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1、大学英语四级(听力)练习试卷 26及答案与解析 ( A) She wants to find a job in this summer to pay for tuition fees. ( B) She lives far away from her parents. ( C) She will have no time to visit her parents in this summer. ( D) She doesnt miss her parents. ( A) They traveled around there. ( B) They taught English there. (

2、C) They did geological research there. ( D) They served as volunteer workers there. ( A) Her bills are already too high. ( B) She has enough money to pay off tuition fees. ( C) She prefers to be independent. ( D) She is disqualified to get a loan. ( A) The pleasure of skiing. ( B) The Montana Nation

3、al Park. ( C) How to learn to ski. ( D) How to spend the Christmas holiday. ( A) She likes snow very much. ( B) Skiing helps her keep fit. ( C) Skiing gives her great pleasure to speed through the snow. ( D) She enjoys the fresh air and open view when skiing. ( A) When he was a little child. ( B) Wh

4、en he was 15 years old. ( C) Last Christmas holiday. ( D) Two weeks ago. ( A) He will at first learn skiing in Montana, and then go back home. ( B) He will at first go back home, and then learn skiing in Montana. ( C) He will go back home with the woman for Christmas. ( D) He will learn skiing in Mo

5、ntana for the whole holiday. 大学英语四级(听力)练习试卷 26答案与解析 1 【听力原文】 W: Are you going to find a job again this summer? M: Yes, of course. Otherwise, how am I going to pay for the tuition fees in the fall? W: I am thinking of working too, but my folks insist I have to spend some time with them during the sum

6、mer. You know, I havent seen them for two years. M: Thats considering you are only an eight-hour drive away from your hometown. Why havent you been home for so long? W: Its not that I didnt want to go home but because my parents were volunteering in the charitable organization in Central America for

7、 the last couple of years. M: In that case, maybe you should visit them in the summer. W: Thats true, but I didnt want to spend the whole summer staying at home. I want to make some money and pay off my tuition fees too. M: Well, you can get a loan. W: Loan? I hate the idea of borrowing. I would rat

8、her make my own money and pay it off. M: Thats true. Its not uncommon for people to have high bills to pay once theyve graduated. W: Yes, thats exactly what I didnt want to get myself into. M: Well, you can work part-time when you are at home. W: I was thinking about that but my parents thought I sh

9、ould be at home with them full-time. M: Well, I think you do have to make a decision. 1 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 M: What do you plan to do for Christmas? W: No concrete plan, but I think Ill most likely go skiing in Montana and spend a few days in the mou

10、ntains doing cross-country skiing. M: I heard you are very good at skiing. Believe it or not, I havent done any skiing in my life. I wish I could ski just like you. W: Yeah, you could if you gave it a shot. You know, skiing is my love and the only reason I like it so much is because it gives me grea

11、t pleasure to speed through the snow. M: My parents and I vacationed in Montana National Park when I was little and I remembered we had great time going hiking. Now I feel like going back again. W: Well, since we have two weeks break for Christmas, you can spend a few days in Montana and I can give

12、you lessons on skiing. That would give you some basics and hopefully you can ski like a professional in a few days. M: Ski like a professional? No way. Actually, you do have a good point. I could spend some time in Montana and head back home for Christmas. Perhaps you could spend Christmas at my pla

13、ce too. My parents would like to meet you. W: That would be great, since my folks will be in Jamaica for Christmas and New Year. M: Oh, I am anxious to learn how to ski. W: And you can bet I will be a very strict instructor. M: No problem. I have been known to be an excellent student during my school year. W: Well, maybe you wont be this time. M: Really? I am looking forward to it now. W: OK. Then, lets wait and see. 4 【正确答案】 D 【知识模块】 听力 5 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 听力


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