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1、大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 102及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 石库门建筑起源于清朝末期,当时的动乱迫使江浙和上海一带的富豪纷纷涌入上海的租界。石库门建筑中西合璧,盛行于 20世纪 20年代。最近,位于市中心淮海路的一片老上海石库门居住区被改建成文化休闲地带,称为 “上海新天地 ”,集餐饮、购物、娱乐等功能于一身。 2 每逢节日,广州都有舞狮游行。狮头用纸制成,狮身用布制成。舞狮时,一人举狮头,一人操纵狮尾。随着节奏强劲的锣鼓声模仿狮子的动作 步态,还有爬楼台、跳舞等表演。舞狮表演的高潮是摘取悬挂于高处的礼物。二三十个人搭成五六层高的 “人山 ”,舞狮

2、人踩着 “人山 ”登高采摘礼物。 3 “晨钟暮鼓 ”的报时形式早在汉代就已存在。西安在明代修建了钟楼和鼓楼来延续这种传统。这种报时仪式一直持续到清朝末年。为了弘扬传统文化,西安市在几年前恢复了这种报时仪式。每天的 9点、 12点、下午 3点,钟楼上的景云钟鸣 24声; 18点,鼓楼上的闻天鼓响 24下。仪式由身着古代武士服装的演员表演。 4 夫子庙位于南京城南,是南京最热闹的街市,已经有上千年的历 史。夫子庙原来是供奉和祭祀孔子的地方。明代,夫子庙作为科举考场,考生云集。客栈、饭馆、茶馆、妓院也应运而生。秦淮河上的灯火连绵十里,歌舞丝竹昼夜不绝,一片繁华绮丽的景象。今天的夫子庙是喧嚣的闹市,这

3、里有地道的南京风味小吃和当地手工艺品。 5 昆曲起源于元朝时的昆山,盛行于苏州。苏州人对昆曲的迷恋到了如痴如醉的地步。在明清时期的 200多年间,每逢中秋节,苏州都要举行 “虎丘曲会 ”。苏州人几乎全城出动,千人同唱。 昆曲的音乐典雅华丽,唱词具有极高的文学性,表演程式繁复细致,最适合在私家园林表演 。当时,苏州的大富之家都养着自己的戏班,在私家园林里建戏台。昆曲的传世名作,如牡丹亭、西厢记和长生殿等都把主要情节安排在园林里展开。一位美国学者这样赞叹昆曲: “在最美的舞台上进行着最美的表演。 ” 大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 102答案与解析 一、 Part Translation

4、 1 【正确答案】 The first shikumen houses were built during the end of the Qing Dynasty, when the upheaval of the time forced the wealthy millionaires of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai into the foreign concessions in Shanghai. This style of house was a fusion of Western and Chinese styles of architecture,

5、 and enjoyed great popularity during the 1920s. The Xintiandi district of Shanghai, which is located in the city center on Huaihai Road, has recently been the site of major urban renewal. It is a district of shikumen style houses that have been converted into restaurants, shopping centers, entertain

6、ment centers and other similar venues. 【知识模块】 汉译英 2 【正确答案】 The Lion Dance is performed during every major holiday in Guangzhou. The Lion head is made of paper and the body is made of cloth. During the dance, one person holds the head while another carries the tail. The dancers imitate the movements

7、of a lion to the beat of drums and gongs. They also mount stages or perform a very intricate dance and so on. The dance climaxes with the lion retrieving a present which is hung high in the air. Twenty or thirty people make a human pyramid about five or six stories for the lion to climb and reach th

8、e present. 【知识模块】 汉译英 3 【正确答案】 The tradition of the Daybreak Bell and the Sundown Drum began as early as the Han Dynasty. Xians Bell Tower and Drum Tower were constructed during the Ming Dynasty to continue this tradition. The custom of the bell and drum was observed until the final year of the Qing

9、 Dynasty. In an effort to carry forward the traditional culture, Xian began to observe this practice again several years ago. Every day at 9:00 A. M., 12:00 P. M., and 3:00 P. M. , the Jingyun Bell in the Bell Tower chimes 24 times, while the Wentian Drum in the Drum Tower is beaten 24 times at 6:00

10、 P. M. This ceremony is performed by actors dressed in traditional warriors clothing. 【知识模块】 汉译英 4 【正确答案】 The Confucius Temple is located on the busiest street in the southern part of Nanjing city. The Temple is over a thousand years old and was originally a place set aside to revere Confucius by of

11、fering sacrifices. During the Ming Dynasty, students gathered there to sit for the Imperial Examination. Taverns, restaurants, teahouses, and even brothels emerged in the area and the lights of boats were reflected for miles along the Qinhuai River. The area was a glamorous, unworldly place where si

12、nging, dancing, and music continued day and night. The Confucius Temple is now the marketplace where Nanjing-style snacks and handcrafted items are readily available. 【知识模块】 汉译英 5 【正确答案】 Kun Opera originated in Kunshan during the Yuan Dynasty and flourished in Suzhou where people went absolutely cra

13、zy over it. In more than two hundred years of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the city held annual musical concerts at Tiger Hill Park. These celebrations of Kun Opera were held at that time of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Almost everyone in the city came to the Park to celebrate and join together in song.

14、 The music of Kun Opera is beautifully refined and the lyrics are usually highly literary in nature. The performance is of a complicated and intricate style and most suited to be performed in the private gardens. At that time, the richest families in Suzhou were often patrons of their own opera trou

15、pes and used their private gardens to stage the performances. The most famous examples of Kun Opera written mainly to be performed in such environments include The Peony Pavilion, The Romance of the Western Chamber, and The Changsheng Palace. An American academic once commented that, “Kun Opera is the most beautiful performance which takes place on the most beautiful stage.“ 【知识模块】 汉译英


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