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1、大学英语四级( 2013年 12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷 30及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on the importance of learning basic skills. You should write at least 120 words but n

2、o more than 180 words. Write your essay on Answer Sheet 1. Section A ( A) The man is supposed to pass the exam. ( B) The man should study hard himself. ( C) The teacher makes the man sad. ( D) The teacher is responsible for his failure. ( A) The woman should learn from those excellent ones. ( B) The

3、 woman holds an important position in the company. ( C) The woman neednt worry about being dismissed. ( D) The woman will be fired if the recession goes on. ( A) Claim his money back. ( B) Keep his invoice just in case. ( C) Get his computer repaired in the store. ( D) Back up the files. ( A) Think

4、twice before making decisions. ( B) Choose the courses with easier exams. ( C) Select the courses according to her interest. ( D) Consider more about professors than courses. ( A) The woman will give up her classes. ( B) The woman is tired of her parents arrangement. ( C) The woman has to cancel her

5、 travel plan. ( D) The woman has only one day for travel. ( A) He has never seen such a wonderful view. ( B) He speaks highly of the present exposition. ( C) He has spent years visiting the exposition. ( D) He will pay a revisit to the exposition. ( A) The woman doesnt advocate shopping online. ( B)

6、 The man doesnt believe the ads on the web. ( C) The woman shouldnt always follow fashion. ( D) The woman believes all the ads on the web. ( A) He doesnt know what the matter is. ( B) He will send someone there. ( C) He doesnt have to repair the central heating. ( D) He neednt send anyone to her apa

7、rtment. ( A) Arranging the womans appointment with Mr. Romero. ( B) Fixing the time for the designers latest fashion show. ( C) Talking about an important gathering on Tuesday. ( D) Preparing for the filming on Monday morning. ( A) Her travel to Japan. ( B) The awards ceremony. ( C) The proper hairs

8、tyle for her new role. ( D) When to start the makeup session. ( A) He is Mr. Romeros agent. ( B) He is an entertainment journalist. ( C) He is the womans assistant. ( D) He is a famous movie star. ( A) Make an appointment for an interview. ( B) Send in an application letter. ( C) Fill in an applicat

9、ion form. ( D) Make a brief self-introduction on the phone. ( A) Someone having a college degree in advertising. ( B) Someone experienced in business management. ( C) Someone ready to take on more responsibilities. ( D) Someone willing to work beyond regular hours. ( A) Travel opportunities. ( B) Ha

10、ndsome pay. ( C) Prospects for promotion. ( D) Flexible working hours. ( A) It depends on the working hours. ( B) It is about 500 pounds a week. ( C) It will be set by the Human Resources. ( D) It is to be negotiated. Section B ( A) Loneliness can lead to many diseases. ( B) Loneliness can spread th

11、rough social groups. ( C) Loneliness is related to ones social status. ( D) Loneliness increases the chances of developing mind disorder. ( A) Women friends. ( B) Men neighbors. ( C) Husbands and wives. ( D) Brothers and sisters. ( A) People will feel lonely without friends. ( B) Loneliness can caus

12、e health problems. ( C) All people experience feelings of loneliness. ( D) A lonely friend makes one feel more lonely. ( A) Know the cause of loneliness. ( B) Offer psychological counseling to lonely people. ( C) Help those possible loneliness sufferers. ( D) Communicate more with lonely friends. (

13、A) They think people may laugh at their behaviors. ( B) They are afraid of misunderstanding others. ( C) They cant express themselves clearly. ( D) They cant understand strange social situations. ( A) The chances of being laughed at in different cultures. ( B) The relations between the fear of being

14、 laughed at and peoples cultures. ( C) The social situations that may cause shyness. ( D) The influence of shyness on different people. ( A) People tend to avoid situations of being laughed at. ( B) Most people try to hide the feelings of being laughed at. ( C) Western people tend to take shyness le

15、ss seriously. ( D) The fear of being laughed at varies in different countries. ( A) Her poems are difficult to understand. ( B) Few people know about her poems. ( C) Most of her poems were published after her death. ( D) She was known as a great poet when she was alive. ( A) Shes a strange poet diff

16、icult to study. ( B) She was influenced greatly by her father. ( C) She didnt read many books in her life. ( D) Shes mysterious before and after her death. ( A) Emily Dickinsons poems. ( B) Emily Dickinsons life story. ( C) Emily Dickinsons influence. ( D) Emily Dickinsons education. Section C 26 TO

17、EIC is the Test of English for International Communication. It measures the【 B1】 _of people to communicate in the workplace using everyday English. Each year, the TOEIC is【 B2】 _in the United States about 20 000 times. So how popular does that make it? Well, consider that last year, the test was giv

18、en more than five【 B3】 _times worldwide. Non-native English speakers take the test to【 B4】_their English skills when seeking a new job or a【 B5】 _. Some organizations use the TOEIC to measure progress in English training program and as a placement test. The cost of the test is set locally in each co

19、untry. In fact, the TOEIC【 B6】 _two tests. People can take one or both of them. One is a written test that measures listening and reading skills. The other test is given on a computer that measures speaking and writing skills. Eleven questions on the computer test require speaking. For example, the

20、test taker is asked to【 B7】 _or describe a picture. Eight other questions require written answers, including an opinion essay. We visited the ETS Website for more information about the TOEIC. But one of the first things we saw was a【 B8】 _about a “phishing scam.“ A phishing scam is a kind of【 B9】 _t

21、hat uses e-mail to trick people into providing financial or other personal information. In this case, the e-mails claim to be from the Educational Testing Service. Experts advise people taking the TOEIC to suspicious of any e-mail claiming to be from ETS. They should be especially suspicious of mess

22、ages that【 B10】 _information that they have already provided for the test. 27 【 B1】 28 【 B2】 29 【 B3】 30 【 B4】 31 【 B5】 32 【 B6】 33 【 B7】 34 【 B8】 35 【 B9】 36 【 B10】 Section A 36 While it seems pretty obvious that gratitude is a positive emotion, psychologists for decades rarely delved(探究 )into the

23、science of giving thanks. But in the last several years many【 C1】 _have shown that it is one of humanitys most【 C2】_emotions. It makes you happier and can change your attitude about life, like an emotional reset button. Beyond【 C3】 _that being grateful helps you, psychologists also are trying to【 C4

24、】 _out the brain chemistry behind gratitude and the best ways of showing it. University of Miami psychology professor Michael McCullough, who has studied people who are asked to be regularly thankful, points out that giving thanks is a potent(强有力的 )emotion that feeds on itself, almost the【 C5】 _of b

25、eing victorious. He said psychologists used to underestimate the【 C6】 _of simple gratitude: “It does make people happier. Its that incredible feeling.“ One of the reasons why gratitude works so well is that it【 C7】 _us with others, McCullough said. Thats why when you give thanks it should be more【 C

26、8】 _and personal instead of a brief thank you note or a hastily run-through grace before dinner, psychologists say. Chicago area psychologist and self-help book author Maryann Troiani said she starts getting clients on gratitude【 C9】 _, sometimes just by limiting their complaints to two whines(牢骚 )a

27、 session. Then she eventually gets them to log good things that happened to them in gratitude journals that are becoming regular therapy【 C10】_where people list weekly or nightly what they are thankful for. A)heartfelt F)immediately K)strength B)experiments G)gradually L)experiences C)tools H)connec

28、ts M)equivalent D)supposing I)proving N)leave E)figure J)reluctant O)powerful 37 【 C1】 38 【 C2】 39 【 C3】 40 【 C4】 41 【 C5】 42 【 C6】 43 【 C7】 44 【 C8】 45 【 C9】 46 【 C10】 Section B 46 Farewell, Libraries A)Amazon, corns recent announcement that sales of e-books at the online megastore had overtaken sa

29、les of hardcover books came as no surprise. It had to happen sometime. But the news did conjure quite an interesting mental image: libraries that from now on will look smaller and less crowded. B)For the moment, lets not argue with the proposition that people will read as much as they ever have, no

30、matter whether they read an actual book or a book on a screen. The habits of readers may not change(if anything, people may read more, or at least buy more several stories have quoted e-book owners who say they buy more titles for their e-readers than they did when they were buying hardcover books).

31、 But if readers arent changing, their environments will. Rooms that once held books will well, whatever they hold from now on, it wont be books, or not as many books. Theoretically, your space will be more spare, more serenely uncluttered. Thats the theory, at least. My experience is that stuff expa

32、nds to fill the space available. But you can dream. C)All of this has already happened big time in the music business, where downloads have gradually but surely replaced CDs. 1 dont know how many people Ive overheard crowing because they managed to transfer their entire music collections onto their

33、computers. All those CDs taking up space on the wall have gone All those CDs that travel from car to kitchen to bedroom to living room, with the CD and the case getting separated somewhere along the way a problem no more in the digital age. From now on, well own what might be described as the idea o

34、f stuff, since the actual physical thingsrecords, tapes, photographs, CDs, and now books have been as good as vaporized, with the information contained therein stored away on a hard drive. D)This, of course, is merely collateral damage(附带损害 )in the digital revolution, if damage it is. Theres as yet

35、no way to tell if this transition is good, bad, both, or neither, but surely the absence of a physical library, be it musical or literary, marks a fundamental shift in the way we live and think about things. In music, for example, the rise of iTunes, Pandora, YouTube, and all the other online music

36、players has quickly eroded our devotion to the long-playing album as the principal means of organizing music. After a half century of neglect, the lowly single is back on top. Most immediately this has consequences for artists, maybe not so much for the people who buy their music. But who knows? E)W

37、ith books, the absence of packaging does nothing to the contents. I can buy a hardcover copy of Moby-Dick or download it onto an e-reader, and Melville is still Melville. But I grew up loving Rockwell Kents illustrations of that novel, and later Barry Mosers. Its hard to think of the book without th

38、em. I can do that, certainly, but some little thing is lost. F)Paperbacks and public libraries made books cheap or free but certainly available to millions who might otherwise not have been able to afford them, and all that happened long before I was born. Nevertheless, I was brought up by people wh

39、o had been taughtand who taught me that books were valuable things, things to be cared for and cherished, and I have owned some volumes for close to half a century(almost none of them, I should point out, qualify as “collectible“ or valuable to an antiquarian book collector; owning a rare book makes

40、 me nervous. I like books I can hold, read, and even here my mother is spinning in her grave write in). G)I come from a generation for whom the books and records on the shelf signaled, in some way, who you were(starting with the fact that you were a person who owned books or records or CDs). If you

41、visited a friend, you took the first chance you had to secretly scan that friends shelves to get a handle on the person. I suppose I could sneak a peek at a friends Kindle, but is that the same? And try that kind of snooping on a bus or in a coffee shop and youll probably get arrested. H)The stuff o

42、f our lives is a comfort. We look up at the shelves and we see old friends. Yes, there are books on my shelves that arent my friends, that I havent finished or even started, but someday I will, I promise my home library is a physical manifestation of ambivalence. There is comfort in the continuity o

43、f seeing the same books year after year. I guess there might be some of the same pleasure in scrolling through a digital library or music playlist, but somehow I think something will be lost. I)For years audiophiles(音响爱好者 )have tried to persuade more casual music fans that a vinyl record played on a

44、 decent sound system sounds better than a digital record played on the same system. Digital sound is not as warm, not as seductive to the ear. The resurgence, albeit modest, of vinyl, especially among young listeners and musicians, proves that this argument is not generational. Its not, in other wor

45、ds, just old fogies versus young hipsters. J)Something of the same argument might be made for books, or for the tactile(触觉的 )pleasure of holding and reading a well-made book. At its simplest, a book is a tool, or an information-delivery system, if you will, and it does what it does supremely well. T

46、o conceive of a world without physical books is to conceive of a world somehow diminished. It may be more efficient yes, you can take a “stack“ of books on vacation with an e-reader. It may spare quite a few forests from the ax. But efficiency is no substitute for pleasure. The future may be less cl

47、uttered. It may also be less fun. 47 When scanning friends books and records on their shelf, we could know something about their personality. 48 The popularity of e-books may change the domestic environment of the e-book owners. 49 If there isnt a physical library, our lifestyle and way of thinking

48、will be changed. 50 According to the authors experience, the rooms originally for books will be filled with other things. 51 Reading books with an e-reader is likely to be quite efficient and friendly to the environment, but it cannot be a pleasure. 52 In the music business, CDs, to a large degree,

49、have been replaced by music downloaded from the Internet. 53 There is something valuable lost in the e-books without the favorable illustrations. 54 It was not surprising that A announced that e-books shared a larger market than traditional hardcover books. 55 The author was taught the idea that books were valuable for people to collect and treasure. 56 E-books cannot fully function as books on the shelves, whic


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