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1、托业(听力)模拟试卷 90及答案与解析 一、照片描述 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 二、应答问题 三、简短对话 41 What are the women mainly discussing? ( A) The nice weather ( B) Their plans for the afternoon ( C) The high price of food ( D) Their exercise programs 42 What will the women probably do? ( A) Walk in the park ( B) Go to a restaurant (

2、 C) Visit a shopping mall ( D) Watch a movie 43 What do the women mention reading in the newspaper? ( A) A critics review ( B) A weather report ( C) A movie description ( D) A store advertisement 44 What is the woman looking for? ( A) A flat-screen TV ( B) A digital camera ( C) A camcorder ( D) A co

3、mputer 45 What is the womans job? ( A) Photographer ( B) Salesperson ( C) Magazine writer ( D) Video editor 46 What feature of the Delta XP is mentioned? ( A) Its light weight ( B) Its large screen ( C) Its carrying bag ( D) Its video playback ability 47 What is the mans problem? ( A) His department

4、s copier has too little toner. ( B) His department has no premium copy paper. ( C) His departments copier is making dark copies. ( D) His access card to the copy machine is missing. 48 What does the woman offer to do? ( A) Lend the man her access card ( B) Add toner to the copier ( C) Give the man p

5、rinter paper ( D) Order more copy paper 49 What will the man probably do next? ( A) Give a presentation ( B) Go to the second floor ( C) Adjust the copiers controls ( D) Put printer paper in the copier 50 Where is the book fair being held? ( A) In New York ( B) In Philadelphia ( C) In London ( D) In

6、 Madrid 51 On what day does the book fair begin? ( A) Sunday ( B) Monday ( C) Wednesday ( D) Friday 52 What does the man suggest that the woman do? ( A) Fly together with him to the book fair ( B) Postpone a meeting with a client ( C) Take the shuttle bus to the airport ( D) Visit an author during t

7、he weekend 53 At about what time is the man calling? ( A) 11 a.m. ( B) 12 p.m. ( C) 1 p.m. ( D) 4 p.m. 54 What is the woman having problems with? ( A) A stove ( B) A shower ( C) A sink faucet ( D) A water heater 55 What will the man probably do next? ( A) Schedule a new meeting time ( B) Visit the w

8、omans house ( C) Write an invoice for the woman ( D) Order replacement parts 56 What problem is mentioned? ( A) A screen is hard to see. ( B) A room is too small. ( C) A chair is uncomfortable. ( D) A meal is late to arrive. 57 Where does this conversation probably take place? ( A) In a restaurant (

9、 B) In a job interview ( C) In a business meeting ( D) In a furniture store 58 What will the man probably do next? ( A) Repair a piece of furniture ( B) Modify a schedule ( C) Make a phone call ( D) Arrange to move to another room 59 What will happen on Wednesday? ( A) A deadline will pass. ( B) A p

10、roject will begin. ( C) A meeting will occur. ( D) A building will open. 60 What is mentioned about Sam? ( A) He received a promotion. ( B) He will be retiring soon. ( C) He had to take time off. ( D) He is doing two projects at once. 61 What does the woman offer to do? ( A) To lead a project ( B) T

11、o extend a deadline ( C) To postpone a meeting ( D) To give the man building plans 62 What was the man previously requested to do? ( A) Change his appointment time ( B) Arrive early for an appointment ( C) See a different doctor at the clinic ( D) Bring paperwork to the clinic 63 What does the man w

12、ant to know? ( A) How many forms he needs to fill out. ( B) Whether he should photocopy his paperwork. ( C) Whether he should show an original insurance card. ( D) How long he will have to wait for the doctor. 64 What is indicated about the man? ( A) He is a new patient at the clinic. ( B) He was tr

13、eated by Dr. Edwards before. ( C) He visited the clinic without an appointment. ( D) He will have to wait a long time to see the doctor. 65 Why is the woman calling? ( A) To request a discount for a set of tickets ( B) To inquire about how to order tickets online ( C) To check on the delivery status

14、 of her tickets ( D) To get more details about a ticket promotion 66 On what day will the play first be performed? ( A) Tuesday ( B) Wednesday ( C) Thursday ( D) Friday 67 What does the man offer to do? ( A) Book tickets for the woman immediately ( B) Give the woman two sets of free tickets ( C) Mak

15、e printed tickets in case of late delivery ( D) Change the date of the womans reservation 68 What is learned about the man? ( A) He currently lives in China. ( B) He will soon attend a convention. ( C) He has some upcoming client meetings. ( D) He recently made a business trip. 69 What does the woma

16、n request? ( A) A discount ( B) An order form ( C) A product sample ( D) A product demonstration 70 What kind of store does the woman most likely operate? ( A) A pet store ( B) A toy store ( C) A jewelry store ( D) A clothing store 四、简短文章 71 Who is the caller most likely trying to reach? ( A) A ski

17、resort ( B) A tourist bureau ( C) A travel agency ( D) An advertising agency 72 When will the office reopen? ( A) On Monday ( B) On Tuesday ( C) On Wednesday ( D) On Friday 73 What should the caller do to contact a representative? ( A) Record a message ( B) Press the number one ( C) Press the number

18、 two ( D) Dial a different extension 74 What kind of business is Taras? ( A) A hotel ( B) A restaurant ( C) A toy store ( D) A music theater 75 Who is Emily Cho? ( A) A business owner ( B) A well-known chef ( C) An interior designer ( D) A local musician 76 Why should listeners call Taras? ( A) To r

19、equest driving directions ( B) To receive a discount offer ( C) To make a reservation ( D) To purchase a toy 77 What event is taking place? ( A) An art exhibition ( B) A movie showing ( C) A concert ( D) A lecture 78 What are listeners asked to do? ( A) Take photos ( B) Applaud while standing ( C) T

20、urn off their cell phones ( D) Go to the lobby immediately 79 What is available in the lobby? ( A) photos ( B) snacks ( C) extra chairs ( D) music recordings 80 Where is this talk probably taking place? ( A) At a news conference ( B) At a special ceremony ( C) At a training session ( D) At a sales m

21、eeting 81 What department does Ms. Park work in? ( A) Sales and marketing ( B) Information technology ( C) Human resources ( D) Media relations 82 Why is Ms. Park being recognized? ( A) She designed a new software program. ( B) She has demonstrated leadership skills. ( C) She has received multiple p

22、romotions. ( D) She wrote several articles on economics. 83 What is the main goal of the organization? ( A) To educate community members ( B) To promote a recreation center ( C) To recruit hiking enthusiasts ( D) To coordinate scientific research 84 What is the purpose of the meeting? ( A) To introd

23、uce new members ( B) To present project updates ( C) To collect recycled materials ( D) To announce a contest 85 What are volunteers invited to do? ( A) Attend a seminar ( B) Go on a tour ( C) Form a committee ( D) Sign up on a list 86 Who most likely is the caller? ( A) An interior designer ( B) A

24、hotel manager ( C) A restaurant owner ( D) A furniture salesperson 87 What does the caller recommend? ( A) Installing brighter indoor lights ( B) Offering a wider menu selection ( C) Using a specific decorating theme ( D) Modifying a construction schedule 88 What most likely will happen on Thursday?

25、 ( A) A meeting will be held . ( B) A project will be completed. ( C) A restaurant will be reopened. ( D) A computer will be delivered. 89 Where does the speaker most likely work? ( A) At a publishing company ( B) At a photocopy center ( C) At an advertising agency ( D) At a delivery company 90 What

26、 is the deadline for? ( A) Paying for advertisements ( B) Submitting writing work ( C) Buying new subscriptions ( D) Applying for job transfers 91 Why is the deadline being changed? ( A) An advertising campaign was delayed. ( B) A special issue will take longer to print. ( C) A large order from a st

27、ore was canceled. ( D) A new client was promised faster service. 92 What does the message mainly concern? ( A) Accounting procedures ( B) Travel arrangements ( C) Conference topics ( D) Employee promotions 93 What will the speaker do this afternoon? ( A) Quit his job ( B) Go on a tour ( C) Fax some

28、information ( D) Meet with a manager 94 What is mentioned about Ms. White? ( A) She is a new employee. ( B) She will manage the mans account. ( C) She will soon take an overseas trip. ( D) She recently attended a trade show. 95 Who most likely is the talk intended for? ( A) Advertising executives (

29、B) Traveling salespeople ( C) Product designers ( D) Computer programmers 96 According to the speaker, what is the problem? ( A) Too little market research ( B) Competition in the market ( C) Poor quality products ( D) High labor costs 97 How does the company plan to address the problem? ( A) By mak

30、ing some changes to a design ( B) By speeding up a production schedule ( C) By using different suppliers for parts ( D) By upgrading a computer system 98 What is the problem at the factory? ( A) The wrong materials were sent there. ( B) There is not enough production staff. ( C) A process was explai

31、ned incorrectly. ( D) Some computer software is not working. 99 Why does the problem have to be resolved quickly? ( A) Defective goods are being produced. ( B) An order is due to be shipped soon. ( C) A client is to sign a contract soon. ( D) Customers are not able to place orders. 100 What does the

32、 caller ask Tom to do? ( A) Ship new software ( B) Retrain a production team ( C) Contact another department ( D) Start up a production line 托业(听力)模拟试卷 90答案与解析 一、照片描述 1 【听力原文】 (A)Hes eating his lunch. (B)Hes removing his hat. (C)Hes placing an order. (D)Hes working in the kitchen. 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】

33、从周围的容器和搁板上的瓶瓶罐罐以及男子的姿势来看,男子是在厨房工作。所以正确答案是 (D)。因为看不到用餐的场景或脱掉帽子的动作,所以(A)和 (B)是不能成为正确答案的。另外,图片也不是点餐的场景,所以 (C)也不是正确答案。 2 【听力原文】 (A)Theyre cleaning the street. (B)Theyre cutting the grass. (C)Theyre crossing the road. (D)Theyre parking the truck. 2 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 图片中是男子们在停于路边的重型装备周围清理垃圾的场面,所以很容易就能知道 (A)

34、是正确答案。虽然房屋前面的 “禁止停车 ”指示牌附近有草坪,但是并没有出现修剪草坪的场景,所以 (B)不是答案。因为没有过路的人,所以 (C)也要从答案中除去。至于 (D),因为既没有货车也没有停车的人,所以也不能成为正确答案。 3 【听力原文】 (A)Shes reading a newspaper. (B)Shes looking at the monitor. (C)Shes taking a message. (D)Shes holding a conference. 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 图片中是女子一边接听电话一边记录对方讲话内容的场景,所以正确答案是 (C)。因为图

35、片中并没有看报纸的场面,所以 (A)要从答案中除去。另外,不能因为看到了电脑屏幕,就把 (B)当做正确答案。女子正在看的不是屏幕而是便签。因为没有出现会议场面,所以 (D)不是正确答案。 4 【听力原文】 (A)There are some chairs in the garden. (B)There is a river near the building. (C)There is a fountain in the restaurant. (D)There is some artwork on the ceiling. 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 放着椅子和餐桌的地方并不是花园而是

36、室内,所以 (A)不是正确答案。因为看不到外面的景象也看不到江河,所以 (B)也不能成为答案 。在图片画面的近处是喷水池,所以 (C)是正确答案。至于 (D),因为看不到天花板,所以也要从正确答案中去除去。 5 【听力原文】 (A)Shes organizing the cupboard. (B)Shes tying up her apron. (C)Shes pushing the table down the hall. (D)Shes loading the cart with supplies. 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 画面中是女子用手推车搬运各种物品的样子,所 以很容易就

37、能判断出正确答案是 (D)。因为没有碗柜,所以 (A)是错误答案。由于女子并没有把手放在围裙上,所以 (B)也不能成为正确答案。画面中也没有推桌子的样子,因此 (C)也不是答案。 6 【听力原文】 (A)The man is waving his hand. (B)The man is issuing a ticket. (C)The woman is driving the car. (D)The people are wearing protective clothing. 6 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 图片中是交通警察在管制违反交通法规的车辆的场面,所以正确答案是 (B)。因为图片

38、中并没有挥手的场面,所以 (A)要从答案中除去。因为车辆与前车是贴着的,所以说车是在行驶当中的 (C)也是不正确答案。 7 【听力原文】 (A)A fence surrounds the cabin. (B)The house is made of brick. (C)The wood is stacked in a pile. (D)The field is covered with leaves. 7 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 图片上的树丛中有围着栅栏的小屋,所以正确答案是 (A)。从图片来看,无法判断房屋的建筑材料,所以说它是砖瓦房的选项 (B)是不正确的。 (C)是因为图片中没有

39、柴火垛,所以不能被选为答案。 8 【听力原文】 (A)The people are giving a performance. (B)The people are entering the building. (C)The people are camping in the forest. (D)The people are gathered on the lawn. 8 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 人们只是四散地站着或坐着,而并不是在演出,所以 (A)不能成为正确答案。另外,也并没有看到人们进入建筑物的场面,所以 (B)也不能是答案。(C)是因为图片中既没有树丛也没有野营的人,所以要从答

40、案中去除去。正确答案是 (D)“人们聚集在草坪上 ”。 9 【听力原文】 (A)Shes filling up her backpack. (B)Shes weighing some fruit. (C)Shes examining the produce. (D)Shes picking some flowers. 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 (A)是因为女子是背着背包而不是在装背包,所以不能成为正确答案。由于图片中并没有出现女子称水果重量的场面,所以 (B)也要从正确答案中除去。图片中也没有花儿,所以 (D)也不是答案。因为图片显示的是女子拿着某一种农产品仔细观察的样子,所以正确答

41、案是 (C)。 10 【听力原文】 (A)The boats are sailing on the ocean. (B)The apartments overlook the harbor. (C)The houses are floating on the water. (D)The waves are crashing on the beach. 10 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 (A)所描述的内容与图片不符,因为船只并不是在航行,而是停泊在港口。水上漂浮的不是房屋而是船只,所以 (C)也不是正确答案。图片中看不到波涛,所以 (D)也不能成为答案。 (B)所说的 “公寓群在俯瞰着海港

42、”才是正确答案。 二、应答 问题 11 【听力原文】 Arent these fireworks spectacular? (A)I didnt start it. (B)I had to work overtime. (C)Theyre much better than last year. 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 此题要求对烟花是否绚丽这一问题进行回答。 (A)的语义不通, (B)是通过 fireworks中的 work一词设的陷阱。正确答案是 (C)“比去年好很多 ”。much修饰比较级 better。 12 【听力原文】 Where did I put the old f

43、iles? (A)In that top drawer. (B)Hes only 30 years old. (C)Youll see them tomorrow. 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 询问文件放在了什么地方。作为回答应该有表示场所的词出现。正确答案是提到最上面抽屉的 (A)。而 (B)是通过重复使用 old一词设的陷阱。 (C)是在问 when时,可以用来作答的选项。 13 【听力原文】 Do you think I can leave a little early today? (A)Yes, were unusually slow. (B)Actually, I got

44、 here an hour late. (C)Were improving little by little. 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 问的是可不可以提前一点下班。 (B)所说的迟到了一个小时,是想用 early的反义词 late引起混淆的陷阱选项。 (C)也是通过重复使用题干中出现的little一词设的陷阱。正确答案是 (A)。在回答以 Do you think开头的一般疑问句时,多数情况下都是以 Yes No开头的。 14 【听力原文】 How is your new apartment? (A)I live with my mother. (B)She lives abov

45、e me on the 10th floor. (C)Great, I managed to unpack last weekend. 14 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 题干问的是新公寓怎么样,所以回答时应该有表示好或不好这类感情色彩的词。 (A)和 (B)都是在对事实进行说明,所以不能成为正确答案。正确答案是 (C)“非常棒 ” 。 15 【听力原文】 Why dont we finish this after lunch? (A)Good idea. I cant think. (B)Actually, I have plans with Stan. (C)I think were m

46、eeting tomorrow morning. 15 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 Why dont 是 “ 怎么样 ”这类询问对方意见的 问句。对此进行回答时,要表达自己的意见。 (B)和 (C)都没有针对提问表达出自己的意见,而是讲了自己的事情。正确答案是 (A)“是个好主意,我没想到这点 ”。 Icant think是 “还没有想到 ”的意思。 16 【听力原文】 What did you put in this soup? (A)Just meat and vegetables. (B)Its good, but a little cold. (C)I think Id rathe

47、r have the salad. 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 对于以疑问词开头的提问,要特别留意疑问词部分。这里问的是用什么 (What)做成的汤,所以回答时要提到具体食材 “肉和蔬菜 ”的 (A)可以成为正确答案。 (B)适合在对汤的味道进行评价时使用, (C)适合回答 “想要吃什么 ”这类问题。 17 【听力原文】 Is that Johns desk? (A)No, his is over there. (B)I can call him if you like. (C)I havent asked him yet. 17 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 这是以 be动词 (

48、Is)开头的一般疑问句,所以可以用 Yes No来进行回答。在对 “那是约翰的桌子吗 ?”这一问题进行回答时,正确的答案是 (A)“他的在那边 ”。像这样以 be动词开头的问题通常都是要用 Yes No来进行回答的。 (B)和 (C)是完全不符合语境的。 18 【听力原文】 When did you say you were meeting Mr. Brown? (A)Its the white one. (B)Not until next week. (C)I think it went rather well. 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 题干内容是询问与布朗先生的约会是在什么时

49、候。因为提问是以when开头的,所以回答时要有表示时间的词出现。 (A)是在把 Brown误当做颜色(褐色 )时,有可能错选的答案。在问 “什么时候见面 ”时,最准确的答复应该是 (B)下个星期 (Not untilnext week)。 (C)中的 went是 “事情进行得怎么样 ”的意思。 19 【听力原文】 Has Elaine Withers called yet? (A)Shes in a meeting. (B)May I ask whos calling, please? (C)No, are you expecting to hear from her? 19 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 这是询问某人是否来过电话的一般疑问句,所以回答时应该以 Yes No开头。正确答案是 (C)。而 (A)回答的是 “她在做什么 ”, (B)“对不起,你是谁 ?”是问打来电话的人是谁。该选项是陷阱,想通过重复使用 call引起混淆。 (C)中的 expect to hear from是 “期待得到 的消息 ”的意思。 20 【听力原文】 I heard we hired some new people. (A)You should lower it a


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