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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 631及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Credit. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below. 1信用很重要 2但是现在有许多不讲信用的现象 3我们大学生应该怎么做 Credit 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scan

2、ning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the i

3、nformation given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Why DIY? The reasons why people engage in DIY have always been numerous and complex. For some, DIY has provided a rare opportunity for creativity and self-expression. For others it has been an unwel

4、come necessity, driven purely by economic considerations. Then there has been a group which feels that a building can never be a home unless it has been altered and modified to reflect a change of occupancy. A final group has traditionally taken the line that if you want a job done well, you must do

5、 it yourself. The same four basic species of DIYers exist today, although these various motives may now overlap very substantially. The perfectionist in search of the good job done well is often also driven by a desire for creativity. There are also two new categories of motive the pursuit of DIY as

6、 a leisure activity and DIY as a form of occupational therapy. These, again, overlap with other reasons. DIY as necessity There is a significant number of young homemakers (38% of our informants) (被调查者 ) for whom there is no option but DIY. Their new home, whether bought on a mortgage (抵押借款 ) which

7、consumes a major slice of their income, or rented at similarly challenging rates, will often require essential rearrangement and even structural repair. Some of these people are reluctant first-time DIYers. They would much prefer to hire professionals, but cant afford to do so. The majority, however

8、, welcome the opportunity that need has forced upon them to get involved for the first time in the real business of creating a home with all of its unfamiliar physical labour and the learning from scratch of new techniques. In time, many will migrate to one of the other categories of DIYer, continui

9、ng to exercise their new found talents and enthusiasm when no longer forced by financial constraints to do so. DIY as territorial marking Even those who have bought a brand new “starter home“, the type which increasingly gains popularity around the edges of our towns and cities, will feel compelled

10、to add personal touches of a less dramatic kind to disguise its otherwise bland and expressionless nature. Putting a “personal stamp on the place“ was one of the most frequently reported motives for DIY, with 72% of sample seeing this as being a very important aspect. DIY as self-expression Many you

11、ng people today are frustrated artists their latent creative talents just waiting for the chance to reveal themselves. There are also those seeking opportunities for a sense of achievement and personal fulfillment. DIY provided just such opportunities for the overwhelming majority of our informants

12、(84%). This sense of creative achievement comes both from the choices made by the first-time DIYer the selection of colors, textures and components to apply to the “canvas“ of the home and from the application of specific skills and techniques. The manufacturers of DIY materials clearly understand t

13、his and now provide a wide range of “arty“ products to fuel creative urges. At the same time, they make the materials themselves much easier to use the DIY equivalent of painting by numbers. Special paint effects, which once required the specialist knowledge and training of the true professional, ca

14、n now be achieved straight out of the can with a simple brush. DIY as perfection-seeking A large proportion of first-time DIYers (63%) distrust builders and decorators. They feel that most are “cowboys“ and that even the more reputable ones are very unlikely to have the same loving attention to deta

15、il and care as the DIYer. Some had previously suffered from the alleged bodge of small builders, while others were proud of the fact that no tradesman of this kind had ever set foot in their home. Within this group there were those who were content for builders to perform basic or structural work, a

16、nd to undertake tasks such as plastering (抹水泥 ) which are beyond the competence of most DIYers, particularly the younger beginners in our sample. The finishing work, however, was something these people kept for themselves the final “perfecting“ of what otherwise would be just a second-rate result. T

17、his drive for perfection was also evident among the “strippers“ in this group. The idea of putting wallpaper over existing paper, or even paint on the top of preceding coats, was anathema. Everything needed to be taken back to the bare plaster or the naked wood before any new decoration could be app

18、lied. Some informants recognized that this search for perfection could sometimes go too far: “Its an obsession for me really. Im never happy with anything.“ The problem perfectionists face is that progress can be very slow. When perfectionists are obliged, by nagging or circumstance, to speed things

19、 up, other problems can result. DIY as leisure activity For a significant minority of first-timers (28%), DIY is seen as a novel and entertaining pastime. It is not really work, but something similar to entertainment, shared by both partners and even the children in the case of young families. “Its

20、just great fun“ enthused one of our sample. The idea that DIYing is similar to a trip to the lions of Longleat may seem strange. But for these informants home-making was sufficiently different from, and infinitely preferable to, the dull routines of weekday work to constitute a weekend break. The re

21、sults of such activity were rewarding, but probably less so than engaging in the activity itself. DIY as therapy “Its therapeutic, isnt it? Im always in my own little world when Im doing DIY its great.“ So said a young man of 27 in our sample. “For me its occupational therapy“, said another informan

22、t. For them and others it was their way of getting rid of stress after a long day at work a way of switching off and using the repetitive nature of many DIY tasks as a way of relaxing. Others hinted at a similar process, where DIY was almost an end in itself, rather than just a means to achieving a

23、better home. In this sense they were similar to those who saw DIY as a form of leisure, but it was the psychological effects which were emphasized by 18% of our sample. 2 Besides the traditional motives of DIY, the new categories of motive include the pursuit of DIY as_. ( A) self-expression ( B) ch

24、ances of creativity ( C) a leisure activity ( D) economic necessity 3 To those young homemakers, what does buying a new home on a mortgage mean? ( A) It is the final option they would choose. ( B) It is as challenging as renting a house. ( C) It costs more money than renting a home. ( D) It costs ev

25、en more than food and drinks. 4 Those reluctant first-time DIYers think it preferable to_. ( A) hiring professionals to do the homemaking ( B) decorating their new home more beautifully ( C) finding less expensive decoration materials ( D) learning new techniques of decoration at school 5 A brand ne

26、w “starter home“ becomes more and more popular_. ( A) with young married couples ( B) near the urban areas of big cities ( C) as advertisers keep promoting it ( D) around the border of towns and cities 6 At present, special paint effects can be achieved by_. ( A) anyone with a painting machine ( B)

27、specially-trained professionals ( C) any DIYers with simple tools ( D) a few people with artistic knowledge 7 A large part of first-time DIYers use the term “cowboys“ to refer to_. ( A) DIY material manufacturers ( B) builders and decorators ( C) professional interior designers ( D) ambitious and cr

28、eative DIYers 8 Its found that most young DIY beginners are not competent for_. ( A) plastering ( B) decorating ( C) gardening ( D) painting 9 “Strippers“ are those people who are driven by the pursuit of_ in DIY. 10 About twenty-eight percent of the first-timers consider DIY as_ 11 People who take

29、DIY as a form of leisure and those who take DIY as therapy similarly think of DIY as almost_. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conver

30、sation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) He was offered a movie ticket. ( B) He received a traffic ticket. ( C) He worked very careful

31、ly. ( D) He drove carelessly. ( A) They had a misunderstanding four years ago. ( B) They really like each other very much. ( C) Theyve been angry with each other for a long time. ( D) Theyve never learned how to express their feelings. ( A) Run in town. ( B) Jog more carefully. ( C) Buy shoes from a

32、 catalog. ( D) Find an easier place to exercise. ( A) He needs a long-sleeved shirt. ( B) It doesnt fit him very well. ( C) He hasnt had time to try it on yet. ( D) He is not sure he likes the style. ( A) Buy some stamps. ( B) Wait for the postman. ( C) Mail the letter himself. ( D) Deliver a packag

33、e to the postman. ( A) He likes the black and white sweater. ( B) He doesnt like either sweater. ( C) He likes the white dress. ( D) He likes both of the sweater. ( A) Buy something for the picnic. ( B) Go for a ride around town. ( C) Go shopping with the man. ( D) Have a picnic. ( A) In a kitchen.

34、( B) In a market. ( C) In a garden. ( D) At a picnic. ( A) Millions of American people are using the Internet too much. ( B) Ten million people possess computers in the US, ( C) Most people are using the Internet to play games. ( D) The average time people using the Internet is up to nine hours dail

35、y. ( A) He hates drugs. ( B) Many people take drugs nowadays. ( C) He thinks the Internet can make people addicted like drugs. ( D) He considers the Internet as drugs leading people to crimes. ( A) Putting away the computer. ( B) Setting simple tasks to do online. ( C) Sharing a computer with your f

36、amily. ( D) Asking someone to tell you when you use the Net too much. ( A) Planning a sightseeing tour. ( B) Writing to his uncle. ( C) Arranging his class schedule. ( D) Looking through a language textbook. ( A) His uncle. ( B) His friend. ( C) Susan. ( D) His uncles friend. ( A) Get the university

37、s approval in advance. ( B) Follow Susans advice about traveling abroad. ( C) Take more French courses to improve his skills. ( D) Make inquiries about the requirements for teaching chemistry. ( A) Hes fulfilled his graduation requirements. ( B) He wants to change his field of study. ( C) He needs t

38、o get better grades. ( D) He needs to earn a graduate degree. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the b

39、est answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) People dont often eat English food. ( B) People dont like English food. ( C) People who travel to Britain eat English food in English home. ( D) People who travel to Britain dont know much about English food. ( A) The speaker thinks that we

40、 live to eat, but not eat to live. ( B) The speaker doesnt think that we should eat when living. ( C) The speaker thinks that we eat to live, but not live to eat. ( D) The speaker thinks that we eat to live and live to eat. ( A) The criticism of English food by visitors is unfair. ( B) It is impossi

41、ble to find good English food in large towns. ( C) As well as food people also travel to Britain for shopping and sightseeing. ( D) If people complain about English food, they will get better food. ( A) How animals react to frightening situations. ( B) Why mice are particularly fearful animals. ( C)

42、 Whether fearfulness is a genetic trait. ( D) Why certain animals are feared by humans. ( A) They fought with the other mice. ( B) They stayed close to their mothers. ( C) They ran back and forth constantly. ( D) They remained close to one wall. ( A) To show the relationship between fearfulness and

43、environment. ( B) To give examples of animals that arent fearful. ( C) To compare fear in mammals to fear in other animals. ( D) To identify the nerves that control fear in certain animals. ( A) Oil refinery. ( B) Linen textiles. ( C) Food products. ( D) Deepwater port. ( A) Soap. ( B) Grain. ( C) S

44、teel. ( D) Tobacco. ( A) In 1177. ( B) In 1315. ( C) In the 16th century. ( D) In the 17th century. ( A) French refugees arrived. ( B) The harbor was destroyed. ( C) Ship-building began to flourish. ( D) The city was taken by the English. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passag

45、e three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you ar

46、e required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 The need for birth control methods has developed fairly【 B1】 _, with the desire among many women to be able to【 B2】 _when they want to have a baby. At the same

47、 time there is a growing【 B3】 _of the problem of a rapidly increasing world population. This problem of a【 B4】 _world population is largely the result of【 B5】_ medical skills, which have【 B6】 _the death rate and at the same time raised the birth rate by increasing live births and the number of babie

48、s who【 B7】_early childhood. There is a growing【 B8】 _that food production cannot keep pace with these increase, the result of which is that in some countries people are already starving to death. This problem is further complicated by the fact that in places like America and Europe we obtain by trad

49、e and consume far more food and resources like oil than, say, the average Indian,【 B9】 _ World population is rising at a rate of two percent a year; this means an addition of 70 million people a year to the present population of more than 3,500 million.【 B10】_. The fastest growing region is Latin America which includes South and Central America and the Caribbean, while Africa and Asia closely follow Latin America. H


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