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1、托业(听力)模拟试卷 91及答案与解析 一、照片描述 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 二、应答问题 三、简短对话 41 What are the speakers doing? ( A) Repairing a truck ( B) Planting a garden ( C) Working on a fence ( D) Building a garage 42 What does the woman say is missing? ( A) Batteries ( B) Brushes ( C) Truck parts ( D) Pieces of wood 43 When w

2、ill the work finish? ( A) This morning ( B) This afternoon ( C) Tomorrow morning ( D) Tomorrow afternoon 44 Where is Dr. Lomax? ( A) In his office ( B) At a pharmacy ( C) At a conference ( D) In an emergency room 45 Why did the woman call? ( A) To talk about a medicine ( B) To confirm an appointment

3、 ( C) To enroll in a medical seminar ( D) To request information on a patient 46 What will the man probably do next? ( A) Send a text message ( B) Put all calls on hold ( C) Meet with a doctor ( D) Transfer a call 47 Where are the speakers? ( A) In an electronics store ( B) In a coffee shop ( C) In

4、a museum ( D) In a hotel 48 Why is the man in London? ( A) He is on vacation. ( B) He is buying a house. ( C) He is researching art works. ( D) He is enrolling in a local school. 49 What does the woman give to the man? ( A) An emergency phone number ( B) A floor plan of the building ( C) A schedule

5、for his trip ( D) An audio headset 50 What position are the candidates applying for? ( A) Web designer ( B) Editorial assistant ( C) Financial consultant ( D) Human resources director 51 How many people will be interviewed? ( A) One ( B) Two ( C) Three ( D) Four 52 What does Sheila say about Thursda

6、y? ( A) She will take the day off. ( B) She will arrive late to work. ( C) She will attend an award ceremony. ( D) She will be available for interviewing. 53 Why was the man late to work? ( A) A road was closed. ( B) He got lost while driving. ( C) It rained heavily that morning. ( D) His car broke

7、down. 54 What is the man concerned about? ( A) Traveling in bad weather conditions ( B) Driving in an unknown area ( C) Missing a train to work ( D) Finding a parking space 55 What does the woman offer to do? ( A) Give the man some information ( B) Show the man an alternate road ( C) Drive the man t

8、o work ( D) Update a Web-site 56 What concern does the man mention? ( A) Too many items being placed on a shelf ( B) A shortage of qualified training staff ( C) Computers urgently needing upgrades ( D) Some training talks being on videotape 57 What does the woman offer to do? ( A) Introduce the man

9、to Rose ( B) Show the man a storage location ( C) Make a copy of a training tape ( D) Create a back-up computer file 58 What will the man probably do next? ( A) Write down some information ( B) Visit the research room ( C) Telephone a clerk ( D) Borrow a DVD 59 Where most likely are the speakers? (

10、A) At a conference center ( B) At a university ( C) In a restaurant ( D) In a hotel 60 Why did Mr. Brooks call? ( A) To request a room change ( B) To schedule a meeting ( C) To confirm a reservation ( D) To cancel an event 61 What will the man do next? ( A) Bring a menu ( B) Give out some coupons (

11、C) Print an updated schedule ( D) Explain a discount program 62 What does the man want to do? ( A) Take a vacation ( B) Work a day shift ( C) Attend a seminar ( D) Transfer to another office 63 What will happen in August? ( A) A branch office will open. ( B) Sales results will be announced. ( C) Tra

12、ining sessions will take place. ( D) A delayed business trip will occur. 64 What problem does the woman mention? ( A) Poor summer sales ( B) A shortage of office staff ( C) A lack of new training materials ( D) Too many projects in September 65 What are the speakers discussing? ( A) A cell phone bil

13、l ( B) A company budget ( C) A marketing project ( D) A clients complaint 66 What does the man recommend? ( A) Giving Carl a phone call ( B) Starting a new sales contest ( C) Buying an inexpensive cell phone ( D) Asking coworkers for suggestions 67 What will the man probably do next? ( A) Send an e-

14、mail ( B) Create an agenda ( C) Complete a project ( D) Take a lunch break 68 What are the speakers discussing? ( A) An urgent order ( B) A product launch ( C) A change to a menu ( D) A new facilitys opening 69 What does the woman agree to do? ( A) Sign a contract ( B) Make an extra payment ( C) Sto

15、p a production line ( D) Purchase additional equipment 70 What does the man say he will do immediately? ( A) Visit a production facility ( B) Deliver some merchandise ( C) Order from a different supplier ( D) Resume production at his factory 四、简短文章 71 When is the career fair? ( A) Monday and Tuesday

16、 ( B) Monday and Wednesday ( C) Tuesday and Thursday ( D) Saturday and Sunday 72 According to the announcement, what can participants do at the fair? ( A) Open a booth ( B) Improve their grades ( C) Assist patients ( D) Speak to an interviewer 73 What are medical graduates asked to bring? ( A) Entra

17、nce fee ( B) A resume ( C) Their college diploma ( D) Academic research papers 74 Where can one find the Ice Motel? ( A) In an artists community ( B) In Swedens capital city ( C) Near an airport ( D) In a downtown area 75 What is stated as a feature of the motel? ( A) A place for dancing ( B) A golf

18、 practice center ( C) More than 80 rooms ( D) A museum 76 What are visitors encouraged to do? ( A) Pay by credit card ( B) Bring warm clothing ( C) Limit groups to under 6 persons ( D) Call before arriving 77 What is the announcement mainly about? ( A) An animation company ( B) A holiday celebration

19、 ( C) A programming change ( D) A new television station 78 What will be shown to viewers that evening? ( A) Cartoons ( B) Musicals ( C) A sports event ( D) A documentary 79 What information does the announcer give about the concert? ( A) It can be seen next year. ( B) It will be shown the next nigh

20、t. ( C) It is a special edition. ( D) It stars several celebrities. 80 Who started the magazine Living Tech? ( A) Chemists ( B) Programmers ( C) Politicians ( D) Teachers 81 How successful was the magazine at its peak? ( A) It was used in 3 high schools. ( B) It spread to over 30 countries. ( C) It

21、was used only in New Zealand. ( D) It was strictly used in colleges. 82 According to the announcement, why is the publication being stopped? ( A) Most readers cannot understand the technical language. ( B) There are fewer college graduates these days. ( C) More people are getting information from co

22、mputers. ( D) The cost of paper is rising. 83 Where would this announcement most likely be heard? ( A) At a public meeting ( B) Via a CD ( C) On the radio ( D) On television 84 What information is given about traffic conditions? ( A) There are more traffic jams than usual. ( B) Brookdale Avenue is t

23、he best route available. ( C) An accident is blocking key roads. ( D) It is busy in expected areas. 85 What should drivers do later in the afternoon? ( A) Drive more slowly ( B) Return home ( C) Use an alternate highway ( D) Fill up on gas 86 How long is the above training session? ( A) 1 day ( B) 4

24、 days ( C) 5 days ( D) 1 week 87 Based on the talk above, what is important in making coffee? ( A) Size of the coffee bean ( B) Water quality ( C) Temperature of the cup ( D) Brewing time 88 What will most likely happen next? ( A) A presentation will be given. ( B) An essay will be written. ( C) Tra

25、inees will try several coffees. ( D) The trainees will make coffee. 89 Where has the interviewee worked? ( A) In a car factory ( B) In a warehouse ( C) For a post office ( D) For a hiring agency 90 What job title did the interviewee have after 2 years of experience? ( A) Distribution manager ( B) Pr

26、oduction supervisor ( C) Shipping clerk ( D) Assistant manager 91 Why does the interviewee believe he should get the job? ( A) He knows how to deal with problems. ( B) He is well-liked by employees. ( C) He has a college education. ( D) He enjoys working with others. 92 Who is Sean Yates? ( A) A pub

27、lisher ( B) A lawyer ( C) A book reviewer ( D) A writer 93 What is supposed to happen on May 8th? ( A) A book is to be delivered. ( B) A contract will begin. ( C) A hotel reservation will be made. ( D) A flight will arrive. 94 What does the speaker say about the photographs? ( A) The current ones ar

28、e not suitable. ( B) A few should be enlarged. ( C) Some more may be taken. ( D) Most similar publications tend to include them. 95 Who most likely is the speaker? ( A) A class president ( B) A new student ( C) A school principal ( D) A graduate of the school 96 How many people helped organize the e

29、vent? ( A) 20 ( B) 40 ( C) Fewer than 10 ( D) More than 30 97 What did the speakers sister do? ( A) She rented the location of the event. ( B) She catered the meal. ( C) She contacted the attendees. ( D) She decorated the hall. 98 What is the reason for the message? ( A) To dispute a service ( B) To

30、 express her intension to rent ( C) To speak to a staff member ( D) To return a phone call 99 When is winter parking not allowed? ( A) Between 12 a.m. and 6 a.m. ( B) At all times ( C) After 12 noon ( D) On weekends 100 What does the caller finally suggest? ( A) That a space be cleared ( B) That a s

31、ervice charge be deducted ( C) That special equipment be rented ( D) That an agreement be rewritten 托业(听力)模拟试卷 91答案与解析 一、照片描述 1 【听力原文】 (A)He is holding a map. (B)He is writing on the paper. (C)He is putting up the picture. (D)He is pointing with his finger. 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 男人正站在挂在墙上的地图前指 着什么。所以正确答

32、案是 (D)。男人虽然手里拿着纸,但是不能确定那到底是不是地图,所以 (A)是错误的。 map或paper, picture等词都是为了引起混淆而使用的。 2 【听力原文】 (A)They are changing the tire. (B)They are sitting in traffic. (C)They are getting into their cars. (D)They are in the middle of the street. 2 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析 】 道路中央停着一辆车,在车周围站着一些人。最贴切的说明是 (D)所说的人们在道路中央。而 (A)所说的换轮胎

33、和 (B)所说的因为交通堵塞而坐在车里面,与图片画面相去甚远。因为图片中没有显示往车里进的动作,所以答案 (C)也不是正确答案。 3 【听力原文】 (A)They are going into the house. (B)Some women are carrying purses. (C)One woman is trying on the scarf. (D)They are getting something to eat. 3 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 人们站在路边摊周围。因为并不是走动的样子,所以 (A)所说的 “往房子里走去 ”的说法是错误的。图片中既没有试戴头巾的画面,也没

34、有买食物的动作,所以 (C)和 (D)也都是错误的。正确答案是 (B)所说的 “一些女人背着包 ”。 purse指的是 “女式手提袋 ”。 4 【听力原文】 (A)Bread is on display. (B)The bread is being cut. (C)She is cleaning the window. (D)Cakes are baking in the oven. 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 画面上是玻璃橱窗里陈列着面包的点心店。此题只要听清了display(陈列 ),很容易就能找到答案。 (B)想用 bread设陷阱,而 (C)也是用window设的陷阱。 on

35、display是 “陈列 ”的意思。 5 【听力原文】 (A)A man is eating a burger. (B)The man is cooking in a kitchen. (C)He is putting sauce on the steak. (D)He is holding a knife and fork. 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 选项都是用现在进行时态描述动作的。在这种情况下一定要特别留意动词。在这里使用了 eating, cooking, putting, holding。而适合用来描述图片场景的动词只有 cooking。 6 【听力原文】 (A)Peopl

36、e are looking at pictures. (B)They are sitting in a theater. (C)One person is leaning over the side. (D)One person is climbing up the wall. 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 当不确定图片中的情景到底是什么的时候,就挑选出不能成为正确答案的选项吧。首先,很容易就知道 (A)所说的 “正在看照片 ”和 (B)所说的 “坐在剧场里 ”都不是正确答案。而 (D)所说的正在爬墙也不是正确的说明。最接近正确答案的是 (C)“倚靠在倾斜面上 ”。 lean over是

37、 “倚靠在 ” 的意思。 7 【听力原文】 (A)He is taking out the garbage. (B)The containers are overflowing. (C)There are some bags between the bins. (D)The trash containers do not have tops. 7 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 图片上显示有三个垃圾箱,垃圾箱之间放着一些袋子。因为并没有看到男人,所以选项 (A)是错误的。垃圾箱里的垃圾也都没有溢出来,而且都盖着盖子,所以 (B)、 (D)都是错误答案。正确答案是说垃圾 箱之间有袋子的 (C)。

38、 8 【听力原文】 (A)He is sitting down. (B)He is trying on some shoes. (C)A man is reading to the audience. (D)The man is putting books on a shelf. 8 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 一个男人在貌似书店的地方,坐在椅子上看书。这道题也可以先从挑选与图片内容相去甚远的选项开始,这样很容易就能找到正确答案。 (B)中提到的 “正在试穿鞋 ”和 (C)所 说的 “给听众读书 ”,以及 (D)的 “正在把书放到书架上 ”都与图片上的情景相去甚远。所以正确答案是 (A)“

39、男人在坐着 ”。 9 【听力原文】 (A)She is putting on a helmet. (B)She is reaching into her bag. (C)She is holding onto the bike. (D)The woman is biking up a hill. 9 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 戴着头盔的女人停下自行车站在那里。首先 (A)所描写的是戴头盔的动 作,所以是错误的。 (B)也因为只是背着包而没有把手伸进背包,所以不能成为正确答案。 (D)所说的骑自行车爬坡也与图片内容相去甚远。所以正确答案是(C)。 10 【听力原文】 (A)Some peo

40、ple are fishing. (B)Men are sitting on a dock. (C)They are picking up the rocks. (D)The men are swimming in the sea. 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 有几个男人在钓鱼。在这种情况下, 只要听清了动词就能轻松找到正确答案。在 fishing, sitting, picking, swimming中准确表现男人动作的是fishing。因此正确答案是 (A)。 二、应答问题 11 【听力原文】 Who do you think will be promoted this year

41、? (A)The sale already ended. (B)No, I got promoted last year. (C)Sam might move up to manager. 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 在对由 who开头的疑问句进行回答时,主语应该是表示人的词。而在回答有疑问词的疑问句时,不可以用 yes或 no。所以 (B)就要从答案中排除掉。动词 promote还能以 “促进销售 ”的意思来使用,所以有可能会错将 (A)选为正确答案。如果知道 (C)中的 move up与 be promoted的意思是一样的,就容易找出答案了。 12 【听力原文】 How lon

42、g does it take to process an order? (A)Since June, I believe. (B)Usually 3 working days. (C)I just press the “control“ key. 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 在回答以 How long开头的疑问句时,要提到一段时间。 (A)是答非所问的选项, (C)可用来回答与电脑有关的问题,所以都不能成为正确答案。 13 【听力原文】 When will they start screening the applications? (A)Because the monitor wa

43、s broken. (B)Ill apply again if they do. (C)Next week, I heard. 13 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 当问句是以 when开头的时候,要用表示时间的词进行回答。 (A)用来回答以 why开头的问句。 (B)是利用 application的动词形式 apply设下的陷阱。所以正确答案是 (C)。 14 【听力原文】 Why dont we have lunch at that new seafood restaurant? (A)Great. How was it? (B)Thats a good idea. (C)Grilled

44、dishes, mostly. 14 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 以 why dont开头的疑问句通常表示劝说。在听过对方说明之后,可以用 (A)来应答。 (C)用来回答 “主要吃些什么 ”等问题。所以 (B)最适合成为正确答案。 15 【听力原文】 Who will take your place for the keynote speech? (A)I will. (B)The room was too small. (C)I believe Ron is supposed to. 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 因为是以 who开头的问句,所以回答的时候主语必须是人。只要知道

45、take ones place(代替 )的意思就能确定正确答案。如果没有听清句子的整体内容而错将 place理解成 “地方 ”的话,有可能会误选 (B)。所以正确答案应该是(C)“我认为是罗恩 ”。 16 【听力原文】 Is the supply room on the left side? (A)Yes, next to the copier. (B)There should be some left. (C)No, were out of space. 16 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 (A)更适合回答与位置有关的问题。 (B)是通过把题干中的形容词left(左边的 )用作过去分词 l

46、eft(剩余 )而设下的陷阱。 17 【听力原文】 Did you get a chance to read Toms sales report? (A)No, Ive never led a seminar before. (B)Yes, and I think its excellent. (C)II prefer TV news, actually. 17 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 因为是一般疑问句,所以用 Yes No来进行回答的 (A)和 (B)都有可能成为答案。但是 (A)有与题干内容不相干的 seminar,所以不能当做正确答案。(C)是陷阱,想让人把题干中的 report

47、当做是 “报道 ”,进而联想到 TV news而造成混乱。 18 【听力原文】 Lets change seats. (A)I hope they can exchange them. (B)Great. Id rather sit closer to the front. (C)Theyve already been renovated. 18 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 要对换座提议进行正确回应。 (A)不适合用来回应提议,主语 they也表述得不是很明确。 (B)在对提议表示赞成的同时又提出了自己的意见,所以是正确的答案。而 (C)则是答非所问。 19 【听力原文】 Would yo

48、u mind if I turn up the volume? (A)If its just a little bit, I dont mind. (B)Shouldnt we drive straight? (C)Our sales volume is strong, actually. 19 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 问的是可不可以开大电视机或收音机的音量。在回答以 Do you mind或是 Would youmind开头的问题时,要想表示没关系的话,就要说 (No)I dont mind 。 (A)是 I dontmind, if its 的倒装句,因此可以将其视做正 确答案。

49、(B)可以用来回答与驾驶有关的问题,所以不是正确答案,而 (C)中的 volume是以 “量,分量 ”的意思来使用的。 20 【听力原文】 Where did you say you want to go for vacation? (A)July or August, I hope. (B)I went there last year. (C)Preferably to the beach. 20 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 因为这是用 where来提问的,所以回答时要有表示场所的词。 (A)说的不是场所而是时间, (B)是用来回答 “什么时候来过 ”等问题的。因此,提到 “想去海边 ”的 (C)是正确答案。 21 【听力原文】 You often work overtime these days, dont you? (A)Yes, I have a report due. (B)Its definitely a good offer. (C)They might have some time. 21 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 只有 (A)是与加班有关的内容。题干与提议没有任何关系 ,所以 (B)不能成为正确答案。 (C)的主语 they是不恰当的,而且题干并没有问有没有时间。 22 【听力原文】 Can y


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