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1、成人本科学位英语模拟试卷 92及答案与解析 一、 Dialogue Communication 0 Speaker A: Here are our tickets and passports. Were flying to Amsterdam today. Speaker B: Welcome to Youth. Lets see.yes, your passports are still valid and your tickets are in order.【 D1】 _ Speaker A: Just these two. Speaker B: Please put them on th

2、e scales. Any carry-on baggage? Speaker A: Yes, two pieces. Oh, and this camera. Speaker B: Its better to put these identification tags on them.【 D2】 _ Speaker A: Non-smoking, please. And could we have one window seat, please? Speaker B: Let me see. Oh,【 D3】 _ All right. You re all set. Ive stapled

3、your two baggage claim stubs to your return tickets. Speaker A: These two? Speaker B: Yes. And here are your boarding passes. You have seats 20 A and 20 B. Your flight is on time, and its leaving from Gate 12. Dont forget to pay the airport tax before you board.【 D4】 _ Speaker A: Thanks a lot. A. Do

4、 you want smoking or non-smoking seats? B. Have a pleasant flight. C. How many pieces do you want to check in? D. here are two left. 1 【 D1】 2 【 D2】 3 【 D3】 4 【 D4】 4 Alicia: Would you tell me something about stock shares? Brian: OK.【 D5】 _ In other words, if you buy shares of stock in a business, y

5、ou become a partial owner of the business. Alicia: How call investors make money? Brian:【 D6】 _ if a person invests in a company that does very well. Alicia: it s possible for the investors to get a complete loss, isn t it? Brian: Everyone wants the stock market to go up, but sometimes,【 D7】 _ This

6、is usually true for all stocks. A. The price of each share will go up. B. even when a company does well the stock may go down. C. Shares represent a partial ownership of the company. D. There is a listed company behind every stock. 5 【 D5】 6 【 D6】 7 【 D7】 7 Man: Okay, Mr. Taylor, lets go ahead and b

7、egin. First of all, tell me about your last job. Mr. Taylor: Well, as stated on my resume, Ive worked for five years at Hi-tech Computers. Man: Okay. Hi-Tech. And what do you know about computer networks and operating systems including DOS, Windows, Macintosh OS, and UNIX? Mr. Taylor: Um.well. I did

8、 come into contact with computers every night at my last job. Man: Huh.【 D8】 _ We are looking for someone to create and manage our companys website which would include the development, configuration and use of CGI scripts. Mr. Taylor: Um.uh, web page, web page. Huh. I dont think Ive read that book,

9、and_ 【 D9】 _. Man: And what about experience with Java or JavaScript? Mr. Taylor: Well. I think Ive tried Java at a foreign coffee shop one time, if thats what you mean? Man: Okay, Mr. Taylor,【 D10】 _ Mr. Taylor: Oh, and I really like computer games. I play them everyday. Man: Right, right. Thanks,

10、Mr. Taylor. Well be in touch. A. And how about website authoring skills? B. I think I have all the information I need! C. I m afraid Ive never used those CGI things. D. First of all, tell me about yourself. 8 【 D8】 9 【 D9】 10 【 D10】 二、 Part I Reading Comprehension (30%) Directions: There are three p

11、assages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 10 Some psycholog

12、ists maintain that mental acts such as thinking are not performed in the brain a-lone, but that ones muscles also participate. It may be said that we think with our muscles in somewhat the same way that we listen to music with our bodies. You surely are not surprised to be told that you usually list

13、en to music not only with your ears but with your whole body. Few people can listen to music without moving their body or, more specifically, some part of their body. Often when one listens to a symphonic concert on the radio, he is attracted to direct the orchestra even though he knows there is a g

14、ood conductor on the job. Strange as this behavior may be, there is a very good reason for it. One cannot derive all possible enjoyment from music unless he participates, so to speak, in its performance. The listener “feels“ himself into the music with more or less noticeable motions of his body. Th

15、e muscles of the body actually participate in the mental process of thinking in the same way, but this participation is less obvious because it is less noticeable. 11 Some psychologists think that thinking is_. ( A) not a mental process ( B) more of a physical process than a mental action ( C) a pro

16、cess that involves our entire bodies ( D) a process that involves the muscles as well as the brain 12 The process of thinking and that of listening to music are similar in that_. ( A) both are mental acts ( B) muscles participate in both processes ( C) both processes are performed by the entire body

17、 ( D) we derive equal enjoyment from them 13 Few people are able to listen to familiar music without_. ( A) moving some part of their body ( B) stopping what they are doing to listen ( C) directing the orchestra playing it ( D) wishing that they could conduct music properly 14 The listener s way of

18、“feeling“ the music is_. ( A) the unnoticed motion of his muscles ( B) participating in the performance ( C) bending an ear to the music ( D) being the conductor of the orchestra 15 According to the passage, muscle participation in the process of thinking is_. ( A) deliberate ( B) apparent ( C) indi

19、stinct ( D) impressive 15 It was not much fun to travel on one of the old sailing ships. Life was hard for both passengers and crew. 17th century sailing ships were small and rolled heavily in rough seas, so most of the passengers were seasick. There were no toilets, and the spaces below deck where

20、passengers had to stay during gales were often not more than 5 foot high. Water was scarce and the little water they got was brown and smelt terrible. Food was a problem, too there was only salted meat, ships biscuits and cheese, but the cheese was so hard that sailors often made buttons out of it f

21、or their jackets and trousers. There were no vegetables or fruit, so the people on board often fell ill. The sailors, however, were a bit better off than the passengers. They each had a bottle of beer a day, and they needed. The work they had to do was hard and dangerous. Courage was needed, for the

22、 heavy sails had to be set and taken down in all kinds of weather, and quite often sailors were swept overboard in a gale. Almost the worst thing about the voyages was the time they took up to 70 days for the journey across the Atlantic. Not surprisingly, everybody was overjoyed when they at last ap

23、proached land and stepped ashore. But some ships never arrived. 16 In the 17th century_. ( A) life on old sailing ships was enjoyable ( B) people enjoyed sailing old ships in rough seas ( C) most of the passengers felt comfortable when the ship was rolling ( D) it was very painful for both passenger

24、s and crew during the voyage 17 The passengers _when the ship was heavily rolling. ( A) slept well ( B) could drink a lot of water ( C) had to stay below deck ( D) had a big room of more than 5 foot high 18 Which of the following statements is true about food? ( A) Passengers had a lot of vegetables

25、, but no fruit. ( B) The sailors had four tins of beer a day. ( C) The people on the ship often fell ill because of the lack of food. ( D) The food for the passengers was more and better than that for the crew. 19 The working condition of the sailors was very hard. _. ( A) They often had to set the

26、sails in bad weather ( B) So they had less courage ( C) They were happy to be swept overboard in a strong wind ( D) A 70-day-journey across the Atlantic was their happiest thing 20 When the people saw the land, _. ( A) only passengers were glad ( B) the sailors had to swim ashore ( C) they were surp

27、rised at the news that some ships never arrived ( D) all of them were excited 20 A lawyer friend of mine has devoted herself to the service of humanity. Her special area is called “public interest law“. Many other lawyers represent only clients who can pay high fees. All lawyers have had expensive a

28、nd highly specialized training, and they work long, difficult hours for the money they earn. But what happens to people who need legal help and cannot afford to pay these lawyers fees? Public interest lawyers fill this need. Lisa, like other public interest lawyers, earns a salary much below what so

29、me lawyers can earn. Because she is willing to take less money, her clients need the help, even if they can pay nothing at all. Some clients need legal help because stores have cheated them with faulty merchandise. Others are in unsafe apartments, or are threatened with eviction and have no place to

30、 go to. Their cases are called “civil“ cases. Still others are accused of criminal acts, and seeking those public interest lawyers who handle “criminal“ cases. These are just a few of the many situations in which men and women who are public interest lawyers serve to extend justice throughout our so

31、ciety. 21 A person who needs and uses legal help is called a _. ( A) lawyer ( B) client ( C) tenant ( D) case worker 22 Public interest lawyers serve_. ( A) only stores and landlords ( B) criminals only ( C) people who can pay high fees ( D) people who can pay little or nothing 23 If only the rich c

32、ould be helped by lawyers, the justice system would be_. ( A) undemocratic ( B) fair and reasonable ( C) modem ( D) in need of no changes 24 Public interest law includes_. ( A) civil cases only ( B) criminal cases only ( C) criminal and civil cases ( D) wealthy clients cases 25 Which of the followin

33、g is not a matter for civil case? ( A) A tenant is faced with eviction. ( B) A landlord refuses to fix a dangerous staircase. ( C) A burglar is arrested. ( D) A store sells a faulty radio. 25 We all know that it is possible for ordinary people to make their homes on the equator, although often they

34、may feel uncomfortably hot there. Millions do it. But as for the North Pole we know that it is not only a dangerously cold place, but that people like you and I would find it quite impossible to live there. At the present time only the scientists and explorers can do so, and they use special equipme

35、nt. Men have been travelling across and around the equator on wheels, on their feet or in ships for thousands of years; but only a few men, with great difficulty and in very recent time, have ever crossed the ice to the North Pole. So it may surprise you to learn that, when traveling by air, it is r

36、eally safer to fly over the North Pole than over the equator. Of course, it is not true about landings in the polar region, but the weather, if we are flying at a height of 5,000 meters above the Pole is a delight. At 4,000 meters and move above the earth you can always be sure that you will not see

37、 a cloud in the sky as far as your eyes can reach. In the tropics, on the other hand, you are not certain to keep clear of bad weather even at such heights as 18,000 or 20,000 meters. Aeroplanes cant climb as high or as quickly in cold air as in warm. Nor can clouds. In practice , this is an advanta

38、ge to the aeroplane, which is already at a good height when it reaches the polar region and so does not to climb, while at the same time cold air keeps the clouds down low. 26 “Millions do it.“ in this sentence “do it“ refers to_. ( A) feeling uncomfortably hot on the equator ( B) flying over the No

39、rth Pole ( C) flying over the equator ( D) making homes on the equator 27 The polar region is_. ( A) a good place to land at by aeroplane ( B) a good place to fly over ( C) a good place to fly past ( D) a good place to live in 28 It is a delight to fly at the Pole because there_. ( A) planes fly hig

40、her than at the equator ( B) the eyes can reach about 4,000 meters ( C) planes are clear of bad weather ( D) planes fly more quickly than at the equator 29 Aeroplanes can climb quickly_. ( A) in warm air ( B) in cold air ( C) when it reaches the polar region ( D) only when the clouds are down low 30

41、 Aeroplanes usually do not need to climb quickly or fly high in the polar region because_. ( A) they do not land there ( B) there are no clouds at all ( C) they can cross the ice with special equipment ( D) it is very cold 三、 Part II Vocabulary and Structure (30%) Directions: In this part, there are

42、 30 incomplete sentences. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 31 The meeting will begin at 9: 00 according to the_. ( A) ca

43、lendar ( B) column ( C) schedule ( D) diagram 32 The company is small but promising. _, Ill take the job. ( A) In some cases ( B) In that case ( C) In case ( D) In any case 33 I can t speak Japanese, but I do wish I_. ( A) can ( B) could ( C) had ( D) spoke 34 The notice was written in several langu

44、ages _foreign tourists should misunderstand it. ( A) so that ( B) if ( C) lest ( D) otherwise 35 Id rather you _anything about this matter this evening. ( A) say ( B) didnt say ( C) dont say ( D) not say 36 He didnt fear new ideas, _the future. ( A) nor feared he ( B) nor he did fear ( C) nor did he

45、 fear ( D) nor did fear he 37 _is well known to all, China will be an advanced and powerful country in the near future. ( A) As ( B) That ( C) This ( D) It 38 _a good thing they didnt catch you. ( A) Thats ( B) Theres ( C) Its ( D) Whats 39 We all feel sorry for _for so long after your arrival. ( A)

46、 keep you waiting ( B) having kept you waiting ( C) waiting for you ( D) keep you wait 40 Christmas is a holiday usually celebrated on December 25 th _ the birth of Jesus Christ. ( A) in accordance with ( B) in terms of ( C) in favor of ( D) in honor of 41 Hospital doctors dont go out very often as

47、their work _all their time. ( A) takes away ( B) takes in ( C) takes over ( D) takes up 42 _English, she is studying Japanese and French. ( A) Except ( B) Except for ( C) Beside ( D) Besides 43 _your homework and make sure that you dont _any mistakes. ( A) Do; do ( B) Make; make ( C) Make; do ( D) D

48、o; make 44 The flat where we live _three rooms only. ( A) is comprised of ( B) is made of ( C) contain ( D) is composed of 45 The earthquake happened in_. ( A) late 1960s ( B) the late of 1960s ( C) late of 1960s ( D) late of the 1960s 46 By the time the war_, most of the people had already left. ( A) broke out ( B) broke up ( C) intervened ( D) happen 47 “What s in your hand?“ “It is a _bill. “ ( A) two-thousand dollar ( B) two thousand dollars ( C) two-thousand-dollar ( D) two-thousand-dollars 48 The search was _when the fog got thicker. ( A) called off ( B) called on ( C) called in ( D) ca


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