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1、托业(听力)模拟试卷 6及答案与解析 一、照片描述 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 二、应答问题 三、简短对话 41 What is true about the speakers? ( A) They are both making presentations. ( B) They are planning to meet for lunch. ( C) They are meeting for the first time. ( D) They are going to the meeting together. 42 What does Diana give to Steve?

2、 ( A) A cup of coffee ( B) A key to the meeting room ( C) Directions to the meeting site ( D) Copies of her presentation notes 43 What will happen at 2:00 p.m.? ( A) Steve will arrive. ( B) The meeting will end. ( C) Coffee will be available. ( D) Dianas presentation will begin. 44 What is learned a

3、bout the copy machine? ( A) It broke down the previous week. ( B) It cannot make double-sided copies. ( C) It will be delivered later that day. ( D) It was purchased within the past five months. 45 What do the speakers agree? ( A) That the repair man does good work ( B) That the repairs will be expe

4、nsive ( C) That the copy machine should be returned for repairs ( D) That the repair man should not charge for the repairs 46 What does the woman imply? ( A) A new copy machine would have more functions. ( B) The woman should use the copy machine on the 5th floor. ( C) Repairing the copy machine wil

5、l take a long time. ( D) Buying a new copy machine may be a cheaper option. 47 What does the man say about his business? ( A) It plans to open new stores around the world. ( B) Sales are not as high as he had been expecting. ( C) It has been affected by recent political events. ( D) Sales are expect

6、ed to increase in the next quarter. 48 What is probably true about the man? ( A) He works from home. ( B) He sells home appliances. ( C) He has applied for a new job. ( D) He bought a new house recently. 49 What does the man imply? ( A) His work requires accuracy and attention to details. ( B) He ca

7、n assess the housing market using his sales data. ( C) His products are cheaper than others in the same market. ( D) His industry is becoming more important to the national economy. 50 According to the man, why are his companys systems more expensive than others? ( A) They are made with high-quality

8、 parts. ( B) They come with training and maintenance plans. ( C) They are built according to customer specifications. ( D) They have more functions than systems made by competitors. 51 What has the man given the woman? ( A) A price quote ( B) A factory tour ( C) A software package ( D) A product dem

9、onstration 52 How often does the company calibrate its machines? ( A) Once a month ( B) Every three months ( C) Every six months ( D) Once a year 53 What does the man learn about the library? ( A) It receives new movies each month. ( B) It keeps its movies in a separate room. ( C) It has about 2,000

10、 movies in its collection. ( D) It limits borrowers to two movies at a time. 54 How does the woman suggest that the man search for movies? ( A) By title ( B) By studio name ( C) By date of release ( D) By actor or director 55 What will the woman probably do next? ( A) Bring the man a list of studios

11、 ( B) Get the movies the man has asked for ( C) Ask another librarian to help the man ( D) Show the man how the browse function works 56 Where does this conversation take place? ( A) In an office ( B) On the phone ( C) At a hardware store ( D) At a construction site 57 When will the man need to retu

12、rn the saw by? ( A) 9:00 a.m. the following day ( B) Noon the next day ( C) 5:00 p.m. the following day ( D) 7:00 p.m. the next day 58 What will the woman probably do next? ( A) Enter information about the man into a form ( B) Arrange for the saw to be brought out to the man ( C) Help the man choose

13、 the correct saw for his needs ( D) Give the man information regarding the safe use of the saw 59 What are the speakers mainly discussing? ( A) A scheduling problem ( B) The mans role at the company ( C) A problem with the mans project ( D) The mans plan to leave the company 60 What does the woman s

14、uggest that the man do? ( A) Look for another job ( B) Talk to the boss about his problem ( C) Ask for permission to work overtime ( D) Take time off before he begins his new job 61 What does the man say he did? ( A) Worked from home on his day off ( B) Informed his boss about the problem ( C) Promi

15、sed to finish a project he started ( D) Asked to take additional time off from work 62 What are the speakers mainly discussing? ( A) Paying bills ( B) Choosing a bank ( C) Planning for retirement ( D) Changes to the payroll system 63 What is learned about the woman? ( A) She used to be a financial p

16、lanner. ( B) She works in the payroll department. ( C) She recently opened a checking account. ( D) She has money deposited to an account each month. 64 What did the woman find shocking? ( A) Retirement costs ( B) The bank fees she had to pay ( C) Getting a smaller monthly paycheck ( D) How little i

17、nterest her account earns 65 Where will the conference be held? ( A) At a hotel ( B) At a college ( C) At an office park ( D) At a convention center 66 When will the guests arrive? ( A) Monday ( B) Tuesday ( C) Thursday ( D) Saturday 67 What does the man imply he will do? ( A) Offer a discount on th

18、e rooms ( B) Provide airport transportation ( C) Make the conference arrangements ( D) Hold the reservations for 24 hours 68 What does the man want to do? ( A) Backup a database ( B) Copy files to a CD ( C) Install some software ( D) Download a file to his computer 69 What is learned about the man?

19、( A) He is a part-time employee. ( B) He has not used the program before. ( C) He is using a co-workers computer. ( D) He needs the files for a presentation. 70 What was the mans problem? ( A) He forgot his password. ( B) He tried to delete a protected file. ( C) He had not selected the correct file

20、 type. ( D) He installed the program in the wrong directory. 四、简短文章 71 Who is the intended audience for the advertisement? ( A) New residents ( B) Senior citizens ( C) College students ( D) Small businesses 72 What is learned about the bank? ( A) It has opened a new branch office. ( B) It is the lar

21、gest bank in the city. ( C) It is lowering its fees on certain products. ( D) It has been in business for more than 100 years. 73 What is true about the banks checking account? ( A) It charges no monthly fees. ( B) It earns interest each month. ( C) It requires a minimum balance of $300. ( D) It has

22、 a limit of 10 checks per month. 74 What is the speaker mainly talking about? ( A) Dealing with difficult customers ( B) Maintaining good customer relations ( C) Advertising new products or services ( D) Calling potential customers to make sales 75 What does the speaker advise doing? ( A) Establishi

23、ng clear goals for every meeting ( B) Researching a customers business or industry ( C) Always maintaining a friendly and personal tone ( D) Listening carefully to what customers have to say 76 What strategy does the speaker recommend? ( A) Arriving early to business appointments ( B) Offering to de

24、liver an interesting article ( C) Meeting with customers outside of the office ( D) Starting conversations with personal stories 77 Who is the speaker probably addressing? ( A) A job candidate ( B) A job recruiter ( C) A career advisor ( D) A department manager 78 According to the speaker, which of

25、the following is a responsibility of the hiring manager? ( A) Describing job duties to job applicants ( B) Forwarding resumes to a search committee ( C) Scheduling interviews with job applicants ( D) Entering information into a computerized system 79 Who sends the offer letters to candidates? ( A) T

26、he job recruiter ( B) The hiring manager ( C) The department head ( D) The senior HR manager 80 What does the speaker say to avoid before exercise? ( A) Drinking soda ( B) Eating sweet foods ( C) Eating a large meal ( D) Overstretching muscles 81 What does the speaker claim helps to rebuild muscles?

27、 ( A) Salt ( B) Water ( C) Fructose ( D) Vitamin C 82 What does the speaker describe how to do? ( A) Recover from a muscle cramp ( B) Stay at a high energy level ( C) Make a homemade sports drink ( D) Conserve energy during exercise 83 By about how much will monthly prices rise? ( A) $1 ( B) $3 ( C)

28、 $7 ( D) $10 84 What reason is given for the rate hike? ( A) Increased taxes and other fees ( B) Higher freight and delivery costs ( C) Rising oil and natural gas prices ( D) Reduced availability of raw materials 85 When would the proposed rate hike take place? ( A) October 1st ( B) November 1 st (

29、C) December 1 st ( D) January 1 st 86 Why has the speaker given this talk? ( A) To alert staff to a problem with network security ( B) To announce a new policy related to network security ( C) To recommend a method for improving network security ( D) To inform new employees about the companys networ

30、k security policies 87 What does the speaker claim her company has been doing? ( A) Examining several different types of servers ( B) Having its technology department work overtime ( C) Upgrading its entire technology infrastructure ( D) Getting estimates from different computer vendors 88 What will

31、 employees have to do? ( A) Change their personal passwords ( B) Remove all unnecessary files from the server ( C) Address their questions to technical support personnel ( D) Limit the use of company computers to work-related activities 89 Who is Barbara Rivers? ( A) A secretary ( B) A travel agent

32、( C) A corporate executive ( D) A company spokesperson 90 When will Barbara Rivers return? ( A) May 1st ( B) May 12th ( C) May 16th ( D) May 31st 91 What information does Barbara Rivers provide? ( A) Her flight number ( B) Her e-mail address ( C) Her cell phone number ( D) Her home telephone number

33、92 What is the speaker mainly discussing? ( A) Designing effective company logos ( B) Developing a personal portfolio of work ( C) Trying to work in an unfamiliar industry ( D) Handling difficult job interview questions 93 What does the speaker say is important to do? ( A) Understand the clients nee

34、ds ( B) Protect clients confidentiality ( C) Get advice from industry professionals ( D) Accurately describe personal qualifications 94 What does the speaker warn against doing? ( A) Distributing work electronically ( B) Taking on too many clients at once ( C) Promising more than can be delivered (

35、D) Doing work that closely resembles work done by others 95 Where is the speaker going? ( A) Skiing ( B) Boating ( C) Camping ( D) Fishing 96 What does the speaker say she is going to do? ( A) Drive a different car ( B) Stop to pick up supplies ( C) Follow closely behind another car ( D) Go slowly t

36、o make sure everybody is safe 97 What does the speaker say to be aware of? ( A) The engines heat ( B) The gas in the tank ( C) The height of the car ( D) The total travel time 98 What is the speaker mainly describing? ( A) Qualifying for a loan ( B) Managing personal debt ( C) Getting a line of cred

37、it ( D) Avoiding credit card fees 99 Who is the speaker most likely talking to? ( A) A homeowner ( B) A work colleague ( C) A personal friend ( D) A potential home buyer 100 What is probably the speakers job? ( A) Tax attorney ( B) Bank loan officer ( C) Financial analyst ( D) Real estate agent 托业(听

38、力)模拟试卷 6答案与解析 一、照片描述 1 【听力原文】 (A) She is making copies. (B) She is filing a folder. (C) She is cleaning the shelf. (D) She is reaching for a pen. 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 照片中女士正在整理文件夹,因此正确答案是 (B)项。 (A)项是诱导考生由文件联想到 making copies的一个陷阱。 (C)项如果 仅仅听到 shelf而没有听到 cleaning的时候,就可能误以为是正确答案。 (D)项中的 pen在图中没有涉及,因此不可能是正

39、确答案。 2 【听力原文】 (A) A man is chasing a mouse. (B) A man is opening a notebook. (C) A man is turning on a computer. (D) A man is looking at two screens. 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 照片中男子正在看两台电脑的显示器,因此 正确答案是 (D)项。 (A)项中容易把 mouse误认为是 “鼠标 ”,但由于前面的 chasing是 “追逐 ”的意思,因此此处是 “老鼠 ”的意思,显然与图无关。 (B)项如果仅仅听到 notebook而漏听openi

40、ng,会误以为是正确答案。 (C)项也是个陷阱,考生如果只听到 computer而忽略了 turning on,就会误认为是正确答案。 3 【听力原文】 (A) People are sitting outside. (B) They are planting flowers. (C) People are playing in a park. (D) They are walking up the stairs. 3 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 照片中人们聚集在广场 (square)上,因此正确答案是 (A)项 “人们坐在外面 ”。 (B)项如果只听到 flower而漏听 plant,就

41、会误认为是正确答案。图中并无人们在公园中玩耍的场景,因此只要听到 (C)项中的 playing和 park,就会知道是错误选项。 4 【听力原文】 (A) A man is climbing a tree. (B) Cars are stuck in traffic. (C) He is cutting down the tree. (D) A man is crossing the street. 4 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 照片中男子正在横穿一条两边有树的公路,因此正确答案是 (D)项“男子正在穿越街道 ”。要注意 (A)项和 (C)项,因为如果只听到 tree,而漏听climbi

42、ng和 cutting down,就会误认为是正确答案。图中汽车都停在树之间,并未堵车,因此 (B)项不是正确答案。 5 【听力原文】 (A) People are swimming. (B) A woman is by a river. (C) She is sitting on a rock. (D) One man is lying on the grass. 5 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 这张照片是一女子坐在石头上的背影,因此正确答案是 (C)项 “她坐在石头上 ”。 (B)项和 (D)项中的 river和 grass在照片中并未涉及,因此可以断定不是正确答案。 6 【听力原文】

43、 (A) A boat is passing by. (B) People are boarding a boat. (C) They are fishing in the sea. (D) They are walking across the bridge. 6 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 照片中一艘船漂在水面上,并没有出现人,因此正确答案是 (A)项“一艘船正在经过 ”。 (B)项中的 boat, (C)项中的 sea, (D)项中的 bridge都是照片中出现的景物,易被误认为是正确答案,但是照片中没有出现人,因此很容易断定都是错误选项。 7 【听力原 文】 (A) She is

44、reading a book. (B) She is sitting at a desk. (C) She is stacking the books. (D) She is writing on the board. 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 照片中一女子正站在桌前读书。所以正确答案是 (A)项 “她正在读书 ”。 (B)项如果改为 She is standing at a desk,则是正确答案。 (C)项中只听到books而漏掉 stacking和 (D)项中只听到 board而漏掉 writing的时候,很容易误认为是正确答案,一定要留意。这道题只要听懂 reading, s

45、itting, stacking,writing,就可以很容易找到正确答案。 8 【听力原文】 (A) A man is getting into a car. (B) The men are next to a taxi. (C) They are wiping their shoes. (D) Two men are directing traffic. 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 照片中两名男子分别站在出租车两旁,因此正确答案为 (B)项 “男子站在出租车旁 ”。 (A)项如果只听到 a car而忽略了 getting into,就可能误认为是正确答案。 (C)项中的 shoes

46、并未涉及,如果改为 They are wiping a car,就是正确答案。 (D)项如果只听到 Two men和 traffic,而漏听了 directing,易误认为是正确答案。 9 【听力原文】 (A) The building is empty. (B) People are on an escalator. (C) People are standing in line. (D) They are waiting for the store to open. 9 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 这张照片中一群人正在乘坐大楼里的电梯,因此正确答案是 (B)项。而 (A)项说大楼是空的

47、,显然不是正确答案。照片中也没有出现 (C)项中说的人们在排队。照片中的商店已经开门,因此 (D)项不是正确答案。 10 【听力原文】 (A) She is crossing the street. (B) She is waiting at a bus stop. (C) The woman is holding a purse. (D) The dog is sitting on the sidewalk. 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 照片中,女子一只手拿着一个手提包,另一只手抓着一条拴狗的皮带,因此正确答案是选项 (C)项, “女子手里拿着一个包 ”。 (A)项如果改为 She

48、 is walking down the street,就是正确答案。尽管女子旁边有公共汽车站站牌,但是她并没有在等车,因此 (B)项不是正确答案。 (D)项中尽管有照片中出现的sidewalk,但是却与 sitting无关,因此 (D)项不是正确答案。 二、应答问题 11 【听力原文】 What position are you applying for? (A) I gave her the application. (B) The staff writing position. (C) Its on the left side of the street. 11 【正确答案】 B 【试题

49、解析】 以疑问词开始的问题,一定要特别注意疑问词部分 (What position)。这道题询问申请的工作职位,因此介绍具体职位的 (B)项是正确答案。要特别注意 (A)项中出现了 application,容易和问题中的 applying混淆。 (C)项暗含的 position并不是问题中的 “职位 ”之意,而是 “位置,场所 ”的意思,很容易误认为是正确答案。 12 【听力原文】 Do you think we can take a short break? (A) Yes, lets take ten minutes. (B) Dont worry. We have a warranty. (C) Its longer than I thought it would be. 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 一般疑问句应该用 Yes或 No来回答。这道问题询问是否可以稍微休息一下, (A)项 (好的,我们休息十分钟 )符合题意,是正确选项。如果误把问题中的 break(休息,休息时间 )理解为 “产生故障 ”,则容易误选 (B)项。 (C)项中出现了 long(er),容易与问题中的 short混淆。 13 【听力原文】 Where was the convention held last year? (A) Its too hot t


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