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1、大学英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 32及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Contentment Is the Key to Happiness For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Contentment Is the Key to Happiness by commenting on the famous saying, “A great obstacle to happiness is to anticipate too great a h

2、appiness. “ You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 2 Distance Education 1在中国,远程教育发展迅速 2远程教育加强了发达地区与贫困地区、国内院校与国外院校之间的联系 3然而中国的远程教育还不是很发达 3 How to Improve Campus Safety? 1近日校园安 全事故频发,引起社会的广泛关注 2如何提升校园安全 3我的看法 4 The Key Problem of the Key School 1分析家长和学生们对 “重点学校 ”情有独钟的原因 2这一现象造

3、成的不良社会影响 5 My View on Amalgamation of Universities 1近年来高校合并的现象很常见 2高校合并带来不少好处 3我们在此问题上也面临挑战 6 On Employment Anxiety 1目前很多大学生有就业焦虑症 2造成大学生们就业焦虑的 原因 3为了缓解这种情况,我认为 大学英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 32答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 【正确答案】 Contentment Is the Key to Happiness It is human nature that people always se

4、ek happiness. Then what factors are necessary to achieve happiness? Some people hold the view that money is essential to happiness. Therefore, they exert themselves to earn as much money as they can. Happiness, as far as Im concerned, consists in contentment. As the old saying goes, “A great obstacl

5、e to happiness is to anticipate too great a happiness.“ Lots of people feel empty though they are in possession of great wealth. Why? Because greed is a persons trait. After he obtains something, he will become more eager to acquire more. If he fails to reach his goal, he will feel unhappy. By contr

6、ast, regardless of their poor life, some people live happily only because they are healthy, which is called contentment. In conclusion, contentment is the key to happiness. As long as people are satisfied with what they have possessed, happiness is just around the corner. 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Distance

7、 Education In China, with the fast development of economy and technology, the demand of its citizens for a good and qualified education is on the increase accordingly. However, the allocation of educational resources is unbalanced from place to place. In view of this, the central government took out

8、 a large part of its budget to fund distance education so as to make a big leap forward for it. Distance education has the advantage of making up for the shortage of traditional educational resources. So in those resource-constrained areas, distance education strengthens the link with schools outsid

9、e, even schools abroad. In this way, people in those areas can receive good and qualified education. Because of the big gap between the demand and the reality, distance education at present in China has trouble meeting the enormous educational needs of people in underdeveloped areas. There are a lot

10、 of things remaining to be done. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 How to Improve Campus Safety? Gone are the days when college was supposed to be a safe, nurturing place where students learn. Recently, there are numbers of reports on campus crime, which have brought campus safety into public concern. Above all, i

11、t is students themselves who should strengthen their security awareness. They can take specific actions to protect themselves from dangerous persons and situations. For example, they should deny any unfamiliar individualsentry to their dormitories. In addition, more equipments such as monitors shoul

12、d be installed on campus so as to detect crimes as timely as possible. Last but not least, a proper number of security guards should be arranged to patrol the campus. As far as I am concerned, students and administrators involved should exert joint efforts to improve campus safety. Only in this way

13、can students live on a safe and sound campus. 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 The Key Problem of the Key School If teaching staff and academic reputations of a school are designated “key“, it would become stronger with the backing of more official assistance. Nowadays, key schools are the most popular stars. Stu

14、dents prefer the key schools because they can enjoy modern teaching buildings, advanced multimedia classrooms, outdoor stadiums and even indoor stadiums. To parents, the key school is the first key to the bright future of their children. At the beginning of every new semester there are plenty of par

15、ents willing to do whatever it takes to send their children to a school or class with a “key“ label. After absorbing numerous social resources, these key schools could not pay back thousands of elites; instead, they become a kind of dangerous time bomb. When key schools occupy most of government fun

16、ds, those non-key ones, which are badly in need of a helping hand from the government, could only get less attention and support; thus become less competitive and less attractive. The gap between key schools and non-key schools is becoming so wide that it would seriously affect the education system

17、of our country entirely. What is worse is that imbalanced education would do great damage to the social justice and harmony. We need effective measures, or it would be too late. 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案】 My View on Amalgamation of Universities Recently there have been many reports on amalgamation of univer

18、sities. It turns a new page of advanced education in China, and will have far-reaching effects in the forthcoming years. The biggest benefit, in my opinion, is that the merging often results in a comprehensive university with increased overall strength. To take part in international competitions, we

19、 need more universities of this kind. In addition, the integration of staff members will significantly improve the quality of both teaching and research. Finally, reorganization will optimize the disposition of limited resources, which is the symbol of successful educational reform. Apart from the b

20、enefits mentioned above, we should also face several unavoidable challenges. In the first place, the integration process itself will be difficult, even painfulmany people may need to sacrifice their own interests for the whole university. In the second place, the management of such big universities

21、is not easy at all. Whats the most important, the most successful university is not necessarily the largest one or the one with the most studentsthe key lies in the unique spirit of the university. Only when we deal with these problems successfully can we benefit the most from university amalgamatio

22、n. 【知识模块】 作文 6 【正确答案】 On Employment Anxiety Along with the expansion of the adverse impacts of economic crisis on employment, it has become a common phenomenon for college students to suffer from employment anxiety. For instance, they will not only undergo emotions like employment tension, concern a

23、nd depression, but even can vulnerably be reduced to immunity decrease and psychological disease. When it comes to the employment anxiety, there are many factors contributing to the unfavorable situation. First and foremost, confronted with the severe economic recession, many enterprises have no cho

24、ice but to lay off staffs, which leads to the austere employment situation; besides, many students still fasten themselves upon the elite employment attitude, reluctant to take work with poor conditions and easily getting frustrated if not finding the ideal job. To solve the employment anxiety among

25、 college students, there are various approaches. Firstly, the universities should pay equal attention to both teaching quality and psychological guidance. Secondly, the students themselves should improve their comprehensive qualities so that they can face up with the employment pressure bravely. 【知识模块】 作文


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