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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 1023及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Knowledge and Diploma following the outline given below. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 1目前社会上存在着这样一种观点:文凭越高越吃香 2而有些人则认为文凭不等同于知识 3我的看法 Kno

2、wledge and Diploma 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the informati

3、on given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 The Redistribution of Hope “HOPE“ is one of the most overused words in public life, up there with “change“. Yet it matters enorm

4、ously. Politicians always pay close attention to right-track/wrong-track indicators. Confidence determines whether consumers spend, and so whether companies invest. The “power of positive thinking“, as Norman Vincent Peale pointed out, is enormous. For the past 400 years the West has enjoyed a compa

5、rative advantage over the rest of the world when it comes to optimism. Western intellectuals dreamed up the ideas of enlightenment and progress, and Western men of affairs harnessed technology to impose their will on the rest of the world. The Founding Fathers of the United States, who firmly believ

6、ed that the country they created would be better than any that had come before, offered citizens not just life and liberty but also the pursuit of happiness. Desperation road The Westerners growing pessimism is reshaping political life. At present, the mood in Washington is as glum as it has been si

7、nce Jimmy Carter argued that America was suffering from “malaise(不安 )“. The Democrats dream that the country was on the verge of a 1960s-style liberal renaissance foundered(失败 )in the mid-terms. But the Republicans are hardly hopeful: their creed leans towards anger and resentment rather than optimi

8、sm. Europe, meanwhile, has seen mass protests, some of them violent, on the streets of Athens, Dublin, London, Madrid, Paris and Rome. Tf the countries on the European Unions periphery(边缘 )are down in the dumps it is hardly surprising, but there is pessimism at its more successful core, too. The bes

9、t-selling book in Germany is Thilo Sarrazins Germany Does Away With Itself, a jeremiad(血泪史 )about the “fact“ that less able women are having more children than their brighter sisters. French intellectuals will soon have Jean-Pierre Chevenements Is France Finished? on their shelves alongside Eric Zem

10、mours French Melancholy. The immediate explanation for this asymmetry(不对称 )is the economic crisis, which has not just shaken Westerners confidence in the system that they built, but also widened the growth gap between mature and emerging economies. China and India are growing by 10% and 9%, compared

11、 with 3% for America and 2% for Europe. Many European countries unemployment rates are disgraceful even by their own dismal standards: 41% of young Spaniards are unemployed, for example. And the great American job machine has stalled: one in ten is unemployed and more than a million may have given u

12、p looking for work. But the change goes deeper than that to the dreams that have propelled the West. For most of its history America has kept its promise to give its citizens a good chance of living better than their parents. But these days, less than half of Americans think their childrens living s

13、tandards will be better than theirs. Experience has made them gloomy: the income of the median worker has been more or less stagnant since the mid-1970s, and, thanks to a combination of failing schools and disappearing mid-level jobs, social mobility in America is now among the lowest in the rich wo

14、rld. European dreams are different from American ones, but just as important to hopes of a peaceful and prosperous future. They come in two forms: an ever deeper European Union(banishing nationalism)and ever more generous welfare states(offering security). With the break-up of the Euro a possibility

15、, and governments sinking under the burden of unaffordable entitlements as their populations age and the number of workers contracts, those happy notions are evaporating(逐渐消逝 ). Shift happens In the emerging world, meanwhile, they are not arguing about pensions, but building colleges. Chinas univers

16、ity population has quadrupled(成四倍 )in the past two decades. UNESCO(United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization)notes that the proportion of scientific researchers based in the developing world increased from 30% in 2002 to 38% in 2007. World-class companies such as Indias Infosy

17、s and Chinas Huawei are beating developed-country competitors. The rise of positive thinking in the emerging world is something to be welcomed not least because it challenges the present situation. Nandan Nilekani of Infosys says that his companys greatest achievement lies not in producing technolog

18、y but in redefining the boundaries of the possible. If people in other countries take those ideas seriously, they will make life uncomfortable for the old in China and Arabia. But there are dangers, too. Optimism can easily become irrational exuberance(兴奋 ): asset prices in some emerging markets hav

19、e risen too high. And there is a danger of a Western backlash. Unless developing countries start taking their responsibility for global security seriously, Americans and Europeans may begin to wonder why they are policing the world to keep markets open for others to get rich. As for the Westerners g

20、loom, it has its uses. There is a growing recognition that the old rich world cannot take its prosperity for granted that it will be overtaken by hungrier powers if it fails to deal with its structural problems. Americans are beginning to accept that their country must become less wasteful. European

21、s are realizing that they need to make their economies more agile and innovative. Both are beginning to treat this crisis as the opportunity that it is. Nor should Westerners overdo the despair, for the emergence of new great powers will benefit them, too. True, their governments will find it harder

22、 to boss the rest of the world around; their most desirable properties will increasingly be owned by foreigners; their children will have to work harder to get good jobs in an increasingly globalized economy. But the rising number of Indians, Chinese and Brazilians who can afford to buy their produc

23、ts and services will help their companies prosper. The countries that have provided them with workers will increasingly provide them with customers, too. It may not feel like it in the West, but this is, in many ways, the best of times. Hundreds of millions are climbing out of poverty. The Internet

24、gives ordinary people access to information that even the most privileged scholar could not have dreamed of a few years ago. Medical advances are conquering diseases and extending life spans. For most of human history, only a privileged few have reasonably been able to hope that the future would be

25、better than the present. Today the masses everywhere can; and that is surely the reason to be optimistic. 2 What happened in the past 400 years according to the second paragraph? . ( A) Intellectuals contributed more to technology. ( B) Westerners were more optimistic than others. ( C) Americans enj

26、oyed a higher living standard. ( D) Europeans took the lead in almost all areas. 3 Compared with the Democrats, the Republicans tend to be_. ( A) less hopeful and less optimistic ( B) more confident in political life ( C) suffering more from malaise ( D) caring more about liberal renaissance 4 Thilo

27、 Sarrazins best-seller tells us about_. ( A) violence in European Union countries ( B) melancholy of the French people ( C) the sufferings of those less able women ( D) the jeremiad of the women in Germany 5 What does the economic crisis bring about? ( A) The optimism of Europeans and Americans. ( B

28、) The failure of emerging economies. ( C) The confidence of people in developing countries. ( D) The unbalanced economic growth rate. 6 What did America promise to do in history? ( A) Give its citizens a better life than their parents. ( B) Offer more jobs for median workers. ( C) Reduce the gap bet

29、ween the rich and the poor. ( D) Make people feel optimistic day after day. 7 What does UNESCO find in the developing world? ( A) More international companies appear. ( B) People are talking about pensions. ( C) The number of scientific researchers increases sharply. ( D) Technology develops more qu

30、ickly. 8 According to Nandan Nilekani, Infosys greatest success lies in_. ( A) the advancement in technology ( B) the rise of positive thinking ( C) the happiness of its employees ( D) its influence on the emerging countries 9 Westerners realize they will be overtaken by other countries if they cann

31、ot tackle_. 10 The fact that more people from emerging countries buy things from the West may lead to the_of western companies. 11 Unlike the past, today people everywhere can imagine a better future and feel_. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long con

32、versations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which i

33、s the best answer. ( A) They dont sell shirts here. ( B) They should wait till the clothes are on sale. ( C) The clothes here are very expensive. ( D) He knows they have nice shirts there. ( A) Because she doesnt want to go without any other woman. ( B) Because she doesnt want her plan of losing wei

34、ght in vein. ( C) Because she doesnt plan to go to the restaurant. ( D) Because she doesnt feel she will have fun there. ( A) The necessity of contacting Mr. Bush. ( B) Who is going to contact Mr. Bush. ( C) The arrangement of the Wednesday meeting. ( D) Where they are going to meet Mr. Bush. ( A) H

35、e graduates from a drama school. ( B) He is very good-looking. ( C) He practices on speaking a lot. ( D) He wants to be a star in Hollywood. ( A) Studying commerce. ( B) Reading a story. ( C) Enjoying the ads. ( D) Watching TV. ( A) The case of bank robbery. ( B) The search for reliable witness. ( C

36、) The interview with the bank clerk. ( D) The terrific detective story. ( A) Looking for a gift for her husband. ( B) Buying a television. ( C) Bargaining with the shop assistant. ( D) Talking about a TV program. ( A) John has no experience at all. ( B) John has a charming personality. ( C) John was

37、 so lucky that he got the job. ( D) There were so many applicants. ( A) Peaceful. ( B) Gloomy. ( C) Tiring. ( D) Exhausting. ( A) Their recent situations. ( B) The beautiful views in autumn. ( C) Various colors of tree leaves. ( D) Color changes of tree leaves in autumn. ( A) Because they are going

38、to fall. ( B) Because nature wants them to look beautiful. ( C) Because there are fewer daylight hours in autumn. ( D) Because red and yellow colors are no longer hidden by the green. ( A) A policewoman. ( B) A news reporter. ( C) An inspector. ( D) A government employee. ( A) Because he was absorbe

39、d in TV shows. ( B) Because he was receiving a phone call. ( C) Because he was expecting his daughters coming. ( D) Because he thought the knock was made by his wife. ( A) Because his vision is very poor. ( B) Because he was too frightened. ( C) Because his eyes were covered. ( D) Because the robber

40、s faces were covered. ( A) Because the man shouted for help. ( B) Because the dogs next door barked. ( C) Because the man phoned the police. ( D) Because the mans wife knocked at the door. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hea

41、r some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) You need a large hard disk if you want to download all the mails. ( B) You need much money to purchase the e-mail

42、 applications. ( C) You need to input not only a user name and a password, but also the mail-service addresses. ( D) You need to keep your e-mail account active all the time. ( A) Desktop mail programs. ( B) Internet providers. ( C) Mail servers. ( D) Social networks. ( A) The e-mail services are de

43、veloping very fast. ( B) The e-mail applications are not as good as Web mail services. ( C) The Web mail and e-mail applications both have advantages and disadvantages. ( D) The mail software developers and Internet providers cant cooperate with each other. ( A) He found the painting hung in Moscow

44、when he went there. ( B) He received a letter informing him where his painting is now. ( C) He originally hung the painting in his living room but later found it gone. ( D) He read a book in which the present location of the painting is mentioned. ( A) 85 years ago. ( B) During the Vietnam War. ( C)

45、 Immediately after the Vietnam War. ( D) In the 1980s. ( A) He doesnt mind that there are so many reproductions. ( B) He believes its a good idea to sell the reproductions. ( C) He knows clearly the art market will be improved soon. ( D) He thinks some measures should be taken to identify the origin

46、als from the copies. ( A) An introduction to TOEIC. ( B) How to take the test of TOEIC. ( C) A warning against e-mail cheating. ( D) The history and development of TOEIC. ( A) The test is taken on a computer. ( B) The cost of the test is the same all over the world. ( C) It tests peoples English abi

47、lity to communicate in daily life. ( D) It is administered by Educational Testing Service in Princeton. ( A) To test their English ability. ( B) To use it as a placement test. ( C) To seek a new job or a promotion. ( D) To measure progress in English training program. ( A) Ignore it. ( B) Report to

48、the police. ( C) Contact ETS immediately. ( D) Answer the e-mail to investigate it. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time,

49、 you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 For many Americans, summer is a time to put on swim wear and spend time at the sea or a lake. But before going anywhere, they may want to lose any extra weight【 B1】_during the winter. So, where does one get


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