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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 613及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Ability or Diploma. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below: 1. 很多人认为文凭能说明一切 2. 然 而当今社会越来越看重能力 3. 你的看法 Ability or Diploma 二、 Part II Reading C

2、omprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if

3、the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 How Should You Build Up Your Vocabulary Exactly what do you do during a normal day? How do you spend your time? Paul T. Rankin very much wanted an answer to that quest

4、ion. To get it, he asked sixty-eight individuals to keep an accurate, detailed record of what they did every minute of their waking hours. When he consolidated (巩固 ) his findings, he discovered that the average individual spent 70 percent of his waking time doing one thing only-communication. That m

5、eant either reading, writing, speaking or listening. Put that evidence alongside of the research findings uncovered by the Human Engineering Laboratories. In exploring aptitudes and careers involving, among other things, data from 30,000 vocabulary tests given yearly, they discovered that big income

6、s and big vocabularies go together. Vocabulary, more than any other factor yet known, predicts financial success. And it all fits. Each word you add to your vocabulary makes you a better reader, writer, speaker and listener. Furthermore, linguistic scientists are quick to point out that we actually

7、think with words. If that is so, new words make us better thinkers as well as communicators. No wonder more words are likely to mean more money. What better reason for beginning right now to extend your vocabulary? Take reading. What exactly do you read? Common sense says you read words. Research co

8、nfirms that fact. “Vocabulary in context“ contributes 39 percent to comprehension. Thats more than any other factor isolated and studied-even more than intelligence. And “ word discrimination“ contributes more to speed of reading than any other factor-28 percent. In short, your efforts to improve vo

9、cabulary will payoff in both comprehension and speed. Suppose, as youre reading along, you lumtebs across a strange word. Did you find yourself stopping for a closer look at lumtebs? Pardon the spelling slip. Thats actually the word stumble (偶然发现 ). The letter just got mixed around. Obviously you no

10、w know that strange words do slow you down-or even stop you completely. Furthermore, strange words hinder (妨碍 ) comprehension. Which is easier to understand, “eschew garrulity“ or “avoiding talking too much“? What you need is a vital, dynamic approach to vocabulary building. Hybrid (混合种 ) corn combi

11、nes the best qualities of several varieties to ensure maximum productivity. A hybrid approach to vocabulary should, in the same way, ensure maximum results. Thats why you should use the CPD formula. Through Context When students in a college class were asked what should be done when they came across

12、 an unknown word in their reading, 84 percent said, “Look it up in the dictionary. “ If you do, however, you short-circuit the very mental processes needed to make your efforts most productive. But theres another reason. Suppose someone asks you what the word fast means. You answer, “speedy or swift

13、“. But does it mean that in such contexts as “fast color“, “fast woman“, or “ fast friend“ ? And if a horse is fast, is it securely tied or galloping (飞驰 ) at top speed? It could be either. It all depends. On the dictionary? No, on context-on how the word is actually used. After all, there are over

14、twenty different meanings for fast in the dictionary. But the dictionary doesnt tell you which meaning is intended. Thats why it makes such good sense to begin with context. Through Word Parts Now for the next step. Often unfamiliar words contain one or more parts, which, if recognized, provide defi

15、nite help with meaning. Suppose you read that someone “ had a predilection for reading mysteries“. The context certainly isnt too helpful. But do you see a prefix, suffix or root that you know? Well. theres the familiar prefix pre-, meaning “before“. Look back at the context and try inserting “befor

16、e“. Reading mysteries apparently comes “before“ other kinds of reading. Yes, a pre-dilection-or preference-is something put “before“ something else. Or take the word monolithic. Try to isolate the parts. There is the prefix mono-, meaning “one “, and the root lith, meaning “ stone “. Finally, theres

17、 the suffix -ic, meaning “consisting of“. Those three parts add up to this definition: “consisting of one stone“. To speed up your use of word parts, you will be introduced to the fourteen most important words in the English language. The prefix and root elements in those few words are found in over

18、 14,000 words of desk dictionary size. With those amazingly useful shortcuts, you can build vocabulary, not a snails pace, one word at a time, but in giant strides, up to a thousand words at a time. Your second step, then, is to look for familiar word parts. If they do not give you exact meanings, t

19、hey should at least bring you much closer. Through the Dictionary Now you can see why you should consult the dictionary last, not first. Youve looked carefully at the context. Youve looked for familiar word parts. Now you play Sherlock Holmes-an exciting role. You hypothesize. In light of context or

20、 word parts, you try to solve a mystery. hat exactly does that strange word mean? Only after you go through the mental gymnastics to come up with a tentative definition should you open the dictionary to see if youre right. After all, those first two steps or approaches spark a stronger than usual in

21、terest in that dictionary definition. Youre now personally involved. Did you figure out the word meaning? Your heightened interest will lead to a better memory of both word and meaning. It also encourages your development of the habits needed to accelerate your progress. And when you see in black an

22、d white the definition you had expected, what a feeling of accomplishment is yours. In that way, the CPD Formula provides the exact dynamic interplay of approaches for maximum effectiveness. Well, there it is, your new formula-Context, Parts, Dictionary. Use it ! The exercises that follow will give

23、you specific, step-by-step help in sharpening your awareness of contextual clues, learning the most useful word parts, and using the dictionary with increased accuracy and ease. The results will be like the money in the bank. 2 Whats the purpose of this article? ( A) To teach readers how to enlarge

24、their vocabulary. ( B) To explain the meaning of the CPD formula. ( C) To introduce some research findings on communication. ( D) To encourage readers to throw their dictionaries away. 3 What did Paul T. Rankin find about the average individual? ( A) He spends more time in his life speaking than rea

25、ding. ( B) He spends most of his waking hours on communication. ( C) He does routine work at a relatively fixed time of the day. ( D) He stays awake for seventy percent of his life time. 4 What did the research findings of the Human Engineering Laboratories show? ( A) Leaders tend to have large voca

26、bularies. ( B) Average people can grasp 30 000 words easily. ( C) Incomes and vocabularies are closely related. ( D) People actually think with words. 5 _ is the most important factor in reading comprehension. ( A) Intelligence ( B) Word discrimination ( C) Reading skill ( D) Vocabulary in context 6

27、 The author highly recommends that we determine the exact meaning of a word through _. ( A) context ( B) word parts ( C) the dictionary ( D) asking authorities 7 Whats the advantage of grasping word parts? ( A) One can create new words by himself. ( B) One can establish self-confidence. ( C) One can

28、 get the exact meaning of a word. ( D) One can build vocabulary rapidly. 8 When does the author suggest that one open the dictionary? ( A) After he has figured out the word meaning. ( B) After he has a tentative definition of a word. ( C) When he doesnt know how to spell a word. ( D) When he cant so

29、lve the mystery through context. 9 If one has a larger vocabulary, he or she will be a better thinker and a better _. 10 Just like Hybrid corn, the CPD formula should also ensure _. 11 By using context and word parts, readers heightened interest will lead to _. Section A Directions: In this section,

30、 you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the fo

31、ur choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) Just get the treatment from the first doctor. ( B) Take a different kind of medicine. ( C) Ask another doctor for advice. ( D) To get treatment from another doctor in the same hospital. ( A) He agrees with the womans choice.

32、( B) He doesnt want spicy food. ( C) He wants the salad to be fresh. ( D) Garlic is his favorite flavor. ( A) The man will ask the woman to show the guarantee. ( B) The man will ask the woman to show the receipt. ( C) The man will replace the womans camera. ( D) The man will adjust the cameras lens.

33、 ( A) The man wants to reschedule his appointment. ( B) The man will wait for Mr. Barley in the meeting room. ( C) The man is dissatisfied when he finds that Mr. Barkley cant meet him. ( D) The man wishes to know Mr. Barley earlier. ( A) Stay home to prepare for the exams. ( B) Attend concert next w

34、eek after the exams are over. ( C) Take a coffee break. ( D) Go to the concert with the man. ( A) Nancy doesnt like going to concerts. ( B) Nancy is busy cleaning the refrigerator. ( C) Nancy is experiencing hard times. ( D) Nancy is making a lot of money. ( A) Shes planning a trip to West Africa. (

35、 B) She thinks attending the lecture will be helpful to her report writing. ( C) Her history class is required to attend the lecture. ( D) She has already finished writing her report. ( A) Enjoyable. ( B) Too complicated. ( C) Interesting. ( D) Touching. ( A) She writes reports for them. ( B) She he

36、lps people after work. ( C) She helps them struggle with daily existences. ( D) She introduces work for them. ( A) Because they dont have support networks. ( B) Because they cannot cope with the difficulties in their lives. ( C) Because the woman is famous for helping others. ( D) Because people fro

37、m their nationality refuse to help them. ( A) They were surprised at the flavors. ( B) They could find food they know and love. ( C) There was at least one Chinese restaurant in every China town. ( D) Americans have different foods. ( A) Polltaker and passenger. ( B) Program host and guest. ( C) Stu

38、dent and teacher. ( D) Politician and supporter. ( A) Whenever they go. ( B) When on normal duty. ( C) When chasing an armed criminal. ( D) When chasing a criminal they know. ( A) Absolutely agree. ( B) Agree. ( C) Absolutely disagree. ( D) Disagree. ( A) Britain should not join the EEC. ( B) Britai

39、n should try to benefit from the EEC. ( C) It is difficult for Britain to live in the EEC. ( D) It is necessary for Britain to stay in. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions

40、will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Their incomes are 75% of mens. ( B) Their incomes are 75 cents less than mens. ( C) Their incomes are 25% of mens. ( D) Their incomes are equal with men. ( A) They ch

41、oose to work harder. ( B) They choose to be house wives or work at home. ( C) They choose to teach their children at home. ( D) They choose to compete with men. ( A) Women would earn more than men. ( B) White men would earn more than black met. ( C) There would be less discrimination. ( D) Black men

42、 would earn more than white men. ( A) The Atlantic Olympic Games. ( B) The Greek Olympic Games. ( C) The Barcelona Olympic Games. ( D) The London Olympic Games. ( A) She was very excited. ( B) She was indifferent to it. ( C) She was unhappy. ( D) She felt sorrow about that song. ( A) She was moved t

43、o tears by its graceful yet simple melody and honest lyrics. ( B) She was moved to tears by its oriental style. ( C) She disliked it yet still promised to sing. ( D) She disliked it but had to sing. ( A) Gray or white. ( B) Brown or red. ( C) Red or yellow. ( D) Yellow or red. ( A) From 400 to 600 p

44、ounds. ( B) From 400 to 500 pounds. ( C) From 300 to 500 pounds. ( D) From 600 to 700 pounds. ( A) Leaves. ( B) Herbs. ( C) Fruit. ( D) Human. ( A) During mating season. ( B) Except during the mating season. ( C) All the year round. ( D) Only in spring. Section C Directions: In this section, you wil

45、l hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from

46、44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 Educators are seriously concerned about the high rate of dropouts among the doctor of philosophy candidates and the consequent loss of【 36】 to a

47、 nation in need of Ph. Ds. Some have placed the dropouts loss as high as 50 percent. The【 37】 of the loss was, however, largely a matter of expert【 38】 . Last week a well-rounded study was published. It was based on 22000 questionnaires sent to【 39】 graduate students who were【 40】 in 24 universities

48、 and it seemed to show many past fears to be【 41】 The dropouts rate was found to be 31 per cent, and in most cases the dropouts, while not completing the Ph. D. requirement, went on to productive work. They are not only doing well【 42】 , but, according to the report, are not far below the income lev

49、els of those who went on to complete their doctorates. Lack of motivation was the【 43】 reason for dropping out. Most dropouts went as far in their doctoral program as was consistent with their levels of ability or their specialities.【 44】 . Nearly 75 per cent of the dropouts said there was no academic reason for their decision,【 45】 , uncompleted research and failure to pass language exams.【 46】 was marked by 19 percent. Section A Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blank


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