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1、大学英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 6及答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 Should Traditional Masterpieces Be Cut? 1有人认为应剔除三字经等古书中的糟粕 2有人则认为没有必要 3我的看法 2 On Happiness 1不同的人对幸福有不同的看法 2对我而言,幸福是 3为了获得幸福,我会 3 On StudentsTreating Friends to Dinner 1现在不少大学生热衷于请 客 2由此可能带来的问题 3我的看法 4 Commercial Lost-and Found Companies 1目前出现一些

2、收费的失物招领公司,有人对此支持 2有人则表示反对 3你的看法 5 How to Enhance Etiquette Education? 1礼仪教育很重要 2现在许多大学生都不懂礼仪 3为加强礼仪教育,家长和学校应该 大学英语四级(作文)模拟试卷 6答案与解析 一、 Part I Writing (30 minutes) 1 【正确答案】 Should Traditional Masterpieces Be Cut? Some people say that some content of traditional masterpieces does not conform to todays

3、 social value and should be deleted before presented to students. For example, concept of unconditional obedience, the leftover from ancient feudal ethics, is found in The Three-Character Classic. If it is provided without careful screening, it will be, to some extent, harmful to the students. Other

4、s, however, argue that cutting sections from traditional masterpieces damages their integrity. It also deprives students of the chance of developing their ability of making independent judgments. With portions of a complete masterpiece, students will be unable to absorb its essence and at the same t

5、ime lose the opportunity to realize which concepts are outdated or harmful. As far as these traditional masterpieces are concerned, we must inherit their teaching critically. Nevertheless, I still hold that students should be able to read the complete passages. To help the students get the correct u

6、nderstanding of these masterpieces, teachers explanation and guides are needed. This process will actually help to improve students ability of judgment. 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 On Happiness What is happiness? This is one of those questions that if you ask 100 people youll get 100 different answers. For o

7、ne person happiness may be having great jobs with lots of money whereas for someone else it may mean feeling you have the ability to handle whatever life throws at you. For me as a student, happiness currently is not having more wealth or possessions. It is closely tied to my studies and physical co

8、ndition. Ill feel happy if I can pass all the tests with CET-4 included, and at the same time learn practical knowledge. And, enjoying a good health and having a strong body also make me happy. Happiness is nothing that were born with; we need to pursue it. To achieve my happiness, I think there are

9、 two things I need to work on. Firstly, make up a detailed and scientific schedule for my study and stick to it. Secondly, keep a balanced diet and do moderate exercise regularly. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 On Students Treating Friends to Dinner Nowadays, inviting classmates to dinner is quite popular among

10、 college students. And whenever there is something that is worth celebrating, such as birthday, winning a prize in a contest or being selected as the monitor, they will treat their classmates to dinner. However, this kind of action may lead to some problems. First, it can cost a lot of money, which

11、may increase their financial burden. Second, some students may give a party in a very expensive restaurant just to show off, and this may cause a competition among classmates. Third, students who have been invited will have to entertain those who have invited them, which contributes to a vicious cir

12、cle. In my opinion, students should have a right attitude towards inviting others to dinner. It is a means of communication but not the only way or the best way. Besides, students should take their economic conditions into consideration when they want to hold a party. 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 Commercial L

13、ost-and-Found Companies Recently, a company dealing in lost-and-found property charged owners fees, which sparked heated debate. Some people support the company, saying that since the company offers a service to the owner of lost property, it should be financially rewarded. And since owners can get

14、their items back, it is a win-win result. But many people think the opposite. They maintain that “Not pocketing the money one picks up“ is a traditional virtue. Charging lost-and-found property is actually violation of the concept, which will affect the moral system of the whole society. Some people

15、 warn that commercial lost-and-found companies may become a channel for disposal of stolen goods by criminals, which will indirectly encourage crimes such as stealing. In my opinion, charging lost-and-found properties makes sense. The emergence of commercial lost-and-found companies offers another p

16、ossibility for people to get their personal belongings back. Therefore, these companies should be supported, as long as they are well managed and regulated of course in case of the possibility of disposal of stolen goods. 【知识模块】 作文 5 【正确答案】 How to Enhance Etiquette Education? Etiquette education, wh

17、ich plays an important role in moral education, has caught more and more peoples attention. Because it is an integral part of quality-oriented education and contributes to the construction of a harmonious society. However, due to the lack of etiquette education in schools and families as well as the

18、 bad influence of the social environment, many college students have little knowledge of etiquette, thus it is quite common to see their bad behaviors. For example, they have no respect for their professors and the old, they talk to each other loudly in the library and dont care about what they shou

19、ld wear in public places. Regarding the seriousness of this phenomenon, I think we should take the following measures to arouse university students etiquette awareness. First, parents should set a good example for their children at home. Second, colleges should pay attention to students etiquette education and open some courses relating to etiquette, and they ought to try their best to create a good campus environment at the same time. 【知识模块】 作文


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