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1、大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 69及答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 清明上河图 (Along the River During the Qingming Festival)描绘的是北宋都城汴京在清明时节繁华热闹的景象。清明上河是当时的民间习俗,人们可以借以参加商贸活动,就像今天的节日集会一样。全图规模宏大,结构严谨,大致分为三个段落:第一段是市郊景画,第二段是汴河,第三段是城内街市。画家通过对汴京城内建筑、商贸、交通、运输几个方面的描绘,再现了北宋都城的繁华 和发达。 2 各种慢性疾病 (chronic diseases)已经成为影响中国人健康的主要隐患。随

2、着钱包越来越鼓,中国人的生活方式也发生了巨大的变化,其中包括饮食上的变化和向城市迁移 (migration),这也使得中国人的健康面临极大的风险。卫生部 (Ministry oftealth)的数据显示,高血压 (hypertension)和肥胖症已经成为导致中国人死亡的主要原因,目前超过 2.6亿的中国人患有慢性疾病。 3 中国的烹饪艺术不仅限于满足人们的口福那么简单,它还强调体现食物的审美价值,所做菜品应 该色、香、味俱全。菜品的色泽必须让人赏心悦目,而色彩的协调在菜品制作的过程中就已经了然在心了。 菜品中不同层次的味道也应像菜品的各种颜色一样保持协调。中国菜有五种基本的口味:酸、甜、苦、

3、辣、成。烹调时切忌出现令人不快的气味,或某一种气味盖过了其他气味。中国的烹饪艺术大致包含四个方面:配料的挑选、刀工和装饰、火候的把握和烹调方法。 4 中国传统医学有着数千年的悠久历史,它承载着中国古代人民同各种疾病作斗争的宝贵经验和理论知识。相传神农氏是中医的创始人,他曾亲尝百草,并从中选取了数百种作为药物。约 2 500年前,随着黄帝内经 (Inner Canon of Huangdi)的问世,中医的历史才真正开始。中医认为,人类生活在自然中,自然提供给人类赖以生存的环境,所以人体会直接或间接地受到自然环境变化的影响,并产生相应的反应。因此,中医旨在以辩证的方法医治每位病人,对症下药。 5

4、在中国,画家徐悲鸿的名字几乎家喻户晓,原因是他擅长画马。 徐悲鸿的马,独辟蹊径,无论奔马、立马、走马、饮马、群马,都赋予了充沛的生命力。 20世纪 30年代,徐悲鸿先生所作水墨奔马,无羁绊,尚桀骜,发胸中之情怀,掘民族 之精神,在写实的形体中充满着浪漫的遐想和激情。 徐悲鸿所画的奔马,桀骜不凡,自由奔放,观之令人惊心动魄。画家不仅把骏马作为自己绘画风格的象征更是一种精神的追求,是对自由和激情的赞美和讴歌。 大学英语四级改革适用(段落翻译)模拟试卷 69答案与解析 一、 Part Translation 1 【正确答案】 A famous painting in ancient China, A

5、long the River During the Qingming Festival, depicts the bustling and flourishing scenes of Bianjing the capital city of the Northern Song Dynasty during the Qingming Festival. At that time, going to the river at the Qingming Festival was a custom, when people would engage in business activities, li

6、ke holiday gatherings of today. The painting features grand and complex scenes with a rigorous structure, which can broadly be divided into three parts: scenes of the suburbs, Bian River and city streets. The depiction of the architecture, business, traffic and transportation in Bianjing vividly ref

7、lects the prosperity of the capital city of the Northern Song Dynasty. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 2 【正确答案】 Various chronic diseases have become the major health challenge for the Chinese. With fatter wallets, the Chinese lifestyles have changed dramatically, including changes in diet and migration to cities, which

8、 has put peoples health at risk. Major causes of death have shifted to hypertension and obesity, and now more than 260 million citizens in China suffer from chronic diseases, according to statistics from Chinas Ministry of Health. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 3 【正确答案】 The art of Chinese cooking has always extended f

9、ar beyond the simple need to satisfy the stomach. Attention is also paid to the aesthetic appreciation of food, and careful consideration is given to the aroma and appearance of a dish as well as its flavor. The color of a dish has to be satisfying to the eye, and the balance of colors is kept in mi

10、nd during its preparation. Different tastes should balance each other as the colors do. The Chinese cuisine is based on five tastes. They are: sour, sweet, bitter, hot, and salty. The sense of smell is satisfied by avoiding all unpleasant smells, as well as those strong ones which might dominate the

11、 rest. Chinese cooking art basically includes four aspects: the selection of ingredients, cutting and garnishing, temperature, and cooking techniques. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 4 【正确答案】 Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) can date back several thousand years, which carries valuable experience and theoretical knowle

12、dge of the ancient Chinese people when they fought against all kinds of diseases. It is said that Shennong Shi was the founding father of traditional Chinese medicine. He tasted countless herbs, selecting hundreds of them for medical use. The formal history of TCM starts about 2 500 years ago with t

13、he Inner Canon of Huangdi. According to TCM, man lives in nature, and nature provides the environment indispensable to mans survival. Thus the human body is bound to be affected directly or indirectly by the changes of nature, to which the human body, in turn, makes corresponding responses. So it ai

14、ms to treat each patient dialectically, with prescriptions tailored to the individual patients condition. 【知识模块】 段落翻译 5 【正确答案】 In China, the name of the painter Xu Beihong is almost known to everyone. The most important reason is that he is skillful at painting horses. The paintings of horses made b

15、y Xu Beihong are unique. All of the horses in his paintings whether they are running, standing, walking, drinking or in groups are filled with strong vigor of life. In 1930s, the running horses, the ink wash paintings of Xu Beihong, were out of fetters and stubborn. They expressed his feelings in he

16、art and reflected nations spirit. The romantic and imaginative passion was expressed by the realistic figures. Xu Beihongs running horses are stubborn, intractable and unrestrained and always make people soul-stirring. The horses are not only the symbolization of the artists painting style, but also the pursuit in spirit and an ode to freedom and passion. 【知识模块】 段落翻译


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