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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 362及答案与解析 Section A ( A) It was recent artwork. ( B) It was incomplete. ( C) It was fairly tall. ( D) It was in pieces. ( A) Out in the sea. ( B) Inside a bath house. ( C) On a cliff along the coast. ( D) On the coast outside Jerusalem. ( A) A 17-year-old girl. ( B) A 15-year-old

2、boy. ( C) A 23-year-old woman. ( D) An 18-year-old man. ( A) One month later. ( B) Two months later. ( C) Immediately. ( D) Two weeks later. ( A) Friday. ( B) Saturday. ( C) Thursday. ( D) Tuesday. ( A) Technological aid and international cooperation. ( B) Governmental support and the short-term goa

3、l. ( C) Financial aid and the long-term goal. ( D) Extension of the deadline and publishing richer countries. ( A) They didnt meet the deadline. ( B) They suggested conditions. ( C) They produced most emissions. ( D) They could provide technology. Section B ( A) Unconscious behavior patterns. ( B) R

4、ecent trends in psychology. ( C) Reasons for certain behavior problems. ( D) Causes of anxiety. ( A) He feels angry. ( B) He needs attention. ( C) Hes too quiet. ( D) Hes very nervous. ( A) Hes late for social occasions but not for work. ( B) Hes a quiet person but likes to make grand entrances. ( C

5、) He expects others to be on time but usually late himself. ( D) He loses pay for being late to work but doesnt seem to mind ( A) Trying to get Mark to talk about his problem. ( B) Helping Mark relax and be more comfortable in a group. ( C) Leaving a message to Mark instead of waiting for him. ( D)

6、Telling Mark to come earlier than the planned meeting time. ( A) To purchase some better-quality tapes for the new player. ( B) To ask for a replacement of some valuable cassettes. ( C) To expect to have the cassette player repaired for free. ( D) To make complaints about the after-service of the st

7、ore. ( A) It injured the user. ( B) It ran slowly. ( C) It ate too much. ( D) It ruined tapes. ( A) His manner is too rude to bear. ( B) His warranty is out of date. ( C) He destroyed the purchase purposefully. ( D) He used the machine in a wrong way. ( A) Theres always an exception to the rule. ( B

8、) The rule should be bended a little bit ( C) The rule is a two-month one. ( D) Nobody should break the rule. Section C ( A) To take medicine. ( B) To sleep more. ( C) To work less. ( D) To go traveling. ( A) They are not harmful to the brain. ( B) They have more benefits than harm. ( C) They are no

9、t worth the price at all. ( D) They are valuable but costly. ( A) They damage a persons mental health. ( B) They reduce a persons chance of recovery. ( C) They slow down a persons reaction to changes. ( D) They worsen a persons existing trouble. ( A) Its located in a college town. ( B) Its composed

10、of a group of old buildings. ( C) The classrooms are beautifully designed. ( D) The library is often crowded with students. ( A) 18,000. ( B) 1,800. ( C) 24. ( D) 9,000. ( A) They are well paid. ( B) They are mainly from New York State. ( C) They usually stay for two years. ( D) They neednt pay for

11、their rent. ( A) Take a walk in the desert. ( B) Go to a cinema ( C) Watch TV programmes. ( D) Attend a party. ( A) Higher than one who lives in dull surroundings. ( B) Lower than one who lives in a boring environment. ( C) The same as one who lives in a normal circumstance. ( D) Undetermined yet by

12、 intelligence researchers so far. ( A) Most people are of similar intelligence regardless of background. ( B) People of the same blood type have similar intelligence. ( C) Family members usually have similar intelligence. ( D) Long-term partners tend to have similar intelligence. ( A) They will look

13、 more and more alike as time goes on. ( B) They will become increasingly dependent on each other. ( C) They might not realize their close relation at all. ( D) They might share a similar degree of intelligence. 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 362答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 A huge storm that collapsed part of a clif

14、f on Israels central coast led to the discovery of a statue dating back to the Roman period, the Israel Antiquities Authority said Tuesday. The statue of a woman is estimated to be 2,000 years old. It stands 1.2 meters tall, weighs about 200 kilograms and was found with no head or arms, according to

15、 a news release by the authority. A person walking on the shore at Ashkelon on the west coast of Jerusalem made the discovery, the authority said. The statue fell into the sea when the cliff collapsed as a result of the storm. The collapse also ruined a bath house that had been in the cliff for many

16、 hundreds of years. The storm, one of the strongest Israel has experienced in recent years, brought winds of more than 100 kph that sent 10-meter waves crashing into Israels coast. 1. What do we learn about the statue from the news report? 2. Where was the statue found? 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 新闻中提到这座雕像被发

17、现的时候既没头又没胳膊,所以是不完整的,答案应为 B。它是古罗马时代的产物,所以排除 A“是不久前的艺术品 ”。它只有 1 2米, C“它相当高 ”不正确。 D“它已成碎片 ”,与事实不符。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 新闻 提到雕像是在位于耶路撒冷西岸地区的 Ashkelon海边发现的, D正确。 A“在远海处 ”与新闻事实不符。新闻提到峭壁的坍塌毁坏了藏在其中的浴室,而不是说雕像在浴室内被发现, B排除。雕像原本藏在峭壁中,它被发现是因为峭壁部分坍塌造成雕像掉落到海边,因此排除 C“在悬崖上 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 Four American

18、 teenagers, all children of U.S. military personnel, have been arrested on charges of attempted murder after a woman was knocked off her motorbike with rope strung across two poles, Japanese police said. The four suspects two 15-year-old boys, a 17-year-old girl and an 18-year-old manwere arrested o

19、n Saturday, the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department said. They are accused of causing a severe head injury to a 23-year-old restaurant employee by stringing a rope between poles across a road. U.S. Forces in Japan was informed of the August incident in late October, a public information officer sai

20、d. There was no clear explanation for the delay in the handover of the suspects to police, other than it involved rules between Washington and Tokyo covering U.S. forces and their dependents in Japan. The U.S. military presence and its impact on Japanese residents have been a troublesome issue over

21、the years. 3. Who was the victim according to the news report? 4. When were the suspects arrested? 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,嫌犯是 4个青少年,而受害人是一位 23岁的女性,因此选 C。选项 A、 B、 D分别是其中 3个嫌犯的年龄和性别。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,美国驻日军方在 10月下旬才获悉这起发生在 8月份的事件。由此可以推断,嫌犯是 10月才被抓捕的,距离案件发生有两个多月,因此选 B。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原

22、文】 Leaders in Paris negotiating a climate change agreement missed their deadline Friday. Representatives from 195 countries have spent two weeks in Paris trying to reach agreement at the United Nations climate talks. French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius extended the deadline until Saturday when th

23、e deadline could not be met U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said a lot of progress has been made, but he said, some “very difficult“ issues must be resolved. He met with French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius Friday after what sources said was a hard night of negotiations. The biggest sticking po

24、ints are financial aid and the long-term goal The latest draft of the agreement calls for “the widest possible cooperation by all countries“ to cut emission of greenhouse gases. Scientists say those gases are warming the planet and changing the climate to an extreme. A major point of disagreement ha

25、s been who will pay for reducing these emissions. Representatives of 134 developing countries objected to conditions suggested by richer industrialized nations. Richer countries-like the U.S. have produced most of the worlds greenhouse gas emissions. Those gases are blamed for rising temperatures on

26、 the planet Poorer nations want developed ones to pay for measures that arrest pollution. 5. When was the original deadline of the climate talks? 6. What are the biggest sticking points of the climate talks? 7. Why do poorer countries want developed ones to pay for reducing these emissions? 5 【正确答案】

27、 A 【试题解析】 新闻第一句交代了主题:在巴黎讨论天气变化的国家领导并没有如约在星期五达成协议 (missed their deadline Friday),故答案为 A。注意题目问的是原来的 deadline, B“周六 ”是后来延期后的 deadline。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻中段提到,气候大会的最大关键 (biggest sticking points)是 “经济援助 ”(financial aid)和 “长期目标 ”(long-term goal),故选 C。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻的最后部分提到,美国等较

28、富裕国家排放了最多的温室气体,所以贫穷国家 想让发达国家支付这些费用,因此选 C。 A“他们没有赶上截止日期 ”是所有与会国家都没有完成的事,不是本题考查的原因。 B“他们提出了条款 ”,新闻中提到发展中国家反对发达国提出的条款,或许是因为条款于贫穷国家不利,但这不是贫穷国家想让发达国家支付费用的原因。 D“他们可提供技术 ”未在新闻中提到。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 8 【听力原文】 W: Mark really needs to see this article in Psychology Weekly. M: Why? Whats it on? W: Reasons for

29、 negative behavior patterns like procrastination, that is, habitual lateness. M: Youre right. Thats Mark. Hes never on time. So what does it say? W: That people who are always late often do it for a reason either conscious or unconscious. It could be an expression of anger and resentment or a way of

30、 resisting authority. It could even be anxiety. M: Well, I dont know. In Marks case, I think its because he wants to be noticed. W: Thats the next reason in the article the need for attention. They give the example of movie stars who used to make these grand entrances. M: Thats not really Marks styl

31、e though hes so quiet. W: What gets me is that hes late for his friends all the time but not for other things, like work. M: Well. but they might deduct pay for that. W: Exactly. You know, sometimes Im tempted to tell him to come at, say, seven, and everybody else at 7:15. Then maybe we wouldnt have

32、 to wait so long. M: We have to try something. You know, he confessed to me one day that he was even late for his sisters wedding. She was really angry. W: I remember that. He was not in the wedding so they couldnt start until he got there. M: Maybe you should slip that magazine under his door anony

33、mously. And hope he gets the message. 8. What is the main subject of the magazine article? 9. What might be the reason for Marks problem? 10. What do we learn about Marks unusual behavior? 11. What solution does the woman sometimes consider? 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 注意本题问的是 “杂志里这篇文章的主题是什么 ”,而不是这篇对话的主题。对话开头

34、男士询问: “Whats it on?” 意思是 “它是关于什么的 ?”女士回答,它是关于消极行为模式的原因。所以 C正确。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 男士说, Mark的情况是他想被人注意,女士说这是文章中提到的下一种原因,即对于 attention的需要。因此选 B。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 女士说,让她 生气的是, Mark总是迟到,老让朋友等,而像工作之类的事情却不会迟到。所以 A正确。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 女士说,她有时总想告诉 Mark一个比预定时间早的时间,比如说告诉他 7点钟到

35、,告诉别人 7: 15到,这样大家就不用等他太久,因此答案为D。 get the message意思是 “明白,领会 ”,不是 C中的 leave a message“留口信 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【听力原文】 W: Hello, sir. What can I do for you? M: Hi, Uh. I have this cassette player here that I bought about six months ago. And it just ruined four of my favorite cassettes. W: Oh dear, Im sorry.

36、 M: So I. um. want you to fix it Im sure it will be no problem, right? W: Your sales slip, please? M: Yeah, here it is. W: Im sorry, sir. Your warrantys expired M: Well, it ran out ten days ago, but Im sure that youll. youll fix the machine for free, because the machine was obviously defective when

37、I bought it. W: Im sorry, sir. Your warranty has run out. Theres nothing I can do. M: No, no, look. I didnt drop it off a building or anything. I mean, what difference can ten days make? I mean you can. W: Sir, Im sorry, we have the six-month rule for a reason. We cant. M: Well, surely you wont hold

38、 me to ten days on this. You can bend the rule a little bit. W: Make an exception for you, and well have to make an exception for everybody. You could say its only a month, its only two months. M: I just lost twenty dollars worth of tapes. W: Sir, Im sorry, its too late. Theres nothing I can do. M:

39、It actually ate the tapes. I mean, theyre destroyed. Paying for this is adding insult to injury. Its. its a good cassette player, I mean, I cant pay for this. W: Sir, the rules are the rules. Im sorry, but theres nothing I can do. 12. Whats the mans purpose of visiting the shop? 13. Whats wrong with

40、 the purchase? 14. Why does the woman refuse the mans request? 15. What does the woman say about the rule? 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 四个选项都是动词不定式,题目应该是问目的或将做什么。男士说: “我想要你帮我修 it”。此处的 it指代前面提到的 cassette player。所以 C正确。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 结合前后两题的选项,猜测本题选项中的 It应该是指 tape或cassette player,可先排除 C。对话开始男士提到

41、“它已经弄坏了四盒我最喜欢的磁带 ”,后来又强调 “它确实会吞带 ”。所以 D正确。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确 答案】 B 【试题解析】 根据选项判断,本题可能是问他 (要求退换货品 )被拒绝的原因。女士一再强调 “你的保修期已经过了 ”。所以 B正确。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 男士说只迟 10天,叫女士稍微通融一下,女士说给他破例,那就得给所有人破例,她在对话最后还说规则就是规则,她很抱歉帮不上忙,可见她认为任何人都不能破坏规则,所以 D正确。 【知识模块】 听力 Section C 16 【听力原文】 Many people suffer from

42、 some form of extreme anxiety. Some experience occasional attacks of panic for almost no reason. Others go around in a state of continual uneasiness. How do we control anxiety? The best way is to take drugs that help patients manage their anxiety. Patients who take these drugs say that they are able

43、 to work, to sleep and to go to places they feared to visit before. But the effects of the drugs on the human body, especially on the nervous system have not been known for a long time. Scientists have started a series of studies to identify the effects of the drugs on the brain and have gained some

44、 insight into the costs and benefits of the anti-anxiety drugs. They are valuable because they can reduce the effects of expected failure, frustration and disappointment. But their value demands a price. Two effects of the drugs are obviously harmful.18First, they weaken a persons ability to react t

45、o changes; second, they fail to help a person deal with unexpected troubles. It is fairly sure that people will meet with problems they have never expected, so17these harmful effects may make the price of anti-anxiety drugs too high. 16. According to the speaker, what is the best way to manage anxie

46、ty? 17. What does the speaker say about the anti-anxiety drugs? 18. What harmful effect do the anti-anxiety drugs have? 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题符合短文听力 “听到什么就选什么 ”的原则。原文说病人控制焦虑症的最好方法是服用药物。因此 A正确。语义突出之处 (如本处的形容词最高级 )常设考点。 【知识模块】 听力 17 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 原文先说药物很有效,再说它的副作用,即服用药物付出的代价大。 D是最准确的概括表达。 B的错误在于原文并未比

47、较药物的作用与副作用, C项错把原文中提到的 price“代价 ”理解为 “价格 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 18 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 选项都是某些东西对人的不良影响;结合第 26题选项中的medicine一词,可以猜测本题问的是某种药物的副作用。因此听到 effects和harmful时就要注意。原文说这种药物会减弱人们的应变能力,选项 C就是这句话的同义表达。 【知识模块】 听力 19 【听力原文】 Deep Springs is an American college. It is an unusual college. It is high in the White Moun

48、tains in California, not in a college town. The campus is a collection of old buildings, with no beautiful classrooms. The only college-like thing about Deep Springs is its library. Students can study from the 18,000 books 24 hours a day. The library is never crowded as20there are only 24 well-quali

49、fied male students at the college. In addition, there are only five full-time professors. These teachers believe in the idea of this college. They need to believe in it! They do not get much money. In fact,21their salaries are only $9,000 a year plus room and meals. The school gives the young teachers as well as the students something more important than money. “There is no place like Deep Springs,“ says a second-year student from New York State. “Most colleges today are much the same, but Deep Spri


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