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1、山东省成人本科英语模拟试卷 31及答案与解析 一、 Dialogue Communication 1 Speaker A: Excuse me, can you tell me where High Street is, please? Speaker B: _ ( A) Its quite far from here. You cant get there. ( B) Not at all. Its only about 5 minutes walk. ( C) Take the second turn on the left and then ask again. ( D) I shoul

2、d ask you. Im a stranger myself. 2 W: How did your interview go? M: _ ( A) A manager interviewed me. ( B) I couldnt feel better about it! The questions were very fair, and I seemed to find answers for all of them. ( C) I was fully confident that I answered all the questions to the needs of the inter

3、viewer. ( D) I answered all the questions of the interviewer to his satisfaction. But he may discriminate against me. 3 W: The experiment has been completed, hasnt it? M: _ ( A) Yes. We need another week to complete it. ( B) Yes. It has been completed beautifully. ( C) No. It was completed last week

4、. ( D) No. I have no idea about it. 4 Your book, Tommy? No, Morn, its my friends. Remember to return it to _ name is on it. ( A) what ( B) which ( C) whose ( D) whosever 5 The thread of kite broke and it flew away. I told you it would easily break _ it was the weakest. ( A) when ( B) for ( C) since

5、( D) where 6 Go for hiking this Saturday, OK? _ . I like getting close to nature. ( A) I couldnt agree more ( B) I believe not ( C) Im afraid not ( D) I dont think so 7 Have you worked out the math problem yet? Not yet. _ another hour, I can work it out. ( A) Given ( B) To be given ( C) Giving ( D)

6、Having been given 8 Speaker A: Could you give me some advice on how to prepare for the final? Speaker B: _ ( A) Why dont you go over the textbook before we discuss some questions? ( B) What course of action do you want me to recommend? ( C) I think its an excellent suggestion, Ill try my best. ( D)

7、The idea is not bad, yet I doubt if that would do my best. 9 W: Excuse me, do you have some change for a dollar? M: _ ( A) Why do you want to change? ( B) Is it my business? ( C) Are dimes and quarters OK? ( D) You shouldnt ask a stranger for change. 10 Why not have a new machine designed? _. Ill ha

8、ve someone do it soon. ( A) I dont think so ( B) Im not sure ( C) Its up to you ( D) Sounds like a good idea 11 W: May I see your driving license(驾照 ) and vehicle registration card(登记证 ), please? M:_ ( A) OK. But I was driving at 60 miles per hour. ( B) Sorry, please dont write me a ticket. ( C) Sur

9、e. Did I do anything wrong? ( D) Yes. But I dont think Im a bad driver. 12 How about the two of chatting online? _ . Its much cheaper than talking on the phone. ( A) No way ( B) Why not? ( C) All right ( D) No matter 13 John: Dear Tom, why dont you come on holiday with us? Tom:_ ( A) Thats very kind

10、 of you. Id love to. ( B) How dare you invite me? I wont go. ( C) Yeah, thanks anyway. ( D) Whether Ill go or not is not your business, OK? 14 Have you had a chance to wear your new shirt yet? _ . Ive been meaning to exchange it for a larger size. ( A) Its up to you ( B) That reminds me ( C) I forge

11、t that ( D) That depends 15 Thanks for inviting me to dinner last night, Cathy. I had a really good time. These flowers are for you. Oh, Bill, _ . I enjoyed it as much as you did. ( A) dont worry about it ( B) you shouldnt have ( C) its up to you ( D) take your time 二、 Part I Reading Comprehension (

12、30%) Directions: There are three passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line thr

13、ough the center. 15 We all know that it is possible for ordinary people to make their homes on the equator (赤道 ), although often they may feel uncomfortably hot there. Millions do it. But as for the North Pole (北极 )-we know that it is not only a dangerously cold place, but that people like you and m

14、e would find it quite impossible to live there. At the present time only the scientists and explorers can do so, and they use special equipment. Men had been traveling across and around the equator on wheels, on their feet or in ships for thousands of years; but only a few men, with great difficulty

15、 and in very recent time, have ever crossed the ice to the North Pole. So it may surprise you to learn that, when traveling by air, it is really safer to fly over the North Pole than over the equator. Of course, this is not true about landings in the polar region (which passenger planes do not make)

16、, but the weather, if we are flying at a height of 5, 000 meters above the Pole, is a delight. At 4, 000 meters and more above the earth you can always be sure that you will not see a cloud in the sky as far as the eye can reach. In the tropics (热带 ), on the other hand, you are not certain to keep c

17、lear of bad weather even at such heights as 18,000 or 20,000 meters. Planes cant climb as high or as quickly in cold air as in warm air. Nor can clouds. (18) In practice, this is an advantage to the plane, which is already at a good height when it reaches the polar region and so does not need to cli

18、mb, while at the same time cold air keeps the clouds down low. 16 “Millions do it.“ In this sentence “do it“ refers to_. ( A) feeling uncomfortably hot on the equator ( B) flying over the North Pole ( C) flying over the equator ( D) making homes on the equator 17 The polar region is_. ( A) a good pl

19、ace to land at by plane ( B) a good place to fly over ( C) a difficult place to fly over ( D) a good place to live in 18 It is a delight to fly at the Pole because there_. ( A) planes fly higher than at the equator ( B) the eyes can reach about 4, 000 meters ( C) planes are clear of bad weather ( D)

20、 planes fly more quickly than at the equator 19 Planes can climb quickly_. ( A) in warm air ( B) in cold air ( C) when it reaches the polar region ( D) only when the clouds are down low 20 Planes usually do not need to climb quickly or fly high in the polar region because_. ( A) they do not land the

21、re ( B) there are no clouds at all ( C) they can cross the ice with special equipment ( D) it is very cold 20 Telecommuting-substituting the computer for the trip to the job-has been hailed as a solution to all kinds of problems related to office work. For workers it promises freedom from the office

22、, less time wasted in traffic, and help with childcare conflicts. For management, telecommuting helps keep high performers on board, minimizes lateness and absenteeism by eliminating commuters (经常乘火车往返者 ), allows periods of solitude(独处 ) for high concentration tasks, and provides scheduling flexibil

23、ity. In some areas, such as Southern California, Seattle, and Washington, local governments are encouraging companies to start telecommuting programs in order to reduce rush-hour traffic and im-prove air quality. But these benefits do not come easily. Making a telecommuting program work requires car

24、eful planning and an understanding of the differences between telecommuting realities and popular images. Many workers are seduced by rosy illusions of life as a telecommuter. A computer programmer from New York City moves to the quiet Adirondack Mountains and stays in contact with her office via co

25、mputer. A manager comes in to his office three days a week and works at home the other two. An accountant stays home to care for her sick child; she hooks up her telephone modern connections and does office work between calls to the doctor. These are powerful images, but they are a limited reflectio

26、n of reality. Telecom-muting workers soon learn that it is almost impossible to concentrate on work and care for a young child at the same time. Before a certain age, young children cannot recognize, much less respect, the necessary boundaries between work and family. Additional child support is nec

27、essary if the parent is to get any work done. Management, too, must separate the myth from the reality. Although the media has paid a great deal of attention to telecommuting, in most cases it is the employees situa-tion, not the availability of technology, that precipitates (加速 来临 ) a telecommuting

28、 arrangement. That is partly why, despite the widespread press coverage, the number of companies with work-at-home programs or policy guidelines remains small. 21 What is the main subject of the passage? ( A) Bussiness management policies. ( B) Driving to work. ( C) Extending the work place by means

29、 of computers. ( D) Computers for child-care purposes. 22 Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a problem for employers that is poten-tially solved by telecommuting? ( A) Employees lateness for work. ( B) Employees absence from work. ( C) Employees need for time alone to work intensively. ( D)

30、Employees conflicts with second jobs. 23 In which area does the local government encourage telecommuting programs accord-ing to the passage? ( A) New York City. ( B) Adirondack Mountains. ( C) Washington. ( D) New York State. 24 Which of the following does the author mention as a possible disadvanta

31、ge of tele-commuting? ( A) Small children cannot understand the boundaries of work and play. ( B) Computer technology is never advanced enough to accommodate the needs of every situation. ( C) Electrical malfunctions can destroy a project. ( D) The worker often does not have all the needed resources

32、 at home. 25 Which of the following is example of telecommuting as described in the passage? ( A) A scientist in a laboratory developing plans for a space station. ( B) A technical writer sending via computer documents created at home. ( C) A computer technician repairing an office computer network.

33、 ( D) A teacher directing computer-assisted learning in a private school. 26 In the world in which we live today, a man may be one thing but appear to be another. This was impossible in Indian society. An Indians name told the world what he was-a coward, a liar, a thief, or a brave. When I was young

34、, every Indian had at least three names during his lifetime. His first name was given to him at birth. It described something that had happened at that time. Each Indian was supposed to keep his birth name until he was old enough to earn money for himself. But his friends would always give him a nam

35、e of their own. No matter what his parents called him, his childhood friends would use the name they had chosen. The Indian earned his real name when he was old enough for his first fight against the enemy. His life name depended on how he acted during this first battle. When he returned he would be

36、 given his tribal name by the chief. If he had done well, he would be given a good name. But if he had done poorly, he might be given a bad name. A man was given many chances to improve his name, however. If in a later battle he was very brave in fighting against the enemy, he was given a better nam

37、e. Some Indians had as many as twelve names - all good and each better than the last. All names given to one Indian belonged to him for the rest of his life. No one else could use them. Even he himself could not give them away. This was because no man could pass on his name unless the chief and the

38、tribe asked him to do so. 26 According to the passage, Indian names were important because they _. ( A) described the character of a man ( B) told us his profession ( C) were never used by other people ( D) described the appearance of a man 27 _ gave the second name of an Indian. ( A) The chief ( B)

39、 The tribe ( C) His childhood friends ( D) His parents 28 According to the fourth paragraph, we know an Indians “tribal name“ refers to his _. ( A) first name ( B) second name ( C) nickname ( D) life name 29 An Indian could get better names if he _. ( A) did well in later battles ( B) got old enough

40、 ( C) became a coward ( D) became a liar 30 The sentence in the sixth paragraph “no one could pass on his name“ may mean that _. ( A) no one could change his name by himself ( B) no one could give his name to a son ( C) no one could give his name away ( D) no one could give up his name 三、 Part II Vo

41、cabulary and Structure (30%) Directions: In this part, there are 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the cente

42、r. 31 I think a few days rest in a quiet place will_you a lot of good. ( A) make ( B) give ( C) do ( D) spare 32 All that I need_a large sum of money with which to buy my wife a diamond ring. ( A) are to be ( B) is ( C) are ( D) were 33 _, some famous scientists have the qualities of being both care

43、ful and careless. ( A) Strangely enough ( B) Enough strangely ( C) Strange enough ( D) Enough strange 34 I did not choose any of the three ways, because I found_satisfactory. ( A) neither of them ( B) either of them ( C) none of them ( D) none of it 35 Play is usually more enjoyable than ( A) a job

44、( B) job ( C) a work ( D) work 36 All the reference books should be made _ to the teachers and students in our university. ( A) concerned ( B) available ( C) related ( D) flexible 37 I didnt drink _ this afternoon. I am not feeling quite myself now. ( A) a bit ( B) a little ( C) too much ( D) a grea

45、t deal 38 Who can you turn to in time of danger, if not _ ? ( A) ourselves ( B) ours ( C) we ( D) us 39 _ that the trade between the two countries reached its highest point. ( A) During the 1980s ( B) That it was in the 1980s ( C) It was in the 1980s ( D) It was the 1980s 40 During the _ the audienc

46、e strolled and chatted in the lounge. ( A) gap ( B) pause ( C) space ( D) interval 41 Its no use_any longer. He may come by any bus. ( A) waiting ( B) to wait ( C) having waited ( D) to have waited 42 This watch is not worthy _ the gold belt. ( A) in ( B) at ( C) of ( D) with 43 During the first hal

47、f of the twentieth century, the average American household was _ by the introduction of a group of machines that profoundly altered the daily lives of housewives. ( A) transformed ( B) transferred ( C) transmitted ( D) transported 44 No one except two students _ the meeting. ( A) has been late for (

48、 B) have been late for ( C) was late for ( D) were later for 45 When I went in, he was lying on the floor _ at the ceiling. ( A) to stare ( B) stared ( C) was staring ( D) staring 46 The police dont know who committed the crime, but they_Jones. ( A) doubt ( B) suspect ( C) regard ( D) consider 47 As a librarian, she spends most of her time _ books on the shelves every day. ( A) arranging ( B) selling ( C) controlling ( D) borrowing 48 She is very_to ring me tonight. I can sense that. ( A) liable ( B) possible ( C) likely ( D) likeable 49 It seems very difficult_. ( A) to stop the child


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