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1、大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 36及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 年画( New Year Painting)是中国画的一种,始于古代的门神画( door god painting),在清朝光绪年间正式被称为年画。北宋年间,每逢过年过节家家户户贴年画已成为一种风尚。木板年画历史悠久,堪称中国民间艺术宝库中的一颗明珠。木版年画,顾名思义,就是用木板印出来的年画,不但具有极高的收藏价值,而且还极具观赏性。朱仙镇木板年画和天津杨柳青、山东潍坊、江苏桃花坞年画并称中国四 大年画。朱仙镇木版年画采用的是手工木刻制作,制作工艺非常地讲究。 2 618年 6月 18日,

2、唐朝由高祖建立,是中国文明的黄金时代,在艺术,文学,尤其是在诗歌和科技上发展显著。佛教成为普通百姓的主要宗教。长安(今西安)是唐朝的首都,是当时世界上最大的城市。第二任皇帝太宗发动了军事行动来化解游牧( nomadic)部族的威胁,扩展边界,使邻国服从朝贡( tributary)制度。唐朝在塔里木盆地( Tarim Basin)军事上的胜利保持了丝绸之路畅通,连接长安到中亚地区,并远至西部。在南方,利润丰厚的海上( maritime)贸易路线从港口城市开始,如广州。 3 据中国古代史书记载,治水有功的大禹通过禅让制接替舜成为部落联盟首领。但大禹死后,他的儿子夏启却破坏禅让的传统,自立为国王,建

3、立了中国历史上第一个奴隶制国家 夏。从此,王位实行世袭制度,中国社会从此步入阶级社会。夏代处在中国社会从原始社会向奴隶社会过渡的时期,社会生活的各个方面依然保存着原始社会的种种痕迹。 4 生活在中国黄河中上游的黄土高原上( the Loess Plateau)的人们,利用那里的黄土层建造了一种独特的住宅 窑洞( cave-dwellings)。窑洞分为土窑、石窑、砖窑等几种。土窑是靠着山坡挖掘成的黄土窑洞,这种窑洞冬暖夏凉,保温和隔音效果最好。石窑和砖窑是先用石块或砖砌成拱形洞,然后在上面盖上厚厚的黄土,既坚固又美观。由于建造窑洞不需要钢材和水泥,所以窑洞的造价较低。随着社会的发展,人们对窑洞

4、的建造不断改进,黄土高原上冬暖夏凉的窑洞越来越舒适美观了。 5 祖冲之, 429年生于建康(今南京),他从小就显示出过人的才学。他最伟大的贡献就是把圆周率的数值精确计算到 3.141,592,6和 3.141,592,7之间。这 个数值在当时是世界上最精准的圆周率数值。直到大约一千年后,欧洲数学家才求得同样的结果。由于祖冲之在计算圆周率方面的重大贡献,圆周率又被称为 “祖率 ”。国际科学界还将月球上的一座环形山( lunar crater)命名为 “祖冲之山 ”( Tsu Chung-chi)。国际行星中心还以他的名字命名了一颗小行星( asteroid)。这些都是为了纪念这位伟大的科学巨匠。

5、 大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 36答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 New Year Painting is a kind of Chinese painting originated from ancient door god painting. In the period of Emperor Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty, it was formally known as New Year Painting. In the Northern Song Dynasty, it was a trend to past

6、e new year paintings on New Year festivals and other holidays. The wood panel new year painting has a long history. It can be called a pearl of the treasures of folk art in China. The wood panel new year paintings, as its name implies, are painted with wood panels. They not only have very high artis

7、tic value, but also are highly ornamental. Wood panel new year paintings in Zhuxian Town, together with new year painting in Yangliuqing of Tianjin, Weifang of Shandong and Taohuawu of Jiangsu are collectively known as the four famous new year paintings in China. Wood panel new year paintings in Zhu

8、xian Town are made of hand-made wood and the production process is very demanding. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 2 【正确答案】 Tang Dynasty was founded by Emperor Gaozu on 18 June 618. It was a golden age of Chinese civilization with significant developments in art, literature, particularly poetry, and technology. Buddhis

9、m became the predominant religion for common people. Changan (modern Xian), the national capital, was the largest city in the world of its time. The second emperor, Taizong, launched military campaigns to dissolve threats from nomadic tribes, extended the border, and submitted neighboring states int

10、o a tributary system. Military victories in the Tarim Basin kept the Silk Road open, connecting Changan to Central Asia and areas far to the west. In the south, profitable maritime trade routes began from port cities such as Guangzhou. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 3 【正确答案】 According to the Chinese ancient documents,

11、 the legendary leader Shun abdicated and handed over his leadership to Da Yu who had made great contribution to controlling the flood of the Yellow River of China. When Da Yu died, his son Xia Qi breached the tradition of demise system and set himself as the king. Xia, the first slavery nation in Ch

12、inese history, was founded. Since then, the hereditary system had been practiced. Thus, China stepped into a class society. The Xia Dynasty was a transition from primitive society to slave society. At that time, all aspects of social life still reserved traces of primitive society. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 4 【正确

13、答案】 People living in the Loess Plateau which lies in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River make use of the solid to build unique residences called cave-dwellings. These can be further divided into earthen, rock-walled and brick-walled types. Earthen cave-dwellings are hollowed out of moun

14、tain slopes; they are warm in winter and cool in summer, and are also sound-proof. Stones or brick-walled cave-dwellings are usually built with stones or bricks first into arch-shaped house and then covered with a thick layer of earth. Since there is no need for steel and cement, the building cost i

15、s low. As society progresses, construction of carve-dwelling keeps improving, and today, such houses are more comfortable inside and more pleasant in appearance. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 5 【正确答案】 Born in Jiankang (present Nanjing) in 429, Zu Chongzhi (Tsu Chung-chi) displayed unusual talent from his childhood. B

16、ased on others achievements, he calculated out that the precise value of p shall be between 3.141,592,6 and 3.141,592,7. This was the most precise approximation at that time and it was not until one thousand years later that a European mathematician came up with the same result. For all his great co

17、ntribution, p is also called the Zu ratio in honor of Zu Chongzhi. Whats more, the international scientific circle named one lunar crater as “Tsu Chung-chi”. And the International Planet Centre named one asteroid after his name. All these efforts are done to commemorate this great scientist. 【知识模块】 段落翻译


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