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1、大学英语四级模拟试卷 870及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a com position on the topic My Opinions on Students Marriage at College. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below in Chinese: 1. 现在大学生在校期间可以结婚,但调查显示 65%的比例持反对意见 2. 大学

2、生在校期间结婚的好处或弊端 3. 我的建议 My Opinions on Students Marriage at College 二、 Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions attached to the passage. For questions 1-7, mark: Y (for

3、YES) if the statement agrees with the information given in the passage; N (for NO) if the statement contradicts the information given in the passage; NG (for NOT GIVEN) if the information is not given in the passage. 1 Wedding Customs Around the World Wedding Ceremonies A wedding is celebrated with

4、some kind of ceremony almost everywhere in the world. The ceremonies vary greatly among different nations and different religions. But whatever the form of a marriage ceremony, it serves the important purpose of announcing to the community that a male and a female have been joined in matrimony(婚姻 ).

5、 The wedding ceremony may be a religious one performed by a churchman. In Western societies it may be a civil ceremony performed by a civil official, such as a mayor or a judge. Or it may be only a couples declaration, before witnesses, of their intention to marry. In some places a transfer of prope

6、rty makes a marriage binding. In other places blood is drawn from the hands of the bride and groom. The blood is mixed, sealing the union. Among some people the marriage rite consists only of the bride and grooms sharing the same food. Marriage is one of the seven important religious ceremonies of t

7、he Catholic Church. The marriage is held in a church with the service conducted by the priest in the language of the country. The couple stand at the altar(圣坛 ). The priest asks each in turn, “Do you take name of partner here present for your lawful wife/husband, according to the rite of our Holy Mo

8、ther, the Church?“ in turn, each answers, “I do.“ They then repeat the marriage vows after the priest. The priest blesses the union: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.“ The priest sprinkles the couple with holy water and blesses the ring or rings. Many traditio

9、nal customs are observed at Jewish weddings, although they are not requiredby Jewish law. Usually the Jewish priest, the bride and groom, and their attendants stand under a decorated cover called a chupah (犹太教举行婚礼上用的彩棚 ). The present use of the chupah began during the Middle Ages among the Eastern E

10、uropean Jews. The Jewish priest conducts the service. During the ceremony the bride and groom make appropriate vows and take part in the ring ceremony. The Jewish priest blesses a cup of wine, from which the bride and groom both drink. The Jewish priest talks to the couple about the sacredness of ma

11、rriage and responsibilities of the bride and groom. After the Jewish priest has pronounced them man and wife, a wine glass is often placed on the floor. The groom steps on the glass and breaks it. Scholars disagree about the symbolism of the custom, but many believe that the breaking of the glass re

12、calls the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, reminding the couple that even at the moment of greatest joy, there may be sorrow. The Muslim marriage is a civil and religious contract between the bride and groom. The religious ceremonies and celebrations vary with the customs of the country in wh

13、ich the marriage is held. People of wealth begin the celebrations two or three days before the wedding and continue for two or three days after. The bride is elaborately dressed in bright colors and wears her finest jewelry. The wedding takes place at the home of the bride. The service is performed

14、by Muslim priest, before at least two male witnesses or one male and two female witnesses and then the vows are exchanged. Wedding Customs Many of the customs associated with wedding ceremonies are based on neither church nor civil law. They developed from wedding customs of earliest times and come

15、from many lands. The wearing of a bridal veil dates back to early Greek and Roman times. The veil was thought to conceal the bride from evil spirits. The veil is also believed to have been worn as an indication of the brides innocence and purity. The wedding ring is the most widely used symbol of ma

16、rriage today, as it has been for centuries. The word “wedding“ comes from the old English word “wed“, which means “promise“ or “pledge“. During Anglo-Saxon times a promise to marry was sealed when the bridegroom-to-be gave his sweetheart a ring. The ring, a circle with no beginning or end, was consi

17、dered a symbol of being eternal. The third finger of the left hand was chosen as the ring finger because of mistaken beliefs that a nerve runs from that finger to the heart. The best man has been explained as a survival of the ancient practice of wife capture, in which the bridegrooms friends helped

18、 him in his struggle to carry off a wife. The brides attendants were supposed to protect her from being captured. The honeymoon, or holiday spent by the couple after marriage, may have had its beginnings in the idea that the first month of marriage is the sweetest. The word comes from the French phr

19、ase lune de mile, which means “moon of honey“. It is believed that it was an ancient custom for a newly married couple to take a drink containing honey on each of the first 30 days of the marriage. In ancient times people drove off any unfriendly spirits around the bridal couple by making noises, li

20、ghting fires, and waving torches. Many practices that were supposed to prevent bad luck and bring blessings to the bridal pair have come down through the years. Throwing rice after a newly married couple is a very old custom. The ancients threw rice at the bride and groom to distract evil spirits. I

21、n many countries the bridal pair is showered with nuts, corn, or wheat. Tin cans or old shoes are sometimes tied to the car that carries the bride and groom away. This practice may have come out of the ancient belief that loud noises frighten bad spirits away. To assure good luck, brides often follo

22、w the old saying and wear for the wedding “something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue“. Legal Requirements Every society has its own laws and requirements governing marriage. There may be regulations concerning the ages at which a couple may marry, the procedures for a license

23、to marry, the recording of the marriage, or the type of ceremony. Each state in the United States sets its own minimum age at which a couple may marry. In most states, people must be 18 to marry without the consent of their parents. With parental consent, people may marry at 16 in most states. In mo

24、st of Britain, 16 is the minimum age for marriage, and parental consent is required until the person is 18. India allows women of 14 and men of 18 to marry. The minimum age for marriage with parental consent in France is 15 for women and 18 for men, but people of 21 may marry without consent. In Ita

25、ly the bride must be 14 and the groom 16. The minimum age for marriage in Japan is 16 for women and 18 for men. A marriage license is required in the United States, Canada, and many other countries. In some countries a license to marry is not required, but after the marriage take place, it must be r

26、ecorded with the state authorities. Most states in the United States require a medical examination and blood test before the license is issued. 2 In this passage, which of the following is not mentioned as the one qualified to perform the wedding ceremony? ( A) A civil official. ( B) A judge. ( C) T

27、he brides father. ( D) A priest. 3 On which marriage ceremony the priest blesses the union by sprinkling the couple with holy water? ( A) Jewish. ( B) Muslim. ( C) Roman Catholic. ( D) None of the above. 4 The word “sacredness“ (Line 7, Para 4) is closest in meaning to _. ( A) holiness ( B) carefuln

28、ess ( C) seriousness ( D) fearfulness 5 The author aims to_ when he talks about the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem. ( A) explain the symbolism of a custom ( B) argue with the scholars who hold the belief ( C) inform the readers of the legend ( D) impress the readers 6 The three marriage cere

29、monies mentioned in the passage all involve _. ( A) making marriage vows ( B) drinking wine ( C) celebrations lasting for days ( D) wearing the finest jewelry 7 In some places the bride is supposed to wear a veil because (of)_. ( A) it was thought to protect the bride from evil spirits ( B) the brid

30、egroom is not allowed to see the face of the bride on the wedding day ( C) it indicates the brides innocence and purity ( D) both A and C 8 The minimum age for marriage in France without parental consent is _. ( A) 21 ( B) 15 ( C) 16 ( D) 18 9 Marriage is one of the seven important _ of the Catholic

31、 Church. 10 _, a circle with no beginning or end, was considered a symbol of being eternal. 11 Most states in _ , require a medical examination and blood test before the license is issued. Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end

32、 of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. ( A

33、) She wants to go to the movies. ( B) Shell go to the coffee shop. . ( C) She is very busy tonight. ( D) She is a quiet person. ( A) The man booked a single room. ( B) The woman made a mistake. ( C) The single rooms are fully booked. ( D) The double rooms are not available. ( A) The man didnt pass t

34、he scholarship examination. ( B) The womans application didnt impress the board. ( C) The woman needed to try for the scholarship next year. ( D) The competition for scholarship was not very keen. ( A) The woman should explain it three times. ( B) The woman should be confident in herself. ( C) The w

35、oman is stupid in learning biology. ( D) The woman is making little progress everyday. ( A) She has no interest in basketball match. ( B) She prefers basketball to volleyball. ( C) She likes watching violent sports. ( D) She is a volleyball fan. ( A) The man usually does morning exercise. ( B) The w

36、oman does exercise with the man. ( C) The man needs to do exercise. ( D) The woman lacks exercise. ( A) She has gone to the stadium for mens 100m race. ( B) She will go to the stadium for the mens 400m relay. ( C) She will take part in the womens 400m relay. ( D) She will be on time for the womens 4

37、00m relay. ( A) She mistook the class party date. ( B) She was two hours late for the party. ( C) She missed the class party. ( D) She didnt enjoy the class party. ( A) In the office. ( B) In the market place. ( C) At a bus terminal. ( D) At a graduation party. ( A) Overseas sales. ( B) Local counse

38、ling. ( C) Accounting. ( D) Teaching. ( A) Dan. ( B) Donna. ( C) Mrs Morton. ( D) Pete. ( A) They will meet the friend from Argentina. ( B) They will work out a contract. ( C) They will go to the mans home. ( D) They will write a diary. ( A) He is a teacher of English in Cambridge. ( B) He is a spec

39、ialist in computer science. ( C) He is a consultant to a Scottish company. ( D) He is a British tourist to China. ( A) In an English family. ( B) In a flat near the college. ( C) In a flat on the campus. ( D) In a student dormitory. ( A) Certain things cannot be learned from books. ( B) Foreign stud

40、ents have better life on campus. ( C) Choice of where to live varies from person to person. ( D) British families usually welcome foreign students. Section B Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and th

41、e questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. ( A) Because the taxi company was very busy at that time. ( B) Because it was too late to call the taxi company. ( C) Because he enjoyed driving by himself. (

42、D) Because the taxi broke down. ( A) Something was wrong with the engine of his car. ( B) He left his telephone in the kitchen. ( C) It was seven oclock when he heard the radio. ( D) He missed the plane. ( A) Because he got to the airport on time. ( B) Because he escaped an air crash. ( C) Because t

43、he taxi didnt arrive. ( D) Because the engine of his car wouldnt start. ( A) Nobody came to talk to the speaker. ( B) People didnt listen to the speaker attentively. ( C) People kept interrupting the speaker. ( D) People made fun of the speaker. ( A) Because people are passive listeners. ( B) Becaus

44、e people are unwilling to talk. ( C) Because people enjoy answering any question. ( D) Because people like to talk to you about themselves. ( A) Be an attentive listener. ( B) Dont talk about yourselves. ( C) Be interested in yourselves. ( D) Talk less and do more. ( A) Four. ( B) Five. ( C) Six. (

45、D) Seven. ( A) They wanted to be famous. ( B) They wanted to win some money. ( C) They were charged too much by the tobacco company. ( D) They were damaged physically by years of smoking. ( A) The smokers lost the case. ( B) The health warning on the cigarette packages is misleading. ( C) The World

46、Bank report shows that most smokcrs succeed in quitting smoking in the end. ( D) Smoking does cause all kinds of illnesses and even leads to early death. ( A) Aggressive. ( B) Pitiful. ( C) Neutral. ( D) Critical. Section C Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the p

47、assage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 36 to 43 with the exact words you have just heard. For blanks numbered from 44 to 46 you are required to fill in the

48、 missing information. For these blanks, you can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the 36 Women and men differ not only in physical【 B1】 _and reproductive function but also in the way in which they solve intellectual problems. Adequate【 B2】_suggests, however, that the effec

49、ts of sex hormones on brain【 B3】 _occur so early in life that from the start the environment is acting on differently wired brain in girls and boys. Major sex differences in intellectual function seem to lie in patterns of ability rather than overall level of intelligence. We are all aware that people have different intellectual strengths. Some are especially good with words, others at using objects for instance at【 B4】 _or fixing things. In the same fashion, two【 B5】 _


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