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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 58及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Librarian and student. ( B) Operator and caller. ( C) Boss and secretary. ( D) Customer and repairman. ( A) It is raining. ( B) The woman will take her umbrella. ( C) The woman will not accept the mans advice. ( D) The woman will take a shower. ( A) To make

2、 the woman angry. ( B) To please the mans mother. ( C) David is the mans good friend. ( D) David is good at carrying on conversations. ( A) He learned to play the piano to delight his grandpa. ( B) He played better because of his grandpas presence. ( C) He plays the piano as well as his grandpa did.

3、 ( D) He had a disappointing performance in the piano competition. ( A) Jack has paid back the money to him. ( B) He wants to borrow some money too. ( C) He will buy himself a new pair of shoes. ( D) He doesnt think Jack will repay the money to the woman. ( A) English husbands usually do a lot of ho

4、usework. ( B) English husbands usually do little housework. ( C) The womans husband should do more sports. ( D) The womans husband is an interesting person. ( A) He must meet his teacher. ( B) He must attend a class. ( C) He must go out with his girlfriend. ( D) He must stay at school to finish his

5、homework. ( A) The man must arrive on time. ( B) The doctor only has time on Tuesdays. ( C) The doctor is not available on Tuesday morning. ( D) The man must come more than once. ( A) The man is worried about his presentation. ( B) The man is in a good shape. ( C) The mans mother is a medical profes

6、sor. ( D) The man has to drink herbal tea three times a day. ( A) Take the medicine three times a day. ( B) Stay in bed for three days. ( C) Go to see another doctor. ( D) Take more fruits. ( A) Talk to another friend. ( B) Take Carlas suggestion. ( C) See the same doctor again. ( D) Stay in bed unt

7、il Friday. ( A) Colleagues. ( B) Friends. ( C) Police officer and investigator. ( D) Programme hostess and interviewee. ( A) He is a good supervisor. ( B) He is an experienced police officer. ( C) He doesnt like his present job. ( D) He likes the patrol work most. ( A) Detective work. ( B) Undercove

8、r work. ( C) Patrol work. ( D) Supervising investigations. ( A) Because a police officer is always not very alert at the beginning. ( B) Because it is necessary for a police officer to be familiar with his surroundings. ( C) Because the stress is too large for a policeman to bear at the beginning. (

9、 D) Because many policemen have been injured during a routine stop. Section B ( A) Birds habit of cleaning their feathers. ( B) How birds communicate with their species. ( C) Birds surprising behaviours. ( D) The clarification of birds. ( A) Keeping its feathers waterproof. ( B) Keeping its feathers

10、 cool in summer. ( C) Helping communicate with the same species. ( D) Keeping its feathers clean. ( A) Water. ( B) Dust. ( C) Mud water. ( D) Snow. ( A) She was lying near a lonely road, trembling. ( B) She was experiencing an accident. ( C) She was driving along a country road. ( D) She was lying b

11、leeding. ( A) She was attacked by robbers. ( B) She was stopped and forced to enter a flying saucer. ( C) She fainted due to the effects of some drug. ( D) She was stopped by a policeman and treated rudely. ( A) She had been taken over a thousand miles away from her home. ( B) She made up an astonis

12、hing story. ( C) She had told a lie to her husband. ( D) She had intended to leave her husband without a word. ( A) Being the birthplace of the new pop culture. ( B) Being one of the most popular tourism cities in Britain. ( C) Being one of Britains largest ports. ( D) Being one of the richest miner

13、al resources. ( A) The musicians. ( B) The Beatles themselves. ( C) The solo stars. ( D) Their friends. ( A) The audience respect. ( B) The audience affection. ( C) The audience participation. ( D) The audience admiration. ( A) He had helped many handicapped people. ( B) He dedicated his fame to the

14、 cause of peace. ( C) He was the first person to hold the solo concert abroad. ( D) He was the hero of Britain. Section C 25 Academy Award nominees who go home empty-handed may not have a shiny Oscar to【 B1】 _, but they may turn out to be the bigger winners in the【 B2】_of life. According to a study

15、published in the British Medical Journal, Oscar-winning screenwriters are more successful, more【 B3】 _and more respected than losing nominees; however, they die sooner by about four years. “Because success is【 B4】 _linked to better health, this is the first【 B5】_that success is not associated with i

16、mproved longevity,“ says Donald Redelmeier, lead author of the study. Research【 B6】 _information about every person who was ever nominated for an Oscar since the awards were first handed out 73 years ago. In order to explain the【 B7】 _ findings, he offered two theories. The first is the “work-to-dea

17、th hypothesis“. According to Redelmeier, screenwriters are more apt to lead unhealthy lifestyles, meaning they smoke more,【 B8】 _less, and work a lot of late-night hours, which【 B9】 _not enough sleep. Screenwriters dont have a boss to report to, which【 B10】 _ Redelmeiers second explanation: the “par

18、ty-hearty hypothesis.“ “When you become a successful screenwriter, you gain status without daily accountability, and as a consequence your success may lead you to more alcohol, more parties, and more fatness,“ he says. 26 【 B1】 27 【 B2】 28 【 B3】 29 【 B4】 30 【 B5】 31 【 B6】 32 【 B7】 33 【 B8】 34 【 B9】

19、35 【 B10】 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 58答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 W: How long will it take you to fix my watch? M: Ill call you when its ready. But it shouldnt take longer than a week. Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers? 1 【正 确答案】 D 【试题解析】 女士问男士要多久才能把她的手表修好 (to fix my watch),男士说修好了给女士打电

20、话,由此可见男士应该是修理工,答案为 D)。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【听力原文】 M: Youd better take your umbrella with you, or youll get caught in a shower. W: It hasnt begun to rain and I dont think that it will soon. Q: What can be inferred from this conversation? 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实状况题。男士建议女士带上 umbrella(雨伞 ),女士说 It hasnt begunto rai

21、n and I dont think that it will soon(现在还没有下雨,而且我觉得也不会很快就下 ),由此可推断,女士不接受男士的建议,不准备带伞,故答案为 C)。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 W: I really cant stand the way David controls the conversation all the time. If hes going to be at the Christmas party, I just wont come. M: Im sorry you feel that way. But my mother insist

22、s that he come. Q: Why has David been invited to the party? 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 女 士说如果 David来参加圣诞派对,她就不来了,男士表示抱歉,但随即转折指出,他妈妈坚持要邀请 David,可见男士邀请 David是为了让妈妈高兴,故答案为 B)。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 M: Hey, Ellen! We saw your son on the television, in a state piano competition. He really did a great job! W: Thank y

23、ou! We all think that he has inherited his grandpas fingers. Q: What does the woman think of her son? 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 观点态度题。男士说他在电视上看到了女士的儿子参加全国钢琴比赛,并认为他的表现很出色,女士说他们全家都认为这孩子继承了他祖父的手指(inherited hisgrandpas fingers),言外之意就是女士的儿子弹钢琴和他祖父一样好,故答案为 C)。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 W: If I can get Jack to pay back t

24、he money I lent him last month, I will go to buy that pair of shoes tomorrow. M: I hope you have better luck than I did. Q: What does the man imply? 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 观点态度题。女士希望 Jack还钱给她,男士却说他希望女士比他幸运,言外之意就是 Jack借他的钱没有还给他,那样的话 Jack也不大 可能会把钱还给女士,故答案为 D)。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【听力原文】 W: My husband isnt very ath

25、letic, but he is an excellent cook, and he can sew, iron. He is a good husband. M: Really? Thats interesting. Is he really English? Q: What does the man mean? 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 观 点态度题。女士说她的丈夫很会做家务,男士听到后感到很惊奇,还问女士 Is he really English?言外之意就是 English husbands通常很少做家务,故答案为 B)。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【听力原文】 W: John

26、, do you want to go swimming with me today? M: Sure, but I cant leave now. I have an appointment with my professor at three oclock. Q: Why cant John go swimming now? 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 女士邀请男士 (John)今天和她一起去游泳 (go swimming),男士回答说他现在不能离开,并解释说他约了三点和教授见面 (have an appointment with myprofessor),由此可知答案为 A)。

27、【知识模块】 听力 8 【听力原文】 M: Hello, this is Robert White calling. Could Dr. Jones see me on Tuesday morning instead of Tuesday afternoon? W: Tuesday morning? Lets see. is that the only other time you could come. Q: What does the woman imply? 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实状况题。男士问女士能否安排他在 Tuesday morning见Dr Jones,而女士查

28、看了日程安排之后反问了一句 is that theonly other time you could come(你只能改成这个时间来吗 ),由此可以推断, Dr Jones周二上午没时间见男士,故答案为 C)。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【听力原文】 W: So, how are things going, Steve? M: Well, to be honest, Carla, I was feeling great on Saturday, but I started to feel sick on Sunday afternoon. I thought Id get better, but

29、 I feel worse than before.9And Im really worried because Im scheduled to give a presentation at work on Friday, so I have to be better by then. W: Well, what seems to be the problem? M: Well, I thought I had the flu, but the doctor said it was just a bad cold. He gave me some cold medicine to take c

30、are of my stuffy nose and fever. Im supposed to take the medicine three times a day after eating, but it doesnt seem to help. He also told me to stay off my feet for a day or so, but Im so busy these days. W: Listen! Forget about that medicine! I have just the thing to get rid of bad colds. You see,

31、 my mom is really into herbal medicine. M: Oh, no, thanks. W: Ah, come on! Give it a try. You just take some of my moms herbal tea and drink it four times a day. Believe me, youll be up and dance around in no time. M: Dance around in no time, right?11Well, I guess. Nothing else seems to be doing the

32、 job. W: Great. Ill come by your place at 7:30. See you then. 9. What can we learn from the conversation? 10. What did the doctor ask Steve to do? 11. What will Steve probably do? 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。由男士话中的 Im really worriedto give a presentation可知,男士 worried自己的 presentation,故答案为 A)。 【知识模块】 听力 10

33、【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。男士 (Steve)明确提到,医生 让他 take the medicine three timesa day after eating(饭后服药,每日三次 ),故答案为 A)。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 推断题。对话结尾处,女士 (Carla)极力推荐男士 (Steve)服用她母亲配制的凉茶,男士说他觉得 Nothing else seems to be doing the job(可能没有什么比凉茶更有用了 ),由此可推断,他很可能会试试女士所说的方法,故答案为 B)。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【听力原文】 W: W

34、elcome to our programme, Sam. M: Thank you. W: Sam, how long have you been a police officer? M: Ive been a police officer for 30 years. W: Thirty years? And youve had different types of assignments on the police force, I guess. M: Yeah,13Ive done everything from patrol to undercover work to detectiv

35、e work, and now Im supervising investigations. W: Sam, I think most people would say that being a police officer is a very stressful job. Would you agree? M: Yes, its definitely a stressful job. But it depends on your assignment. W: So, whats probably the most stressful job you can have? M:14Id say

36、patrol is the most stressful assignment. W: Thats interesting! In what way? M: Well, I guess the biggest part of the stress is the fear factor, the fear of the unknown. W: What do you mean, Sam? M: Well, in patrol work, you dont know from moment to moment who you are talking to or what their reactio

37、n is going to be to justify your presence. Lets say, for example, a patrol officer stops someone for a traffic violation. It seems as though that would be a very low-stress situation. W: Yes, it is a very low-stress situation. M: But the truth is there are more police officers injured during a routi

38、ne stop. W: Really? M: Really! Thats why all police officers are taught from the very beginning to be aware of their surroundings: people back over policemen; people shoot policemen; people jump out at policemen different kinds of things. So thats probably the most stressful time. W: I see. Lets tak

39、e a break and then well move on to our next topic. M: All right. 12. Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers? 13. What do we know about the man from the conversation? 14. What is the most stressful assignment according to the man? 15. Why are all police officers taught to be aware o

40、f their surroundings from the very beginning? 12 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 推断题。对话一开始,女士就说 Welcome to our programme,对话结尾处女士又说 Lets take a break and then well move on to our next topic(我们先休息一会,然后再谈下一个话题 ),由此可推测,两人的身 份很可能为节目主持人和采访对象,故答案为 D)。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 推断题。男士说他做过 patrol(巡逻警 ), undercover work(卧

41、底 )和detective work(刑侦工作 ),现在是 supervising investigations(督察 ),由此可推断,男士应该是一个 experienced(经验丰富的 )警察,故答案为 B)。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。男士明确提到,他认为 patrol(巡逻 )是 the most stressfulassignment(压力最大的任务 ),故答案为 C)。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。男士提到,许多警察 injured during a routine stop(在一些例行检查中受伤 ),那就

42、是为什么所有的警察在最开始就被告诫要 be aware of theirsurroundings(对周围的环境时刻保持警惕 ),故答案为 D)。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 16 【听力原文】 Birds spend so much time smoothing, cleaning and arranging their feathers that its not surprising this behaviour, called preening, is associated with pride and vanity. But stop a minute and think a

43、bout what feathers do for a bird. Besides allowing it to fly, feathers keep the bird warm in the winter and cool in the summer. They shed water in the rain, and they are used to communicate with other birds of the same species. A bird with dirty feathers will not live long. Birds use their beaks to

44、clean and straighten their feathers and to spread oil over them. They get the oil from their skin.17The oil helps keep the feathers waterproof and flexible. Birds also like to take baths to keep clean. They dont always take them in water.18Chickens, for instance, like nothing better than to scratch

45、up some dust with their feet and then lie down and flap the dust all over their bodies. This probably helps get rid of parasites on their skin. A quick shake then sends the dust flying from their feathers, leaving them clean and comfortable. 16. What is the passage mainly talking about? 17. What is

46、the function of the oil on birds skin? 18. What do chickens use to take baths? 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 短文开头就说禽类花大量的时间来梳理、清洁它们的羽毛(smoothing, cleaning and arranging),接着阐 述了羽毛的重要作用以及禽类如何梳理羽毛和洗澡,综合来看,本文主要是在讲禽类清理羽毛的习惯,故答案为A)。 【知识模块】 听力 17 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。文中提到,鸟类皮肤上的 oil(油脂 )帮助羽毛waterproof(防水 ),并使它们 flexib

47、le(灵活自如 ),故答案为 A)。 【知识模块】 听力 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。文中提到, chickens用脚弄起 some dust,然后就躺在地上把 dust弄遍全身,然后拍拍翅膀把 dust拍掉 了就算洗完澡了,由此可知,chickens用 dust洗澡,故答案为 B)。 【知识模块】 听力 19 【听力原文】 Some years ago an American policeman found19a woman lying near a lonely road. She didnt appear to have had an accident but she

48、was trembling and clearly in a state of shock, so he rushed her to the nearest hospital. She began to tell the doctor on duty the story which was astonishing in all respects. She had been driving along a country road when she had been stopped by a flying saucer landing in front of her.20She had been

49、 forced to leave the car and entered the flying saucer by creatures which looked like human beings and which had easily made themselves understood though they couldnt speak. It was as though they could read her thoughts and she could read theirs. They treated her politely and allowed her to leave after carrying out a number of tests on her. As she otherwise seemed to be normal, the doctor decided that she was probably suffering from the side effects o


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