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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 66及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: College students renting houses outside the campus. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given in Chinese. 1越来越多的大学生在校外租房 2在校外租房住的好处及坏处 3你的观点 二

2、、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the pass

3、age; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 2 The Sacrifice at Masada One discovery always leads to another. Archaeologists working near the Dead Sea became curious about a steep rock near Qumra

4、n. At the top of this rock are the ruins of the great palace and fort of Masada. In 1963 a man began careful exploration of this forbidding place. Yigael Yadin was both soldier and archaeologist, and he and his father had both been studying the Dead Sea Scrolls. Yadin was anxious to explore the hist

5、ory of the great palace of Masada. It was a huge palace. He knew that hundreds of workers were going to be needed for digging there, so Yadin extended an invitation to young men and women from all over the world to join him in digging at Masada. For two summers hundreds of young people came. Masada

6、is not a pleasant place in mid-summer; the mountains are hot and brown and dry. There was no protection for the workers except in camp huts. Yet each year hundreds came to help. Why? What was the particular interest of this place? Why was there any excitement about this lonely ruin? Masada had been

7、the scene of great events and acts of courage. The story was famous, but many people had doubts about its truth. Now Yadin and his young workers were digging in order to prove it was tree. Masada had once been the palace of King Herod who ruled Palestine under the Romans during the life of Christ. H

8、e had had this palace built far from the city. It was lonely and it was safe, hanging over the steepest part of the rock. The palace was fixed to the actual sides of the rock at three levels. Nowadays men would not dare to build in such a place; yet Herod gave orders for his servants to build it the

9、re. They did the work with their own hands and simple tools. They made it beautiful with wall paintings and fountains and fine stone floors. Water was brought from a great distance to this waterless mountain, and on the upper level there were beautiful fountains and gardens and baths. Inside their p

10、alace Herod and his family were comfortable and safe. Earthquakes have since destroyed a lot of the palace, but the main walls are still standing. Young workers have cleared some of the ruins so we can see how beautiful they were. The workers were tied together with ropes and let down over the cliff

11、s as they worked. Digging in those rains the young people were sharing the dangers of the men who first built the palace. After Herods death the palace became a fort for the Jewish rebels fighting for their freedom from Rome. But the Romans were too powerful. They had already attacked Jerusalem and

12、the great temple had gone up in flames. They had destroyed the monastery at Qumran. Its priests had escaped to the mountains with their scrolls and treasure. In the year AD 73 the Roman army arrived at Masada. Orders had been given to destroy the fort and everyone inside it. There were nine hundred

13、and sixty men, women and children defending the fort, and the Romans were determined that nobody should escape. They built a wall all round the hill. There were eight camps for guarding every corner. The water pipes going into the fort were cut, and the fountains and the baths in Herods palace ran d

14、ry. Soon the drinking water was finished. Then the Romans began building a great bank of earth against the side of the hill at Masada; soon the height of the bank reached the height of the walls of the fort. They then shot burning arrows into the fort and set fire to the buildings inside. As the woo

15、den walls went up in flames and the arrows shot through the air, the defenders were driven back into the fort inside. It was clear that the Romans were going to win. The Jews had no hope of keeping their freedom, and were facing certain death. But the Jews were determined to die as free men, preferr

16、ing to kill themselves while they were still free. They would not wait for the Roman victory, and decided to make a terrible sacrifice. Every man took his wife and children to his own room. First they burned all their belongings, and said a loving goodbye to each other. When they could say no more t

17、he men killed their wives and children. Sadly they returned to a place in the centre of the fort. Their lives had no value now, and they chose ten men to kill all the others. Hundreds of men then lay down beside their dead families, and the ten chosen officers had the dreadful task of killing them a

18、ll. Finally, the last ten men chose one to complete the sacrifice. He had to kill his nine companions and then he killed himself. When the Romans broke through the walls of Masada they were met by a dreadful silencethey had seized a dead fort. This story of courage and sacrifice brought young people

19、 from all over the world to dig at Masada. They admired the strong character and love of freedom shown by the defenders of the fort, and wanted to see where it had happened. In two years Yigael Yadin and his workers raised Masada again from its ruins. Of course the Romans had destroyed everything, b

20、ut signs of the forts history could be seen. They found many examples of the beautiful work of Herods palace; wall paintings and baths and beautiful rooms were brought to life again. Yet perhaps the little huts of the Jewish defenders were more admired. In some of these the pots were still on the fi

21、re waiting for the evening meal. In others, the bones of whole families lay together. One pile of bones may have been the remains of the ten men chosen to do the final killing. The character of Masada lives in those simple huts and not in the ruins of the palace. Everything that has been uncovered b

22、y the archaeologists shows the truth of the old story about the sacrifice at Masada. From Successful Reading, 1979. 2 Yadin needed hundreds of people to help him because the palace of Masada was huge and the work was difficult. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 3 The residents of the palace didnt need to worry

23、about water supplies for there was a spring in it. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 4 The Jews were determined to committed suicide rather than surrender to the Romans. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 5 The Jewish rebels took over the palace at Masade in order to fight against the Roman rulers. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 6 K

24、ing Herod had his palace built at Masada because he wanted to stay away from the city. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 7 Hundreds of young people joined in digging at Masada because they wanted to prove the story was true. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 8 Hundreds of young people who joined Yadin in digging at Masada

25、were also archaeologists. ( A) Y ( B) N ( C) NG 9 Yadin extend an _ to young people from all over the world to join him in digging at Masada. 10 Wall painting, baths and beautiful rooms, which they found in Herds palace, were _ again. 11 The Jews had no hope of keeping their freedom, and were facing

26、 _ death. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be

27、 a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A) Have dinner in the cafe. ( B) Find out when the cafe opens. ( C) Meet her in the cafe this evening. ( D) Try to get a job in the cafe. ( A) She doesnt want to make the speech. (

28、 B) She doesnt want to give Karen money for the shoes. ( C) She prefers to make the presentation. ( D) She borrows shoes from Karen. ( A) Her project is due this Thursday. ( B) She needs to work on her project this Thursday. ( C) She doesnt like the trip. ( D) She needs to get an A in the class. ( A

29、) Take another magazine. ( B) Take the Times to read. ( C) Take a dictionary. ( D) Take the desk away. ( A) Go to the library. ( B) Get some exercise. ( C) Go to see a film. ( D) Do schoolwork at home. ( A) She didnt think the plan was very important. ( B) She is the only one who heard the plan. ( C

30、) She has only recently heard about the plan. ( D) She didnt understand the plan either. ( A) He will lake part in the chorus. ( B) He will join more activities. ( C) He will go to watch the chorus performances. ( D) He will practice singing. ( A) He walked so far that he was exhausted. ( B) He was

31、wearing shorts on his long walk. ( C) He encountered some wild animals in the woods. ( D) He should get some comfortable shoes. ( A) To help international students prepare to enter higher institutions. ( B) To help the outstanding students go abroad. ( C) To provide work opportunities for graduating

32、 students in the community. ( D) To help some poor college students earn more money. ( A) Business English. ( B) U.S. culture. ( C) U.S. history. ( D) African geography. ( A) Its an application form to a course. ( B) Its an offer giving permission to a program. ( C) Its a kind of student visa. ( D)

33、Its a tuition list. ( A) Looking at some photographs. ( B) Selling cameras. ( C) Teaching a photography class. ( D) Repairing camera equipment. ( A) He has a professional photographer take pictures for him. ( B) He doesnt think he knows. ( C) He doesnt have a flash attachment. ( D) He thinks a big c

34、amera would be too much trouble. ( A) It focuses automatically. ( B) It has a lot of specialized lenses. ( C) It is easy to load. ( D) It advances the film automatically. ( A) He cant find good subjects to photograph. ( B) His indoor shots are too dark. ( C) His pictures are often blurry. ( D) His c

35、amera is too old for good detail. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four cho

36、ices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Men are cleverer than women. ( B) It is the womens invention that has changed history. ( C) Life was difficult and dangerous in ancient times. ( D) Womens work is at home. ( A) The invention of machine. ( B) The invention of the alphabet. ( C) The invention of rockets

37、. ( D) The invention of agriculture. ( A) They spent all their time looking for food. ( B) Men had to go out hunting but women didnt. ( C) Women stayed at home and looked after the animals. ( D) They kept animals and killed them for food. ( A) Someone paid for the sport they play. ( B) Hunting wild

38、animals and birds. ( C) Organized games. ( D) Something people did in their spare time. ( A) Basketball players. ( B) Professional football players. ( C) A few Stars. ( D) Tennis players. ( A) Advertise for companies. ( B) Sell watches and food. ( C) Sell shirts and shoes. ( D) Compete in a game. (

39、A) Between the age of 20 to 30. ( B) Between the age of 30 to 40. ( C) Between the age of 40 to 50. ( D) Between the age of 50 to 60. ( A) To sell computers directly to the consumers. ( B) To sell computers to the consumers through retailers. ( C) To sell computers to Apple Computer Corporation. ( D

40、) To sell computers to the other countries. ( A) Start a business when you need money. ( B) Start a business when others do so. ( C) Start a business when you really love it. ( D) Start a business when you want to be famous. ( A) The reason why Michael Dell starts his business. ( B) The reason why M

41、ichael Dell sells computers. ( C) The reason why Michael Dell takes apart an Apple computer. ( D) The reason why Michael Dell is successful at such a young age. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen

42、carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the missing information. For these blanks, you can eithe

43、r use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 37 More and more Americans are reading their own credit report. Credit reports are 【 B1】_ by lenders to decide how risky it would be to offer a loan or credit to an individual. The report holds information about a persons 【 B2】 _ loans and

44、credit-card debt. It records late 【 B3】 _ of bills and any unpaid loans. It all adds up to a credit history. These days, though, lenders often 【 B4】 _ people with bad credit histories. They are 【 B5】 _ higher interest rates and other loan costs. Some Americans want to read their credit report to kno

45、w if they have been a 【 B6】 _ of identity theft. They can see if any loans or credit cards have been 【 B7】 _ in their name with stolen personal information. Another reason is that 【 B8】 _ reports are not always correct. They might contain wrong information or old information. One change, in 2001, pe

46、rmits people to see their FICO score. FICO is short for the Fair Isaac Corporation, 【 B9】 _. Fair Isaac says many lenders not just in the United States but mound the world use its technology to create credit scores. 【 B10】 _. As of May, the company says it sold ten million credit scores to individua

47、ls. 【 B11】 _. Paying bills on time and paying off credit-card debt improve credit scores. 37 【 B1】 38 【 B2】 39 【 B3】 40 【 B4】 41 【 B5】 42 【 B6】 43 【 B7】 44 【 B8】 45 【 B9】 46 【 B10】 47 【 B11】 Section B Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unf

48、inished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. 48 Science for self-reliance has, in recent years, become a matter of great concern for Third World and developing nations. These nations increasingly realize that science is the k

49、ey to material development in their society and that without it, industrial, social and technological progress would be impossible. Many leaders of formerly colonized nations have cried out for the development of the scientific and technological skills among their peoples. With such skills, these nations will be better able to utilize the resources which their own lands supply. There exists an acute need for scientists, engineers, techn


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