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1、山东省成人本科英语模拟试卷 21及答案与解析 一、 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresp

2、onding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 0 Economically, the world can be divided into two parts. The difference between them is that one part is poor and the other is wealthy. In the poor countries of the world, a lot of people never get enough to eat. In the wealthy

3、 countries, a lot of people eat too much. The tragedy is that there are more people in the poor countries than there are in the wealthy countries. It is estimated that about 80% of the world s population cannot afford to have proper food, housing or medical care. The poorer countries are often refer

4、red to as the Third World. They have special problems. Often their land is too poor to grow anything on. The land can be improved. But a lot of things have to be done first, new farming methods have to be introduced, people have to be educated, and reliable sources of water and energy have to be fou

5、nd. Many of these problems are too complex for one country to solve alone. Outside help is needed, but it has to be the right kind of help. Money is not enough. Newly developed countries need to be helped to be able to help themselves. 1 According to the article, what is the tragedy? ( A) There are

6、more wealthy countries in the world. ( B) There are more poor countries in the world. ( C) There are more wealthy people in the wealthy countries. ( D) There are more poor people in the poor countries. 2 What is estimated in the poor countries? ( A) Many people have not enough money. ( B) Many peopl

7、e have no place to live in. ( C) Many people have not enough money to see doctors. ( D) All of the above. 3 All of the following suggestions are made in the second paragraph for the improvement of the land conditions in the poor countries except_. ( A) new farming methods to be introduced ( B) peopl

8、e to be educated ( C) reliable sources of water and energy to be supplied ( D) better living conditions to be provided 4 What would be the right kind of help in the author s opinion? ( A) The wealthy people should give them money. ( B) The developed countries should teach them ability needed for sel

9、f-help. ( C) The wealthy people should send over technicians to help install sophisticated machines. ( D) The wealthy people should establish some shops over there. 5 The last word of this passage “themselves“ means “_“. ( A) newly developed countries ( B) rich countries ( C) developing countries (

10、D) developed countries 5 The world is known to us through many senses, not just hearing, smell, vision, and at close range, touch and taste. Our skins let us know whether the air is moist or dry, whether surfaces are wet without being sticky or slippery. From the uniformity of slight pressure, we ca

11、n be aware how deeply a finger is thrust into water at body temperature, even if the finger is enclosed in a rubber glove that keeps the skin completely dry. Many other animals with highly sensitive skins, appear to be able to learn still more about their environment. Often they do so without employ

12、ing any of the five senses. By observing the capabilities of other members of the animal kingdom, we come to realize that a human being has far more possibilities than are utilized. We neglect ever so many of our senses in concentrating on the five major ones. At the same time, a comparison between

13、animals and man draws attention to the limitations of each sense. The part of the spectrum(光谱 )seen by color-conscious man as red is non-existent for honey-bees. But a bee can see far more in flowers than we, because the ultra-violet(紫外线 )to which our eyes are blind is a stimulating part of the inse

14、ct s spectrum, and for honey-bees at least, constitutes a separate one. 6 From the passage, we realize that_. ( A) man possesses as many senses as animals ( B) man possesses a few more senses than animals ( C) man possesses far more senses than the five major ones ( D) man has fully utilized his sen

15、ses 7 Which of the following is TRUE? ( A) The honey-bee is blind to red. ( B) Man is more color-conscious than the honey-bee. ( C) The honey-bee can see far more colors than man. ( D) Man is sensitive to the ultraviolet. 8 We can realize how deeply a finger is put into water at body temperature_. (

16、 A) from the sense of direct touch ( B) through skin contact ( C) from the even distribution of pressure ( D) through the difference in temperature 9 The phrase “sensitive skins“(Para. 2)most probably means_. ( A) skins that are sticky or slippery ( B) skins that are delicate ( C) skins that are com

17、pletely dry ( D) skins that are quick to feel and respond 10 What is the main idea of the passage? ( A) All senses have their limitations. ( B) Man has not fully utilized all his senses. ( C) Insects are more sensitive to colors than man. ( D) Man is not as good as animals in learning about the envi

18、ronment. 10 What is exactly a lie? Is it anything we say which we know is untrue? Or is it something more than that? For example, suppose a friend wants to borrow some money from you, you say: “ 1 wish I could help you but I m short of money myself. “In fact, you are not short of money, but your fri

19、end is in the habit of not paying his debts and you don t want to hurt his feelings by reminding him of this. Is this really a lie? A scientific study of lying shows women are better liars than men, particularly when telling a white lie such as when a woman at a party tells another woman that she li

20、kes her dress when she really thinks it looks terrible. However, this is only one side of the story. Other researches show that men are more likely to tell more serious lies, such as making a promise which they have no intention of fulfilling. This is the kind of lie politicians and businessmen are

21、supposed to be particularly skilled at; the lie from which the liar hopes to profit or gain in some way. Research has also been done into the way people s behavior changes in a number of small, apparently unimportant ways when they lie. It has been found that if they are sitting down at the same tim

22、e, they tend to move about in their chairs more than usual. To the trained observer they are saying “I wish I were somewhere else now. 11 This passage tells us that_. ( A) telling lies is often necessary in order to avoid being defeated ( B) telling lies is often bad because people ought not to be d

23、ishonest ( C) telling lies is sometimes necessary in order not to hurt someone elses feelings ( D) telling lies is not bad at all in most cases 12 In Paragraph 2, the sentence “ women are better liars than men .“ probably means_. ( A) women are better at telling lies than men ( B) women liars are be

24、tter accepted than men ( C) women have a better intention when telling lies ( D) women tell fewer lies than men do 13 A white lie means_. ( A) a lie that is completely unbelievable ( B) a lie that is told with a good will ( C) a lie that is always believable ( D) a lie that often has an evil purpose

25、 14 Politicians and businessmen are supposed to be skilled at telling the kind of lies_. ( A) from which they may gain some advantages ( B) that seems to be believable ( C) that women are most likely to believe ( D) with which thev can have better relationship with others 15 It can be concluded from

26、 the passage that_. ( A) there is a simple way of finding out if someone is lying ( B) from some ways people behave we can know they are lying ( C) certain emotions are proof of lying ( D) in some situations women are most likely to think businessmen are dishonest 15 As you are students of English ,

27、 it s very possible that you 11 be interested in England. That s where the language was first spoken. But England is often called by other names. This often confuses people and I wonder if you know what these names mean. So, now I would like to tell you about this matter of names. 1 believe that you

28、 have heard people use the names England, Britain or Great Britain. Let s see what each of these names means. If you look at a map of Europe, you 11 see a group of islands one larger island off the northwest coast, one smaller and many tiny ones. These make up what is called the British Isles. The l

29、argest island of the British Isles is Britain. It is also called Great Britain. The smaller island is Ireland. Britain is divided into three parts: Scotland, Wales and England. But sometimes the word “England“ is used instead of “Britain“. Why so? In ancient times, what is Britain now used to be thr

30、ee different countries. People in these different countries spoke different languages. Over many years the three countries became one. England is the largest and richest of the three and it has the most people. So the English people take it for granted that their own name stands for the whole island

31、. Theres another thing that confuses people; sometimes you may hear people say “the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland“. That is the official name of the country. Northern Ireland is only one sixth of the island of Ireland. The rest of the island is an independent state, called the

32、 Republic of Ireland. So we have the names of “England“ , “Britain“ , “Great Britain“ , and “the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland“. Now do you know what each of them means? 16 English was first spoken in_. ( A) Britain ( B) England ( C) Great Britain ( D) Ireland 17 Britain is di

33、vided into_. ( A) England, Britain, and Wales ( B) England, Scotland, and Wales ( C) Wales, Scotland, and Great Britain ( D) Great Britain, Wales, and Scotland 18 According to the passage, which of the following statements is true? ( A) Wales is the richest of the three. ( B) Scotland is the largest

34、 of the three. ( C) Sometimes England is used instead of Britain. ( D) Britain is the only name of the largest island of British Isles. 19 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is_. ( A) part of Britain ( B) part of British Isles ( C) the official name of the whole country of Engl

35、and ( D) the largest country of all mentioned in the passage 20 Which of the following is an independent country? ( A) Wales. ( B) Scotland. ( C) Northern Ireland. ( D) The Republic of Ireland. 二、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%) Directions: In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentences. For

36、 each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 21 _, the professor is still trying to learn a new language. ( A) However he is old ( B) O

37、ld as he is ( C) He is as old ( D) As old he is 22 You have spent your money in so free and unrestrained a way. I think you 11 have to _your expenses more or less. ( A) cut off ( B) cut down ( C) cut out ( D) cut across 23 Of the many opinions expressed to the council members by the various citizens

38、 group present, _was the only opinion that mattered. ( A) their ( B) their one ( C) theirs ( D) they 24 The young man s clothes were scattered about his room_. ( A) at will ( B) at random ( C) with a hurry ( D) at time 25 The defense computers calculate ways to_the enemy missiles. ( A) spoil ( B) ha

39、rm ( C) destroy ( D) damage 26 When I finished the story, Lenin jumped from his chair and started to pace the floor, _, deep in thought. ( A) with his head bending ( B) his head bending ( C) his head bent ( D) bending his head 27 Everybody was required to keep the future plan in_. ( A) safety ( B) s

40、ecret ( C) security ( D) secrecy 28 It is not always possible to foresee the obstacles_ your way towards an ambitious goal. ( A) blocked ( B) blocking ( C) to block ( D) to blocking 29 Jim s mouth watered for the apple, but he still_his work. ( A) took to ( B) stuck to ( C) saw to ( D) turned to 30

41、Today, household chores have been made much easier by electrical_. ( A) facilities ( B) equipment ( C) appliances ( D) utilities 31 You will be getting married and having a family_and then you ll understand why parents want to protect their children. ( A) by and by ( B) in general ( C) at large ( D)

42、 at length 32 By the time you get to Greenwich you_the most historic parts of London. ( A) will be seeing ( B) will see ( C) are going to see ( D) will have seen 33 Unfortunately, even computer cannot completely_errors. ( A) reduce ( B) diminish ( C) discharge ( D) eliminate 34 I felt like _ to him,

43、 “Dont be such a complainer all the time. “ ( A) say ( B) saying ( C) to be said ( D) to say 35 Walter offered us a lift when he was leaving the office, but our work_, we declined the offer. ( A) not being finished ( B) had not been finished ( C) not having been finished ( D) was not finished 36 Don

44、t organize the children s play all the time. _them to their own resources. ( A) Ask ( B) Advise ( C) Lead ( D) Leave 37 I didn t know what to do but then an idea suddenly_to me. ( A) occurred ( B) appeared ( C) happened ( D) struck 38 The higher the standard of living and the greater the national we

45、alth, the_. ( A) greater is the amount of electricity is consumed ( B) greater amount of electricity is consumed ( C) amount of electricity is consumed is greater ( D) greater the amount of electricity consumed 39 The second box seems exactly the same as the first one_. ( A) except for that it is tw

46、ice as heavy ( B) except that it is as twice as heavy ( C) except it is twice as heavy ( D) except that it is twice as heavy 40 The youth often get_strange thoughts and dreams. ( A) familiar to ( B) engaged with ( C) concerned about ( D) caught up in 41 Arab people suddenly_smashing French shop wind

47、ows. ( A) set aside ( B) set off ( C) set about ( D) set out 42 Vegetables are cheap_when they are in season. ( A) to buy ( B) to buy them ( C) buying ( D) to be bought 43 At the meeting there was a hot argument and so many problems were left_. ( A) to solve ( B) solving ( C) solved ( D) unsolved 44

48、 To the farmers surprise, the crops_the drought. ( A) surveyed ( B) surpassed ( C) surprised ( D) survived 45 It was silly_the mistake, which is rather difficult to_. ( A) of him to make; admit ( B) for him to make; be admitted ( C) for him to make; admit ( D) of him to make; be admitted 46 He has l

49、eft the book here_for you to read. ( A) on schedule ( B) on purpose ( C) at random ( D) at large 47 As fighting broke out again between the two countries, the negotiations were most_ to fail. ( A) like ( B) possible ( C) likely ( D) probable 48 _are that we will fulfill the task ahead of schedule. ( A) Possibilities ( B) Chances ( C) Possible ( D) Pr


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