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1、托业(口语)朗读练习试卷 2及答案与解析 一、 Read a test aloud In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen. You will have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud. 1 Still searching for a health club thats right for you? Well, look no further than Busters Healt

2、h Club and Spa. Busters has modern equipment, experienced trainers, and spa facilities, that other clubs cant match at double the price. Come on down and see for yourself, and we guarantee well make you a happy customer. 2 Attention passengers with tickets on the four-thirty express train bound for

3、Bloomington, Forest Hill, and Rosedale. Unfortunately, this train has been delayed for thirty minutes. It will now be leaving at five oclock on track thirteen. We apologize for any inconvenience. 3 Welcome to the Midville City museum. This month we have a special display of colonial era items. Pleas

4、e visit our special gallery to see the collections of seventeenth-century clothing, furniture, and weapons. Be sure to come early, however, as this is a very popular exhibit. 4 May I have your attention? All participants who have signed up for courses in Spanish, Latin, or Italian will be attending

5、an orientation session in the Fraser Building, directly in front of the main offices. Please go immediately to the lobby, where you will be able to find class lists for these courses. 托业(口语)朗读练习试卷 2答案与解析 一、 Read a test aloud In this part of the test, you will read aloud the text on the screen. You w

6、ill have 45 seconds to prepare. Then you will have 45 seconds to read the text aloud. 1 【正确答案】 Still searching for a health club ? thats right for you? ( ) ? Well, ? look no fur|ther ? than Bus|ters Health Club and Spa. ? Bus|ters ? has mod|ern e|quip|ment, ( ) ? ex|pe|ri|enced train|ers, ( ) ? and

7、spa fa|ci|li|ties ? that oth|er clubs cant match ? at dou|ble the price. ( ) ? Come on down ? and see for your|self, ? and we guar|an|tee ? well make you a hapjpy cus|tom|er. ? 【知识模块】 朗读 2 【正确答案】 At|ten|tion pas|sen|gers with tick|ets ? on the four thir|ty ex|press train (?) bound for Bloom|ing|ton,

8、 ( ) ? For|est Hill, ( ) ? and Rose|dale. ( ) ? Un|for|tu|nate|ly. ( ) ? this train has been de|layed ? for thirjty min|utes. ? It will now be leav|ing ? at five o clock ? on track thirteen. ? We a|pol|o|gize ? for a|ny in|con|ve|ni|ence. 【知识模块】 朗读 3 【正确答案】 Wel|come to the Mid|ville Ci|ty mu|se|um.

9、? This month ? we have a spe|cial dis|play ? of co|lo|ni|al e|ra i|tems. ? Please vi|sit our spejcial gal|le|ry ? to see the col|lec|tions of sev|en|teenth-cen|tu|ry cloth|ing, ( ) ? fur|ni|ture ( ), ? and weap|ons. ( ) ? Be sure to come ear|ly, ? how|ev|er. ( ) ? as this is a ve|ry pop|u|lar ex|hib

10、|it. 【知识模块】 朗读 4 【正确答案】 May l have your at|ten|tion? ( ) ? All par|ti|ci|pants ? who have signed up for cours|es in Span|ish, ( ) ? Lat|in, ( ) ? or l|tal|ian, ( ) ? will be at|tend|ing an o|ri|en|ta|tion ses|sion ? in the Fra|ser Build|ing, ? di|rect|ly in front of the main of|fic|es. ? Please go im|med|i|ate|ly to the lob|by, ? where you will be a|ble to find ? class lists for these cours|es. 【知识模块】 朗读


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