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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 766及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed to write a composition on the topic Our Bad Habits in Life Should Be Removed. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline. 1. 我们在生活中有很多不良习惯,如随地吐痰等。 2. 我们应该改掉这些坏习惯,防止疾病的传播。

2、 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the pa

3、ssage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 2 Titanic: Sinking the Myths “Practically Unsinkable“ As soon as the waves of the North Atlantic closed over the stern of RMS Titanic on 15 April 19

4、12, the myths began surrounding her design, construction and transatlantic voyage. The Titanic disaster today is a classic tale, a modern folk story, but like all folk stories our understanding of what really happened has been clouded by the way the disaster has been recounted over the years. It was

5、 said that the builders and owners of Titanic claimed she was “unsinkable“. The claim actually made was that she was “practically unsinkable“ close enough, but nevertheless an unfortunate statement and one which would haunt both builder and owner for years. Titanic, the largest vessel in the world w

6、hen she entered service in 1912, was neither the finest nor the most technically advanced of her day. Size, seldom an indication that something is better, was the only record she held. The ships that Titanic, and her slightly older sister Olympic, were designed to compete with were the Cunard liners

7、 Lusitania and Mauretania, which entered service in 1907. Designed and built as record breakers, both held the coveted “Blue Riband“ for the fastest Atlantic crossing. It was built principally from lessons learnt from advances in warship construction, but most importantly was powered by steam turbin

8、es driving quadruple screws, fitted with a large balanced rudder(方向舵 ), making them faster than the competition and easier to manoeuvre. This was a giant leap forward in marine engineering, comparable to the advances made in 1969 with the introduction of the Can corde supersonic aircraft. Achilles H

9、eel Building ships this large led to inevitable compromises. Titanic adopted tried and trusted methods for her design and construction. No risks were taken with the choice of engines which were enlarged versions of the propulsion system first used experimentally in Laurentic, another White Star line

10、r, in 1909. The triple screw vessel had proved that two expansion engines feeding exhaust steam into a low pressure turbine were more economical than vessels using expansion engines or turbines alone. Titanics hull(船体 ) and upper works were also enlarged versions of designs refined over several deca

11、des. Her stern(船尾 ),with its high graceful Counter and long thin rudder, was an exact copy of an 18th-century sailing ship, wrought in steel, a perfect example of the lack of technical development. Compared with the rudder design of the Cunarders, Titanics was a fraction of the size. No account was

12、made for advances in scale and little thought was given to how a ship, 852 feel in length, might turn in an emergency or avoid collision with an iceberg. This was Titanics Achilles heel. Speed These design differences meant Titanic would never be able to challenge the speed or manoeuvrability of the

13、 Cunarders, but this did not matter. White Star had given up all thought of speed records more than a decade be- fore, in 1899, with the introduction of Oceanic, a ship given the title “Clowning Glory of the 19th Century“. It was justly deserved, for her interiors were, the finest ever created by th

14、e Belfast shipbuilder of Harland but it bas one vital function you might never even notice. Sand cushions our land from the seas impact,【 B11】 _. 35 【 B1】 36 【 B2】 37 【 B3】 38 【 B4】 39 【 B5】 40 【 B6】 41 【 B7】 42 【 B8】 43 【 B9】 44 【 B10】 45 【 B11】 Section A Directions: In this section, there is a pas

15、sage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each

16、item with a single line through the center. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. 45 Halloween is one of the most famous holidays in the U. S. , and it is on October 31st. People carve pumpkins and make funny faces on them. These are called “Jack-O-Lanterns.“ On October 31st ,

17、 children【 S1】 _a special costume such as a witch, ghost, or clown. They go to many houses and they knock on the door saying, “Trick or Treat!“ It means that if people dont give them a【 S2】 _, they will play some kind of trick on the household. So,【 S3】 _people give candy to them. I【 S4】 _my first H

18、alloween pumpkin at my Friendship Familys house. First, I cut open the top of the pumpkin and【 S5】 _the seeds out. It was not good for me because it was【 S6】 _and【 S7】 _bad. I had never carved a pumpkin, so it was interesting for me. Next, I carved the eyes and the mouth. I wanted to make a face lik

19、e a【 S8】 _. When I finished making the face, I put a candle inside. It was very beautiful, so I was happy. I had a good experience because I learned one new idea about American【 S9】_by taking part in it. I think Halloween is an interesting American holiday which【 S10】 _all family members and neighbo

20、rs too! A)civilization I)pulled B)rarely J)smelled C)dug K)put D)culture L)involves E)includes M)carved F)treat N)sticky G)pirate O)usually H)wear 46 【 S1】 47 【 S2】 48 【 S3】 49 【 S4】 50 【 S5】 51 【 S6】 52 【 S7】 53 【 S8】 54 【 S9】 55 【 S10】 Section B Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Ea

21、ch passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. 55 Every second, 1 hectare (公顷 ) of the worlds rainforest is destroyed. Thats equivalent to two football fields. This Manning rate of

22、 destruction has serious consequences for the environment. Much of Canadas forestry production goes towards making pulp (纸浆 ) and paper. If these paper products could be produced in some other way, Canadian forests could be preserved. Recently, a possible alternative way of producing paper has been

23、suggested by agriculturalists and environmentalists: a plant called hemp. Hemp has been cultivated by many cultures for thousands of years. For centuries, it was essential to the economies of many countries because it was used to make the ropes and cables used on sailing ships. Nowadays, ships cable

24、s are usually made from wire or fibers, but scientists are now suggesting that the cultivation of hemp should be brought back for the production of paper and pulp. According to its supporters, four times as much paper can be produced from land using hemp rather than trees. However, there is a proble

25、m: hemp is illegal in many countries of the world. This plant is a species of cannabis (大麻 ), related to the plant from which marijuana (大麻毒品 ) is produced. In the late 1930s, a movement to ban the drug marijuana began to gather force, resulting in the eventual banning of the cultivation not only of

26、 the plant used to produce the drug, but also of the commercial fiber-producing hemp plant. Any American growing the plant today would soon find himself in prison despite the fact that marijuana cannot be produced from the hemp plant, since it contains almost no THC (the active ingredient in the dru

27、g). In recent years, two major movements for legalization have been gathering strength. One group of activists believes that all cannabis should be legal both the hemp plant and the marijuana plant. They argue that marijuana is not dangerous or addictive. The other legalization movement is concerned

28、 only with the hemp plant used to produce fiber; this group wants to make it legal to cultivate the plant and sell the fiber for paper and pulp production. This second group has had a major triumph recently: in 1997, Canada legalized the fanning of hemp for fiber. For the first time since 1938, hund

29、reds of farmers are planting this crop, and soon we can expect to see pulp and paper produced from this new source. 56 How long does it take for 200 hectares of rainforest to be destroyed? ( A) About 3 minutes. ( B) About 200 minutes. ( C) About 3 days. ( D) About 3 seconds. 57 Why do some people th

30、ink hemp is better than trees for paper industry? ( A) It is cheaper to grow hemp than to cut down trees. ( B) More paper can be produced from the same area of land. ( C) Hemp planting can beautify the environment. ( D) Hemp can produce paper of high quality. 58 Why was hemp banned in the United Sta

31、tes? ( A) Because it can produce marijuana. ( B) Because it is poisonous. ( C) Because it is related to the marijuana plant. ( D) Because it is harmful to human body. 59 What has happened to hemp in recent years? ( A) People have struggled for its legalization. ( B) Canadian people have succeeded in

32、 legalizing it for fiber. ( C) People have tried to make it accepted that hemp is not addictive. ( D) Both A and B. 60 What is the main idea of the passage? ( A) Hemp is not as dangerous as marijuana. ( B) Hemp can be used to replace trees for paper industry. ( C) Hemp planting can be a good way to

33、protect environment. ( D) Hemp has a prosperous future. 60 Henry III didnt know much about biology. He went through six wives back in the 1500s, looking for one who could bear him a son. Seientists now know that its the fathers sperm, not the mothers egg, which determines whether a baby is a boy or

34、a girl. And last week researchers at the Genetics and IVF Institute, a private fertility (生育能力 ) center in Virginia, announced a new technique that will allow parents to choose the sex of their baby-to-be, before it has even been conceived. The scientist used a tiny laser deteetor to measure the DNA

35、 in millions of sperm ceils as they pass single file through a narrow tube, like cattle being herded through a corral (牲口栏 ). In a study published last week, “girl sperm,“ which has more DNA-the genetic material- in eaeh cell, was collected, while “boy sperm“ was discarded. And when purified girl sp

36、erm was used to impregnate (使受孕 ) a group of mothers, 15 of 17 resulting babies turned out to be girls. The researchers say that “sex selection“ can also double a mothers chance of having a son and can be used to avoid genetic diseases that affect only one gender, such as hemophilia (血友病 ). But some

37、 experts, like New York University fertility specialist Dr. Jamie Grifo, worry that sex selection could lead to a kind of in uteri (子宫 ) discrimination, especially in cultures where sons are considered superior to daughters. “Its valuing one gender over another,“ Grifo says. “I dont think thats some

38、thing we should be doing.“ So far, patients at the institute have been asking for both boys and girls, in order to “balance“ their families. And some ethics experts say thats fine, as long as parents are just looking for a little gender variety. “If you have three boys, and you want a girl,“ says Un

39、iversity of Texas reproductive-law professor John Robertson, “thats not gender bias at all.“ 61 The DNA in the sperm cells can be measured _. ( A) in the same way how the cattle are herded ( B) when they pass through a tube one behind the other ( C) after they pass through a laser tube ( D) when the

40、y are scanned by a laser detector all at a time 62 The gender of the baby is decided by _. ( A) the fathers DNA ( B) the mothers DNA ( C) the fathers sperm ( D) the mothers egg 63 According to this passage, the practice of “sex selection“ _. ( A) can help to prevent all genetic problems ( B) is tota

41、lly unacceptable to ethics experts ( C) was already realized five hundred years ago ( D) will benefit families with certain inheritable diseases 64 Girl sperm was preferred to boy sperm in the research most probably because _. ( A) girl sperm contains more genetic material ( B) more mothers want to

42、have girl babies ( C) girl sperm is healthier and more active ( D) girl sperm is more easily purified 65 It can be concluded from the passage that the authors attitude toward “sex selection“ is _. ( A) negative ( B) positive ( C) neutral ( D) favorable 三、 Part V Cloze (15 minutes) Directions: There

43、are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. 65 The term “quality of life“ is difficult to define. It【 C1】 _a very wide scope such as living environment, health, employment, food, family

44、 life, friends, education, material possessions, leisure and recreation, and so on.【 C2】 _speaking, the quality of life, especially【 C3】 _seen by the individual, is meaningful in terms of the【 C4】 _to which these various areas of life are【 C5】 _or provide satisfaction to the individual. As activity

45、carried【 C6】 _as one thinks fit during ones spare time, leisure has the following【 C7】 _: relaxation, recreation and entertainment, and personal development. The importance of these varies according to the nature of ones job and ones lifestyle.【 C8】 _, people who need to【 C9】 _much energy in their w

46、ork will find relaxation most【 C10】 _in leisure. Those with a better education and in professional occupations may【 C11】 _more to seek recreation and personal development (e. g.【 C12】 _of skills and hobbies) in leisure. The specific use of leisure【 C13】 _from individual to individual.【 C14】_the leis

47、ure activity may be used differently by different individuals. Thus, the follows are possible use of television watching, a .【 C15】 _leisure activity, a change of experience to provide【 C16】 _from the stress and strain of work; to learn more about what is happening in ones environment; to provide an

48、 opportunity for understanding oneself by【 C17】 _other peoples life experiences as .【 C18】_in the programs. Since leisure is basically self-determined, one is able to take【 C19】 _ones interests and- preferences and get【 C20】 _in an activity in ways that will bring enjoyment and satisfaction. 66 【 C1】 ( A) composes ( B) consists ( C) covers ( D) constitutes 67 【 C2】 ( A) Basically ( B) Frankly ( C) Primarily ( D) Generally 68 【 C3】 ( A) when ( B) as ( C) while ( D) which 69 【 C4】 ( A) degree ( B) point ( C) level ( D) gra


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