1、大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 34及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 北京烤鸭是自封建帝王时代就在北京城流行的著名菜肴,如今它被认为是中国的一道国菜。这道菜以它薄而脆的酥皮,以及厨师们在客人面前片鸭子的真实情形而著称。专门用于制作烤鸭的鸭子在养殖 65天后就被屠宰了,鸭子在烤制前要先用调料腌制( season),然后才送进焖炉或者挂炉。鸭肉通常配上葱( scallion)、黄瓜和甜面酱,用薄饼卷着食用。 2 根据中国的阴阳五行学说,世界上所有的事物都是由金、木、 水、火、土五种元素构成,这五种元素相生相克,白色代表金,绿色代表木,黑色代表水,红色代表火,黄色则
2、代表土。中国社会发展到汉代以后,黄色开始被人所接受,并认为是最尊贵的颜色。唐代以后,服饰制度规定只准皇室穿黄色的服饰,其他人一概不允许。 3 西安作为十二朝古都,见证了历史的荣辱兴衰。历史在这里留下的文物景观和遗址不胜枚举,如兵马俑( Terracotta Warriors and Horses)、大雁塔( the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda)、华清池等都是人类文化艺术的瑰宝。大雁塔位于西 安南郊,建于唐代,是唐朝太子李治为了追念他的母亲文德皇后而建立的,至今已经有 1000多年的历史。大雁塔塔身由青砖砌成,结构坚固,外观简单又不失庄严,最初建立的时候只有 5层,后来又经过
3、多次重修,现在的塔是 7层,高达 64米。 4 唐代文化是中国文化的一个高峰。尤其是古典诗歌到唐代发展到全盛时期。在唐代 300余年的历史中,产生的流传于后世的诗歌就有 48,900多首。如此丰富的作品也使 2,300多位诗人在历史上留下了他们的名字。唐诗在创作方法上,现实主义与浪漫主义并举。唐代最著名的诗人是李白和杜甫 ,他们都是具有世界声誉的诗人,后人将他们合称为 “李杜 ”。 5 在英文中, “中国 ”与 “瓷器 ”是一个词,这说明,很早的时期欧洲人就把中国与瓷器联系在一起的了。瓷器 15 世纪时就传入欧洲,在中外交流中占有重要位置。德国卡塞尔郎德( Keisel Randy)博物馆至今
4、还藏有一件中国明代青瓷( blue-and-white)碗。历史上,中国和亚洲的其他国家以及欧洲国家的瓷器交易极为频繁,而且数量巨大。据今人研究,在 1602-1682年间,仅荷兰东印度公司( the Dutch East India Company)从中国贩运到欧洲的瓷器就有一千六百多万件。瓷器以其优雅精致的品质,为中国赢得了好名声。 大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 34答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 Peking duck is a famous duck dish that has been popular since the imperi
5、al era in Beijing, and is now considered a national dish of China. The dish is prized for the thin, crisp skin with authentic vision of the dish serving sliced in front of the diners by the cook. Ducks bred specially for the dish are slaughtered after 65 days and seasoned before being roasted in a c
6、losed or hung oven. The meat is usually eaten with pancakes, scallion, cucumbers and sweet bean sauce. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 2 【正确答案】 According to the Chinese thought of yin, yang and the five elements (metal, wood, water, fire and earth), all things in the universe consist of the five elements; there is a ph
7、enomenon of mutual promotion and restraint among the five elements. The white stands for metal, the blue for wood, the black for water, the red for fire and the yellow for earth. Since the Han Dynasty in Chinese history, the yellow had been accepted by all people and regarded as the most distinguish
8、ed colour. By the Tang Dynasty, the clothing system stipulated that all the people were prohibited from wearing yellow clothes except the royal family. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 3 【正确答案】 As the capital of twelve dynasties, Xian had witnessed the rise and fall of history. There are numerous cultural relics and his
9、torical sites throughout the history. Among them are Terracotta Warriors and Horses, the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda and the Huaqing Pool, which are all precious treasures of humankinds culture and art. Located in the south suburbs of Xian, the Giant Wild Pagoda was built by Li Zhi, a prince of the Tang
10、 Dynasty in memory of his mother Empress Wende and has stood there ever since for more than one thousand years. Simple yet solemn, the Giant Wild Goose Pagoda is of a firm structure built of grey brick. Originally built with only 5 stories, the Pagoda now measures 64 metres high with additional two
11、stories after several repairs. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 4 【正确答案】 The Tang Dynasty witnessed a peak in Chinese culture. Especially, ancient poetry flourished in the Tang Dynasty. In more than 300 years of the Tang Dynasty, some 48,900 poems were handed down and remain widely known today. So many works also made m
12、ore than 2,300 poets famous in history. As far as the writing technique is concerned, the Tang poetry combined realism and romanticism. The best-known poets of the Tang Dynasty were Li Bai and Du Fu, who are very prestigious in the whole world and people of later generations called both of them as “
13、Li Du” collaboratively. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 5 【正确答案】 In English, china has the same meaning as porcelain. This proves that Europeans have long known of Chinas relation to porcelain. Porcelain found its way to Europe in the 15th century, occupying an important position in the exchanges between China and othe
14、r countries. The Keisel Randy Museum in Germany houses a blue-and-white bowl dating back to the Ming Dynasty. Throughout history, China, along with other Asian countries, and Europe maintained a busy and vast trade in porcelain. From 1602 to 1682, the Dutch East India Company alone transported more than 16 million articles of porcelain from China to Europe. Porcelain earned a good reputation for China for its sophistication and elegance. 【知识模块】 段落翻译