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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 533及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are required to write a composition on the topic. A Letter to the Minister of Education. You must base your composition on the following instructions ( given in Chinese ). Your composition should be no less than 120 words. Reme

2、mber to write it neatly. 假设你是李文,请你就学校假期的安排给教育部长写一封信,向他建议将学校的传统的长假调整为几次短假并陈述相关的原因比如:学习时间过长可能引起过度疲劳,而放假过长则可能导致浪费时间等等。 A Letter to the Minister of Education 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage qu

3、ickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the pass

4、age. 1 A Man Who Had No Eyes Abeggar was coming down the avenue just as Mr. Parsons emerged from his hotel. He was a blind beggar, carrying the traditional battered cane, and thumping his way before him with the cautious, half-furtive effort of the sightless. He was a shaggy, thick-necked fellow; hi

5、s coat was greasy about the lapels and pockets, and his hand splayed over the canes crook with a futile sort of clinging. He wore a black pouch slung over his shoulder. Apparently he had something to sell. The air was rich with spring; the sun was warm and yellowed on the asphalt. Mr. Parsons, stand

6、ing there in front of his hotel and noting the clack-clack approach of the sightless man, felt a sudden and foolish sort of pity for all blind creatures. And, thought Mr. Parsons, he was very glad to be alive. A few years ago he had been little more than a skilled laborer; now he was successful, res

7、pected, admired. Insurance . And he had done it alone, unaided, struggling beneath handicaps . And he was still young. The blue air of spring, fresh from its memories of windy pools and lush shrubbery, could thrill him with eagerness. He took a step forward just as the tap-tapping blind man passed h

8、im by. Quickly tike shabby fellow turned. “Listen, guvnor. Just a minute of your time.“ Mr. Parsons said, “Its late. I have an appointment. Do you want me to give you something?“ “1 aint no beggar, guvnore. You bet I aint. I got a handy little article here“-he fumbled until he could press a small ob

9、ject into Mr. Parsons hand-“ that I sell. One buck. Best cigarette lighter made.“ Mr. Parsons stood there, somewhat annoyed and embarrassed. He was a handsome figure with his immaculate gray suit and gray hat and malacca stick. Of course the man with the cigarette lighters could not see him .“But I

10、dont smoke,“ he said. “Listen. I bet you know plenty people who smoke. Nice little present,“ wheedled the man. “And, mister, you woudnt mind helping a poor guy out?“ He clung to Mr. Parsons sleeve. Mr. Parsons sighed and felt in his vest pocket. He brought out two half dollars and pressed them into

11、the mans hand. “Certainly. Ill help you out. As you say, I can give it to someone. Maybe the elevator boy would-“ He hesitated, not wishing to be boorish and inquisitive, even with a blind peddler. “Have you lost your sight entirely?“ The shabby man pocketed the two half dollars. “Fourteen years, gu

12、vnor.“ Then he added with an insane sort of pride: “Westbury, sir. I was one of em.“ “Westbury,“ repeated Mr. Parsons. “Ah, yes. The chemical explosion The papers havent mentioned it for years. But at the time it was supposed to be one of the greatest disasters in-“ “Theyve all forgot about it.“ The

13、 fellow shifted his feet wearily. “I tell you, guvnor, a man who was in it dont forget about it. Last thing I ever saw was C shop going up in one grand smudge, and that damn gas pouring in at all the busted windows.“ Mr. Parsons coughed. But the blind peddler was caught up with the train of his one

14、dramatic reminiscence. And, also, he was thinking that there might be more half dollars in Mr. Parsons pocket. “Just think about it, guvnor. There was a hundred and eight people killed, about two hundred injured, and over fifty of them lost their eyes. Blind as bats-“ He groped forward until his dir

15、ty hand rested against Mr. Parsons coat. “I tell you, sir, there wasnt nothing worse than that in the war. If I had lost my eyes in the war, okay. I would have been well took care of. But I was just a workman, working for what was in it. And I got it. Youre damn right I got it, while the capitalists

16、 were making their dough! They was insured, dont worry about that. They-“ “Insured,“ repeated his listener. “Yes. Thats what I sell-“ “You want to know how I lost my eyes?“ cried the man. “Well, here it is!“ His words fell with the bitter and studied drama of a story often told, and told for money.

17、“I was there in C shop, last of all the folks rushing out. Out in the air there was a chance, even with buildings exploding right and left. A lot of guys made it Safe out the door and got away. And just when I was about there, crawling along between those big vats, a guy behind me grabs my leg. He s

18、ays, let me past, you- ! Maybe he was nuts. I dun-no. I try to forgive him in my heart, guvnor. But he was bigger than me. He hauls me back and climbs right over me! Tramples me into the dirt. And he gets out, and I lie there with all that poison gas pouring down on all sides of me, and flame and st

19、uff. “He swallowed - a studied sob - and stood dumbly expectant. He could imagine the next words: Tough luck, my man. Damned tough. Now, I want to - “Thats the story, guvnor.“ The spring wind shrilled past them, damp and quivering. “Not quite,“ said Mr. Parsons. The blind peddler shivered crazily. “

20、Not quite? What you mean, you-?“ “Other way around?“ lie croaked unamiably. “Say, guvnor-“ “I was in C shop,“ said Mr. Parsons. “It was the other way around. You were the fellow who hauled back on me and climbed over me. You were bigger than I was, Markwardt.“ The blind man stood for a long time, sw

21、allowing hoarsely. He gulped: “Parsons. By God. By God! I thought you-“ And then he screamed fiendishly: “Yes. Maybe so. Maybe so. But Im blind ! Im blind, and youve been standing here letting me spout to you, and laughing at me every minute! Im blind !“ People in the street turned to stare at him.

22、“You got away, but Im blind! Do you hear.? Im-“ “Well, “said Mr. Parsons, “dont make such a row about it, Markwanh . So am I.“ From Road to Reading, ed., Anna MariaMalkoc, Washington, D.C. 2 Mr. Parsons thought now he was a successful person. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 The beggar was blind in dirty clo

23、thes, while Mr. Parsons was sighted in well dress. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 Mr. Parsons was startled and coughed nervously at the memory of the fire. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 Mr. Parsons was uncomfortable in the presence of the beggar because he was extremely sick of beggars. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 T

24、he primary purpose of this passage is to contrast Mr. Parsons attitude to life and that of the blind beggar. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 7 Mr. Parsons had worked very hard and experienced much suffering before he became a respectable insurance salesman. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 8 Though it was spring, it was

25、 still very cold outdoors, so Mr. Parsons coughed. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 9 The blind beggar with _felt his way forward carefully and somewhat fearfully on the street. 10 At that time the chemical explosion was thought to be_. 11 The beggars words fell with_ drama of a story told many times for money

26、. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause

27、. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) Away from home. ( B) In the army. ( C) At a distant college. ( D) At home. ( A) The mans mother. ( B) The mans mother -in-law. ( C) The childs mother. ( D) The womans mother-in-law. ( A

28、) Come back later. ( B) Take a chance. ( C) Turn the page. ( D) Return the book. ( A) He doesnt know what he wants to do. ( B) Hed like to work this winter. ( C) He wonders whether the woman has a job. ( D) He cant decide where to go on vacation. ( A) Its clear that the lake is too small to see. ( B

29、) She would like to see the man. ( C) The water in the lake is muddy. ( D) Its too foggy to see the lake now. ( A) He wants to say good-bye at the airport. ( B) He would like her to take a day off. ( C) He likes to watch the planes take off. ( D) He thinks she should take the tube to the airport. (

30、A) Carol knows practically everybody. ( B) Martin isnt hard to cheer up. ( C) Martin didnt order the right thing. ( D) Carol always knows exactly what to say. ( A) He chose the shirt a long time ago. ( B) He has no other clothes the same color. ( C) The collar fits him very well. ( D) He didnt buy t

31、he shirt for himself. ( A) Food packaging. ( B) Varieties of fish. ( C) A new snack food ( D) An artificial food flavoring. ( A) Its variety of colors. ( B) Its unusual texture. ( C) The way it is sold. ( D) Its main ingredient. ( A) To preserve it longer. ( B) To give it a particular taste. ( C) To

32、 make it smoother. ( D) To increase tire fermentation. ( A) The man s test. ( B) The woman s research paper. ( C) Go swimming over at the student center. ( D) Plans for the evening. ( A) Because she wants to study for a test. ( B) Because she wants to go swimming at the student center. ( C) Because

33、she has to do research in the library. ( D) Because she is not interested in the man. ( A) They will go to the Grill. ( B) They will go to the library. ( C) They will go swimming. ( D) They will walk home. ( A) That he is not a student this semester. ( B) That he is not a serious student. ( C) That

34、he is pot very, concerned about the woman. ( D) That he is willing to compromise. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, y

35、ou must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Germany. ( B) Holland. ( C) France. ( D) England. ( A) The Irish. ( B) The Blacks. ( C) The Chinese. ( D) The Indians. ( A) The Blacks are discriminated against the most nowadays in America. ( B) The Chinese have Chinato

36、wn in New York for religious reasons. ( C) An Irish scientist helped Americans walk on the moon. ( D) Each race plays a great role in keeping the United States as a great country. ( A) 1,500.00 ( B) 1,316.00 ( C) 891 ( D) 2,207.00 ( A) Its passengers. ( B) Its crew. ( C) The icy waters of the North

37、Atlantic. ( D) A huge iceberg. ( A) The passenger. ( B) The crew. ( C) A woman. ( D) The captain. ( A) 215,000.00 ( B) Less than 250,000. ( C) More than 350,000. ( D) About 300,000. ( A) Poor health condition of the children. ( B) Poor quality of village schools. ( C) Religious differences. ( D) Dif

38、ferent lifestyle or faith. ( A) They lack opportunities to interact with children of their age. ( B) Their parents are not qualified instructors. ( C) They cannot win honor in such an environment. ( D) They make no genuine friends. ( A) Positive. ( B) Negative. ( C) Neutral. ( D) Indifferent. Sectio

39、n C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you ha

40、ve just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 It is common knowledge that music can have a powerful effect on our【 B1】_.In fact, since 1930s, music th

41、erapists have【 B2】 _on music to soothe【 B3】 _and help control pain. Now psychologists are【 B4】 _that music can also help【 B5】 _depression and improve concentration. For instance, in a recent study, 15 surgeons were given some highly【 B6】 _math problems to solve. They were【 B7】 _into three groups: on

42、e worked in silence, and in another, the surgeons listened to music of their choice on headphones; the third listened to【 B8】_music chosen by the researchers. The results of the study may surprise you.【 B9】 _. One possible explanation is that listening to music you like stimulates the Alfa-wave in t

43、he brain, increases the heart rate and expands the breathing. That helps to reduce stress and sharpen concentration. Other research suggests a second relation between the music and the brain:【 B10】 _, the researchers found that some students showed a large increase in endorphin, a natural pain relie

44、ver,【 B11】 _. 37 【 B1】 38 【 B2】 39 【 B3】 40 【 B4】 41 【 B5】 42 【 B6】 43 【 B7】 44 【 B8】 45 【 B9】 46 【 B10】 47 【 B11】 Section A Directions: In this section, there is a short passage with 5 questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statemen

45、ts in the fewest possible words. 47 Cubist (立体派艺术的 ) paintings have many straight lines and angular (有角的 )planes. They sometimes present several different views of an object at the same time. Brooklyn Bridge by Joseph Stella (American, 1879-1946) is a cubist picture of the great cable suspension bri

46、dge at night. The bridge, large and important, fills entire painting. Spots of light which shine on the various structures of the bridge suggest the headlights of cars speeding along. Despite the lights, we do not see ally activity in the picture. There are no cars or trains, and there are no human

47、forms. Stella is mainly interested in the structure of the bridge, lie presents the mystery of the bridge-how it extends through space from shore to shore, Now it rises into the sky and does not fall. The picture is well-proportioned. In the upper middle section of the painting we see the main suspe

48、nsion tower of the bridge with its three rows of arches(拱形 ), h looks like a church. The road beneath the tower stretches into the distance and disappears behind the tower to connect with the other shore. In the bottom center there is a prism(棱柱 ) -like shape which looks tike a large diamond. Perhap

49、s it represents the drill which the builders used when they put in the supports for the bridge. To the right of the prism shape there is a row of semicircular arches which retreat into the distance. These arches suggest tunnels beneath the river for subways. Immediately above the tunnel arches, there are straight lines which join together in the distance. These lines suggest roads over the br


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