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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 1019及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled My View on Money following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 1有人喜欢 存钱 2有人却喜欢提前消费 3我的观点 My View on Money 二、 Part II R

2、eading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for

3、 NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Five myths about Abraham Lincoln No American hero, with the possible exception of George “I Cannot Tell a Lie“ Washington, has been more set with myth than Abr

4、aham Lincoln. Lincoln did boast virtues that required few words to glamorize. He rose from obscurity(默默无闻 )through hard work, self-education and honesty. He endured severe criticism to save the Union and end slavery. He died shortly after his greatest triumph at the hands of an assassin. But tall-ta

5、le-tellers have never hesitated to rewrite Lincolns biography. On Presidents Day, its well worth dispelling some repeated misconceptions about the man on the $ 5 bill. 1. Lincoln was a simple country lawyer. This durable legend, personified by short-spoken Henry Fonda in John Fords film “ Young Mr.

6、Lincoln,“ dies hard. Lincolns law partner William H. Herndon, looking to boost his own reputation, introduced the rumor that Lincoln cared little about his legal practice, did scant research, joked around with juries and judges, and sometimes failed to collect fees. Lincoln himself may have compromi

7、sed his legal reputation with his oft-quoted warning “Discourage litigation(诉讼 ).“ True, politics became lawyer Lincolns chief ambition. Still, in the 1850s he ably(and profitably)represented the Illinois Central Railroad and the Rock Island Bridge Co. the company that built the first railroad bridg

8、e over the Mississippi River and earned a solid reputation as one of his home states top appeals lawyers. Lincolns legal papers testify to a diverse and profitable practice. Had he not been “aroused,“ as he put it, to speak out in 1854 against the pro-slavery Kansas-Nebraska Act before seeking a Sen

9、ate seat, he likely would have remained a full-time lawyer and earned fame and fortune at the bar. 2. Lincoln was gay. Gay rights activist Larry Kramer has long speculated that Lincoln was gay, claiming in 1999 that hed discovered Lincolns love letters to onetime roommate Joshua Speed. The claim is

10、reportedly featured in Kramers forthcoming history of homosexuality, “The American People,“ but historian Gabor Boritt called Kramers assertion “almost certainly. . . a hoax. “ Still, the idea persists. In 2005, “The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln,“ written by queer theory professor C. A. Tripp a

11、 colleague of sex researcher Alfred Kinseyalleged to prove that Lincoln was an active homosexual who married only to conform to 19th-century convention and continued flirting and sleeping with young men throughout his presidency. Tripp went so far as to suggest that Lincolns sexual indifference is w

12、hat contributed to his wifes mental illness. Is it true? And if it is, does it matter? According to Herndon, Lincoln exhibited a “powerful“ attraction to women and was a regular customer of prostitutes before his marriage at age 33. His first son was born just nine months after his marriage, which s

13、uggests enthusiasm if not experience. Then again, proving that a man loves women isnt the same as proving that he doesnt love men. Maybe its best to throw up our hands and remember that Lincolns sexual orientation is but a small part of his historical legacy. 3. Lincoln was depressed. Four generatio

14、ns of biographers attest(证明 )that Lincoln was often depressed, but Washington Colleges Joshua Wolf Shenk made the case in his recent book, “Lincolns Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled his Greatness,“ that the 16th president was clinically depressed. Lincoln certainly had mo

15、ments of what he called the “hypo,“ most notably when his first serious crush, Ann Rutledge, died in 1835, and again when he broke up with fiancee Mary Todd on the eve of their wedding in 1841.(They reconciled the next year.) Though I co-edited a collection of Lincoln papers with Shenk, we disagree

16、on this point. Genuine depression was untreatable in the 19th century, and its victims often descended into madness or took their own lives. It is impossible to reconcile this debilitating disease with the Lincoln who labored tirelessly and effectively during his demanding presidency. Clinically dep

17、ressed people often cant get out of bed, let alone command an army. 4. Lincoln was too compassionate. Much has been made by poet and Lincoln biographer Carl Sandburg and other historians over the notion that Lincoln was a serial pardoner. This is untrue Lincoln not only approved the execution of des

18、erters, but 38 alleged Indian raiders were hanged by his order in Mankato, Minn, on Dec. 26, 1862, still the largest mass execution on US soil. Meanwhile, Lincoln conducted the bloodiest war in American history to preserve the Union, authorized the deployment of deadly new weaponry such as mines, ir

19、onclad warships and niter(硝酸钾 ), and accepted unprecedented casualties for his chosen cause. The recent scandal over an altered National Archives pardon a document allegedly changed by historian Thomas P. Lowry in 1998 to make it appear that Lincoln spent his final hours pardoning a soldier for dese

20、rtion gives us the opportunity to reconsider the chronic oversimplification of Lincolns soft touch. In light of the Archives melee(混乱 ), historians should re-examine the thousands of pardons Lincoln issued to weigh their authenticity and balance them against the death sentences he did allow. 5. Linc

21、oln was mortally ill. No shortage of armchair physicians are ready to diagnose Lincoln 150 years after his death. He had cardiovascular(心血管的 )disease, some say. Or he had the rare genetic disorder Marfans Syndrome. Or he had the fatal cancer MEN2B. Had Lincoln not been assassinated on April 14, 1865

22、, medical historians like John Sotos imply, he would have died soon enough without John Wilkes Booths help. If any of these illnesses wracked Lincolns body during his presidency, how do we explain his inexhaustible physical constitution? Or the rarity of his wartime illnesses, limited to a mild bout

23、 of smallpox which killed his valet(贴身男仆 )? How do we explain the ease with which the 56-year-old demonstrated his favorite frontier feat of strengthholding a heavy ax at arms length between his fingers just a few days before his death? Like many presidents, Lincoln grew visibly haggard during his p

24、residency. He also lost weight. But the physicians who attended him on his deathbed marveled at his muscular arms and chest. A weaker man, they concluded, would have died the minute he was shot. Lincoln fought off death for nine hours hardly within the ability of a man with a pre-existing condition.

25、 2 What achievement did Lincoln attain in his life? ( A) He raised the national level of self-education. ( B) He made people value the virtue of honesty. ( C) He lessened the criticism to the Union. ( D) He put an end to the system of slavery. 3 What did Lincoln get from the case of Illinois Central

26、 Railroad and the Rock Island Bridge Co. ? ( A) Ambition in politics. ( B) High reputation as a lawyer. ( C) Privileges of train trips. ( D) Competence in legal practice. 4 What changed Lincolns occupational path before seeking a Senate seat? ( A) The profit earned from legal cases. ( B) The pressur

27、e from his conscience. ( C) The protest against the pro-slavery act. ( D) The failure of becoming a full-time lawyer. 5 What can we learn from historian Gabor Boritts words? ( A) Lincoln was a gay. ( B) Kramer had no proof. ( C) Boritt disagreed with Kramer. ( D) Joshua loved Lincoln. 6 What does pr

28、ofessor C. A. Tripp think of Lincolns marriage? ( A) It was just a cover for his unconventional personal life. ( B) It was of great help for his political success. ( C) It proved that Lincoln had an intimate link with his wife. ( D) It solved the mystery of his wifes mental illness. 7 What happened

29、between Lincoln and Mary Todd? ( A) They broke up on their wedding. ( B) Mary died before their wedding. ( C) Lincoln canceled the wedding. ( D) They planned a wedding in 1841. 8 What is considered the evidence of Lincolns mental condition? ( A) The collection of Lincolns papers. ( B) The clinical r

30、ecord of Lincoln. ( C) The cause of Lincolns death. ( D) Performance during his presidency. 9 Lincolns attitude towards execution of deserters and 38 alleged Indian raiders proved that he was not_ 10 According to John Sotos, Lincoln would have died of mortal illness soon enough if he hadnt been_ 11

31、The fact that Lincoln fought off death for nine hours showed that he was actually_. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and

32、 the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) Colleagues. ( B) Boss and secretary. ( C) Teacher and student. ( D) Shop assistant and customer. ( A) T

33、o buy a new cellphone. ( B) To mute the cellphone. ( C) To turn off the cellphone. ( D) To swap his cellphone for the womans. ( A) Because she has to work. ( B) Because she doesnt feel very well. ( C) Because she has to operate the machine. ( D) Because her parents need her company. ( A) Go to work.

34、 ( B) Tell the news to other people. ( C) Buy an umbrella. ( D) Go home to close the windows. ( A) In a hotel. ( B) At a bookstore. ( C) At a travel agency. ( D) At a booking office. ( A) March 25. ( B) March 26. ( C) March 27. ( D) March 28. ( A) Tom is living in a cottage now. ( B) Tom prefers to

35、live in a cottage. ( C) Tom wants to move to a cottage. ( D) Tom thinks this apartment is not his home. ( A) Business or pleasure. ( B) A better job or pleasure. ( C) A better job and a better living. ( D) A change from their routine life. ( A) Tennis sets. ( B) Computer and furniture. ( C) Bookcase

36、 and book shelf. ( D) Refrigerator and kitchen stuff. ( A) Sell them to the second and third year students. ( B) Sell them to the second-hand bookshop. ( C) Advertise them in the student newspaper for sale. ( D) Advertise them on the university notice boards. ( A) It may not pay well. ( B) It may be

37、 far away from school. ( C) It may not take your goods. ( D) It may decide the price. ( A) It is under repair. ( B) It is much bigger than before. ( C) It has very small windows. ( D) It is undergoing renovation. ( A) She is fond of music. ( B) She likes working out in the gym. ( C) She hosts a week

38、ly music program. ( D) She designs the music system in the house herself. ( A) It is well-equipped. ( B) It has a bathroom. ( C) It is near the basement. ( D) It is not available now. ( A) He paints it pink. ( B) He changes it into his home office. ( C) He turns it into a multifunctional room. ( D)

39、He replaces its windows with larger ones. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the

40、four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) It helps a lot with environmental protection. ( B) It keeps readers away from the PC. ( C) It costs less than buying traditional newspapers. ( D) It will become the best means of advertisements. ( A) It offers 24-hour newspaper service. ( B) It is only sold on

41、 Amazons website in US. ( C) It is an electronic reading device. ( D) It can be rented at $ 5.99 to $ 14.99 monthly. ( A) Its black-and-white screen isnt big enough. ( B) Its e-newspapers dont contain pictures. ( C) It only offers headlines and tops of articles. ( D) The pages dont appeal to the rea

42、ders very much. ( A) It is a department with ten branches. ( B) Faculty members there dont care about each other. ( C) Some publish more works while others dont. ( D) They each only focus on a specific area of religion. ( A) They get paid to work for their degree. ( B) They help a lot in research an

43、d in teaching undergraduates. ( C) They enroll in graduate programs for teaching jobs in the universities. ( D) They wont graduate with a degree if they dont work hard. ( A) He feels it is quite satisfactory. ( B) He is sure it will have a bright future. ( C) He thinks it is kind of disappointing. (

44、 D) He believes it is a total failure. ( A) Joy, freedom and willpower. ( B) Pleasure, joy and hardship. ( C) Freedom, joy and pleasure. ( D) Willpower and hardship. ( A) Eat more. ( B) Take exercises. ( C) Avoid stressful stuff. ( D) Quit drinking. ( A) You will have less wrinkles and look younger.

45、 ( B) You will be able to walk hours every day. ( C) You will have more willpower to quit smoking. ( D) Your blood will flow slowly. ( A) Smokers are more mature than those who dont smoke. ( B) People wont feel stressed even when they are stressed. ( C) Our diet, lifestyle and perception of stress h

46、ave great impact on ourselves. ( D) When we exercise and eat right, only our brain and face can get the benefit. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage

47、 is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or wri

48、te down the 36 President Richard Nixon used to say that the first civil right of every American is the right to be free rom domestic violence. That was 40 years ago, a time of civil【 B1】_and high crime. “Domestic iolence“ really meant crimes between strangers. Now it means the【 B2】 _, with two recen

49、t reminders in the news. On February 12, outside Buffalo, New York, Muzzammil Hassan, a well-known local businessman, told police that his wife was dead. Officers found Aasiya Zubair Hassan with her head cut off. The couple created the Bridges TV network, an【 B3】 _to unite American Muslims and increase understanding across cultures. In the days before her death, Aasiya Hassan had taken legal steps to divorce her husband. She had also【 B4】 _a restraining order deman


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