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1、托业(听力)模拟试卷 20及答案与解析 一、照片描述 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 二、应答问题 三、简短对话 41 In what department does the woman work? ( A) Sales ( B) Marketing ( C) Advertising ( D) Bookkeeping 42 What does the woman enjoy about her job? ( A) She gets paid well. ( B) She works in freedom. ( C) She likes having an office. ( D) S

2、he has a lot of responsibilities. 43 What does the woman say she is good at doing? ( A) Working hard ( B) Being a leader ( C) Persuading people ( D) Working with numbers 44 What are the speakers discussing? ( A) A new manager ( B) A job interview ( C) A company meeting ( D) A new exercise program 45

3、 What will the man do the following day? ( A) Meet the manager ( B) Go to an interview ( C) Join a health club ( D) Hold a presentation 46 What does the man say about VitaSoft? ( A) It is opening a new branch. ( B) It has a good reputation. ( C) It is an important client. ( D) It is a new software c

4、ompany. 47 What does the man want to do? ( A) Take the woman out to eat ( B) Go outside to have a break ( C) Prepare for a presentation ( D) Stay at the office and continue working 48 How is the woman feeling? ( A) Calm ( B) Happy ( C) Tired ( D) Prepared 49 What will the speakers do? ( A) Meet in t

5、he morning ( B) Have food delivered ( C) Work for another hour ( D) Ask for a deadline extension 50 What is For Our Kids? ( A) A daycare program ( B) A tutoring program ( C) A charity organization ( D) A childrens activity club 51 When did For Our Kids begin? ( A) 2 years earlier ( B) 3 years earlie

6、r ( C) 4 years earlier ( D) 5 years earlier 52 What is For Our Kids collecting? ( A) Money ( B) Books ( C) Clothes ( D) Bags 53 What does the woman request? ( A) A sales report ( B) Josephs identification ( C) Josephs expense report ( D) Josephs bank information 54 How did Joseph send the informatio

7、n? ( A) He faxed it to the woman. ( B) He e-mailed it to the woman. ( C) He mailed it to the womans office. ( D) He gave it to the womans secretary. 55 Who might the woman be? ( A) A payroll worker ( B) An accountant ( C) A stock broker ( D) A loan officer 56 What is Ms. Turner doing? ( A) She is wi

8、th a client. ( B) She is having lunch. ( C) She is at a convention. ( D) She is talking on the phone. 57 What company is Mr. Mills with? ( A) Microsystems ( B) Computer Depot ( C) Pellow Computers ( D) Softchip Technology 58 Why is Mr. Mills calling Ms. Turner? ( A) To advertise his services ( B) To

9、 discuss her broken scanner ( C) To confirm her software order ( D) To give her a technology report 59 What flowers did the woman purchase? ( A) Roses ( B) Irises ( C) Lilies ( D) Daisies 60 What might the woman be doing? ( A) Keeping them in the heat ( B) Keeping them in cold place ( C) Giving them

10、 too much water ( D) Not giving them enough sunlight 61 How long does John suggest the woman to wait? ( A) 5 days ( B) 1 week ( C) 2 weeks ( D) 3 weeks 62 Why is the woman nervous? ( A) She has a job interview. ( B) She has to give a presentation. ( C) She will get her work evaluation. ( D) She will

11、 meet the company president. 63 How does the man describe the woman? ( A) Reliable ( B) Easygoing ( C) Intelligent ( D) Hardworking 64 Why was the woman late? ( A) She became lost. ( B) Her car would not start. ( C) She had to pick up her son. ( D) The traffic is bad by her house. 65 Where will Edit

12、h go? ( A) To the market ( B) To the bakery ( C) To the drugstore ( D) To the bookstore 66 What is the occasion? ( A) Ediths father got a promotion. ( B) It is Ediths mothers birthday. ( C) Ediths sister is graduating from college. ( D) It is Ediths parents wedding anniversary. 67 What does Edith su

13、ggest to get? ( A) A cake ( B) Ice cream ( C) Some flowers ( D) Some candles 68 Who is Ms. Stevens? ( A) An economist ( B) A stock analyst ( C) A business expert ( D) A local business leader 69 What are the speakers discussing? ( A) An upcoming convention ( B) A survey about retail prices ( C) An in

14、creasing price of oil ( D) A poll about small businesses 70 What does Ms. Stevens say about Americans? ( A) They like big cars. ( B) They enjoy bargaining. ( C) They have a pioneering spirit. ( D) They like to support local businesses. 四、简短文章 71 What is the man calling about? ( A) A special service

15、( B) A failure of shipment ( C) An alternate address ( D) A local branch 72 Where will the shipment be sent? ( A) To his home ( B) To his place of work ( C) To the shipping address ( D) To a FedEX location 73 When is the package expected to arrive? ( A) Later that day ( B) The following day ( C) The

16、 day after tomorrow ( D) In two weeks 74 Why is the announcement being made? ( A) To inform customers of a new contest ( B) To update customers that the store will be closing ( C) To notify the staff that the store will be opening ( D) To update the staff before the store opens 75 What is mentioned

17、about the new location? ( A) Construction has been delayed. ( B) Positions are available. ( C) There will be a sale. ( D) It will open in one month. 76 What change is being introduced next week? ( A) All staff will have to wear new uniforms. ( B) All staff must report any trouble with customers. ( C

18、) Store hours will be reduced. ( D) A new manager will start working. 77 Who most likely is the speaker? ( A) A museum guide ( B) An art collector ( C) A guest speaker ( D) An auctioneer 78 Where has the new exhibition come from? ( A) All over the world ( B) Spain ( C) New York ( D) Australia 79 How

19、 long will the show last? ( A) For one week ( B) For 4 weeks ( C) For 6 weeks ( D) For one year 80 Who is speaking? ( A) A director ( B) A lawyer ( C) The company president ( D) A business reporter 81 What is this announcement discussing? ( A) Downsizing ( B) A company merger ( C) Possible layoffs (

20、 D) Introduction of a new department 82 What will be given to the employees who have worked for more than one year? ( A) More vacation ( B) A bonus ( C) A retirement allowance ( D) A salary increase 83 What is the report about? ( A) A top-ten list ( B) A new movie ( C) A music concert ( D) A popular

21、 television show 84 What advice is being given to listeners? ( A) To purchase tickets early ( B) The radio station is the only place to get tickets. ( C) The radio station has cheaper tickets. ( D) There will be a pre-show interview. 85 What time will the event begin? ( A) At 7 p.m. ( B) At 8 p.m. (

22、 C) At 9 p.m. ( D) At 10 p.m. 86 Who is Mr. Bing? ( A) The new head of international affairs ( B) The new regional manager ( C) The new business teacher ( D) A guest speaker 87 Where is Mr. Bing from? ( A) New York ( B) Massachusetts ( C) London ( D) Arizona 88 What does the speaker say about the co

23、mpany? ( A) It is the leading company in the country. ( B) It is a new company. ( C) It is internationally known. ( D) It is going through financial difficulty. 89 What is Entertainment Tonight? ( A) A radio show ( B) A magazine interview ( C) A television show ( D) An Internet broadcast site 90 Who

24、 is Sarah Johnson? ( A) A reporter ( B) A talkshow host ( C) An actress ( D) A singer 91 How long has Ms. Johnson worked in her field? ( A) For 4 years ( B) For 8 years ( C) For 10 years ( D) For 12 years 92 What is being advertised? ( A) A car dealership ( B) A repair shop ( C) A rental car agency

25、( D) A financial service 93 What made the company offer the specials? ( A) To introduce new model ( B) To celebrate its opening ( C) To honor for a new manager ( D) To thank loyal customers 94 What will the customers be given for one month? ( A) Free delivery ( B) Reduced prices ( C) Free car wash (

26、 D) Free maintenance 95 Where will the construction take place? ( A) The international airport ( B) Old courtroom building ( C) The City Hall site ( D) The old port 96 What are residents asked to do? ( A) Make a donation ( B) Vote online ( C) Participate in a protest ( D) Take an alternate route to

27、work 97 Why are some residents hesitant about the proposals? ( A) The construction is unnecessary. ( B) The original building can be destroyed. ( C) The construction will take too long. ( D) The project is over budget. 98 What is being replaced? ( A) The computer systems ( B) The security office ( C

28、) Security cameras ( D) The wireless Internet 99 When will they finish installing the cameras? ( A) Monday ( B) Tuesday ( C) Wednesday ( D) Thursday 100 According to the caller what must the staff do? ( A) Avoid the main entrance ( B) Save all computer files ( C) Wear identification ( D) Cancel all

29、experiments 托业(听力)模拟试卷 20答案与解析 一、照片描述 1 【听力原文】 (A) A couple is sitting on a bench talking. (B) There are some workers on the roof. (C) Some men are fishing off the pier. (D) There is a cone nearby the bench. 1 【正确答案】 D 2 【听力原文】 (A) Some pastries are on display in a store window. (B) There is somethi

30、ng to eat on the table. (C) Some pastries are being baked in the oven. (D) Some pastries are being put in a bag. 2 【正确答案】 A 3 【听力原文】 (A) Two paths are parallel to each other. (B) A baby stroller has been left unattended beside a tree. (C) A man is mowing the lawn. (D) Some people are entering the pa

31、rk. 3 【正确答案】 A 4 【听力 原文】 (A) A man is repairing the plane. (B) The plane is making an emergency landing. (C) The plane is about to take off. (D) The people are getting off the plane. 4 【正确答案】 D 5 【听力原文】 (A) A woman is inspecting an item. (B) A woman is paying for some fruit. (C) All the food has bee

32、n put in a box. (D) All the products have price tags on them. 5 【正确答案】 A 6 【听力原文】 (A) A man is putting away some carts. (B) People are waiting for the bus. (C) People are all looking in the same direction. (D) People are standing together. 6 【正确答案】 D 7 【听力原文】 (A) The shutters are all closed. (B) All

33、 of the windows are very clean. (C) The building is three stories tall. (D) The building is being torn down. 7 【正确答案】 C 8 【听力原文】 (A) People are lining up to board the bus. (B) People are walking on the median. (C) People are swimming in the ocean. (D) Dolphins are jumping in the water. 8 【正确答案】 B 9

34、【听力原文】 (A) The man is asking some questions. (B) The man is pointing at something for the woman. (C) They are having a conversation. (D) The woman is helping the man with his package. 9 【正确答案】 C 10 【听力原文】 (A) A man is walking on the sidewalk. (B) There is a grassy area along the street, (C) There is

35、 a truck in front of the building. (D) Various flowers are growing next to the pole. 10 【正确答案】 B 二、应答问题 11 【听力原文】 Did you have any difficulties getting past security? (A) No, hes a teller. (B) No, it was fine. (C) Its secure to order. 11 【正确答案】 B 12 【听力原文】 Whats the weather forecast for today? (A) O

36、h yes, its a beautiful day. (B) The newspaper is calling for sunshine all day. (C) Its expected to be done by tomorrow. 12 【正确答案】 B 13 【听力原文】 Do you like that new restaurant downtown? (A) I was downtown yesterday. (B) I eat out once a week. (C) Yes, the food is really delicious. 13 【正确答案】 C 14 【听力原文

37、】 Whom are you calling for? (A) Please tell him Mr. Patterson phoned. (B) Im sorry, but she cant come to the phone right now. (C) I would like to speak with Mr. Donaldson. 14 【正确答案】 C 15 【听力原文】 What is the nature of your trip to Thailand? (A) I was there on business. (B) Ill be staying at a hotel on

38、 the island. (C) I have a public speaking engagement. 15 【正确答案】 C 16 【听力原文】 What did all of those expenses amount to? (A) No, it wasnt very expensive. (B) The final total was $1,500. (C) Ill be charging it on my expense account. 16 【正确答案】 B 17 【听力原文】 Was she eating in the restaurant at that time? (A

39、) No, that would be too late for her. (B) Yeah, I eat there, too. (C) Thats my favorite restaurant. 17 【正确答案】 A 18 【听力原文】 When will I start to see the results of this treatment? (A) You can come in next week. (B) Youll notice a difference in 3 to 5 clays. (C) They treated me well. 18 【正确答案】 B 19 【听力

40、原文】 Do you want to share a piece of cake? (A) Thanks, it was delicious. (B) Sure, that sounds great. (C) I didnt like the taste. 19 【正确答案】 B 20 【听力原文】 Would you like me to pay with a check or could I just put it on my credit card? (A) Sure, the total is $18.95. (B) Ill take care of that right away.

41、(C) Either way you like is fine. 20 【正确答案】 C 21 【听力原文】 I think that the chief needs an advisor, dont you? (A) No, I dont know what he will advise. (B) Yes, I agree. (C) No, I was considered but didnt get the position. 21 【正确答案】 B 22 【听力原文】 Are you able to pick up some milk on the way home? (A) I tak

42、e the bus. (B) Sure, Ill stop by the convenience store. (C) Ill be home by 9:00. 22 【正确答案】 B 23 【听力原文】 How long will it take to get to the subway station? (A) The train leaves in an hour. (B) Its located at Carnell Station. (C) Only a few minutes away. 23 【正确答案】 C 24 【听力原文】 Did you enjoy your dinner

43、? (A) We had fish and chips. (B) Sorry, I dont have time for dinner. (C) Oh yes, it was delicious. 24 【正确答案】 C 25 【听力原文】 Werent there many people at the seminar? (A) Only half of whom we expected showed up. (B) It really wasnt as informative as I expected. (C) It was about social implications of our

44、 current economic state. 25 【正确答案】 A 26 【听力原文】 Do you want to pay now or would you rather we just send you the bill? (A) I prefer whichever way is more convenient. (B) I need to pay for the expenses. (C) The total for the bill is $150. 26 【正确答案】 A 27 【听力原文】 Do you know where I can find the check out

45、 counter? (A) Thatll be $16.25 please. (B) No, I didnt know that. (C) Its right over there. 27 【正确答案】 C 28 【听力原文】 Do you feel like watching a movie on Saturday? (A) I do, but I have plans. (B) I already saw that film. (C) I did, it was great. 28 【正确答案】 A 29 【听力原文】 You checked that report, didnt you?

46、 (A) Its on my desk. (B) No, Mr. Lebenson sent it over. (C) Yes, I looked at it this morning. 29 【正确答案】 C 30 【听力原文】 Could you take me to the OKeefe Center? (A) Its across from the bank. (B) Sure, lets go. (C) I would like to take you there. 30 【正确答案】 B 31 【听力原文】 Couldnt we just ask Andy for help? (A

47、) Im not sure if hes available right now. (B) You can give me a hand. (C) Andy would ask you, but hes too busy. 31 【正确答案】 A 32 【听力原文】 The park next door has an enormous flower garden. (A) Its a huge building. (B) You cant park there. (C) Really? I didnt realize that. 32 【正确答案】 C 33 【听力原文】 Dont you n

48、eed any help getting ready for the party? (A) Oh, I just love a good party. (B) Oh, thank you for all your help. (C) No, I have everything taken care of. 33 【正确答案】 C 34 【听力原文】 Why dont you go see a doctor? (A) He said I have the flu. (B) i have an appointment tomorrow, (C) His name is Dr. Leiger. 34

49、 【正确答案】 B 35 【听力原文】 You dont want to go for a cup of coffee, do you? (A) This coffee is just delicious. (B) Sure, here you are. (C) No, I just had some, but thanks. 35 【正确答案】 C 36 【听力原文】 Did Ms. Kim check next weeks shipping schedule? (A) Yes, and she found a problem. (B) Check on the wall. (C) Its being shipped next week. 36 【正确答案】 A 37 【听力原文】 Would you rather work with the marketing team or the research team? (A) I did a lot of research with them. (B) Whichever needs more support. (C) Yes, the marketing team does great work. 37 【正确 答案】 B


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