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1、大学英语四级( 2013年 12月考试改革适用)模拟试卷 50及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing 1 For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay. You should start your essay with a brief description of the picture and then express your views on money. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Sectio

2、n A ( A) In a library. ( B) In a book store. ( C) In a book company. ( D) In a booking office. ( A) She missed the deadline for the course registration. ( B) She couldnt decide which course to register. ( C) She didnt get the extension for the course registration. ( D) She lost the registration fee.

3、 ( A) The room is as dark as the night. ( B) He doesnt know what the notice is about either. ( C) He doesnt like the womans idea. ( D) He doesnt notice anything. ( A) It is supposed to be warm and sunny in terms of the weather forecast. ( B) It wont go like what the man expects according to the weat

4、her forecast. ( C) She believes its suitable for the man to play football. ( D) She has no idea of how it will be like. ( A) The man can only see the doctor two weeks later. ( B) Appointments must be made two weeks in advance. ( C) The man can have an appointment with the doctor on Friday. ( D) The

5、doctor has cancelled his appointments on Friday. ( A) Paint brushes. ( B) Some soap. ( C) A can of paint. ( D) Some ink. ( A) Its not raining that hard now. ( B) The rain has just begun. ( C) It only rained a little bit. ( D) Its raining too hard to go out. ( A) Send flowers to someone in hospital.

6、( B) Deliver a package to the hospital. ( C) Arrange some flowers. ( D) Talk to a doctor. ( A) The mans pay raise. ( B) A career ladder for the man. ( C) The mans education. ( D) A new chance for everyone to be promoted. ( A) Three years. ( B) Four years. ( C) Five years. ( D) Six years. ( A) The pe

7、rson who has the strong will. ( B) The person who has attended the adult school. ( C) The person who can pass the test of arithmetic. ( D) The person who can work at computers quickly after a two-day training. ( A) The man is eager to attend the training. ( B) The man is not very interested in this

8、chance for promotion. ( C) The man has been trained for computer work since last year. ( D) The man is not confident in his chance to be promoted to Grade 7. ( A) He doesnt have a clear idea of the complete service. ( B) He wants the best service. ( C) He just wants to have his hair cut the way he l

9、ikes. ( D) He wants his hair to be trimmed quickly. ( A) Your hands look good. ( B) Your hair is in good condition. ( C) You have a good beautician to serve you. ( D) You can relax. ( A) To attend a business convention in town. ( B) To meet his clients. ( C) To see one of his friends. ( D) To prepar

10、e for an interview of a new job. Section B ( A) Helping the needy to survive. ( B) Sharing risks of possible losses. ( C) Being compulsory in most countries. ( D) Covering differently according to different situations. ( A) To tell us that accidents may take place at any time. ( B) To prove that it

11、is wise to spend money on insurance. ( C) To prove that buying insurance is a wasted investment. ( D) To tell us that the sense of security is very important in driving. ( A) Car, retirement and life insurance. ( B) Business, poverty and health insurance. ( C) Unemployment, home and life insurance.

12、( D) Possessions, disability and health insurance. ( A) It is hot, wet and cloudy. ( B) It is mild, wet and windy. ( C) It is hot, rainy and foggy. ( D) It is warm, wet and sunny. ( A) Tree leaves are green all the time in the monsoon forest. ( B) There is a dry season in the cloud forest on tropica

13、l mountains. ( C) Clouds help the plants in the rain forest near the deserts to grow. ( D) The formation of climate in the rain forest has little to do with the trees. ( A) Animals. ( B) Droppings. ( C) Fruits. ( D) Winds. ( A) She was tired of Indian tea. ( B) She had a son working in China. ( C) S

14、he believed it had a curing effect. ( D) She was fond of Chinese products. ( A) China and India have different traffic rules. ( B) Tea trade works wonders in both India and China. ( C) Chinese products are popular in both China and India. ( D) The exchanges between India and China benefit both. ( A)

15、 It will move its head office to Shenzhen. ( B) It is seeking further development in China. ( C) It has attracted an investment of US$20 billion. ( D) It caught up with the US IT industry in 2008. ( A) His concern for his mothers health. ( B) His support for drinking Chinese green tea. ( C) His surp

16、rise at Chinas recent development. ( D) His wonder at the growth of Indias IT industry. Section C 26 In many countries seat belts are now compulsory for the driver and the front seat passenger at least. Doctors believe that seat belts save people from being seriously hurt in a【 B1】_, but there are s

17、ome people who still think it is more【 B2】 _to wear a seat belt than not to wear one. They think that seat belts may【 B3】 _people in a car that is burning, or that has fallen into the water, so that they are burnt to death or【 B4】_. But less than half of one percent of car accidents lead to fire or

18、sinking, and in any case, a seat belt may easily save a person from being knocked【 B5】 _in an accident, so that he or she is able to undo the seat belt immediately and【 B6】 _the automobile. Some people say that it is an【 B7】 _on their freedom to force them to wear a seat belt. But even in【 B8】 _coun

19、tries there are many things people are denied the right to do though they want to do them. How does this affect seat belts? In what way does it【 B9】 _the rights of others if someone refuses to wear a seat belt? Well, common sense tells us that a driver without a seat belt has less control of a car,

20、if there is an accident. In that case, the driver【 B10】 _be a danger to others, who after all also have the right to be protected as much as possible from accidents. 27 【 B1】 28 【 B2】 29 【 B3】 30 【 B4】 31 【 B5】 32 【 B6】 33 【 B7】 34 【 B8】 35 【 B9】 36 【 B10】 Section A 36 Where do pesticides(杀虫剂 )fit i

21、nto the picture of environmental disease? We have seen that they now【 C1】 _soil, water, and food, that they have the power to make our streams Ashless and our gardens and woodlands【 C2】 _and birdless. Man, however much he may like to pretend the contrary, is part of nature. Can he escape a pollution

22、 that is now so thoroughly【 C3】 _throughout our world? We know that even single【 C4】 _to these chemicals, if the amount is large enough, can cause extremely severe poisoning. But this is not the major problem. The sudden illness or death of farmers, farm workers and others exposed to【 C5】_quantities

23、 of pesticides is very sad and should not occur. For the population as a whole, we must be more concerned with the delayed effects of absorbing small amounts of the pesticides that【 C6】 _pollute our world. Responsible public health officials have pointed out that the biological effects of【 C7】 _are

24、cumulative(累积的 )over long periods of time, and that the danger to the individual may depend on the sum of the exposures received throughout his lifetime. For these very reasons the danger is easily【 C8】 _. It is human nature to shake off what may seem to us a【 C9】 _of future disaster. “Men are natur

25、ally most impressed by diseases which have obvious signs,“ says a wise physician, Dr Rene Dubos, “yet some of their worst enemies slowly approach them【 C10】 _“. A)chemicals I)sufficient B)obviously J)avoided C)threat K)exposure D)pollute L)ignored E)found M)silent F)invisibly N)unnoticed G)touch O)s

26、mall H)distributed 37 【 C1】 38 【 C2】 39 【 C3】 40 【 C4】 41 【 C5】 42 【 C6】 43 【 C7】 44 【 C8】 45 【 C9】 46 【 C10】 Section B 46 How to Build Team Spirit and Get Best Sales Performance A)It is a well-known fact that an organisation can achieve a greater success if a few people get united and work towards

27、a goal together. An ordinary team can perform better provided they are motivated. There are many instances, where a team approach has succeeded better compared to an organisation which is riddled with politics and managers who only think about themselves. In fact this is a basic problem among Indian

28、s as they always tend to develop “Frog Syndrome“. The frog syndrome does not allow other colleagues to go up in the ladder, which leads the organisation to become an ordinary organisation. Today the biggest problem in India many companies are facing is how to develop team spirit among people. This i

29、s a very crucial point for the organisation to make difference in todays highly competitive environment. How can we develop such things today? Of course, there are many ways which are given below. Develop Team Not Individual Only B)The role of manager is to ensure that the people become cohesive(有凝聚

30、力的 )and feel proud to be the member of the team. It is quite possible provided the manager himself is a team leader. He has to set the right target, create enthusiasm among the people, develop a positive attitude among the people and motivate them at the right time. If done, it is nothing succeeds l

31、ike success. Right Team Spirit C)Right team spirit brings within the organisation a vibrant feeling to an insider as well as outsider. There is always willingness to walk an extra mile among people to achieve the set objective. This leads to more congenial(令人愉快的 )atmosphere within the organisation.

32、How many companies have succeeded in doing the same? Does it bring smile to an ordinary person working in the organisation? If yes, that organisation really can survive for a longer time. SMILE Within the Organisation D)A happy employee always tends to achieve better. Many companies tend to take car

33、e of external customers but tend to forget the internal customers. Hence, companies should do retrospective analysis on satisfaction level of the internal employees. But how many companies bother to do that? A real smile can help the organisation to achieve better sales. SMILE = Sell More In Less Ef

34、fort E)How many people can bring a smile on the face of a person? Therefore, there are few organisations which excel. However, this is possible provided the manager becomes a mentor. Manager Should Be a Mentor to the People F)People always look towards a manager as mentor who can correct, guide and

35、give constructive criticism. Manager should go where the colleagues working under him require him to go. He should help his colleagues during the need of the hour. Can a manager develop himself to be a mentor so that people can rely on his advice? A manager, if redevelop himself as a mentor, can def

36、initely bring the team spirit among the people. But how many managers can be a mentor? Many times a manager himself is a grumbler(爱发牢骚的人 )and creates a polluted environment within the organisation as his personality may not be fit to do a particular job. Therefore, a manager should analyse his own p

37、ersonality along with his colleagues and ensure that his personality along with his colleagues personality be suited to do the particular job. Application of sales grid(网 )approaches will definitely help him to understand his own personality as well as his colleagues. This analysis can help to take

38、corrective action and will create a greater sense of responsibility and motivation among the people. We must motivate ourselves to motivate others. G)This is possible provided a manager make the job more challenging. In fact during the recent survey conducted by the author in India, the No.l motivat

39、or factor is job enrichment. How many managers try to create innovations in their job functions of their colleagues and associates? How many managers remove the fear of instability? How many managers ask themselves what new things they or their teams have done? If this is done regularly, the demotiv

40、ation does not arise. Ordinary people can perform extraordinary things provided they bring the motivation and team spirit among the people. This is quite possible and a manager has a role to play. He should be proactive(主动的 )in building team spirit and take action. Recognise Team Destroyers and Take

41、 Corrective Measures H)There are certain people who because of the past experience can destroy the team spirit. Therefore, it is suggested that managers should identify “this grumbler“ at right time and take corrective measures immediately. The cancerous cell should not be allowed to develop or prol

42、iferate(扩散 ). Proper counselling can help the manager to correct the situation. He should not develop a dual personality. For example, in the office the tap is leaking, however, he does not bother as he feels that it is the job of administration but when he goes home he makes sure that the leakage o

43、f the tap is corrected. The dichotomy(分裂 )behaviour of the person cannot help him to develop team spirit. The manager should develop fatherhood of a spastic(痉挛的 )child who is very caring, understanding his child. He has to therefore correct him, mend him with hope that the future will be bright. Edu

44、cate the Colleague Doing the Work in a Positive Manner I)Managers must educate a colleague while working. The recent study among the field force revealed that the field representatives like to have a leader who is good at product knowledge and selling skills. During the visit of a leader if he ensur

45、es that he gives one or two new points to his colleagues, then the interaction between the two becomes more fruitful. Fox example, if a zonal manager visits his team he may take up the product training in the conference or during the field work followed by a written test of the same subject. This co

46、ncept was tried by the author in one of his clients companies wherein he noticed that the representative never used to respect his senior because of his lack of knowledge on the product. This process of inculcating(教授 )the habit of interactions between the two brought a better team spirit and respec

47、t for each other. This activity resulted into higher productivity of the area. 47 One influence the analysis about a managers personality and his colleagues may have on them is that they will be more responsible and motivated. 48 The “cancerous cell“ in the passage refers to people who destroy the t

48、eam spirit. 49 For some Indian companies, the problem that needs to be solved urgently is how to build team spirit among staff. 50 Companies should devote themselves to making their employees happy because it can help them achieve better sales. 51 Field representatives would like their manager havin

49、g a good command of product knowledge and selling skills, according to a recent study. 52 Managers in the Indian companies usually hinder the way of other colleagues career development. 53 The manager develops himself as the team leader may increase the possibility of the people feeling proud to be a member of a team. 54 The most effective motivator factor in Indian workplace is job enrichment. 55 A manager should not develop a dual personality because it is not


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