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1、大学英语四级改革适用(阅读)模拟试卷 339及答案与解析 Section A 0 What is pop culture? Well, pop is【 C1】 _for popular. The beginning of pop culture can often be related to popular movies, television shows, music stars and sports figures. Pop culture is also improved by business and【 C2】 _. The most common examples of Americ

2、an pop culture【 C3】 _among high school and college students.【 C4】 _set by famous people quickly become part of young peoples lifestyles. American pop culture has spread around the world. One major reason for its【 C5】_is that English is a worldwide language. English is the language of diplomacy, inte

3、rnational business and communication. Since language and culture go together, learning English means becoming【 C6】 _of English-speaking cultures. Also, America is a world leader in movies, music and magazines. The kind of American culture communicated in those【 C7】 _is pop culture. Finally, pop cult

4、ure is easy to【 C8】 _and to export. For that reason, it is easy to “sell“ to the world. Many people consider that American pop culture is what America is all about. Does pop culture【 C9】 _the true culture of America? Yes and no. Pop culture does express a part of American society 【 C10】 _urban young

5、 people that pay much attention to the media. But American pop culture is not fixed and ever-changing. It is a man-made and superficial picture of America. If you want to learn about real American culture, youll have to go a little farther than McDonalds. A. trends B. immediately C. reflect D. adver

6、tising E. orderly F. aware G. short H. media I. especially J. opponents K. package L. appear M. inspiring N. utmost O. popularity 1 【 C1】 2 【 C2】 3 【 C3】 4 【 C4】 5 【 C5】 6 【 C6】 7 【 C7】 8 【 C8】 9 【 C9】 10 【 C10】 Section B 10 Develop Healthy Eating Habits in Your Children A) What do you think your ch

7、ildren are served at school? The children were served chips and other “junk foods“ (powder and water for soup! ) on a daily basis. They shunned any vegetables placed on their plates despite genuine efforts made by the cooks at the canteens to make them food from fresh vegetables. Wastage of food is

8、an enormous issue in these canteens. This article will be focused mostly on vegetables because these are the main foods which are a problem for children. B) Educate your children about the different types of vegetables. Try the following experiment. Take some junk foods like chips, burgers, nuggets,

9、 etc. and add a few vegetables like beet, spinach, watercress, celery, or choose any other vegetables from this list of culinary vegetables and ask your kid the names of each food item. Ill bet you that your child will know all the junk foods and will fail to know the names of about 30% of the veget

10、ables youll place in front of him/her. So the first thing Ill recommend is to familiarize your kids with the different vegetables there are, their tastes, their textures, their colors, their flavors in food. Let them actually experience the joy of fresh vegetables and hopefully this will help them g

11、et rid of the bad image vegetables ingrained in childrens minds. C) Stop rewarding your kids. Most parents try to bribe their children into eating vegetables by coaxing them with rewards. This kind of behavior will instill the idea that vegetables are something that they are forced to eat for a rewa

12、rd. If there are no rewards, your children wont bother eating the vegetables. If you are doing this, you must STOP it now because you will only be fooling yourself and your kids for a “short period“. If you want your kids to gain healthy eating habits for the rest of his/her life, you must start by

13、explaining to them why eating vegetables are good for them. They wont be able to understand this at first but be inflexible (not forceful). Explain each time that kids must eat vegetables to stay healthy and smart. D) Stop punishing your kids. Like the rewarding kids, there are some parents who go t

14、o extreme measures in order to make their children finish their meals. These experiences will make the children create an aversion for vegetables. Dont shove the vegetables down his/her throat but rather be patient and take the time to explain to your children that vegetables will do their health go

15、od. E) Actually cook them food. Most parents actually buy foods for their kids or just microwave something they put together like the “powder and water to make soup“ food. Most of the instantaneous foods which take just a few minutes to cook are actually junk foods. Let your kids taste a real carrot

16、 soup with real carrots in it instead of just powder and water. If you are like me and dont have enough time on your hands, just wake up one hour earlier to cook food and get your spouse to help you if you are married. You may also want to cook in large quantities and freeze the food. Next time you

17、want to serve the foods, just heat them. If you do not know how to cook, its never late to learn. F) Limit the pocket money. Kids today have too much money and not enough control. Teaching kids how to manage money is one of the biggest challenges facing any parent. If you can teach your child the di

18、fference between needs and wants, how to budget and how to save, your child will know more than many adults. Limit their pocket money so that they dont buy candy or a chocolate bar every time they are hungry. Prepare them a healthy lunch meal instead of giving them money to buy food to eat. G) Give

19、your kids healthy snacks. Instead of giving him two chocolates, two candies, or one chocolate and biscuit, why not treat him to a chocolate and an apple or a yogurt and some biscuit. Kids must eat sweets but also healthy foods. So create a combination of sweets and healthy foods and each time he wan

20、ts a chocolate, give him an apple dipped in some chocolate or a chocolate cake with oranges in it. He will like it and also eat healthily at the same time. H) Hide the vegetables in the dishes. Despite your various attempts and you find your kid still not enjoying the vegetable you have cooked for h

21、im, then it is time for you to resort to some guerrilla tactics. You must try to hide the vegetables in the dishes you prepare for him. You can puree vegetables for pasta sauces or you put the vegetables on a pizza. You can also make shakes and smoothies from fresh vegetables. There are many sneaky

22、ways to prepare dishes with vegetables which are not so apparent. If you are discovered by your kids, you may be accused of “cheating“ but at least you are sacrificing yourself for the goods of your children. I) Encourage family meals. Children get some motivation and actually love the family atmosp

23、here where everybody sits around the table for a meal. Even if you are busy all day, at least take some time to enjoy a meal with your children. Learn to know what they are not eating. Encourage them to eat by telling them how such a vegetable will benefit their health. J) Make them watch educationa

24、l cartoons on food and nutrition. Children are easily influenced by what they watch on TV. A cartoon from Ireland known as Food Dudes is already getting children hooked on vegetables. The Food Dudes are 4 preteens called Razz, Rocco, Charlie and Tom who fight against the evil Junk Punks (General Jun

25、k and his sidekicks) who are depriving the world of fruits and veggies! The teens get their superpowers by consuming healthful foods like raspberries (Razz), broccoli (Rocco), carrots (Charlie) and tomatoes (Tom). K) And last but not least, be a model to your kids. Avoid bad eating habits in front o

26、f your children as children are very intelligent persons and they can learn very quickly to emulate your eating habits. Also if youre practicing healthy eating habits, its a lot easier to convince children to do the same. Kids are very smart nowadays. You will lose many battles at first but you will

27、 win the war eventually if you stick to the above guidelines. Use your imagination. 11 Childrens bad eating habits may derive from their parents unhealthy diet. 12 Most instantaneous foods prepared by the parents for their children are mostly junk foods. 13 When children are still unwilling to eat v

28、egetable, parents can use some guerilla strategies like hide the vegetables in the dishes for their children. 14 It is not a good way for parents to reward their children for eating vegetables. 15 The children who are punished for not eating vegetables by their parents will create an aversion for ve

29、getables. 16 Children tend to spend their pocket money on junk foods when they are hungry. 17 Wastage of food is a big problem in school canteens since some children are not willing to eat any vegetables. 18 Children are not likely to know all the vegetables, but they may know all the junk foods ins

30、tead. 19 Children are now being induced into eating vegetables by an Ireland TV cartoon called Food Dudes. 20 Food can be cooked in large quantities and saved for the next meal. Section C 20 Many of the people who appear most often and most gloriously in history books are great conquerors and genera

31、ls and soldiers, whereas the people who really helped civilization forward are often never mentioned at all. We do not know who first set a broken leg, or launched a seaworthy boat, or calculated the length of the year; but we know all about the killers and destroyers. People think a great deal of t

32、hem, so much so that on all the highest pillars in the great cities of the world you will find the figure of a conqueror or a general or a soldier. And I think most people believe that the greatest countries are those that have beaten in battle the greatest number of other countries and ruled over t

33、hem as conquerors. It is just possible they are, but they are not the most civilized. Animals fight; so do savages; hence to be good at fighting is to be good in the way in which an animal or a savage is good, but it is not to be civilized. Even being good at getting other people to fight for you an

34、d telling them how to do it most efficiently this, after all, is what conquerors and generals have done is not being civilized. People fight to settle quarrels. Fighting means killing, and civilized people ought to be able to find some way of setting their disputes other than by seeing which side ca

35、n kill off the greater number of the other side, and then saying that that side which has killed most has won. And not only has it won, but, because it has won, it had been in the right. For that is what going to war means; it means saying that might is right. 21 The author thinks that the conqueror

36、s and generals and soldiers _. ( A) only appear glorious in history books ( B) are greater than any other people ( C) are not as great as depicted in history books ( D) do not really help civilization forward 22 As is indicated in the passage, the figure of a conqueror or a general or a soldier is p

37、ut on the highest pillars in the great cities of the world mainly because _. ( A) people respect them very much ( B) they fought bravely to protect their cities ( C) people think they fought too brutally ( D) they conquered many cities and countries 23 What is the writers attitude towards the countr

38、ies that ruled over a large number of other countries? ( A) Positive. ( B) Critical. ( C) Ironic. ( D) Respectful. 24 The author says that civilized people _. ( A) should not have any quarrels to settle ( B) should not fight when there are no quarrels to settle ( C) should settle their quarrels with

39、out fighting ( D) should settle their quarrels by killing the other side 25 The meaning of the last sentence is that _. ( A) those who fight believe that the winner is right and the loser wrong ( B) only those who are powerful should go to war ( C) those who are right should fight against those who

40、are wrong ( D) in a war only those who are powerful will win 25 “Opinion“ is a word that is used carelessly today. It is used to refer to matters of taste, belief, and judgment. This casual use would probably cause little confusion if people didnt attach too much importance to opinion. Unfortunately

41、, most attach great importance to it. “I have as much right to my opinion as you to yours,“ and “Everyones entitled to his opinion,“ are common expressions. In fact, anyone who would challenge anothers opinion is likely to be branded intolerant. Is that label accurate? Is it intolerant to challenge

42、anothers opinion? It depends on what definition of opinion you have in mind. For example, you may ask a friend “what do you think of the new Ford cars?“ And he may reply, “In my opinion, theyre ugly.“ In this case, it would not only be intolerant to challenge his statement, but foolish. For its obvi

43、ous that by opinion he means his personal preference, a matter of taste. And as the old saying goes, “Its pointless to argue about matters of taste.“ But consider this very different use of the term. A newspaper reports that the Supreme Court has delivered its opinion in a controversial case. Obviou

44、sly the justices did not show their personal preferences, their mere likes and dislikes. They stated their considered judgment, painstakingly arrived at after thorough inquiry and deliberation. Most of what is referred to as opinion falls somewhere between these two extremes. It is not an expression

45、 of taste. Nor is it careful judgment. Yet it may contain elements of both. It is a view or belief more or less casually arrived at, with or without examining the evidence. Is everyone entitled to his opinion? Of course, this is not only permitted, but guaranteed. We are free to act on our opinions

46、only so long as, in doing so, we do not harm others. 26 What do we learn about opinions from the passage? ( A) Everyone has a right to hold his own opinion. ( B) Free expression of opinions often leads to confusion. ( C) Most people tend to be careless in forming their opinions. ( D) Casual use of t

47、he word “opinion“ often brings about quarrels. 27 According to the author, who of the following would be most possibly labeled as intolerant? ( A) Someone who turns a deaf ear to others opinions. ( B) Someone who cant put up with others tastes. ( C) Someone who values only his own opinions. ( D) Som

48、eone whose opinions harm other people. 28 The new Ford cars are cited as an example to show that _. ( A) it is foolish to criticize a famous brand ( B) one should not always agree to others opinions ( C) personal tastes are not something to be challenged ( D) it is unwise to express ones likes and d

49、islikes in public 29 Considered judgment is different from personal preference in that _. ( A) it is stated by judges in the court ( B) it reflects public likes and dislikes ( C) it is a result of a lot of controversy ( D) it is based on careful thought 30 As is indicated in the passage, being free to act on ones opinion _. ( A) means that one can ignore other peoples criticism ( B) means that one can impose his preferences on others ( C) doesnt mean that one has the right


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