部分儿童不能接受教育 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,美国之前已为土耳其提供了帮助 (aid),之后明确指出美国又在 12月提供了一笔 2400万美元的援助,由此可知,美国是通过经济援助的方式帮助土耳其的难民儿童, C正确。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 (3)Eleven Taliban fighters attacked an important airport in southern Afghanistan

19、early Tuesday, killing at least 50 people, Afghan officials said. The Afghan Defense Ministry said 38 civilians, 10 soldiers and two police officers were killed. The attack on the Kandahar Air Field lasted 20 hours, reported The Washington Post. Among the dead were women and children, the newspaper

20、wrote. The airport includes a military base with troops from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO. There were no reports that NATO troops were killed or injured in the attack. A spokesman for the Taliban says fighters entered the base and attacked local and foreign military troops. He sai

21、d more than 150 soldiers were killed in the attack. The Taliban often makes claims about the results of their attacks that are not true.(4)Taliban attacks have grown in number and strength in Afghanistan this year after the withdrawal last year of combat troops from other countries. 3. What did Tali

22、ban fighters do early Tuesday? 4. What led to the growth of Taliban attacks in Afghanistan? 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻的开头提到, 11名塔利班武装分子于周二凌晨袭击了阿富汗南部一 座重要的机场。 C“他们袭击了阿富汗的一座机场 ”正确。新闻提到此次袭击造成了至少 50人死亡, A“他们杀害的人数不超过 50”错误。随后新闻中提到遇难者包括 38名平民, 10名士兵和 2名警察,故 D“他们杀害了十名儿童和两名警察 ”也不对。虽然新闻提到,机场有 NATO的军事基地,但并没有提到塔利班武装

23、分子直接与 NATO的军队交火, B错误。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻末尾提到,自从去年其他国家的武装部队撤走后,塔利班的袭击在数量和破坏力都增加了 (grown in number and strength),故导致塔利班袭击增多的原因就是外国军队的撤走, A正确。发出错误声明 (false claims)的是塔利班,而非外国军队, B错误。 C利用 strength一词作干扰,新闻并没有提到当地军队的情况。 D“去年对外国军队的胜利 ”没有在新闻中提到。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 (5)The Australian state of Tasma

24、nia is considering raising the legal age for buying cigarettes to at least 21 and potentially as high as 25. If the plan goes ahead it will give Tasmania some of the toughest tobacco laws in the world. The current legal age to purchase, possess or smoke cigarettes in all Australian states is 18. Cri

25、tics have complained the proposed restrictions would be a violation of civil liberties. Australia already has some of the worlds toughest anti-smoking policies. It introduced so-called plain packaging four years ago,(6)where packs are coloured an identical olive brown and are covered in health warni

26、ngs that include pictures. The country is also one of the most expensive places in the world to buy cigarettes from around $15 a pack. Parts of the world already ban cigarette sales to those under 21, including Kuwait and, from next year, Hawaii. Around one-in-five Tasmanians smoke, with the vast ma

27、jority taking up the habit before the age of 25.(7)The Tasmanian government proposals are part of a five-year plan to make the state Australias healthiest by 2025. 5. What does the state of Tasmania plan to do? 6. According to plain packaging, what should be included in the packs of cigarette? 7. Wh

28、ats the purpose of the Tasmanian government proposals? 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 新闻开头说澳大利亚的塔斯马尼亚州 (state of Tasmania)正在考虑提高合法购买香烟的年龄 (raising the legal age for buying cigarettes),最低年龄至少是 2l岁,有可能达 25岁。 B中的 increase与 raise同义,所述与原文一致,故为答案。 A“侵犯人权 ”是批评者对州政府此举的看法,并非政府的初衷。 C中的plain packaging是澳大利亚四年前实施的政策,与题目所问无关。

29、要提高的是 “买烟的年龄 ”,而非 “香 烟的价格 ”, D错误。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,澳大利亚四年前推行了所谓的 plain packaging政策,要求包装上统一用橄榄褐色,还要有健康警示的图示 (health warnings that include pictures), C与此一致,为答案。 B出现关键词 olive,但新闻是说包装的颜色是 olive brown“橄榄褐色 ”,而非真的是印上 olive trees“橄榄树 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解 析】 选项均以 To开头,题目可能问的是做某件事的目的

30、。新闻最后提到,塔斯马尼亚政府的提议是五年计划的一部分,目的是在 2025年之前将塔斯马尼亚州打造成澳大利亚最健康的州 (part of a five-year plan to make the state Australias healthiest by 2025), B所述与原文一致。 A“跟随科威特和夏威夷的反吸烟潮流 ”、 C“放宽目前已有的苛刻的反吸烟政策 ”、 D“为了制订更多严苛的反吸烟政策 ”均未在新闻中提到。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 8 【听力原文】 W: (8)Hey Neal, now that the midterms are over a bunch

31、of us are getting away for the weekend to go canoeing. You want to come along? M: Well, uhm, itd be great to get away, but Ive never done it before. W: None of the others have either except for me. I went once last fall. But therell be an instructor in each canoe the first day. M: I dont know. W: Oh

32、, come on.(9)This is our last chance to take a break before finals. The scenery is beautiful, and if it gets too hot we can dive in whenever we feel like it. The rivers really calm this time of the year, no rapids to deal with. M: Thats a relief. What would I have to bring? W: Lets see. Toms bringin

33、g food for the Friday night cookout for everyone.(10)And the people who run the trip have tents set up and they supply food and drinks for all day Saturday. On the way back Sunday morning well stop somewhere for breakfast.(10)So, you have to bring a bathing suit and a sleeping bag. M: Well, I do lov

34、e camping and sleeping out. Where is this place? W: Well, its about an hour and a half to the place where we meet the trip leaders. We leave our car there and they drive us and the canoes upriver to the place where we start canoeing. M: And whos driving us to the meeting place? W: Well, I was hoping

35、 we could take your car. Mines in the shop again. M: Oh, I see. Its not me you want, its my car. W: Dont be silly. So what would you say? M: Oh, why not! W: Great!(11)Ill give you a call when I find out when everyone wants to leave on Friday. 8. What is the main reason the woman calls the man? 9. Wh

36、at is one of the attractions the woman tells the man about canoeing? 10. What is one thing the man has to bring? 11. What will the woman confirm with the man soon? 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 对话开始,女士说: “既然期中考试结束了,我们有几个人打算周末出去划独木舟。愿意一起去吗 ?”她在邀男士和同学一起划船,故 D正确。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 男士听到邀请,说很乐意去,但担心没有经验。女士

37、为了打消其顾虑,说其他人也没有经验,又说: “在期末考试前,这是我们放松一下的最后机会了。 ”A与此一致。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 女士说: “所以你得自己带泳衣和睡袋。 ”C正确 。表示具体物件的名词选项表明,此题问某个细节 (而非全文主旨 )。此类题的做题办法是:首先,看四个选项在原文是否提及。若原文只提及 (或没有提及 )其中一个选项,则该选项很可能是答案。其次,若每个选项都有所提及,就需要记住与这些选项相关的信息。语义强调之处的信息往往是答案。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 在对话结尾处,女士说: “好的,等我弄清星期五大家

38、想什么时候出发时,我会给你打电话的。 ”可见女士要向男士确认的是具体的出发时间, A正确。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【听力原文】 M: How do you like the new art museum? W: Wonderful! I spent most of my time at the art museum. I especially liked the new wing. I was amazed to hear the guide explain the problems they had building it. M: Right.(12)I just read an art

39、icle that went on and on about the cost. 90 million in total I think. W: Yeah. The guide mentioned that. You could see they spared no expense. M: Hm. It looked really unusual, at least from what I saw in the picture. W: It is.(13)The basic design is two triangles. In fact there are triangles all ove

40、r, the paving stones in the courtyard, the skylights and even a lot of the sculptures. One sculpture is a mobile. Its in the courtyard and its made of pieces of aluminum that moves slowly in the air. Its really impressive. M: That was in the article too.(14)It said that the original was steel and it

41、 weighed so much that it wasnt safe to hand. W: Right.(15)They did it over in aluminum so it wouldnt come crashing down on someones head. M: You know the article went into that in detail. There was even an interview with the sculptor. W: Id like to read that. Would you mind if I borrow the magazine

42、sometime? M: No. I wouldnt mind if I havent thrown it out yet. 12. How had the man learned about the museum? 13. According to the woman, what do the paving stones and skylights have in common? 14. What was the problem with the original mobile? 15. Why wouldnt the mobile crash down on someones head?

43、12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 对话中男士说: “我刚读过一篇文章,详细介绍了它的建造费用。 ”因此只有 C最合适。主语都是 He,本题应重点关注男士说的话,听到对话中男士说的 “I just read an article” , “听到什么选什么 ”,动词的原词再现清楚地标示了答案。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 对话中女士说: “其基本设计是两个三角形。 事实上,那里到处都是三角形:院子里的铺路石啦、天窗啦,甚至许多雕塑作品都是三角形的。 ”D正确。本题答题之处语义特征明显,题目本身也指代清楚,所以并不难解答。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 B

44、【试题解析】 男士说: “文章也介绍了那个移动雕塑。它说,该雕塑原本是用钢铁做的,实在太重了,把它挂起来不安全。 ”句中 hand作及物动词,表示 “支持、搀扶 ”,这里指让雕塑在空中悬挂住 (而不致摔落 ),并能在空中移动。因此, B正确。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题 解析】 女士说移动雕塑全是用铝做的,所以它不会砸到人的头,可见选A。其实女士第一次提到移动雕塑时也说到了它是用铝做成的,只不过第二次提到它的材料时才说了这种材料的作用:不会砸到人的头上,因此选 A“它是由铝做成的 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 Section C 16 【听力原文】 (16)We dont

45、know how the first fire was made. Early fires on the earth were certainly caused by nature, not by man. Some were caused by lightning in a storm; others, perhaps by one hot material which came out of a volcano. Quite possibly, at times, the heat of the sun set light to some dry grass or leaves. (17)

46、At first, man, like other animals, was probably afraid of fire. He saw that fire could destroy a forest; he knew that fire could hurt his body. So great was the power of fire that he feared it and worshipped it. Gradually, however, with his better powers of thinking, he overcame his fear. Probably h

47、e overcame most of his fear when he discovered how to make fire for himself. Throughout the ages he has learned more about fire, how to control it, and how to use it in many ways. Now fire is no longer a master or a god, it is a servant. Again, at some early date, man found how fire could be used to

48、 make certain metals from rocks. (18)Some time later, he found out how to make the metal which we now call bronze. This is a mixture of copper and tin. Bronze was a very useful metal. It was hard and tough, but he could shape it by hammering (probably with heavy stones). He could make a tool with a

49、sharp edge for cutting. It isnt so easy to get iron from its ore and this metal was probably not discovered until very much later. 16. What do we know about early fires on the earth? 17. What was probably mans response to the first fire? 18. What is bronze made of? 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 短文开头即说: “第一堆火是怎样生起来的,我们无从知道。地球上早期的火肯定是由大自然而非由人引燃的。 ”C正确。段落开头处 certainly caused by not by的鲜明的对比关系与语义上的强调特色,应能使我们准确答题。 【知识模块】 听力 17 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 短文说,最初,人类和其他动物一样很可能也怕火。 A正确。 At first引导的语义强调之处出题,四个选项都为表示心理活动的形容词,听到什么选什么。 【知识模块】 听力 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 短文提到


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