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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 148及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 A Letter of Consolation 1询问同学病情,表示关切 2谈谈班级近况,表达思念之情 3表达希望同学早日康复返校的良好祝愿 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the question

2、s attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 2 The “Never-Stop“ Blogg

3、ing To celebrate four years of marriage, Richard Wiggins and his wife, Judy Matthews, recently spent a week in Key West(基韦斯特市 ). Early on the morning of their anniversary, Ms. Matthews heard her husband get up and go into the bathroom. He stayed there for a long time. “I didnt hear any water running

4、, so I wondered what was going on,“ Ms. Matthews said. When she knocked on the door, she found him seated with his laptop balanced on his knees, typing into his Web log, a collection of observations about the technical world, over a wireless link. The increasing biogging Blogging is a pastime for ma

5、ny, even a livelihood for a few. For some, it becomes an obsession (沉迷 ). Such bloggers often feel compelled to write several times daily and feel anxious if they dont keep up. As they spend more time sitting in front of their computers, they neglect family, friends and jobs. They blog at home, at w

6、ork and on the road. They blog openly or sometimes, like Mr. Wiggins, quietly so as not to call attention to their habit. The number of bloggers has grown quickly, thanks to sites like , which makes it easy to set up a biog. Technorati, a blog-tracking service, has counted some 2.5 million blogs. Of

7、 course, most of those millions are abandoned or, at best, maintained infrequently. For many bloggers, the novelty soon wears off and their persistence fades. Sometimes, too, the realization that no one is reading sets in. A few blogs have thousands of readers, but never have so many people written

8、so much to be read by so few. By Jupiter Researchs estimate, only 4 percent of online users read blogs. The self. talking Mr. Wiggins Indeed, if a blog is compared to a conversation between a writer and readers, bloggers like Mr. Wiggins are having conversations largely with themselves. Mr. Wiggins,

9、 48, a senior information technologist at Michigan State University in East Lansing, does not know how many readers he has; he suspects its not many. But that does not seem to bother him. “Im just getting something off my chest,“ he said. Nor is he deterred(妨碍 ) by the fact that he endeavors for hou

10、rs at a time on his blog for no money. He gets satisfaction in other ways. “Sometimes theres an I told you so aspect to it,“ he said. Recent reflections on wigblog, blogspot, com have focused on Gmail, Googles new e-mail service. Mr. Wiggins points with pride to Wigblog posts that voiced early priva

11、cy concerns about Gmail. Being addicted Perhaps a chronically small audience is a blessing. For it seems that the more popular a blog becomes, the more some bloggers feel the need to post. Mr. Pierce, who lives in Hollywood and works as a scheduler in the entertainment industry, said blogging began

12、to feel like an addiction when he noticed that he would rather be with his computer than with his girlfriend - for technical reasons. “Shes got an iMac, and I dont like her computer,“ Mr. Pierce said. When he is at his girlfriends house, hes getting ants in his pants. “We have little fights because

13、I want to go home and write my thing,“ he said. Mr. Pierce described the rush he gets from what he called “the fix“ provided by his biog. “The pleasure of reply is twofold,“ he said, “You can have instant response; youre going to hear about something really good or bad. And if I feel like Ive writte

14、n something good, its enjoyable to go back and read it. And, like most addictions, those feelings go away quickly. So I have to do it again and again. It is not uncommon among bloggers.“ A sense of achievement Joseph Lorenzo Hall, 26, a graduate student at the School of Information Management and Sy

15、stems at the University of California at Berkeley who has studied bloggers, said that for some people blogging has replaced e-mail as a way to procrastinate (耽搁 ) at work. People like Mr. Pierce, who devote much of their free time to the care and feeding of their own blogs and posting to other blogs

16、, do so largely because it makes them feel productive even if it is not a paying job. Mr. Wiggins has missed deadline after deadline at Searcher, an online magazine for which he is a paid contributor. Barbara Quint, the editor of the magazine, said she did all she could to get him to deliver his col

17、umns on time. Then she discovered that Mr. Wiggins was busily posting articles to his blog instead of sending her the ones he had promised, see said. “Here he is working all night on something read by five second cousins and a dog, and Im willing to pay him,“ she said. Ms. Quint has grown more under

18、standing of his reasons, if not entirely sympathetic. “The Webs illusion of immortality(不朽的名声 ) is sometimes more attractive than actual cash,“ she said. Blogging as routine Mr. Jarvis characterizes the blogging way of life as a routine rather than an obsession. “Its a habit,“ he said. “What youre r

19、eally doing is telling people about something that they might find interesting. When that becomes part of your life, when you start thinking in blog, it becomes part of you.“ Blog fatigue Suffering from a similar form of “blog fatigue,“ Bill Barol, a freelance writer in Santa Monica, California, sim

20、ply stopped altogether after four years of nearly constant blogging. “It was starting to feel like work, and it was never supposed to be a job,“ Mr. Barol said, “It was supposed to be an anti- job.“ Even with some 200 visitors to his blog each day, he has not posted to his blog since returning from

21、a month of travel. Still, Mr. Barol said, he does not rule out a return to blogging someday. “There is this attractive thing that happens, this kind of snowball-rolling-down-a-hill thing, where the sheer momentum (动力 ) of several years posting becomes very keenly felt,“ he said. “And the absence of

22、posting feels like - I dont know, laziness or something. 2 The passage gives examples of some typical bloggers to describe blogging as a new way of online performance. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 Some bloggers can not shake off the strong de.sire of writing blogs and are addicted to it. ( A) Y ( B) N (

23、C) NG 4 Blogging serves ms an online entertainment only for net professionals because it requires proficient net skills. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 Wigblog always explores the information about e-mail service systems online. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 Mr. Pierce spends his leisure time on blogs dedicatedl

24、y in attempt to obtain a sense of achievement, rather than money. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 7 All bloggers considered blogging as a compulsive addiction to the unique style of writing. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 8 Mr. Banal who has stopped writing blogs will never resort to it again. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 9

25、Mr. Pierce enjoyed his blogging because of the genuine feeings and the _ he got from the online reply. 10 Although there are innumerable people logging on the internet, the proportion of online users reading blogs is only _. 11 Having written blogs for a long time, Mr. Barol quits blogging flat beca

26、use of _. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be

27、 a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) They dont like to go swimming. ( B) They cannot swim in the lake. ( C) They wont go swimming in the lake today. ( D) They plan to swim in the lake tomorrow. ( A) They am going t

28、oward the lake. ( B) They have made decision to stay outdoors. ( C) They have taken a new trail. ( D) They plan to camp beside the lake. ( A) She wanted to show people her crafts. ( B) She has seen the exhibition. ( C) Shed rather go hack home. ( D) Shes sorry to have missed the exhibit. ( A) She li

29、kes climate here. ( B) She seldom cooked food for the man. ( C) She hopes the weather can be hotter. ( D) She knows shell like the food. ( A) He had a doctor examine his injury. ( B) He will go to practice tomorrow. ( C) He didnt call the woman yesterday. ( D) He asked a friend to take him to clinic

30、. ( A) That they be on time to turn in the paper. ( B) That they finish their assignment early. ( C) That they be watchful of their words. ( D) That they stay late to finish the paper. ( A) He knows someone who lost there jobs. ( B) Greg only got the job because of his uncle. ( C) Greg and his uncle

31、 work as accountants. ( D) He doesnt know the mans uncle. ( A) Hell go to the party alone. ( B) He has changed his plans. ( C) He will take the woman to the party. ( D) He wont be late for the party. ( A) How much its accuracy has improved recently. ( B) How reliable long-range forecasts are. ( C) H

32、ow difficult it takes to make a good forecast. ( D) How the current forecast causes troubles. ( A) The amount of rain. ( B) The amount of frost. ( C) The wind direction. ( D) The temperature. ( A) Forecasting machines stop functioning in hot weather. ( B) The weather patterns are more changeable in

33、the autumn. ( C) Professional predictors are on vacation in autumn. ( D) The forecasting center may mess up the data in autumn. ( A) She is Professor Jamisons nephew. ( B) She used to do the job herself. ( C) She is working for Professor Jamison. ( D) She just finished interview for the job. ( A) It

34、 can be even higher. ( B) Its the same as that of post office. ( C) Its very good. ( D) It varies with the persons experience. ( A) He wonders if he has enough time for the job. ( B) He is afraid he is not experienced enough. ( C) He is afraid that the job may be boring. ( D) He thinks Professor Jam

35、ison has chosen one. ( A) Correcting examination papers. ( B) Teaching an economics course. ( C) Researching in the library. ( D) Grading homework sets. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage a

36、nd the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) 150 healthy people. ( B) 150 unhealthy people. ( C) 300 patients. ( D) 300 people. ( A) Humorous individuals. ( B) People who had undergone treatment

37、 for blocked arteries. ( C) People who did not laugh much. ( D) People who had a strong sense of humor. ( A) To express your anger rather than bottle it up inside you. ( B) To make yourself laugh. ( C) To offset the harmful effect of stress in your arteries. ( D) To hide your feelings. ( A) Work. (

38、B) Food. ( C) Social status. ( D) Age. ( A) Old people. ( B) Teenagers. ( C) Infants. ( D) Adults. ( A) Their food is less nutrient. ( B) They do not have enough money to go to hospital. ( C) They live in narrow space where colds infection rate is higher. ( D) They have to work very hard. ( A) How t

39、o read a book. ( B) Evaluation of a book. ( C) Evaluation of a writer. ( D) The contends of a book report. ( A) To know whether they read the book or whether they understand the book. ( B) As a common home assignment. ( C) To help improve their writing. ( D) To monitor their research. ( A) Reading c

40、omprehension. ( B) Ability to analyze. ( C) English proficiency. ( D) Writing. ( A) Introduction. ( B) Summary of book. ( C) Analysis of writers style. ( D) Comments. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should l

41、isten carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can

42、 either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 37 Language is an amazing phenomenon. Speech the【 B1】 of sounds to convey meaning is a kind of human action. Like any other【 B2】 repeated actions, speaking has to be learned. But once it is learned, it becomes a generally【 B3】 and app

43、arently automatic process. As far as we can【 B4】 , human beings do not need to be forced to speak. Most babies seem to【 B5】 a sort of instinctive drive to produce【 B6】 noises. How to speak and what to say are another matter【 B7】 . These actions are learned from file particular society in which the b

44、aby is born; so that, like ail conduct and【 B8】 that is learned from a society from the people around us speech is a patterned activity. 【 B9】 into a few orderly patterns, accepted as meaningful by the people around him. 【 B10】 However, a child born into a society with a pattern of language is encou

45、raged o make a small selection of sounds. 【 B11】 37 【 B1】 38 【 B2】 39 【 B3】 40 【 B4】 41 【 B5】 42 【 B6】 43 【 B7】 44 【 B8】 45 【 B9】 46 【 B10】 47 【 B11】 Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices g

46、iven in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more tha

47、n once. 48 Let us see how dictionaries are made and how editors arrive at definitions. The task of writing a dictionary begins with the reading of vast amounts of the【 S1】 of the period or the subject that the dictionary is to cover. As editors read, they copy on cards every interesting or rare word

48、, every unusual or【 S2】 occurrence of a common word, a large number of common words in their ordinary uses, and also the sentences in which each of these words appears, thus:pailThe daily pails bring home increase of milk.Keats, EndymionThe【 S3】 of each word is collected, along with the word itself.

49、 For a really big job of dictionary writing, such as the Oxford English Dictionary, millions of such cards are collected, and the task of editing【 S4】 decades. As the cards are collected, they are alphabetized and【 S5】 When the sorting is completed, there will be for each word anywhere from two or three to several hundred【 S6】 quotations, each on its card. Each of the cards【 S7】 an actual use of the word by a writer of some literary or historical importance. The


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