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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 640及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled We Shouldnt Totally Turn to the Internet. You should write at least 120 words according to the outline given below. 1现在不少 人一遇到问题就上网搜答案 2这种现象可能产生的影响 3你认为应该怎么做 ? We Shouldnt

2、Totally Turn to the Internet 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the

3、 information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Universities must deal better with complaints With student complaints at a record high, universities will have to rais

4、e their game once tuition fees rise Two universities that have broken official rules for dealing with student complaints are named today in the independent adjudicators (仲裁人 ) annual report. The two, Southampton and Westminster, are the first to be exposed in this way yet another sign of the new era

5、 in which universities are expected to be more accountable (负责 ) to students who expect to be treated as customers. The Office of the Independent Adjudicator (OIA), which reviews complaints when students have exhausted their universitys procedures, also reports a record rise in the number of cases.

6、Last year the office received 1,341 complaints against universities in England and Wales, the highest number ever and an unprecedented (空前的 ) rise of one-third on the year before. As the adjudicator himself, Rob Behrens, points out, 1,341 complaints represents just 0.05% of higher education students

7、, and 53% of those were not justified. But, he also observes, the proportion of justified and partly justified complaints has grown for the first time in several years. He predicts the increase in complaints will continue. “Its to be expected where you have rising tuition fees, where students are be

8、ing invited to behave like consumers and where the labour market is difficult so students will do what they can to ensure they qualify.“ He says his decision to expose the universities of Southampton and Westminster is not “naming and shaming, with all the associations of moral censure that term imp

9、lies“. He was, he explains, simply following OIA rules something those two institutions failed to do. Westminster fell short in its handling of two complaints. One was from a student who argued a disability hadnt been properly taken into account. The adjudicator agreed. The other student claimed tha

10、t an exam question and its marking scheme had been unreasonable. In both cases the university broke the rules by failing to resolve the cases, as recommended, promptly and in full. At Southampton University, four months after the OIA concluded that an undergraduate had a justified complaint about th

11、eir experience on a placement, the university continued to oppose the decision and was refusing compensation. In a second case, the university also failed to comply with the adjudicators decision. And in a third one, although the complaint turned out to be unjustified, for 10 months the university d

12、elayed the investigation by failing to provide evidence despite the adjudicators repeated reminders. At both universities, it was only after the adjudicator involved the vice-chancellors (校长 ) that the complaints began to be resolved. Behrens is pleased the relationships between his office and both

13、universities are now much more positive. “As the government places more emphasis on the student experience, complaints have an important role in safeguarding (保护 ) that,“ he says. “Universities must see complaints as feedback to become more professional.“ Both Southampton and Westminster universitie

14、s want to charge undergraduates annual fees of 9,000. There is an expectation, not only from ministers, but importantly from students and their families, too, that all universities wishing to increase charges will move to increase student satisfaction as well. Before making an investment of 27,000,

15、for example, each student will ask, “Is this good value? Is the teaching good? Is this the best route to a successful career?“ Universities are being encouraged, some may say pressurised, to become more transparent and accountable in a number of ways. The government is urging all universities to pub

16、lish a student charter, a sort of statement of terms and conditions to remind students of their responsibilities and their rights. Universities are also expected to publish “key information sets“ by September 2012. These will enable students to shop around by providing the same 17 pieces of informat

17、ion about each institution, including, for example, the proportion of “contact“ time and group work, and the careers and starting salaries of previous graduates. The OIA is already looking at creative ways to cope with both limited resources and likely further rises in student complaints. Settling m

18、ore disputes by phone is one option; helping universities to install an independent ombudsman (巡视员 ) on each campus an idea borrowed from the Netherlands and the US is another. The question is, are UK universities well prepared for the new consumer culture where the deal is if you pay more, you expe

19、ct more, and if you feel youre not getting it, youll complain? The question is particularly pertinent for the universities of Southampton and Westminster on the day they are exposed for dragging their feet with a legally established adjudicator. Both vice-chancellors were unavailable for interview.

20、In a statement, Professor Debra Humphris, Southamptons pro-vice-chancellor, education, said the vast majority of the small number of student complaints are dealt with swiftly, described the dialogue with the OIA as “constructive and supportive“ and said that an improved complaints procedure will be

21、in place this autumn. In a more defiant statement, Professor Geoffrey Petts, vice-chancellor at Westminster, points out that the university is working with the OIA towards compliance with its recommendations: “The University of Westminster was disappointed to have been cited in the OIA report. The u

22、niversity has robust procedures for handling the very small number of formal complaints which it receives from students.“ Aaron Porter, the president of the National Union of Students, has welcomed the new step of naming universities that dont fully co-operate with the adjudicator. “In an environmen

23、t where students are paying higher fees and will therefore raise expectations, they need to know which institutions stick to the rules.“ He also makes this warning: “Faced with increasing competition to recruit students, many universities are being tempted to make grander and grander claims. They ne

24、ed to improve their offer, but they need to be honest in what they promise.“ The advice is echoed by Steve Smith, president of Universities UK and vice-chancellor of the University of Exeter. He sees, in the adjudicators annual report, a sector getting to grips with a new world where students are mo

25、re demanding and will make sure universities correctly follow procedures. “It is vital that institutions are honest and transparent about what students can expect from their courses. In an age of marketing, dont oversell. Any institution will have to make sure they do what they say.“ 2 Southampton a

26、nd Westminsters being named shows that_. ( A) the independent adjudicator is quite impartial ( B) the two universities have a very bad reputation ( C) universities are expected to be more responsible ( D) college students are treated with much respect now 3 What is said about last years complaints a

27、gainst universities in England and Wales? ( A) Few of them turned out to be completely justified. ( B) They were much less than those on the year before. ( C) Most of the complaints were exposed in the report. ( D) The number of the complaints reached a record high. 4 According to Rob Behrens, the i

28、ncrease in complaints is likely to continue as long as_. ( A) we are living in a customer culture ( B) universities increase tuition fees ( C) students have to pay their tuition fees ( D) the level of unemployment keeps rising 5 When a student complained about an exam question, the University of Wes

29、tminster_. ( A) deliberately delayed the investigation ( B) didnt deal with the complaint swiftly ( C) modified the marking scheme promptly ( D) handled the case following official rules 6 Behrens believes that complaints play an important role in_. ( A) safeguarding the student experience ( B) prot

30、ecting the interests of universities ( C) enhancing customers shopping experience ( D) improving government employees service 7 Students and their families expect that universities wanting more tuition fees will_. ( A) offer more part-time jobs ( B) lower entrance requirements ( C) increase student

31、satisfaction ( D) invest more in teaching facilities 8 For the OIA, to resolve more complaints with limited resources, one option is to_. ( A) urge universities to simplify their procedures ( B) use the telephone to deal with the complaints ( C) cooperate with officials from other countries ( D) sen

32、d an independent ombudsman to each school 9 According to Professor Debra Humphris, the University of Southampton will be ready to use_this autumn. 10 Aaron Porter warns that universities should not only_but also be frank in their offer. 11 Steve Smith, president of Universities UK, understands that

33、we have entered a new era where students become more_. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken

34、 only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) He read the newspaper. ( B) He read the cabinet report. ( C) He listened to a radio report. ( D) His secretary telephoned him. ( A)

35、Lower the rent of his apartment. ( B) Put an advertisement in a newspaper. ( C) Rent his apartment to the local newspaper. ( D) Find a potential renter during the in-season. ( A) To have a rest. ( B) To see a doctor. ( C) To take cold drugs. ( D) To listen carefully. ( A) She will treat the man toni

36、ght. ( B) Shed like to lend money to the man. ( C) The man will also have lots of money soon. ( D) The man shouldnt have spent all his money. ( A) The company will beat other companies in business. ( B) The failure of the football team was just as expected. ( C) The company will not sponsor the foot

37、ball team. ( D) The football team fell short of the companys expectations. ( A) They are short of hands. ( B) The man needs more chances. ( C) They will not hire more people. ( D) The man will have a chance to take a holiday. ( A) Results of genetic research. ( B) The blood sample collection. ( C) T

38、he way to get the blood sample. ( D) Religious concern about genetic research. ( A) He has no choice but to go home in a minute. ( B) He is unable to have a drink with the woman. ( C) Hell join the woman after the report is finished. ( D) Hes very happy to accept the womans invitation. ( A) Tennis s

39、ets. ( B) Computer and TV set. ( C) Bookcase and book shelf. ( D) Refrigerator and kitchen stuff. ( A) Sell them to the second-hand bookshop. ( B) Advertise them on the university notice boards. ( C) Advertise them in the student newspaper for sale. ( D) Give them to the second- and third-year stude

40、nts for free. ( A) It may not pay well. ( B) It may not come on time. ( C) It may not take the goods. ( D) It may charge the quote. ( A) Writing a memo. ( B) Watching a film. ( C) Taping some music. ( D) Making a video recording. ( A) She is going to study abroad. ( B) She is talented in foreign lan

41、guages. ( C) She signed up for intensive Japanese. ( D) She received a recommendation from a foreign university. ( A) He told her about an interesting movie. ( B) He gave her a good grade in her Japanese class. ( C) He recorded some tapes especially for her. ( D) He helped her get into the program.

42、( A) Mastery of a foreign language. ( B) Flexibility and open-mindedness. ( C) Money to pay the extra tuition cost. ( D) Maturity and common sense. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and th

43、e questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) They rarely ruin trees. ( B) They drink only every 3.4 days. ( C) They search for food in large groups. ( D) They protect food sources for their young. (

44、A) Examples and conclusions. ( B) Evidence and argument. ( C) Stories and explanation. ( D) Facts and descriptions. ( A) Overheating the earth can be stopped. ( B) Not all animal species are so adaptable. ( C) The planets will become hotter and hotter. ( D) Not all animals are as smart as desert ele

45、phants. ( A) 90. ( B) 108. ( C) 180. ( D) 668. ( A) Englands Footballer of the Year. ( B) A soccer coach in West Germany. ( C) A medalist for his sportsmanship. ( D) A member of the Order of the British Empire. ( A) Editing Sunday Sport. ( B) Working for Capital Radio. ( C) Managing professional soc

46、cer teams. ( D) Developing a sports marketing company. ( A) Water supply and increasing population. ( B) Water use management and agriculture. ( C) Water redistribution and wildlife protection. ( D) Water shortages and environmental protection. ( A) People in high rainfall countries feel lucky. ( B)

47、 Much of the worlds water is available for use. ( C) The costs of water redistribution should be considered. ( D) Water can be easily carried through pipes across the world. ( A) The water in Texas has been reduced by 75%. ( B) Most industries in the world suffer from water shortages. ( C) The under

48、ground water in Saudi Arabia might run out in 50 years. ( D) Good management of water use resulted from the project in the Central Valley. ( A) Ways to reduce the costs of building dams. ( B) Steps to improve water use management. ( C) Measures to deal with worldwide water shortages. ( D) Attempts t

49、o handle the pressure on water supply. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can either us


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