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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 1022及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled How to Enhance Students Physical Quality following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 1据媒体报道,很多学生在学校的体育测验中不及格 2造成这种现象

2、的原因 3我对这一现象的看法和建议 How to Enhance Students Physical Quality 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if

3、 the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Happiness and Sadness Happiness and sadness are two most basic and familiar feelings for

4、 human beings. Recently, people have achieved further understanding about them. Happiness University of Illinois, psychologist Ed Diener, who has studied happiness for a quarter century, was in Scotland recently, explaining to members of Parliament and business leaders the value of increasing tradit

5、ional measures of a countrys wealth with a national index of happiness. Such an index would measure policies known to increase peoples sense of well-being, such as democratic freedoms, access to health care and the rule of law. Eric Wilson tried to get with the program. Urged on by friends, he bough

6、t books on how to become happier. He made every effort to smooth out his habitual worried look and wear a sunny smile, since a happy expression can lead to genuinely happy feelings. Wilson, a professor of English at Wake Forest University, took up jogging, reputed to boost the brains supply of joyfu

7、l neuro-chemicals, and began his conversations with “Great!“ and “Wonderful!“, the better to exercise his capacity for enthusiasm. However, some scientists are releasing the most-extensive-ever study comparing moderate and extreme levels of happiness, and finding that being happier is not always bet

8、ter. In surveys of 118 519 people from 96 countries, scientists examined how various levels of subjective well-being matched up with income, education, political participation, volunteer activities and close relationships. They also analyzed how different levels of happiness, as reported by college

9、students, correlated with various outcomes. Even allowing for imprecision in peoples self-reported sense of well-being, the results were unambiguous. The highest levels of happiness go along with the most stable, longest and most contented relationships. That is, even a little discontent with your p

10、artner can cause you to look around for someone better, until you are at best a serial monogamist(一夫一妻论者 )and at worst never in a loving, stable relationship. Nevertheless, “once a moderate level of happiness is achieved, further increases can sometimes be harmful to income, career success, educatio

11、n and political participation“, Diener and colleagues write in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science. On a scale from 1 to 10, where 10s is extremely happy, 8s is more successful than 9s and 10s, getting more education and earning more. That probably reflects the fact that people who are

12、 somewhat discontent, but not so depressed as to be paralyzed, are more motivated to improve both their own lot(thus driving themselves to acquire more education and seek ever-more-challenging jobs)and the lot of their community(causing them to participate more in civic and political life). In contr

13、ast, people at the top of the jolliness charts feel no such urgency. “If youre totally satisfied with your life and with how things are going in the world,“ says Diener, “you dont feel very motivated to work for change. Be wary when people tell you that you should be happier.“ Sadness The drawbacks

14、of constant, extreme happiness should not be surprising, since negative emotions evolved for a reason. Fear tips us off to the presence of danger, for instance. Sadness, too, seems to be part of our biological inheritance. Wilson argues that only by experiencing sadness can we experience the fullnes

15、s of the human condition. He also asserts that “the happy man is a hollow man,“ but he is hardly the first scholar to see melancholia(忧郁症 )as inspiration. A classical Greek text, possibly written by Aristotle, asks, “Why is it that all those who have become outstanding in philosophy or politics or p

16、oetry or the arts arc clearly melancholic?“ Wilsons answer is that “the blues can be a catalyst(催化剂 )for a special kind of genius, a genius for exploring dark boundaries between opposites.“ The ever-restless, the chronically discontent, arc dissatisfied with the status quo, be it in art or literatur

17、e or politics. For all their familiarity, these arguments are nevertheless being crushed by the happiness movement. Last August, the novelist Mary Gordon lamented to The New York Times that “among writers. . . what is absolutely not allowable is sadness. People will do anything rather than to acknow

18、ledge that they are sad. “ And, Jess Decourcy Hinds, an English teacher, recounted how, after her father died, friends pressed her to distract herself from her profound sadness and sense of loss. “Why dont people accept that after a parents death, there will be years of grief?“ she wrote. “Everyone

19、wants mourners to snap out of it because observing anothers distress isnt easy. “ Its hard to say exactly when ordinary Americans, no less than psychiatrists(精神病学家 ), began insisting that sadness is pathological(病态的 ). But by the end of the millennium that attitude was well established. In 1999, Art

20、hur Millers Death of a Salesman was revived on Broadway 50 years after its premiere. A reporter asked two psychiatrists to read the script. Their diagnosis: Willy Loman was suffering from clinical depression, a pathological condition that could and should be treated with drugs. Miller was appalled.

21、“Loman is not a depressive,“ he told The New York Times. “He is weighed down by life. There are social reasons for why he is where he is.“ What society once viewed as an appropriate reaction to failed hopes and dashed dreams, it now regards as a psychiatric illness. As NYUs Wakefield and Allan Horwi

22、tz of Rutgers University point out in The Loss of Sadness, this message has its roots in the bible of mental illness, The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Its definition of a “major depressive episode“ is remarkably broad. You must experience five not-uncommon symptoms, such as

23、 insomnia(失眠 ), difficulty concentrating and feeling sad or empty, for two weeks; the symptoms must cause distress or impairment, and they cannot be due to the death of a loved one. Anyone meeting these criteria is supposed to be treated. When someone is appropriately sad, friends and colleagues off

24、er support and sympathy. But by labeling appropriate sadness pathological, “we have attached a stigma to being sad,“ says Wakefield, “with the result that depression tends to elicit hostility and rejection“ with an undercurrent of “Get over it; take a pill. “ The normal range of human emotion is not

25、 being tolerated. “We dont know how drugs react with normal sadness and its functions, such as reconstituting your life out of the pain,“ says Wakefield. Those psychiatrists also express doubts to medicalise the sadness. 2 According to Ed Diener, which of the following can be measured by the nationa

26、l index of happiness? ( A) The standard of morality. ( B) The freedom of speech. ( C) The sense of well-being. ( D) The access to health care. 3 In order to be happy, Wilson tried many ways such as_. ( A) borrowing books on how to become happier ( B) trying to keep a sunny smile ( C) starting his co

27、nversations with “Hello!“ ( D) trying to have a good rest 4 Who have the highest levels of happiness according to the surveys in 96 countries? ( A) People with the most wealth. ( B) People with the best health. ( C) People with the highest position. ( D) People with the most stable relationship. 5 A

28、ccording to Dieners statements in Perspectives on Psychological Science, the person with a moderate level of happiness will get_. ( A) more education ( B) moderate success ( C) less earnings ( D) more reputation 6 According to Diener, why do those people with the highest levels of happiness have les

29、s motivation to move ahead? ( A) Because they have spent all their time pursuing happiness. ( B) Because they dont allow their work to affect their feelings of happiness. ( C) Because they are too satisfied with happiness they have owned. ( D) Because they do not like people to tell them to be happi

30、er. 7 Which of the following is the possible answer to the question set by Aristotle in Wilsons opinion? ( A) The sadness can make one stronger. ( B) The sadness can make one intelligent. ( C) The sadness can force one to think more deeply. ( D) The sadness can make one more depressed. 8 After the d

31、eath of Jess Hinds father, her friends tried to help her out of_. ( A) working pressure ( B) emotional trouble ( C) economic pressure ( D) marriage problem 9 Willy Loman, the character in Death of a Salesman, was diagnosed by two psychiatrists to get suffering from_. 10 One experiencing a “major dep

32、ressive episode“ has to experience five not-uncommon symptoms for a period of_. 11 When someone is in bad mood, his friends and colleagues should give him_. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or mo

33、re questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) The history teacher really giv

34、es a difficult assignment. ( B) The woman should cancel the camping trip on this weekend. ( C) The woman has exaggerated the situation. ( D) The woman should protest against heavy assignment. ( A) He is a professor of philosophy. ( B) He went skiing on the thin ice. ( C) He watched an American film.

35、 ( D) He felt silly to turn down the invitation. ( A) He is going to drop out of school forever. ( B) He has been working hard enough to earn money. ( C) He is Janes best friend and tells her everything. ( D) He doesnt have enough money to stay at school. ( A) An unsolved case of murder. ( B) The ex

36、cellent work of the police. ( C) An old case that has just been solved. ( D) The relationship between science and police work. ( A) She misses school often. ( B) She hates coming to school. ( C) She is a good student. ( D) She wasnt really sick. ( A) Worried. ( B) Cheerful. ( C) Confident. ( D) Angr

37、y. ( A) He is in a serious relationship with Lisa. ( B) He doesnt treat relationships seriously. ( C) He used to be serious about relationships. ( D) He is waiting to see if Lisa is serious. ( A) Some pickle from the supermarket. ( B) Some milk from the supermarket. ( C) Some stamps from the post of

38、fice. ( D) A parcel from the post office. ( A) To help her fill in the registration form. ( B) To go to see the hip-hop dancing with her. ( C) To participate in the dancing competition. ( D) To bring her to see his hip-top friends. ( A) He likes hip-hop dancing very much. ( B) He has never been on T

39、V. ( C) He doesnt mind dancing in the public. ( D) He only makes friends with hip-hop dancers. ( A) One week before the final exams. ( B) Two weeks before the final exams. ( C) One week after the final exams. ( D) Two weeks after the final exams. ( A) Boss and employee. ( B) Strangers. ( C) Friends.

40、 ( D) Teacher and student. ( A) Her sons school. ( B) Her sons character. ( C) Her sons computer. ( D) Her sons grades. ( A) Let her son do what he likes. ( B) Help her son make a plan. ( C) Make her son a promise. ( D) Encourage her son. ( A) She suspects it. ( B) She disagrees with it. ( C) She ag

41、rees with it. ( D) She ignores it. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four ch

42、oices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Because they are offended by strangers. ( B) Because they think strangers are criminals. ( C) Because their interests are threatened by strangers. ( D) Because they think strangers will threaten their personal safety. ( A) Dont talk to Americans. ( B) Dont pat Americ

43、ans on the back. ( C) Dont get too close to Americans. ( D) Try to get a gun to protect yourself. ( A) Americans dont like to make friends. ( B) America is a society filled with crimes. ( C) Americans always carry weapons with them. ( D) Americans attach great importance to personal safety. ( A) Rya

44、n Didone died from his own distracted driving. ( B) Car crashes resulted in the death of many American teenagers. ( C) Distracted driving causes most of the car crashes in Africa. ( D) The mobile phone is not the number one cause of distracted-driving accidents. ( A) Because they dont have any exper

45、ience. ( B) Because they cant cope with emergencies. ( C) Because their brains are not fully developed. ( D) Because they often use mobile phones when driving. ( A) It is meant to protect the teen drivers. ( B) Night driving and drunken driving are banned. ( C) The system has been put into effect in

46、 all states. ( D) One will not get a license until he graduates from a driving school. ( A) Barbara Jordans political career. ( B) A brief introduction to Barbara Jordan. ( C) The most important influence of Barbara Jordan. ( D) How Barbara Jordan became a successful woman. ( A) Because she was enco

47、uraged by her father. ( B) Because lawyers at that time received high pay. ( C) Because she was influenced by a black woman lawyer. ( D) Because being a lawyer would help her to enter the Senate. ( A) She was a member of the Senate. ( B) She worked in Congress for 8 years. ( C) She spoke for the dis

48、advantaged people. ( D) She placed the interests of Florida first. ( A) She stayed at home. ( B) She worked in a law firm. ( C) She worked in the Texas Senate. ( D) She worked as an educator in a university. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage

49、 is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 One feature of newfound wealth in the developing world has been the embrace of


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