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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 363及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Two US passenger planes have crashed. ( B) The accident occurred in an unknown island. ( C) There were six people in two helicopters. ( D) The accident occurred on Thursday night ( A) It was dark and there was a high surf advisory. ( B) Two Marines were ki

2、lled during training. ( C) The reason of the accident is unclear. ( D) A night-time training mission is dangerous. ( A) Protection of human rights. ( B) Training of security personnel. ( C) Fighting with the FARC. ( D) Regional security cooperation. ( A) About $324 million. ( B) About $15 million. (

3、 C) More than $324 million. ( D) More than $50 million. ( A) In 1920. ( B) In 1979. ( C) In 1981. ( D) In 1987. ( A) They have great influence on peoples health. ( B) They exist permanently in the environment. ( C) Their production is too massive to control. ( D) They work in the top of the food cha

4、in. ( A) There arent any PCBs in Europes waters. ( B) 1,000 killer whales and dolphins carry PCBs. ( C) There is no relation between PCBs and environment ( D) PCBs still exist in European whales. Section B ( A) How to get Jack out of the office. ( B) How to improve the situation in the office. ( C)

5、How to move to another office. ( D) How to work in a noisy environment ( A) They want to get some help from Jack. ( B) They want to talk to Jack about everything. ( C) Jack is a very popular teacher. ( D) Jack wants to show hes a good teacher. ( A) They can ask to use a room as the meeting room. ( B

6、) They can talk to Jack about it ( C) They can stop every student from coming. ( D) They can report this to the administrator. ( A) His suggestion might work. ( B) His suggestion is pointless. ( C) She is disappointed by the suggestion. ( D) She thinks Stan is joking. ( A) She cant see any sign of i

7、t outside. ( B) She doesnt believe the man. ( C) She thinks the forecast has not been accurate this week. ( D) She doesnt want it to happen. ( A) He is a psychology professor with much knowledge. ( B) His views during arguments are very powerful. ( C) He may be able to add information to a research

8、paper. ( D) He has personal experience in this field. ( A) He rejects labeling criminals. ( B) He thinks criminals have certain psychological problems. ( C) He thinks criminals are abnormal. ( D) He thinks that criminals are crazy. ( A) Do some researches about mass murder. ( B) Argue with Simpson a

9、bout the question. ( C) Have a word with Professor Simpson. ( D) Read a reference source in the library. Section C ( A) Comparison shopping. ( B) Consulting the telephone number. ( C) Asking for product service. ( D) Asking the place of a product. ( A) Convenience. ( B) Range of the product. ( C) Th

10、e size of the ad. ( D) The reputation and the image. ( A) Category system. ( B) Electronic Yellow Pages. ( C) Introduction of the location. ( D) Building up the image. ( A) Hundreds of thousands of cars. ( B) Thirty million old cars. ( C) One million junked cars. ( D) Five million cars altogether. (

11、 A) A federal government agency. ( B) A car removal center in Los Angeles. ( C) A place where old cars are fixed. ( D) An agency that tries to clear the cars. ( A) They encourage homelessness. ( B) They are a safety hazard. ( C) They take up parking spaces. ( D) They can be stolen. ( A) Through his

12、hard work at training. ( B) Through his training as a preacher. ( C) Through his reputation as a preacher. ( D) Through his attention to medicine. ( A) His ability to play the organ. ( B) His interest in medicine. ( C) His doctoral degrees in philosophy and music. ( D) His talents in preaching. ( A)

13、 His suggestions and help. ( B) The cruel reality and unpleasant life. ( C) The responsibility to help others. ( D) The protection of others from being injured. ( A) Interesting. ( B) Wealthy. ( C) Respectful. ( D) Talented. 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 363答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 Two US Marine helicopters ha

14、ve bumped near the Hawaiian island of Oahu, each with six people on board. The crash occurred during a night-time training mission late on Thursday but it is unclear why. Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Sara Mooers said wrecks were seen in the ocean. Marine Capt Timothy Irish told the Associated Pre

15、ss news agency that a search and rescue was under way for the two CH-53 transport helicopters. The aircraft were from the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing from Marine Corps Base Hawaii, he said. Ms Mooers told Los Angeles radio station KNX-AM that the search would be tough because of darkness and a high sur

16、f advisory. Less than a year ago, a Marine Corps MV-22 Osprey crashed during a training exercise, killing two Marines. 1. What do we learn about the accident from the news report? 2. Why was the search difficult according to Ms Mooers? 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 新闻开头说到两架美国海军陆战队直升机相撞,此事故发生在周四晚上。故 D正确。发生事故的飞机是

17、两架美国海军直升机,而不是客机 (passenger planes),故 A错误。事故发生在夏威夷的欧胡岛,故 B也不对。两架飞机各有 6人,共 12人,故 C错误。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻提到 Mooers女士告诉洛 杉矶电台 KNX-AM,因为黑暗和一个巨浪警告 (darkness and a high surf advisory),所以这次搜救会很艰难。 A正确。 B“两名海军陆战队员在训练时被杀 ”是新闻末尾提到的另一场事故。 C“事故的原因未知 ”在新闻开头有提到,但这都不是搜救困难的原因。 D“夜间训练很危险 ”没有在新闻中提到。 【知识模块】

18、 听力 3 【听力原文】 US Secretary of defense Chuck Hagel recently met with Colombian leaders as part of a six-day visit to South America. “Colombia,“ said Mr. Hagel, “continues to expand its role as a security exporter, having helped train tensvof thousands of security personnel for more than 40 nations.“ T

19、he Colombian military has practiced its skills in the decades-long battle against the revolutionary armed forces of Colombia, known as the FARC, while combining protection of human rights as an integral part of its belief. “Through initiatives such as our joint action plan on regional security coope

20、ration, Colombia and the United States continue to work together to build security across this hemisphere and beyond.“ The United States has provided over $50 million in defense funding to Colombia in the last financial year, as part of $324 million in bilateral programs supporting human rights and

21、the rule of law, economic development, and efforts to combat transnational crime. 3. What did the Colombian military bring into its belief? 4. How much defense funding is being provided by the United States? 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻提到哥伦比亚军队与哥伦比亚革命武装力量 (FARC)进行了几十年的战斗,磨练了战斗技能,同时将保护人权纳入其宗旨 (combining prot

22、ection of human rights as an integral part)。故 A正确。新闻开头提到哥伦比亚已经帮助40多个国家培训了成千上万的安保人员,但这并非其宗旨,排除 B。 C“与 FARC战斗 ”和 D“区域安全协作 ”均有在新闻中提到,但都不是哥伦比亚军队的宗旨,故排除。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 新闻提到在上一财年,美国向哥伦比亚提供了 5000多万美元的国防资金。故正确答案为 D。 3 24亿美元出现在 “一个涉资 3 24亿美元的双边项目 ”,美国向哥伦比亚提供了 5000多万美元的国防资金包括在其中,故 A、 C不对。 B在语音上有

23、一定的干扰。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 PCBs, were manufactured from the 1920s, but were banned in the US in 1979, in the UK in 1981 and in the rest of the EU in 1987. They were found to have a wide-ranging impact on human and animal health, from links to cancer, to restraining the immune system and causing repro

24、ductive problems. However, these chemicals are extremely durable and despite the ban they are still found in the environment. “Europe produced about 300,000 tonnes of PCBs from 1954 to 1984. That was about 15% of the worlds total,“ said Dr Jepson. “A lot of this PCB, we dont know how much, has not b

25、een dealt with and is slowly leaking into rivers, from landfills, and eventually into the marine environment.“ The chemicals then gradually work their way up the food chain and into the top marine animals. The researchers analysed samples taken from more than 1,000 killer whales and dolphins in Euro

26、pes waters. “Our findings show that, despite the ban and initial decline in environmental pollution, PCBs still persist at dangerously high levels in European whales,“ explained Dr Jepson. 5. When were the PCBs banned in the UK? 6. Why should PCBs be banned according to the news report? 7. What do w

27、e learn about PCBs from the research? 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 新闻开头提到多氯联苯 (PCB)从 20世纪 20年代被制作出来后,于1981年被英国所禁止。故 C正确。 A“1920年 ”是 PCB问世的时间。 B“1979年 ”是在美国被禁止的时间。 D“1987年 ”是被欧盟的其他国家禁止的时间。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 新闻中提到,人们发现多 PCB在很大程度上会危害人类和动物的健康 (have a wide-ranging impact on human and animal health),包括引发癌症

28、、抑制免疫系统以及导致生殖问题。 A中的 great influence和 peoples health是对原文的同义改写,故选 A。 B“它们在环境中永久存在 ”在新闻中有提到,但这并不是PCB被禁的原因。 C“它们的产量多得难以控制 ”和 D“它们在食物链顶端起作用 ”均与新闻内容不符 。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 新闻的最后提到,杰普森博士解释说其研究结果显示 PCB仍然存在于欧洲的鲸类中。故 D正确。新闻中提到有很多 PCB流入河流和河口,最终流入了海洋环境,故 A“欧洲的水体没有 PCB”与新闻不符。研究人员分析了欧洲海域的 1000多个虎鲸和海豚的样本

29、,并不表示有 1000条虎鲸和海豚携带了 PCB,故 B错误。整篇新闻都涉及了 PCB和环境污染的联系,故 C不对。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 8 【听力原文】 W: Stan, do you have a minute? M: Oh, hi, Cathy, sure. Whats up? W: Ive been meaning to talk to you about the situation in the office. M: Im not in that very often. Its so noisy that I cant work. W: Thats exactly

30、 what Im getting at. Were supposed to be able to do our preparation and marking in that office. But have you noticed? Jack constantly has students coming in to get help with his course. A lot of people are going in and out. M: Has anyone spoken to him about it? W: No, not yet. But someones going to

31、have to. M: We really cant ask him to stop having students come in for help, can we? W: No, of course not. But Im not able to do my work and neither are you. I imagine its the same for the others in the office. M: Hum. could we ask for a kind of meeting room? When TAs have to talk with the students,

32、 they could go to the meeting room and not use the office. You know, theres a room down the hall, a rather small room that we could ask to use. Its only for storing supplies. W: You mean that little storage room? Oh, that would be too small. M: Are you sure? With the cabinets taken out, it might be

33、bigger than it looks. W: Come to think of it, you may be on to something. Id like to take a look at that room. Can we go there now? M: Sure, lets go. 8. What problem at the office are Cathy and Stan discussing? 9. Why do Jacks students come to see him? 10. What does Stan suggest they do? 11. What do

34、es Cathy say about Stans suggestion? 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 选项是四个相关性不大的话题,预测可能是主旨题。女士开头便说明想找男士谈谈办公室的环境,男 士指出办公室很吵,女士进一步表示 “那正是我想要指出的 (getting at)”,由此可知,对话主要和 B相关。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 选项都围绕 Jack展开,所以听到 Jack这个名字时,要特别注意。根据 “杰克常常让学生进来给他们辅导 ”,可判断 A正确。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 选项分别是可以采取的方式,此题为细节题。根

35、据男士所说 “我们可以请求得到会议室之类的吗 ?”选 A。对话中 Start问道: “有人就此事与杰克谈过 吗 ?”这并非建议,故不选 B项; C项在对话中已被否认; D项未提及。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 选项是对男士所提建议的评价。当男士告诉女士那个房间并不小时,女士马上说: “细想一下,也许你言之有理。我想看看那个房间。我们可以现在去那儿吗 ?”所以选 A。其实选项 B与 C有相似性,所以肯定都是错的: D未提及。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【听力原文】 M: The weather forecast says it will rain today. W:

36、 Yeah, doesnt it always? Theyve been saying that for a week and I havent seen much sign of it so far. M: Yeah, but look This time maybe theyre on target. The skys very dark I got a feeling the rain will be heavy. W: If its raining heavily after class, wait for me and Ill bring you an umbrella M: Tha

37、ts kind of you to offer, but dont worry Ill probably just wait it out W: By the way, what are the chances that you might be able to have a word with Professor Simpson in Criminology class? We still need some resources for our Psychology project and his input might help. M: I could ask him, although

38、I dont know how eager hed be to give us information about such a topic. W: Oh, come on, hes always so helpful. Why would he even hesitate? M: Well, he has this mind set which opposes the notion that criminals must necessarily be psychologically abnormal. He feels its just a stereotype. W: Ok. But wh

39、en it comes to certain crimes like mass murder, there must be a few “marbles loose“. M: You would think so. But its hard to convince Simpson that anyones crazy. W: Perhaps hed make a good reference source in the section where we include counter-arguments to our main thesis. M: Good thinking. Lets gi

40、ve it a shot. W: Thats the spirit! 12. Why does the woman seem unconvinced that it will rain today? 13. Why do the man and woman want to talk to Mr. Simpson? 14. What is Simpsons view towards criminals? 15. What will the two speakers probably do? 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士提到天气预报说今天要下雨时,女士表示 ,一个星期以来,天气预报天

41、天说要下雨,但一直没看到任何下雨的迹象。由此可知她已经不相信天气预报了,故 C正确。选项 A可能会误选,注意时态与原文的不同。长对话的第一个话轮常设考点。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 女士提到 Simpson教授后,说: “我们的心理学方案还需要些素材,从他那儿也许可以得到帮助。 ”由此可知他们想要找 Mr Simpson的目的是C。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 从选项中共有的 He, thinks, criminals等词,猜测本题很有可能问 He对罪犯的观点。男士说道: “他 (Simpson教授 )有这么一种固定的想法,反对罪犯

42、一定是心理不正常这种观点,他觉得那仅仅是一种老套的思维。 ”A中的rejects是对原文 opposes的同义替换,故 A正确。 B、 C、 D均与长对话中的含义相反,均不正确。长对话中对问句的答语往往是考点所在。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士说很难说服 Simpson教授认同有人是疯的,女士说或许Simpson教授能给他们在主论点的反证部分提供好的参考 资料,男士赞同女士的看法,建议试试看,可见他们将会与 Simpson教授交谈,请求 Simpson教授给他们信息,故 C正确。 【知识模块】 听力 Section C 16 【听力原文】 Yellow Pag

43、es advertising is directory advertising because it tells people where to go to get the product or service. It reaches prospects people who already know they have a need for the product or service. Directory advertising is the only form of advertising that is actively consulted by prospects who need

44、or want to buy something. Yellow Pages advertising is the most widely used form of directory advertising. It is the most universal of advertising medium. For some small business, the advertising is generated from local businesses. A Yellow Pages ad is the last step in the search for a product or ser

45、vice by a committed consumer. The Yellow Pages are used primarily for comparison shopping. Although the advertisement doesnt have to attract the attention of an indifferent audience, it does have to stand out in a competitive environment. The decision about which store to call or visit will be based

46、 on certain criteria, the size of the ad being the first. Larger ads get more attention than small ones. Other decision factors include convenience, range of products or services, and the reputation or image of the store. The most important feature of Yellow Pages advertising is the category system.

47、 Certain information is critical to Yellow Pages ads including location, hours and graphics.18A recent development in directory advertising is the electronic Yellow Pages, a database accessed by computer. 16. What is the basic use for the Yellow Pages? 17. What is the most important design part of a

48、 Yellow Pages ad? 18. What is the latest invention in directory advertising? 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 本题考查对细节的记忆。录音中明确提到黄页主要用于comparison shopping,故 A正确。 【知识模块】 听力 17 【正 确答案】 C 【试题解析】 本题考查对细节的记忆,答案为 C。符合短文听力 “听到什么选什么 ”的解题原则。 【知识模块】 听力 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 录音最后一句即是答案所在之处,由此可知 B正确。短文结尾处常出题。 【知识模块】 听力 19 【听力原文】

49、 One of the complaints of city residents, not surprisingly, is the lack of parking. This problem is partly caused by all the abandoned cars on the streets. It has been estimated by A to Z Towing Inc., a nationwide tow-truck agency, that over one million cars are abandoned on the streets and alleyways of the nations cities. Each year, approximately a third of those cars are removed and destroyed. The rest of the cars, which are not removed, take up parking spaces and make neighborhoods look rundown. A survey of twenty cities by


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