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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 64及答案与解析 Section A ( A) Buy a different kind of medicine. ( B) See the doctor immediately. ( C) Take a second pill. ( D) Avoid taking any medication. ( A) They dont know how to get to Mikes home. ( B) They are discussing when to meet again. ( C) They went to the same party some ti

2、me ago. ( D) They will go to Mikes birthday party. ( A) Find a larger room. ( B) Sell the old table. ( C) Buy two bookshelves. ( D) Rearrange some furniture. ( A) Boswell will defeat others in the School Board election. ( B) No one voted for Boswell in the School Board election. ( C) Boswell is the

3、only candidate in the School Board election. ( D) No one can defeat Boswell in the School Board election. ( A) She agrees with the man. ( B) She doesnt want to go out. ( C) Shed rather go swimming. ( D) She doesnt think it is a fine day. ( A) To look for a job. ( B) To go to college. ( C) To post a

4、letter. ( D) To borrow money. ( A) The woman speaks pretty good English all the time. ( B) Other people dont understand English. ( C) The woman has to improve her spoken English. ( D) The woman should speak English loud enough. ( A) Doing camping. ( B) Preparing a party. ( C) Repairing the tents. (

5、D) Fixing stove and pot. ( A) He called on his friends in a small town. ( B) He went out on a picnic. ( C) He attended a concert. ( D) He had dinner with his girlfriend. ( A) A formal dinner in public. ( B) A special dinner prepared at home. ( C) An informal dinner at a party. ( D) A special dinner

6、served in a restaurant. ( A) Their vacation plan. ( B) Their common interest. ( C) The custom of the mans hometown. ( D) The mans travel to a small town. ( A) He has to take part in a walkathon. ( B) He is late for a discussion class. ( C) He has a speech to attend. ( D) He needs to prepare for the

7、walkathon. ( A) It is seven miles long. ( B) It starts from the campus restaurant. ( C) Its course is around the city hall. ( D) Its final point is the engineer library. ( A) To give publicity to the importance of sports. ( B) To get money for the new childrens hospital. ( C) To enrich the campus li

8、fe. ( D) To celebrate the founding of the engineer library. ( A) Five dollars per mile. ( B) One dollar per mile. ( C) Thirty cents per mile. ( D) Twenty-five cents per mile. Section B ( A) The United States. ( B) DPRK. ( C) Afghanistan. ( D) Uganda. ( A) Solar collector and rubber pipes. ( B) Solar

9、 collector and storage tank. ( C) Storage tank and metal sheets. ( D) Metal sheets and rubber pipes. ( A) By changing the flow of water. ( B) By adjusting the direction of the storage tank. ( C) By moving the rubber pipe. ( D) By changing the water pressure. ( A) The liberation movement of British w

10、omen. ( B) Rapid economic development in Britain. ( C) Changing attitudes to family life. ( D) Reasons for changes in family life in Britain. ( A) Because millions of men died in the war. ( B) Because women had proved their worth. ( C) Because women were more skilful than men. ( D) Because factories

11、 preferred to employ women. ( A) The concept of “the family“ as a social unit. ( B) The attitudes to birth control. ( C) The attitudes to religion. ( D) The ideas of authority and tradition. ( A) It is a new kind of air-conditioner. ( B) It works well in getting rid of body heat. ( C) It is popular

12、among modern buildings. ( D) It reuses the heat collected from the surroundings. ( A) One. ( B) Two. ( C) Four. ( D) Six. ( A) A way of bringing back and reusing heat. ( B) A special form of air conditioning. ( C) An extra hot water system. ( D) A method of keeping the source of heat. ( A) A fat fem

13、ale who studies hard. ( B) A thin female who does not study. ( C) A fat male who does not study. ( D) A thin male who studies hard. Section C 25 United Nations talks on climate change have ended in Bangkok with little sign of progress. There are still major【 B1】 _between developing and rich countrie

14、s,【 B2】 _concerns about whether an agreement can be reached. U.N. officials say two weeks of talks on climate change ended with【 B3】_progress, mainly on technical【 B4】 _. But major gaps remain between rich and developing nations on how to reduce global greenhouse gas emissions. Developing nations wa

15、nt rich countries to【 B5】 _higher emission reductions and provide them more funding to reduce their own emissions. Norway and Japan were the only industrialised countries to win applause for【 B6】 _ further emission reductions. Bernarditas Muller is an environmental affair advisor for the Philippines

16、. She said rich country funding offers were fortunately【 B7】 _. “The proposals that we have on the table before us for financing, for technology transfer, for adaptation, all of which are【 B8】 _binding commitments, only go towards escaping these responsibilities, shifting these responsibilities to d

17、eveloping countries themselves,“ she said. Industrialised countries say they hope to see more commitments from developing nations on emission reductions. Rights groups expressed concern that the difference between rich and developing nations is【 B9】 _. But Yvo de Boer, the U.N.s top climate change o

18、fficial, says there have been significant advances in the process and that there is still an underlying spirit of being constructive. “All the ingredients for success are on the table. And, what we must do now is【 B10】 _self-interest and letting common interest prevail,“ he said. 26 【 B1】 27 【 B2】 2

19、8 【 B3】 29 【 B4】 30 【 B5】 31 【 B6】 32 【 B7】 33 【 B8】 34 【 B9】 35 【 B10】 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 64答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 M: Ive already taken one of those pills, but the headache is still killing me. W: Why not take another one? That is the recommended dose. Q: What does the woman suggest the man do? 1

20、 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 行为活动题。女士通过反问旬 Why not take another one?建议男士再吃一粒药,因为那是推荐的剂量,故答案为 C)。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【听力原文】 M: Hi, Jane. So glad to see you again. W: Likewise. I remember the last time we met was five months ago at Mikes birthday party. How are you doing? Q: What do we know about the speakers? 2 【正确答案】

21、C 【试题解析】 女士说她记得他们上次见面是五个月前在 Mike的生日 party上,由此可知二人之前参加过同一场派对,故答案为 C)。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 W: We do need another bookshelf in this room. But the problem is the space for it. M: How about moving the old dining table to the kitchen? Q: What does the man suggest they should do? 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 女士说这个房间里还

22、需要个书架,但是没有地方放 (the problem is the space),男士用典型的建议句式 How about 建议把旧餐桌移到厨房,可见男士建议他们把一些家具重新 安排一下,故答案为 D)。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 W: I heard Boswell would win in the election for the School Board. But he doesnt know anything about our childrens education. By the way, whos running against him? M: Nobody. Tha

23、ts the problem. Q: What does the man mean? 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实状况题。女士听说 Boswell将会在学校董事会 (the School Board)的竞选中获胜,抱怨说 Boswell对孩子们的教育一点也不了解,并问男士Boswell的对手 (running against him)是谁,由男士的回答 (Nobody)可知,没有人与Boswell一起参加校董会的竞选,言外之意就是 Boswell是唯一的候选人 (the only candidate),故答案为 C)。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 M: What a wo

24、nderful day! Shall we have a picnic? W: Well, dont you think going swimming is a better choice? Q: What does the woman mean? 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 观点态度题。女士通过反问句表明,她认为去游泳是更好的选择,即她更愿意 go swimming,故答案为 C)。 wouldrather意为 “宁愿;更愿意 ”。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【听力 原文】 W: Jack, what are you going to do after high school? M:

25、Well, I was going to go to college, but I have to postpone it and get a job instead. I just dont have money right now. Q: What is Jack going to do first? 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 行为活动题。男士原本打算高中毕业 后就去上大学,但他话中的转折句 but I haveto 表明他现在缺钱,所以必须得先找一份工作,故答案为 A)。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【听力原文】 W: I thought I was speaking Englis

26、h fairly well, but people keep asking me to repeat what Ive said, so maybe Im not doing so well after all. M: Theres nothing wrong with your English. Its just that no one can hear what youre saying. Q: What does the man imply? 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 事实状况题。由男士话中的 nothing wrong with your English和 no one ca

27、nhear what youre saying可知,女士的英语口语没问题,只是没有人能听清她在说什么,言外之意就是女士应该在说话时提高音量,故答案为 D)。 【知识模块】 听 力 8 【听力原文】 M: Lanna, Ben and I will pitch the tents. Why dont you and Lily fix dinner? W: Sure. Where are the stove and pot? Q: What are the speakers probably doing now? 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 行为活动题。由对话中的关键信息 pitch th

28、etents(搭帐篷 ), fix dinner(准备饭菜 )以及 the stoveand pot(炉子和锅 )可推断,对话双方最有可能是在doing camping(野营 ),故答案为 A)。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【听力原文】 W: Did you have a good time last weekend? M: Yes, I did. I visited some friends in Pennsylvania. They live in a small town called Canonsburg. W: That must have been interesting. Ive

29、never been in a small town just big cities. M: Neither had I. W: What did you do? M: There isnt as much to do as there is here. No plays or concerts. People make their own entertainment, though. W: What do you mean? M: Well, on Saturday we went to a potluck supper. W: A potluck supper? Whats that? M

30、: The whole neighbourhood has a party. Everybody brings something. Its all put on the table and you can eat whatever you like. That is a potluck supper. W: Its something like a picnic, isnt it? M: Well, yes. The weather was warm, so we had this one outdoors. But in winter they have them indoors, too

31、. W: What else did you do? M: On Sunday we went for a drive. We had lunch at a drive-in. W: Is the countryside interesting? M: Beautiful farmland. Youd like it. W: Im sure I would. M: On Sunday evening some people came to dinner. It was very informal we just sat around and talked. Just a nice Sunday

32、 night supper. W: Thats the kind of evening I like. I dont care for a formal dinner so much. M: Neither do I. 9. What did the man do last weekend? 10. What is a potluck supper like? 11. What are the two speakers mainly talking about? 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。对话一开始,女士就问男士上周末过得怎么样,男士回答说他过得非常愉快,他 visited

33、some friends,而他的朋友住在一个小镇上,故答案为 A)。 call on煮为 “拜访 (某人 )”。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 推断题。文中男士提到,他在小城镇里参加了 a potluck supper,并解释说这是一种邻里间举办的 party,在 party上每个人都 bring something,然后把这些东西放在桌子上,人们想吃什么就吃什么,这就是 potluck supper,由此推断,这是在聚会上参加的一种 informal dinner,故答案为 C)。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 主旨题。对话一开始男士就

34、说他去拜访了小镇上的一些朋友,接着在女士的询问下男士介绍了自己在小镇上的所见所闻以及自己这几天的活动,由此可知对话主要是关于男士的小镇之旅,故答案为 D)。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【听力原文】 W: Hey, Joe, havent seen you for months. Care for a drink at the bar? M: Id love to, but Im already late for the talk about the benefits of walkathon this weekend. W: Walkathon? Whats all this about? M

35、: Dont you know?13Most of the residents in Packer Hall are going to try to walk the seven miles from the engineering library, across the campus and down to the city hall, in an effort to raise money for the new childrens hospital. W: Sounds like a good idea. But I dont understand where the money com

36、es from. M: Well, a few days before the walkathon, each participant goes around asking people to pledge just a certain amount of money for each mile that he or she expects to walk in the event. Then after the walkathons over, the participants go back to those same people, collect the money pledged a

37、nd send it into the hospital. W: So you mean if someone pledges, say, a dollar a mile, and you walk five miles, you can get five dollars? M: Thats right. Of course, most of my friends arent such big spenders;15the biggest pledge Ive gotten so far is 25 cents a mile. W: And how many people have made

38、pledges for you? M: Eleven so far. Say, how about making it an even dozen? W: Sure. If you do the same for me. The walkathon sounds like a perfect opportunity for me to break in my new pair of sport shoes. 12. Why does the man turn down the womans invitation? 13. What can we learn about the walkatho

39、n from the conversation? 14. Whats the purpose of holding the walkathon? 15. Whats the maximum pledge the man has gotten? 12 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。对话一开始女士邀请男士去酒吧喝一杯,男士通过先肯定后转折的句式 Id love to, but 拒绝了女士的邀请,因为他要赶去参加一场介绍竞走比赛的讲座 (Im already late for the talk about the benefits of walkathon),故答案为 C)。 talk相当

40、于 speech。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题。男士明确提到,周末举办的竞走比赛全程长达 seven miles,起点是 engineering library,终点是 city hall(市政厅 ),中途经过校园,故答案为 A)。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题。男士提到举办这次竞走比赛的目的 (in an effort to)就是为新建的儿童医院筹款 (raise money for the new childrens hospital),此外,男士在对话后面也提到,要将竞走比赛的集资送到新的儿童医院,故答案为 B)。

41、 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 细节题。男士提到,他目前所得到的最大数目的许诺金 (biggest pledge)是 25 cents a mile(每英里 25美分 ),故答案为 D)。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 16 【听力原文】 Solar water heating is used worldwide. The device we are about to describe was developed in Afghanistan more than 30 years ago. It can heat 70 litres of water to

42、 60 degrees Celsius. It can do this between sunrise and noon on a clear day with an average outside temperature of 32 degrees Celsius. The solar water heater has two parts. One part is the solar collector. This is made of metal sheets. The collector is placed in contact with the water. There are sev

43、eral kinds of metal sheets that can be used for the collector. Metal sheets that have raised sections will work very well. Once the water is heated, it is kept hot with special material. This helps the water stay warm for a long time. The second part of the solar water heater is the storage tank. Tw

44、o rubber pipes are attached to the storage tank. One pipe lets water flow into the system. The other lets water flow out. When the water heater is working correctly, water will flow from the storage tank to the collector and back again. You can use the hot water at the top of the tank for washing an

45、d cleaning. You can change the flow of water so that the temperature is hot or warm as desired. This solar water heater is easy to build and operate. It will last about two years before the rubber pipes need to be replaced. However, it will heat water only on sunny days. 16. In which country was sol

46、ar water heating developed? 17. What is a solar water heater composed of? 18. How can people change the temperature of water from a solar water heater? 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 细节题。文章开头提到,早在 30多年前 Afghanistan就开始研制thedevice,联系上句可知 the device指的就是 solar water heating,故答案为 C)。 【知识模块】 听力 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 细节题

47、。文中提到,太阳能热水器由两个部分组成,包括 solar collector(太阳能集热器 )和 storage tank(贮水箱 ),故答案为 B)。 【知识模块】 听力 18 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 细节题 。文章结尾提到,人们可以通过 change the flow of water(调整水的流量 )来调节热水器流出的水的温度,故答案为 A)。 【知识模块】 听力 19 【听力原文】 There are many reasons why family life in Britain has changed so much in the last 50 years. The lib

48、eration of women in the early part of the 20th century and social and economic effects of the World War II had a great impact on the traditional family life. Women became essential to industry and professions. During the war, they had worked in factories and proved their worth.20Now with the loss of

49、 millions of men their service was indispensable to the nation. More recently great advances in scientific knowledge, and particularly in medicine have had enormous social consequences. Children are better cared for and are far healthier. Infant death rate was low. Above all, parents now can plan the size of their family if they wish due to more effective means of birth control. Different attitudes to religion, authority and tradition generally have also contributed to cha


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