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1、山东省成人本科英语模拟试卷 24及答案与解析 一、 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresp

2、onding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 0 The U. S. Department of Labor statistics indicate that there is an oversupply of college-trained workers and that this oversupply is increasing. Already there is an overabundance of teachers, engineers, physicists and other s

3、pecialists. Yet colleges and graduate schools continue every year to turn out highly trained people to compete for jobs that aren t there. The result is that graduates cannot enter the professions for which they were trained and must take temporary jobs which do not require a college degree. These “

4、temporary“ jobs have a habit of becoming permanent. On the other hand, there is a tremendous need for skilled workers of all sorts; carpenters, electricians, mechanics, and TV repairmen. These people have more work than they can handle and their annual incomes are often higher than those of college

5、graduates. The old distinction that white-collar workers make a better living than blue-collar workers no longer holds true. The reason for this situation is the traditional myth that a college degree is a passport to a prosperous future. Parents begin telling their children this myth before they ar

6、e out of grade school. Under this pressure the kids fall in line. Whether they want to go to college or not doesnt matter. Everybody should go to college. One result of this emphasis on a college education is that many people go to college who do not belong there. Of the sixty percent of high school

7、 graduates who enter college, half of them do not graduate with their class. Many of them drop out within the first year. Some struggle on for two or three years and then give up. 1 What does the U. S. Department of Labor Statistics show? ( A) There is an oversupply of labor force and this oversuppl

8、y is increasing. ( B) Many college graduates find it difficult to get jobs for which they were trained. ( C) There is a short supply of teachers, engineers and other professions. ( D) There are more temporary jobs than permanent ones in U.S. companies. 2 What does the author mean by saying “these te

9、mporary jobs have a habit of becoming permanent“ ? ( A) Once college graduates take a temporary job, they soon become used to it. ( B) College graduates have developed the habit of taking temporary jobs. ( C) Many college graduates might never find jobs for which they were trained. ( D) More and mor

10、e college graduates are unwilling to change their jobs. 3 What is implied but not stated in the passage is that in the past _. ( A) blue-collar workers made a better living than white-collar workers ( B) college and graduate schools trained more skilled workers ( C) there were more white-collar work

11、ers than blue-collar workers ( D) there were less white-collar workers than blue-collar workers 4 By “many people go to college who do not belong there,“ the author means that_. ( A) many people who are not fit for college education go to college ( B) many people who don t have adequate financial su

12、pport go to college ( C) many people who go to college drop out within one or two years ( D) many people who go to college find the courses are not interesting 5 We can conclude that the author believes _. ( A) every young man and woman should go to college ( B) more young people should be trained f

13、or skilled jobs ( C) people with higher education should receive higher pay ( D) the government should offer more opportunities for college graduates 5 Some people argue that the pressure on international sportsmen and sportswomen kills the essence of sport the pursuit of personal excellence. Childr

14、en kick a football around for fun. When they get older and play for local school teams, they become competitive but they still enjoy playing. The individual representing his country cannot afford to think about enjoying himself, he has to think only about winning. He is responsible for entire nation

15、 s hopes, dreams and reputation. A good example is the football World Cup. Football is the third world s most important sport. Winning the World Cup is perhaps the summit of international sporting success. Mention Argentina to someone and the chances are that hell think of football. In a sense, winn

16、ing the World Cup put Argentina on the map. Sports fans and supporters get quite unreasonable about the World Cup. People in England felt that their country was somehow important after they won in 1966. Last year thousands of Scots sold their cars, and even their houses, and spent all their money tr

17、aveling to Argentina, where the finals were played. So, am I arguing that international competition kills the idea of sport? Certainly not! Do the Argentineans really believe that because eleven of their men proved the most skillful at football, their nation is in every way better than all others? N

18、ot really. But it s nice to know that you won and that in one way at least your country is the best. 6 What is the author s main purpose in the passage? ( A) To explain the role of sport. ( B) To compare Scotland with Argentina. ( C) To show that Argentina is better than all others. ( D) To prove th

19、at football is the world s most important sport. 7 In the second paragraph, the word “summit“ means_. ( A) award ( B) summary ( C) highest point ( D) mountain top 8 According to the passage, Argentina is world-famous because of its_. ( A) obvious position on the map ( B) successes in the football Wo

20、rld Cup ( C) excellence at most important sports ( D) large number of sports fans and supporters 9 According to the passage, if a sportsman only thinks about winning, he will_. ( A) fail to succeed ( B) lose enjoyment ( C) be successful ( D) be unreasonable 10 What is the author s attitude towards i

21、nternational games? ( A) Nations that meet on a football field are unlikely to meet on a battlefield. ( B) Nations that win the football World Cup are regarded as best in all aspects. ( C) Nations that win in international games prove the best on the sports field at least. ( D) Nations that give muc

22、h attention to international competitions are world-famous in many ways. 10 How often does one hear children wishing they were grown up, and old people wishing they were young again? Each age has its pleasures and its pains, and the happiest person is the one who enjoys what each age gives him witho

23、ut wasting his time in useless regrets. Childhood is a time when there are few responsibilities to make life difficult. If a child has good parents, he is fed, looked after and loved, whatever he may do. It is impossible that he will ever again in his life be given so much without having to do anyth

24、ing in return. In addition, life is always presenting new things to the child things that have lost their interest for older people because they are too well-known. But a child has his pains: he is not so free to do what he wishes to do; he is continually being told not to do things or being punishe

25、d for what he has done wrong. When the young man starts to earn his own living, he can no longer expect others to pay for his food, his clothes, and his room, but has to work if he wants to live comfortably. If he spends most of his time playing about in the way that he used to as a child, he will g

26、o hungry. And if he breaks the laws of society as he used to break the laws of his parents, he may go to prison. If however, he works hard, keeps out of trouble and has good health, he can have the great happiness of building up for himself his own position in society. 11 According to Paragraph 2 ,

27、the writer thinks that_. ( A) life for a child is comparatively easy ( B) a child is always loved whatever he does ( C) if much is given to a child, he must do something in return ( D) only children are interested in life 12 After a child grows up, he_. ( A) will have little time playing ( B) has to

28、 be successful in finding a job ( C) can still ask for help in time of trouble ( D) should be able to take care of himself 13 Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? ( A) People are often satisfied with their life. ( B) Life is less interesting for old people. ( C) Ad

29、ults are freer to do what they want to do. ( D) Adults should no longer rely on others. 14 The main idea of the passage is that_. ( A) life is not enjoyable since each age has some pains ( B) young men can have the greatest happiness if they work hard ( C) childhood is the most enjoyable time in one

30、s life ( D) one is the happiest if he can make good use of each age in his life 15 The paragraph following the passage will most probably discuss_. ( A) examples of successful young men ( B) how to build up ones position in society ( C) joys and pains of old people ( D) what to do when one has probl

31、ems in life 15 The decline in moral standards which has long concerned social analysts has at last captured the attention of average Americans. And Jean Bethke Elshtain, lor one, is glad. The fact that ordinary citizens are now starting to think seriously about the nation s moral climate, says this

32、ethics(伦理学 )professor at the University of Chicago, is reason to hope that new ideas will come forward to improve it. But the challenge is not to be underestimated. Materialism and individualism in American society are the biggest obstacles. “The thought that I m in it for me has become deeply roote

33、d in the national consciousness,“ Ms. Elshtain says. Some of this can be attributed to the disintegration of traditional communities, in which neighbors looked out for one another, she says. With today s greater mobility and with so many couples working, those bonds have been weakened, replaced by a

34、 greater emphasis on self. In a 1996 poll of Americans, loss of morality topped the list of the biggest problems facing the U. S. . And Elshtain says the public is correct to sense that; data shows that Americans are struggling with problems unheard of in the 1950s, such as classroom violence and a

35、high rate of births to unmarried mothers. “The desire for a higher moral standard is not a lament(挽歌 )for some nonexistent golden age,“ Elshtain says, “nor is it a wishful(一厢情愿的 )longing for a time that denied opportunities to women and minorities. Most people, in fact, favor the lessening of prejud

36、ice. “ “ Moral decline will not be reversed until people find ways to counter the materialism in society,“ she says. “Slowly, you recognize that the things that matter are those that can t be bought. 16 Professor Elshtain is pleased to see that Americans_. ( A) have adapted to a new set of moral sta

37、ndards ( B) are longing for the return of the good old days ( C) have realized the importance of material things ( D) are awakening to the lowering of their moral standards 17 The moral decline of American society is caused mainly by_. ( A) its growing wealth ( B) the self-centeredness of individual

38、s ( C) underestimating the impact of social changes ( D) the prejudice against women and minorities 18 Which of the following characterizes the traditional communities? ( A) Great mobility. ( B) Concern for ones neighbors. ( C) Emphasis on individual effort. ( D) Ever weakening social bonds. 19 In t

39、he 1950s, classroom violence_. ( A) was something unheard of ( B) was by no means a rare occurrence ( C) attracted a lot of public attention ( D) began to appear in analysts data 20 According to Elshtain, the current moral decline may be reversed_. ( A) if people can return to the “golden age“ ( B)

40、when women and men enjoy equal rights ( C) when people rid themselves of prejudice ( D) if less emphasis is laid on material things 二、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%) Directions: In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Ch

41、oose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 21 “Do you like to play tennis?“ “Yes, I enjoy_ tennis. ( A) playing ( B) to play ( C) play ( D) the play 22 Every man, woman, and child_love and unders

42、tanding. ( A) need ( B) are needed ( C) is needed ( D) needs 23 It s important to me that you_there. ( A) are ( B) be ( C) were ( D) will be 24 Professor Smith is said_another important discovery in chemistry. ( A) to make ( B) to have made ( C) having being made ( D) having made 25 “Look at the car

43、 I What a mess!“ _what happened. “ ( A) Let me tell you ( B) Let me to tell you ( C) Allow me tell you ( D) Allow me to tell you 26 _ a major disaster will get us to realize that we can t go on destroying the rain forests of the world. ( A) Anything but ( B) But that ( C) Nothing but ( D) Everything

44、 but 27 Fireworks, _originated centuries ago in China, were brought to Europe by Marco Polo. ( A) which ( B) what ( C) that ( D) it 28 They recommended_smaller heating and cooling systems. ( A) to use ( B) to be used ( C) being used ( D) using 29 I would have written before, but I_ill. ( A) have bee

45、n ( B) would been ( C) had been ( D) were 30 Dont come today. I would rather you_tomorrow. ( A) come ( B) came ( C) to come ( D) coming 31 It s the first time that she has been to the museum ,_? ( A) isnt it ( B) hasnt it ( C) isnt she ( D) hasnt she 32 I didn t know why, but quite a few students we

46、re absent_ class today. ( A) from ( B) for ( C) to ( D) with 33 I learnt French easily._, I didnt like my teacher. ( A) Therefore ( B) Anyhow ( C) Thus ( D) However 34 Dont forget to write to me,_? ( A) do you ( B) are you ( C) wont you ( D) will you 35 Not until Columbus discovered America_to Europ

47、e. ( A) bananas were brought ( B) are bananas brought ( C) bananas brought ( D) were bananas brought 36 He criticized everything and everybody, and even_his few friends. ( A) ran over ( B) ran down ( C) ran against ( D) ran into 37 It was_that he couldn t finish it alone. ( A) a so difficult job ( B

48、) such a difficult job ( C) so a difficult job ( D) such difficult a job 38 The soldiers would not give in though _. ( A) were captured ( B) being captured ( C) captured ( D) having been captured 39 I used to smoke_but I gave it up 3 years ago. ( A) seriously ( B) heavily ( C) badly ( D) severely 40

49、 They hurried there only to find the meeting canceled. In fact they_at all. ( A) neednt have gone ( B) wouldnt have gone ( C) mustnt have gone ( D) might not have gone 41 Try to make as_mistakes as possible in your homework. ( A) less ( B) a few ( C) least ( D) few 42 _to leave early is rarely granted. ( A) Allowance ( B) Permission ( C) Leave ( D) A permit 43 I


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