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1、大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 11及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 盘古开天 起初,天和地仍然是一个整体,所有的一切都处于混沌之中。宇宙就像一只巨大的黑色鸡蛋,里面装着盘古。 18000年以后,盘古从沉睡中醒来。他觉得窒息,所以他拿起一把大斧子,用尽所有的力气一挥,打碎了这个蛋。轻的,透明的部分上升,形成天,凉的,浑浊的东西沉下来成为地。盘古站在中间,他头顶天,脚踩地。天地开始以每天 10英尺的速度增 长,盘古也跟着长高。又过了 18000年,天越来越高,地越来越厚,盘古站在天地中间,就像一根 900万里高的柱子,这样天和地再也不会合在一起了。 2 赵州桥

2、赵州桥坐落在汶河上,距离赵县南部约 2 5公里。这座桥是在公元 605年至公元 616年建造的。赵州桥是由中国著名的匠师李春设计的,是用石头建造的,长50.82米,宽 10米,还有一个不可思议的弧形桥洞,高 7 23米,跨度为 37 35米。桥上的石头栏杆和柱子上雕刻着美丽的龙凤图案。这座桥是一座空腹 式的圆弧形石拱桥,两边有两个小拱,这是中国最早的拱桥之一,在中国桥梁建筑史上占有重要的地位,让游客和工程师们都很感兴趣。 3 天津自然资源 就自然资源而言,天津在渤海和大港的石油和天然气储量十分丰富。原油年产量可达 1 000万吨,天然气 9亿立方米。还有已经证实的煤的储量超过 3亿吨。其他矿产

3、有锰,金,铜等,其中大部分是提取值。 150公里的海岸线使我们能够生产原盐 238万吨,是中国原盐总产量的 1 10。此外,有超过 200平方公里的荒地交通良好, 开发成本低,在未来会加快 (fuel up)城市的发展。 4 书法和绘画 在早期的皇权时代,书法和绘画是上层社会最为尊崇的艺术,大部分是由业余爱好者创作的,这些业余爱好者通常是有充足的闲暇时间来对笔法和画法进行技术和鉴赏完善的贵族和士大夫。书法被认为是最高等、最纯洁的绘画形式。晋朝时,人们开始欣赏绘画的美丽,开始写关于艺术的东西。从这个时候开始,个人艺术家。如顾恺之开始出现。 5 经 济建设 当今社会,伴随着技术的快速发展,中国经济

4、形势蒸蒸日上。我国经济建设的各方各面都取得了巨大成就。我们完成了诸多造福百姓的巨大工程,例如西部大开发,南水北调等等。在居民的日常生活中,用水用电都更加方便快捷,出行选择也多种多样。不论生活在城市还是农村的老人都享有养老保险,再加上改革的社会保障制度,使他们都能安享晚年。 大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 11答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 In the beginning , the heavens and earth were still one and all was chaos. The universe was like a big bl

5、ack egg, carrying Pan Gu inside itself. After 18 thousand years Pan Gu woke from a long sleep. He felt suffocated, so he took up a broadax and wielded it with all his might to crack open the egg. The light, clear part of it floated up and formed the heavens, the cold, turbid matter stayed below to f

6、orm earth. Pan Gu stood in the middle, his head touching the sky, his feet planted on the earth. The heavens and the earth began to grow at a rate of ten feet per day, and Pan Gu grew along with them. After another 18 thousand years, the sky was higher, the earth thicker, and Pan Gu stood between th

7、em like a pillar 9 million li in height so that they would never join again. 【知识模块】 汉译英 2 【正确答案】 Zhaozhou Bridge was built on the Jiaohe River about 2.5 kilometers south of Zhaoxian county. The bridge was constructed in AD 605-616. Designed by a well-known Chinese mason, Li Chun, its made of stone,

8、50.82 meters long and 10 meters wide, with an unusual arch that is 7.23 meters high with a span of 37.35 meters. The stone railing and columns on the bridge were carved with beautiful dragon and phoenix designs. One of the earliest Chinese arch bridges with a long open-spandrel arch in the middle an

9、d two small arches on each side, this bridge occupies an important place in the history of Chinese bridge building and has been of interest to tourists and engineers alike. 【知识模块】 汉译英 3 【正确答案】 As far as natural resources are concerned, Tianjin has very rich reserves of petroleum and natural gas in B

10、ohai and Dagang. Annual output of crude oil can reach 10 million ton while that of gas is 900 million cubic meters. Its also verified that the reserve coal is over 300 million tons. Other minerals include Manganese, gold, copper, etc, most of which are of extraction value. The 150 kilometers of coas

11、ts line enables us to produce 2.38 million tons of crude salt, about I /10 of the overall production in China. Besides, there are over 200 square kilometers of waste land with good transportation and low development cost, which will fuel up the development of the city in the future. 【知识模块】 汉译英 4 【正确

12、答案】 In early imperial times, calligraphy and painting in China were the most highly appreciated arts in court circles and were produced almost exclusively by amateurs, usually aristocrats and scholar-officials, who had the leisure time necessary to perfect the technique and sensibility necessary for

13、 great brushwork. Calligraphy was thought to be the highest and purest form of painting. During the Jin Dynasty, people began to appreciate painting for its own beauty and to write about art. From this time individual artists, such as Gu Kaizhi, started to emerge. 【知识模块】 汉译英 5 【正确答案】 Nowadays, with

14、the fast development of technology, we can see that our economics developed very quickly. We have made big economic achievements in many aspects. There are countless programs making benefits for common people, such as large-scale development of the western region and South-to-North Water Diversion Project. We have easier access to water and electric power in daily life, and we have more choices when traveling. Old people have assurances no matter where he lives, and they can enjoy their life with the reformed social safety net. 【知识模块】 汉译英


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