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1、大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 90及答案与解析 Section A ( A) The woman is giving advice to the man. ( B) The woman is interested in French. ( C) The man is taking a job interview. ( D) The man is sure to get the job. ( A) She cant find a decent job to support herself. ( B) She wants to support herself by writing. ( C

2、) Shed like to plan well for her future life. ( D) She will quit writing after finding a job. ( A) The woman can turn to the campus map for help. ( B) The woman can get an answer from any student. ( C) He has just got out of the dining room. ( D) He will lead the woman to the dining room. ( A) The f

3、eedback from her readers. ( B) The good story involved in the novel. ( C) The surprising result of the story. ( D) The support of her readers. ( A) A taxi isnt necessarily faster than a bus. ( B) The woman should take a bus instead. ( C) He has to catch his bus in a hurry. ( D) He doesnt want to was

4、te money to take a taxi. ( A) The man should respect his daughters choice. ( B) A big dream isnt always helpful for any person. ( C) An actress is always related to hard work. ( D) The man may change his daughters thought. ( A) They help little in finding well-paid jobs. ( B) They can ensure good jo

5、bs for college students. ( C) They are important in getting a promotion. ( D) They may encourage students to study hard. ( A) Rushing for a bus isnt a good choice. ( B) The man may manage to buy a cheap vehicle. ( C) Driving car may not be so convenient in downtown. ( D) Taking a bus to work is more

6、 environment-friendly. ( A) To communicate with officials about problems. ( B) To bring forward suggestions for government. ( C) To solve problems for the common people. ( D) To help people learn about official plans. ( A) Give financial support to the unemployed. ( B) Eliminate poverty for those wi

7、thout meaningful jobs. ( C) Stop the increase of the unemployment figures. ( D) Provide better education for the unemployed. ( A) Take buses to work more often. ( B) Develop new technology to handle pollution. ( C) Take the responsibility for buying fewer vehicles. ( D) Reduce the production of vehi

8、cles. ( A) They will need more budget from the government. ( B) They have made great contributions to the country. ( C) They are the people what they used to be. ( D) They have donated a lot to the public affairs. ( A) One can go to college when he retires. ( B) It depends on what one learns in coll

9、ege. ( C) One should go to college early rather than late. ( D) A degree in Psychology may help one find a job. ( A) She was very interested in these subjects. ( B) She wanted to help high school students. ( C) She liked to meet and talk with young people. ( D) She once had the dream of becoming a p

10、sychologist. ( A) To make her life more meaningful. ( B) To gain experiences for her future work. ( C) To save money for her further education. ( D) To buy clothes and pay for her vacation. Section B ( A) Peoples first choice for health information is the Internet. ( B) Most people still rely on doc

11、tors for health information. ( C) More and more people dont trust their doctors. ( D) Most health information on the Internet is trustworthy. ( A) Come to see their doctors. ( B) Search information from Internet. ( C) Discuss with others online. ( D) Follow the opinions of family members. ( A) By ma

12、king friends who know medical care. ( B) By changing the attitude toward life. ( C) By connecting people with the same diseases online. ( D) By searching for professional knowledge of medicine. ( A) Hed like an accurate diagnosis for patients. ( B) He is afraid of being infected by his patients. ( C

13、) He prefers to tell white lies to his patients. ( D) He wants to communicate with patients more efficiently. ( A) Identifying the best teachers nationwide. ( B) Improving quality of teaching and decision-making. ( C) Promoting the use of effective teaching method. ( D) Gaining more financial suppor

14、t from government. ( A) Provide video information of classroom teaching. ( B) Collect information from their students. ( C) Ask students to comment on their teaching. ( D) Give all kinds of information for research. ( A) Teachers may be faced with more pressure. ( B) Most students like the ways of e

15、ffective teaching. ( C) Every teacher can raise students scores successfully. ( D) Diverse information helps administrators and teachers. ( A) Speaking two languages wasnt necessarily good for people. ( B) More people began to study a foreign language. ( C) Bilingual people scored higher on intellig

16、ence tests. ( D) People had better study a foreign language earlier. ( A) They are more likely to be able to control their attention. ( B) They are smarter than those who speak one language. ( C) They might accept new concepts better. ( D) They are more popular in their neighborhood. ( A) It is usua

17、lly considered as a special ability. ( B) It doesnt arouse much attention. ( C) It is important and natural in peoples life. ( D) It is gaining more attention from the public. Section C 25 More than a century after its discovery, Alzheimers disease(老年痴呆症 )is still destroying peoples brains. But the

18、research may offer hope for the future. Scientists have been【 B1】 _ for years to learn who may get Alzheimers disease. If the condition could be identified before its worst signs appear, people might get at least【 B2】_medical help. There is no cure for Alzheimers, which steals peoples ability to 【 B

19、3】 _ themselves. But treatment can slow its progress. Among older people, Alzheimers is the most common form of dementia(智力衰退 ), the loss of abilities needed for normal life. The best way to 【 B4】 _ the disease has been a medical examination of the brain after a person dies. Doctors say 【 B5】 _ to t

20、est the living have presented problems, like high costs for widespread use. Public and medical demand for a better way has been strong. Scientists have been working to produce a dependable test for the disease in the living. An【 B6】 _30 million people around the world have Alzheimers disease. In the

21、 United States alone, more than five million people【 B7】 _ this presently incurable brain disorder. Alzheimers affects memory and【 B8】 _ those qualities that make a person an individual. At first, people with the condition forget simple things. But as time passes, they forget more and more. They may

22、 forget what a key is used for. Yet another sign is struggling to find the right words to【 B9】 _thoughts or understand what is being discussed. Finally, people with Alzheimers seem to change. They may easily become angry and lose their ability to trust others. Alzheimers affects people of all races【

23、 B10】 _. Yet women are more likely to develop the disease, partly because women generally live longer than men. 26 【 B1】 27 【 B2】 28 【 B3】 29 【 B4】 30 【 B5】 31 【 B6】 32 【 B7】 33 【 B8】 34 【 B9】 35 【 B10】 大学英语四级改革适用(听力)模拟试卷 90答案与解析 Section A 1 【听力原文】 W: You say you are quite good at French in your let

24、ter. Is it your major in college? M: Actually, I majored in Marketing in college, and Im seeking a career in Marketing. I list French because it is one of your job requirements. Q: What can we learn from the conversation? 1 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 工作商务类,事实细节题。女士说男士在信中提到自己擅长法语,并问他在大学所学专 业是否是法语;男士说自己所学的专业是市场营

25、销,而且也想找个有关市场营销的工作,而他在信中列出法语是因为法语是招聘要求之一。由此可知,男士正在参加面试。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【听力原文】 M: Whats your plan for your future? W: Im not sure, and I dont like to plan too much for the future. But as long as I can support myself by writing, I wont go on with my study. Q: What does the woman mean? 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 生活

26、交际类,弦外之音题。男士问女士将来有何打算,女士说她不喜欢为将来做太多计划,只要能靠写作维持生活,她就不会继续自己的学业。言外之意,女士想靠写作养活自己。 【知识模块】 听力 3 【听力原文】 W: Excuse me, would you please tell me where the students dining room is? M: Sorry, Im only a visitor here. But I have noticed that there is a map of the campus at the school gate. Q: What does the man i

27、mply? 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 校园生活类,弦外之音题。女士问男士学生餐厅在哪里,男士说自己只是访客,不过他在校门口看到那里有校园地图。言外之意,男士认为女士可以从校门口的校园地图那里得到帮助。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 M: What do you think is the most important thing in writing a novel? W: I have received some comments from my readers, including good ones and bad ones, but what I concern mos

28、t is the attractive plot in the story. Q: What does the woman concern most in writing novels? 4 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 生活交际类,事实细节题。男士问女士小说写作中最重要的是什么,女士说她收到过读者对她的作品的各种评价,但她最关心的是有趣的故事情节。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【听力原文】 W: Do you want to share a taxi to go to the bus station so that we both can save money? M: Its a good i

29、dea, but Im not in such a hurry. I would rather wait for the bus. Q: What does the man mean? 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 旅行交通类,事实细节题。女士询问男士是否愿意一起打车去车站,这样可以分摊车费;男士说自己并不着急,他宁愿等公交车。由此可知,男士并不想浪费钱打车。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【听力原文】 M: My little daughter says she wants to be an actress in the future. What should I do to prevent

30、 her absurd thought? W: Absurd? Many superstars also start from their dream in their childhood. Anyway, you should change your line of thought. Q: What does the woman imply? 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 生活交际类,语义理解题。男士 说女儿想将来当演员,并问女士应该如何阻止女儿这种荒唐的念头;女士说很多大明星小时候就抱有当明星的梦想,并建议男士改变自己的观点。由此可知,女士认为男士应尊重女儿的选择。 【知识模块】 听

31、力 7 【听力原文】 W: What do you think of the idea that a college degree is the only ticket to a well-paid job? M: Well, it is true that people without a college degree can find work of some kind, but their chances of promotion are pretty slim. Q: What does the man think of college degrees? 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解

32、析】 工作商务类,观点态度题。女士问男士对大学文凭是好工作的敲门砖这一论调的看法,男士认为没有大学文凭的人也能找到工作,但是他们晋升的机会很小。由此可见,男士认为大学文凭对晋升很重要。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【听力原文】 M: Im tired of taking a crowded bus to go to work every day. If only I can afford a car myself. W: Driving a car to work is indeed convenient, but it also means you do damage to the enviro

33、nment because of the emissions. Q: What does the woman mean? 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 气候环境类。事实细节题。男士说厌倦了挤公交车上班,并希望有一辆自己的车;女士认为开车上班的确是方便,不过也对环境造成了危害。由此可知,女士认为乘公交车上班更环保。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【听力原文】 W: Welcome to our studio, Mr. Johnson.(9)You know this is a program for the common people to know about the government p

34、lans. Would you like to answer some questions that the netizens concern most? M: Certainly. Go ahead, please. W: What is the government going to do about these people who havent got jobs? M: Well, we have every intention of making sure that every possible step is taken.(10)First of all, well halt th

35、e increase in the unemployment figures, and secondly well try to provide a meaningful and worthwhile job for every man and woman in the country. W: What about the traffic problems in the centre of the town? M: Im glad you brought that up. I think so many people now are concerned about the problems o

36、f the environment. It is essential that each one of us realize the responsibility we all have in fighting against pollution.(11)Thus, measures must be taken to encourage people to go to work by bus, and dont drive cars unless its necessary. W: The last question. Is the government going to do somethi

37、ng for the old age pensioners? M: Of course we are.(12)The retired people of today are the people who built this country, who made it what it is. Both the government and communities should give respect to them. W: OK. Thank you very much for joining us in the program. For listeners, if you want to k

38、now more about government plans or if you have suggestions for our program, please contact us. See you, Mr. Johnson. M: See you. 9. What is the main purpose of the program? 10. Whats the government going to do with unemployment problems? 11. What should people do to tackle traffic problems? 12. How

39、does the man evaluate the old age pensioners? 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 原因目的题。本题问的是这个节目的目的。对话一开始,女士便解释了这个节目的目的 让大众了解政府的计划安排。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 行动计划题。本题问的是政府将要如何解决失业问题。在谈到解决失业问题时,男士说政府采取了两个措施:一是防止失业率继续增加;二是努力为每一个人提供有意义、有价值的工作。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是人们应该如何解决交通问题。男士在回答关于交通的问题时提到,每个

40、人都应该意识到自己肩负着与污染作斗争的责任,他认为应该鼓励人们乘坐公交车上下班,必要时才开私家车。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 观点态度题。本题问的是男士对领养老金的老年人的态度。对话后半部分男士提到,正是今天这些退休的人造就了我们的国家,他们应受到尊重。即男士认为领养老金的老年人为国家作出了巨大的贡献。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【听力原文】 M: Why is it so important to go to college? W:(13)Education is critical. I have seen many who didnt go to colle

41、ge get laid off in their late 40s and be stuck without any job. Finally, their alternative is to go to college, but I think going to college early is the best decision. M: What did you study in college? W: I have my bachelors degree in Psychology, and for my masters degree I studied School Counselin

42、g. M: What are the factors that helped you decide what to study? W: I have seen many high school students who dont have positive role model.(14)They are left without someone to turn to, so I want to help them. M: What do you think about your college life now? W: College was stressful. 1 graduated fr

43、om high school young and entered college at 17. I worked at a restaurant 30 hours a week, too, so I never take a break. I found it difficult to balance my time, but when I look back, theres nothing I would want to change because that crazy lifestyle is memorable. M: You said it was difficult to bala

44、nce your time, so why did you work at a busy restaurant? W:(15)I was required to attend counseling conferences for school and I needed to dress properly. Sometimes I rewarded myself with vacation. These things cost money and I dont like being broken. M: What did you like most about college life? W:

45、Feelings like I accomplished something. Im proud of myself and the people I met there were very nice. 13. What does the woman think of education? 14. Why did the woman choose Psychology and School Counseling? 15. Why did the woman work at a busy restaurant? 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 事实细节题。本题问的是女士对教育的看法。对话开

46、始,女士说教育是极其重要的,并举例说明一些人因没有接受高等教育在 40多岁时便被解雇,此后他们只好重新回到大学学习。她还提到,早上大学会更好。 【知识模块】 听力 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 原因目的题。本题问的是女士选择心理学和学校辅导专业的原因。男士问促使女士选择专业的因素时,女士提到,一些高中生 没有积极的榜样,也没有人疏导,她希望能帮助这些人。即女士选择这两个专业的目的是帮助高中生。 【知识模块】 听力 15 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 原因目的题。本题问的是女士在一家繁忙的饭店工作的原因。男士问女士为什么要在一家繁忙的饭店工作,女士说自己要参加心理咨询会,衣着要得体,而

47、且有时候她会奖励自己度假,这些都需要花钱。由此可见,女士在饭店做兼职是为了赚钱买衣服和度假。 【知识模块】 听力 Section B 16 【听力原文】 A new survey finds that more and more Internet users in the United States search for health information online. The survey is from the California HealthCare Foundation.(16)Susan Fox from the Foundation says doctors are stil

48、l the main source of health information. But the survey finds that searching online is one of the leading ways that people look for a second opinion.(17)The studies show that people are still very likely to turn to a health professional when they need a diagnosis or are planning a treatment. Another

49、 finding of the survey is that 2 /3 of Internet users look online for information about a specific disease or medical condition. The Internet has also become an important source of emotional support for people with health problems. Susan Fox says one in five Internet users has gone online to find other people who have the same condition. A disease is considered rare if it affects fewer than 200 000 people worldwide.(18)The rise of social networking has made it easier for people with rare d


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