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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 60及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic College English Teaching in China according to the following outline(given in Chinese). Your composition should be no less than 120 words. Remember to write your composi

2、tion on the Answer Sheet 1 clearly and neatly. 1. 有人认为中国在大学英语教学很不成功。 2. 失败的原因是 3. 我的建议 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questio

3、ns 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 2 The Key to Success A five-year study of 120 of the nations t

4、op artists, athletes and scholars has concluded that drive and determination, not great natural talent, led to their extraordinary success. “We expected to find tales of great natural gifts,“ said University of Chicago education professor Benjamin Bloom, who led the team of researchers who studies t

5、he careers of Americas top performers, “We didnt find that at all. Their mothers often said it was their other child who had the greater gifts.“ The most brilliant mathematicians often said they had trouble in school and were rarely the best in their classes. Some world-class tennis players said the

6、ir coaches viewed them as being too short ever to be outstanding, and the Olympic swimmers said they remembered getting regularly “clobbered“(打垮 ) in races as 10-year olds. Anonymous Interviews The foundation-supported research team conducted in-depth, anonymous interviews with the top 20 performers

7、 in the some fields, as judged by national championships or similar honors. They also interviewed their families and teachers, hoping to learn how these individuals developed into extraordinary performers. Instead, the researcher heard accounts of an extraordinary drive and dedication through which,

8、 for example, a typical swimmer would tell of getting up at 5:30 every morning to swim two hours before school and then two hours after school to attain his or her goal of making the Olympic team. Bloom, an eminent educational researcher, said his findings “remind me of the old joke about the young

9、man walking down a New York street who stops to ask a little old lady, How do I get to Carnegie Hall? and she looks up and says, Practice, young man. Practice.“ Although practice and motivation seemed to explain their success, the top performers, regardless of their field, appeared to follow a simil

10、ar course of development, the researchers found. In practically every case, the parents played the key role, first by exposing their children at an early age to music, sports or learning. The vast majority of the parents were not themselves outstanding musicians, athletes or scholars. For example, f

11、ew than half of the parents of the distinguished pianists had ever played any musical instrument. Valued Competition But the parents of the swimmer and tennis players did enjoy sports and valued competition, Bloom reported. The families of the pianists appreciated art and music, while the parents of

12、 the research scientists displayed a great love for learning. The parents of scientists reported that their children showed both an unusual curiosity about how things work and an “independent nature“ that allowed them to play or work alone for hours. Although it is not uncommon for children to ask r

13、epeatedly “Why?“, “What appears to make the parents of scientists unique is the nature of their childrens questions,“ Bloom wrote, “They responded to the questions seriously, often encouraging even more questions.“ “These parents placed great stress on achievement, on success and on doing ones best

14、at all times. They were models of the work ethic, believing that work should come before play and that one should always work toward distant goals.“ Bloom said. The results of the research will be published this week in a book entitled Developing Talent in Young People. The families said in the inte

15、rviews that they wanted their children to have “normal“ childhoods and that they had no inkling(略知 ) that the children would achieve unusual success. Parents Encouraged Them But once a child displayed an interest and enthusiasm in a particular area, these parents encouraged them at every step and we

16、re willing to spend countless hours shuttling them to and from piano, tennis or swimming lessons. Even in homes where money was tight, no sacrifice was too great in order that the child had whatever he needed to learn to become a musician. “My parents didnt have two coins to rub together,“ Bloom quo

17、ted one pianist as saying, “Those were the bad old days. But there was always money for music.“ Several of the families reported moving to new homes just to get their children in better academic environment or to be closer to a coach or instructor. Blooms study also found that these achievers, all o

18、f whom were younger than 40 when interviewed, appeared to have gone through three distinct stages of development, regardless of their field. At first, the parents exposed the children to playing a piano, playing with scientific games or hitting a tennis ball, but it was just fun. They played tennis

19、with their families, for example, and developed the habit of regular practice. Usually, the children also had some outside instruction perhaps a neighbor who gave piano lessons or an uncle who was a good tennis player. Then, at some point, they began to gain recognition for their ability. For exampl

20、e, a 7-year old would play the piano for a school performance. “Within two to five years, most of the individuals in our study began to see themselves in terms of the talent field.“ Bloom wrote, “They began to see themselves as pianists and swimmers before the age of 11 or 12, and mathematicians bef

21、ore the age of 16 to 17.“ “Most of our talented individuals had very good experiences with their initial teachers, and many had developed a very comfortable relationship with them.“ Bloom wrote. At the second stage of development, as a childs rapid progress became apparent, the parents usually sough

22、t out a more expert instructor or coach. Typically, the new teachers are perfectionists who demanded a great deal of practice time for the students and looked for much progress in a relatively short period of time. They usually stressed the refining of the childs technique, whether it would be their

23、 fingers on the key board or their strokes in the water or on the tennis court. In the middle years, these young people first tasted extraordinary success. Some set national swimming records as adolescents. The pianists got opportunities to perform with symphony orchestras. The future scientists wer

24、e already doing independent research projects. The tennis players were winning state championships. Greater Commitment At this point, their commitment to their field increased one step further. The subjects said they began “living“ for swimming or tennis or the piano and devoted hours each day to pr

25、actice. They also sought out the nations best coaches or teachers, those who were recognized masters at training the best. At this final stage of development, the focus was less on technique than on developing a personal style. The athletes said their coaches helped them with strategy and psychology

26、. The pianists said they learned about expressing their own interpretation of the music. “During these years the students was completely committed to the talent field. Now most of the motivation was internal and related to their larger goals.“ Bloom wrote. Few of the talented individuals expressed a

27、ny regret about devoting. so much of their time to pursuing a single goal. A few swimmers reported a great feeling of letdown after the Olympics ended and their swimming careers were over. Most of the top achievers, even those who had left their field, said they had retained a feeling of pride in th

28、eir accomplishments. Bloom said the study convinced him that talent must be carefully nurtured over many years. “The old saw that genius will win out in spite of circumstances just doesnt hold up.“ Because natural talent seemed to play such a minor role in the development of these performers, Bloom

29、said he was also convinced that a large number of individuals could achieve at extraordinary levels if given the right encouragement and training. The research “points to the enormous human potential available in each society and the likelihood that only a very small amount of this human potential i

30、s ever fully developed,“ he concluded, “we believe that each.society could vastly increase the amount and kinds of talent it develops.“ 2 According to a five-year study of the nations top artists, athletes and scholars, it is the drive and determination that led to their success. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C)

31、NG 3 Though in different fields, the top performers seemed to develop in a similar course. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 Most of the top performers parents are outstanding musicians, athletes or scholars. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 The parents of scientists responded to their childrens questions seriously, a

32、nd often encouraged the children to ask more questions. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 Some children quitted their practices because the coach or instructor lives far away from their homes. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 7 Many of the achievers gained recognition for their ability after the age of 40. ( A) Y ( B) N

33、 ( C) NG 8 Most talented individuals had no good experiences with their initial teachers, and many had developed a very tense relationship with them. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 9 The talented individuals expressed no regret about devoting so much of their time to pursuing 10 Even those top achievers who

34、had left their field said they had maintained a feeling of pride in 11 Bloom was convinced that most individuals could accomplish their object at extraordinary levels if given Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conv

35、ersation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) A movie. (

36、B) A lecture. ( C) A play. ( D) A speech. ( A) The man and woman shopped all over town. ( B) The woman went to many different stores. ( C) The woman bought some bookcases on sale. ( D) The man sold the woman some expensive bookcases. ( A) The train is crowded. ( B) The train is late. ( C) Tire train

37、 is empty. ( D) The train is on time. ( A) The woman has decided to quit her job. ( B) Jobs are easier to find in the city. ( C) The woman works in the city. ( D) The woman lives in the suburbs. ( A) She will go directly to the boss with her problems. ( B) She will keep the problems by herself. ( C)

38、 She will let her mother speak to the boss about her problems. ( D) She will tell her bosss mother about the problems. ( A) Going to see a new kid is the best thing they can do. ( B) They should go to see the mans father. ( C) A guy named Tom will go to a new place. ( D) The woman might go with the

39、man to see his mother. ( A) It will probably rain. ( B) It will probably be foggy. ( C) It will probably not rain. ( D) It will probably be cold. ( A) The man was surprised to hear the news. ( B) The man thinks that the president is not likely to win. ( C) The man thinks that the president should at

40、 least try. ( D) The man thinks what the president did is wrong. ( A) Changing an appointment. ( B) Making an appointment. ( C) Canceling an appointment. ( D) Meeting a friend. ( A) He has lost his voice. ( B) He is miles away. ( C) There is something wrong with the line. ( D) He speaks in a very lo

41、w voice. ( A) She has to meet a friend. ( B) She has to fly to Argentina. ( C) She has to attend a meeting. ( D) She has to lunch with the man next week. ( A) Native customs in Germany when meeting someone for the first time. ( B) Questions that one has to answer when going through the customs. ( C)

42、 The popularity of online shopping using ones personal computer. ( D) The most effective method of learning the German language. ( A) She has British nationality. ( B) She is Japanese. ( C) She comes from Germany. ( D) She is an American citizen. ( A) Through a mailing list of his club member. ( B)

43、When he was traveling in Germany. ( C) In a discussion group on the Internet. ( D) When he was taking a course in German. ( A) Establish a friendly relationship with Linda. ( B) Give his greetings to Lindas parents. ( C) Take an intensive course in German. ( D) Learn how to say “Nice to meet you“ in

44、 German. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D

45、. ( A) It is as long as the civilization of India. ( B) It is as long as that of any western country. ( C) It is a life shorter than the civilization of India. ( D) It is longer than the civilization of India. ( A) It belongs exclusively to the nations wealthiest. ( B) It is believed by only the ill

46、iterate masses. ( C) It has an increasing number of gods. ( D) It is gradually replaced by the idea of materialism. ( A) Because it is based on real stories. ( B) Because it evolves with human history ( C) Because it is believed by many people. ( D) Because it has such a long history. ( A) There are

47、 no fixed standards. ( B) Spreading brings much diversity. ( C) There are too many private schools. ( D) Fund origins are various. ( A) The existence of various kinds of schools. ( B) The educational problem of American minorities. ( C) The existence of functional illiterates. ( D) The existence of

48、private schools. ( A) From public resources. ( B) From private persons. ( C) From large corporations. ( D) From religious organizations. ( A) She died across from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. ( B) US Department of Housing and Urban Development threw the dead woman out onto the

49、 street. ( C) She died in Washington D.C., the nations capital. ( D) No one cared about the homeless woman. ( A) Because they do not want to pay for the houses. ( B) Because they have financial troubles. ( C) Because they like traveling across the country. ( D) Because they like drinking out. ( A) Finding houses, training for jobs, medical treatment. ( B) Treatment for those who use drugs or alcohol, finding places to live, training for jobs. ( C) Finding them jobs, sending them to hospitals, looking for houses. ( D)


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