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1、大学英语四级( 2013年 12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷 188及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to unite a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief account of students increasing reliance on technology to solve problems, and then explain the consequence of over-dependence on it. Yo

2、u should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Section A ( A) Six pints of wine a week is advised for drinkers. ( B) It is not advisable to take alcohol every day. ( C) Appropriate drinking is beneficial to old people. ( D) Safe drinking is essential to peoples health. ( A) It is acce

3、ptable on working days. ( B) It helps prevent alcohol addiction. ( C) It brings about a low dying rate. ( D) It can pass the breath alcohol test. ( A) Getting young people together to start a fashion. ( B) Attracting artists to complete their artistic creation. ( C) Making a profit by selling foreig

4、n artistic works. ( D) Inventing a new cultural tendency in Manhattan. ( A) Every weekend from April to November. ( B) Every weekend from December to March. ( C) Every weekend all the year round. ( D) Every fortnight all the year round. ( A) Its operating system broke down for 24 hours. ( B) Its per

5、sonal banking site was inaccessible suddenly. ( C) The information of its business accounts was lost. ( D) Hacker invaded HSBCs customers database. ( A) All its customers would get extra money from HSBC. ( B) He apologized in a video clip on behalf of himself. ( C) He explained what had caused the p

6、roblem technically. ( D) HSBC had prepared to deal with any problem in the future. ( A) Complex technical programs will be simplified. ( B) HSBC leaders will be questioned on the accident ( C) HSBC will be charged by Treasure Select Committee. ( D) HSBC will provide efficient online banking services

7、. Section B ( A) Read the papers. ( B) Sort out letters. ( C) Go for a jog. ( D) Have a meeting. ( A) Meeting his deputy. ( B) Dealing with the post. ( C) Classifying letters of emergency. ( D) Visiting the companys plant. ( A) Having regular morning meetings. ( B) Going shopping with his wife. ( C)

8、 Having evening dinner at home. ( D) Having interview with journalists. ( A) Have monthly board meetings with shareholders. ( B) Have a dinner engagement with customers. ( C) Plan the agenda for the next few days. ( D) Have weekly management committee meetings. ( A) He wants to find out their profes

9、sors phone number. ( B) He wants to help the woman with her math homework. ( C) He wants to seek help in doing his math homework. ( D) He wants to know what the math assignment is. ( A) Tonight ( B) In two hours. ( C) Tomorrow. ( D) In a few minutes. ( A) He didnt expect the assignment to be so hard

10、. ( B) He has already consulted his professor. ( C) He and the woman often work together. ( D) He is generally a good student. ( A) She thinks its too late to help him. ( B) She agrees to work with him. ( C) She offers to do the assignment for him. ( D) She will ask help from their professor. Sectio

11、n C ( A) In 766 B.C. ( B) In 776 B.C. ( C) In 676 B.C. ( D) In 667 B.C. ( A) To display the ancient Greek civilization. ( B) To let more nations and athletes to take part in. ( C) To present the worlds most important athletic contests. ( D) To refresh the ideals of excellence of body, mind, and spir

12、it. ( A) Any qualified athlete can enter for the game freely. ( B) It is organized by the International Olympic Committee. ( C) It has been held every four years since it was revived. ( D) Any nation can enter a team in the Games unconditionally. ( A) Smoke. ( B) Tar. ( C) Nicotine. ( D) Ashes. ( A)

13、 Because they feel nervous when not smoking. ( B) Because they have nothing to do when not smoking. ( C) Because they feel no taste in their mouths without cigarettes. ( D) Because they dont know how to establish new contacts without cigarettes. ( A) The better taste that is less addictive. ( B) The

14、 reduced risk to their health. ( C) The higher status they symbolize. ( D) The less smoke they give out. ( A) It is a popular sport. ( B) It has a long history. ( C) It is rarely tried a second time. ( D) It is an adventurous activity. ( A) Everyday life makes people bored. ( B) Too much work exhaus

15、ts people. ( C) People are suffering too much stress. ( D) Theyre mentally and physically healthy. ( A) It was quite stable and carefree. ( B) It was not easy to survive. ( C) People enjoyed a long healthy life. ( D) People neednt work hard for a living. ( A) They are effective as long as people tak

16、e care. ( B) They are not a recommended way to relax. ( C) They are all right for some people. ( D) They are difficult to be accepted. Section A 26 Back in the day, a good report card earned you a parental pat on the back, but now it could be money in your pocket. Experiments with cash incentives (激

17、励 ) for students have been catching on in public-school districts across the country, and so has the debate over whether they are a【 C1】 _tool for hard-to-motivate students. According to a study【 C2】 _today by the social-policy research group MDRC, a non-profit organization, cash incentives combined

18、 with counseling offered “real hope“ to low-income and nontraditional students at two Louisiana community colleges. The program【 C3】 _by the Louisiana Department of Social Services and the Louisiana Workforce Commission was simple: enroll in college at least half-time,【 C4】_at least a C average and

19、earn $1,000 a semester for up to two terms. Participants, who were randomly【 C5】 _, were 30% more likely to register for a second semester than were students who were not offered the supplemental financial【 C6】_. And the participants who were first offered cash incentives in spring 2004 and thus who

20、se progress was tracked for longer than that of subsequent groups before Hurricane Katrina【 C7】 _forced researchers to suspend the survey for several months in August 2005 were also more likely than their peers to be enrolled in college a year after they had finished the two-term program. Students o

21、ffered cash incentives in the Louisiana program earned more【 C8】 _and were more likely to attain a C average than were nonparticipants. And they showed psychological【 C9】 _too, reporting more positive feelings about themselves and their abilities to【 C10】_their goals for the future. A) abruptly E) b

22、rilliant I) fulfilled M) released B) accomplish F) claim J) funded N) retain C) aid G) cooperative K) maintain O) selected D) benefits H) credits L) naturally 27 【 C1】 28 【 C2】 29 【 C3】 30 【 C4】 31 【 C5】 32 【 C6】 33 【 C7】 34 【 C8】 35 【 C9】 36 【 C10】 Section B 36 Worried about prescription drugs? How

23、 to weigh your risk? A When the pain reliever Vioxx was withdrawn from the worldwide market last September after the announcement that it increased patients risk of heart attacks and strokes, millions panicked. Suddenly, ads for the drug were replaced with ads looking for Vioxx “victims“. Not only d

24、id patients stop taking Vioxx but, doctors say, many people stopped taking their other medicines, too sometimes putting their health at serious risk. The sometimes-sensationalized headlines didnt help. People wondered. Should I trust my doctors? Could what I thought would help me actually kill me? I

25、s the drug safety system broken? B Americans have somehow come to believe they should get the best medical care with the latest remedies with no side effects. But there is no drug that doesnt have side effects. Peter Corr, head of worldwide research and development for drug manufacturer Pfizer says,

26、 “As a society we expect medicine to be perfect. There is no such thing. There is always a risk.“ C Since there is no such thing as a pill that is completely safe, including aspirin, consumers have to accept the dichotomy (一分为二 ) that the same medicines that extend and enhance our lives may hurt us:

27、 some of them may merely have minor side effects, while others are able to cause death. So how should you and your doctor proceed? 1. Weigh the risks and benefits of any drug. D As a smart consumer you must decide whether a drug is “safe enough“ for you. The greater the benefit, the more risk you ma

28、y be willing to take. If your illness is mild and not very bothersome, you may decide that any risk is too big and opt against taking any medications at all. On the contrary, if your illness is serious or potentially life threatening, you may even be willing to try an experimental drug with greater

29、risk for serious side effects. E Zena McAdams, 59, a regional clergyman in Macon, Georgia, has lived with a condition that causes chronic pain for many years. For a long time she took OTC ibuprofen (布洛芬 , 一种镇痛非处方药 ), “I mean lots of it,“ she says. In the spring of 2001, her doctor prescribed Vioxx.

30、Taken only once a day, it was “remarkable,“ she says. “I took it every day till it was taken off the market.“ F After speaking to her doctor, she switched to Celebrex last October. It was also effective in controlling the aches and pains associated with her condition until she heard concerns that it

31、, too, had serious potential side effects. She talked to her doctor, weighed the risks versus the benefits and decided that her quality of life was most important. “There is always that nasty feeling about safety,“ she says, “but there is no reason to think that I have any heart problems. The benefi

32、ts at this point in my life certainly outweigh the risks. The drug works. It eases the pain.“ 2. Be especially cautious about new drugs. G New drugs are inherently risky. So if youre taking one, monitor yourself carefully. Have your eating and digestive habits changed? Are you feeling unusually tire

33、d or agitated (焦虑不安的 )? Have your breathing patterns or skin color changed? If so, call your doctor immediately, who may tell you to stop taking the drug. How does a consumer know that a drug is new? Ask your doctor or pharmacist (药剂师 ). If you have a choice between two or more equally effective dru

34、gs, choose the one with a longer track record of safety. If you are taking a drug in the same class as one that has been recalled, it is careful to ask your doctor if that drug places you at greater risks. 3. Know if youre in a high-risk group. H Although scientists still dont know precisely why, ce

35、rtain individuals have bad reactions to a drug or to a particular dose of a drug, while others dont. Men metabolize (新陈代谢 ) drugs differently than women do, for example. Be especially watchful if you are very young, very old or pregnant. Drugs usually arent tested on these groups. “I worry the most

36、about the elderly,“ says Avorn. “They are vastly under-represented in trials of drugs, yet they are the most likely to be taking the drugs when they are approved.“ 4. Ask the right questions. I When you get a new prescription, never leave the doctors surgery without a clear understanding of why your

37、e taking the drug, how to take it, and how youll know if its working. Even if it makes you a bit uncomfortable, ask. You are responsible for your own health and safety. “If the doctor doesnt want to answer questions, you should probably find another doctor,“ says Avorn. After your visit, if you stil

38、l have questions, call or e-mail the doctor. Use your pharmacist as an expert consultant for any additional concerns you have about the drug or its side effects. J You can ask the pharmacist for the professional package insert for the drug, says Corr. Although its written for health care providers,

39、it includes information on clinical trials and side effects. Also, if theres been a label change, with new information about the drug or any warnings, it will be part of the PPI (保险证明 ). Or request more consumer-friendly information, which should tell you how to use the drug properly and warn of any

40、 precautions. You can also call the drug companys toll-free number for more information, or go to its website. 5. Be informed, and follow directions carefully. K Check that the pills you receive are the correct ones. Errors crop up in the dispensing of medications: Its easy to confuse products with

41、similar names (for example, Zantac and Xanax). Read the instructions and take your pills exactly as prescribed. Be alert for expiration dates, and stay attentive to recalls and warnings. Tell your doctor about any other medications you take, either prescribed or OTC (over the counter). Drug interact

42、ions can cause serious problems. For example, Posicor, an antihypertensive drug (治疗高血压的药 ), was taken off the market because it could cause blood pressure to drop sharply when used with other heart medications. If you fill all your prescriptions at the same store, the pharmacist may be able to warn

43、you of known interactions. L It is vitally important that patients and their doctors provide feedback to manufacturers and regulators if they have any suspicion of a problem. Then these signals will be known and can be analyzed to see if they are more widespread, which could save lives. 37 Among dru

44、gs with equal effect, you should choose the one with a longer safety record. 38 Information on clinical trials and side effects of a drug can be found in its professional package insert. 39 When Posicor is used with other heart medications, it may lead to sharp drop of blood pressure. 40 Patients wi

45、th a minor illness are the least likely to try drugs with serious side effects. 41 If patients and doctors can provide appropriate feedback to drug manufacturers, many lives could be saved. 42 Avorn worries about the elderly most because they usually arent included in the trials of new drugs. 43 Dru

46、gs with similar names may result in errors of medication dispensing. 44 According to Peter Corr, every drug has certain kind of side effects. 45 For many years, Zena McAdams had to take medicines to control chronic pain. 46 It is suggested that we should change the doctor if he/she doesnt want to an

47、swer the questions about drug usage. Section C 46 Coca-Cola has always been more focused on its economic bottom line than on global warming, but when the company lost a profitable operating license in India because of a serious water shortage there in 2004, things began to change. Today, after a dec

48、ade of increasing damage to Cokes balance sheet as global droughts dried up the water needed to produce its soda, the company has embraced the idea of climate change as an economically disruptive force. “Increased droughts, more unpredictable variability, 100-year floods every two years,“ said Jeffr

49、ey Seabright, Cokes vice president for environment and water resources, listing the problems that he said were also disrupting the companys supply of sugar cane and sugar beets (甜菜 ). “When we look at our most essential ingredients, we see those events as threats.“ Coke reflects a growing view among American business leaders and mainstream economists who see global warming as a force that contributes to lower GDPs, higher food and commodity costs, broken supply chains


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