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1、托业(听力)模拟试卷 9及答案与解析 一、照片描述 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 二、应答问题 三、简短对话 41 What are they buying for their parents? ( A) DVD player ( B) Blow dryer ( C) Washing machine ( D) Hot cake 42 Why does Sally need the machine? ( A) Her blower is not good. ( B) Hers is broken. ( C) It is very old. ( D) She doesn t have

2、one. 43 How would the man pay for his purchase? ( A) By check ( B) In cash ( C) By charge ( D) By money order 44 What does the woman say about her work? ( A) It s boring. ( B) It s challenging. ( C) It requires many travels. ( D) If s well-paid. 45 How long has the woman been working at this job? (

3、A) One month ( B) Two months ( C) Three months ( D) Four months 46 What will the woman do in March? ( A) Go to a business trip ( B) Take a vacation ( C) Visit her sister ( D) Change her job 47 What are the speakers discussing? ( A) Guidelines for a budget report ( B) Preparation for the trip ( C) An

4、 invitation to lunch ( D) A review of the new restaurant 48 Why does the woman say she is unavailable? ( A) She has to wait for a telephone call. ( B) She has to complete some reports. ( C) She has to review her colleague s presentation. ( D) She has to be in a meeting. 49 What will the man do this

5、evening? ( A) Go on a business trip ( B) Have a dinner with his friend ( C) Plan a party ( D) Confirm an appointment 50 What are they doing? ( A) Support ( B) Praise ( C) Complain ( D) Negotiate 51 Why is the man glad? ( A) Because his budget is tight ( B) Because they could sign the contract ( C) B

6、ecause he could buy goods in bulk ( D) Because his company did well this year 52 What did the man promise to do? ( A) He will place many orders every year. ( B) He will invest in the woman s company. ( C) He will put in his best effort. ( D) He will win another contract. 53 What are the speakers dis

7、cussing? ( A) The delivery ( B) The meeting ( C) The signs ( D) The workload 54 When does the man offer to return? ( A) In an hour ( B) In one and a half hour ( C) In two hours ( D) Tomorrow 55 Where is Ms. Martino? ( A) At a restaurant ( B) In the meeting room ( C) At a post office ( D) At her home

8、 56 Where is the man going? ( A) The sales department ( B) To meet Anna ( C) Business trip ( D) Main office 57 What time is the appointment with Natalie? ( A) Two o clock ( B) A quarter after 2 ( C) Five o clock ( D) A quarter to 5 58 What does the man have to do before he meets Susan? ( A) Conduct

9、a marketing survey ( B) Make an inventory ( C) Break an appointment with a client ( D) Stock the supply room 59 What kinds of dressing is the man going to have today? ( A) French ( B) Thousand Island ( C) Italian ( D) Honey mustard 60 What does the woman want today? ( A) Steak with wine ( B) Spaghet

10、ti ( C) Vegetable soup ( D) Clam chowder soup 61 What is the woman probably going to do next? ( A) Ask if the spaghetti tastes good ( B) Ask to recommend some dishes ( C) Ask to bring her the menu for the drinks ( D) Ask to take their order 62 What does the woman want to do? ( A) Cancel her reservat

11、ion ( B) Reschedule her plan ( C) Make a reservation ( D) Get a plane ticket 63 Where does the man work? ( A) At a restaurant ( B) At a airport ( C) At a hotel ( D) At a travel agency 64 What is the woman going to do? ( A) She will cancel only for tomorrow. ( B) She will cancel everything. ( C) She

12、will pay a 15% charge for tomorrow. ( D) She will pay an extra charge for room service. 65 What did the man want last year? ( A) University ( B) Promotion ( C) Graduation ( D) Seminar 66 What is the man complaining about? ( A) He doesn t have work. ( B) He doesnt have spare time. ( C) His friends do

13、nt spend time with him. ( D) He doesnt have money. 67 What does the woman do? ( A) Housewife ( B) Counselor ( C) Student ( D) Teacher 68 What time is the man going to be there? ( A) Around 6:30 ( B) Around 7:00 ( C) Around 7:30 ( D) Around 8:00 69 What does the man have to bring to the party? ( A) B

14、eer ( B) Pie ( C) Fruit ( D) Bread 70 What is true about the party? ( A) He should have a partner to go to the party. ( B) He can wear anything he wants. ( C) It is a costume party. ( D) The party is on Friday night. 四、简短文章 71 What is the purpose of this talk? ( A) To inform workers that they will b

15、e interviewed ( B) To offer staff a pay raise ( C) To announce a round of layoffs ( D) To discuss a vacation schedule 72 Who is responsible for the interviews? ( A) A panel of vice presidents ( B) The security manager ( C) The human resources manager ( D) The director of sales 73 Why are the intervi

16、ews being conducted? ( A) Because there is a job opening ( B) To give workers a progress report ( C) To offer office staff bonuses ( D) Because of missing office equipment 74 What is the purpose of this message? ( A) To confirm travel arrangements ( B) To renew an employment contract ( C) To request

17、 a business presentation ( D) To organize a job interview 75 What is Mr. Stein s job? ( A) Salesman ( B) Trainer ( C) Executive ( D) Office worker 76 What will Mr. Stein probably do next? ( A) Call Mr. Briggs ( B) Send a letter to Mr. Briggs ( C) Meet with Mr. Briggs ( D) Book a flight 77 Where is t

18、he John Street Bistro located? ( A) Near a shopping mall ( B) Near a fire station ( C) Near a school ( D) Near a post office 78 What are the restaurant s business hours? ( A) 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. ( B) 6 a. m. to 10 p. m. ( C) 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. ( D) Open all hours 79 What is the restaurant s special

19、ty food in May? ( A) Pizza ( B) Beef ( C) Sandwich ( D) Soup 80 Who is the announcement intended for? ( A) Travel agents ( B) Ferry passengers ( C) Airline passengers ( D) Sports enthusiasts 81 What is the subject of the announcement? ( A) Ship sailings ( B) Airline tickets ( C) Hotel reservations (

20、 D) Loitering in the terminal 82 What is the announcer s suggestion? ( A) To stay in the terminal ( B) To refund the tickets ( C) To wait for the weather to clear ( D) To take a flight 83 What is the main topic of this news report? ( A) A property shortage ( B) A new factory ( C) A new product ( D)

21、Employment opportunities 84 When will construction start? ( A) This year ( B) Next month ( C) Next year ( D) Next week 85 What industry is the company in? ( A) Construction ( B) Hi-tech ( C) Automotive ( D) Computer 86 What is being advertised? ( A) Beginner golf clubs ( B) A golf class ( C) Job ope

22、nings ( D) A new golf course 87 Who is this advertisement targeting at? ( A) Golf professionals ( B) University graduates ( C) Golf beginners ( D) Business people 88 How can interested people get more information? ( A) By visiting a store ( B) By visiting a website ( C) By calling the school ( D) By

23、 writing a letter 89 What is the speaker talking about? ( A) The City Gardens ( B) A sculpture gallery ( C) The clanger of destruction ( D) City buildings 90 Why was the building constructed? ( A) To house sculptures ( B) To house paintings ( C) As a museum ( D) As an art school 91 How many pieces o

24、f artwork are in the building? ( A) 50 ( B) 150 ( C) 200 ( D) 250 92 What is the subject of this message? ( A) To inform of an order cancellation ( B) To notify of an order being shipped ( C) To offer a discount on parts ( D) To inform that an order has been delayed 93 What can we infer is the sort

25、of work Mr. Jones does? ( A) Car mechanic ( B) Doctor ( C) Construction ( D) Plumber 94 What will happen if the matter is not resolved? ( A) The order will be returned. ( B) Mr. Jones will reorder. ( C) Court action will follow. ( D) Shipping costs will increase. 95 What kind of work needs to done?

26、( A) Electrical ( B) Structural ( C) Garden ( D) Plumbing 96 When will the work commence? ( A) On Monday ( B) On Tuesday ( C) On Wednesday ( D) On Thursday 97 What are workers asked to do? ( A) Work different places ( B) Take a vacation ( C) Continue as normal ( D) Contact a plumber 98 What is displ

27、ayed in the exhibition? ( A) Paintings ( B) Weapons ( C) Furniture ( D) Coins 99 Which of the following countries is not featured in the exhibition? ( A) India ( B) China ( C) Korea ( D) Japan 100 What did the East-West do for the exhibit? ( A) Ship the products to the city ( B) Find someone to expl

28、ain the show ( C) Pay for the products ( D) Print guidebooks 托业(听力)模拟试卷 9答案与解析 一、照片描述 1 【听力原文】 (A) The woman is carrying a bag. (B) The man is gesturing as he speaks. (C) They are watching a movie. (D) They are having a conversation. 1 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 首先要观察两人的共同动作,然后再分别观察每个人的特征。 2 【听力原文】 (A) The man

29、 is posing for a picture. (B) The man is taping the scenery. (C) The man is standing in a train station. (D) The man is mowing the lawn. 2 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 虽然在背景中可以看到火车。但是因为是单人图片。所以首先要把注意力集中在图片中的男子身上。 3 【听力原文】 (A) They are in the middle of a discussion. (B) They are applauding the orchestra. (C) They

30、 are standing next to each other. (D) They are watching a parade on the street. 3 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 (A)in the middle不光可以表示地理上的位置,表达某件事在进行中时也可以使用。 (C)表示并排站立的状态时要使用 next to each other, side by side这样的词,除此之外还要熟悉鼓掌 (applaud, clap),演出 (perform),观众(audience)等与演出有关的词语。 4 【听力原文】 (A) The woman is doing two thi

31、ngs at once. (B) The woman is wearing a suit and glasses. (C) A man is sitting next to the woman. (D) The woman is drinking a cup of coffee. 4 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 看到图片后应该就预想到考点可能是中心人物女子的动作或服装。 5 【听力原文】 (A) The woman is opening her purse. (B) The woman is stacking goods on the shelf. (C) The woman is pul

32、ling a cart. (D) The woman is checking out of the store. 5 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 看到在超市结账的场面。最好先在脑海中浮现与图片中的内容相关的词汇。 6 【听力原文】 (A) The woman standing is playing a cassette player. (B) The woman is pointing at the whiteboard. (C) The woman is giving a presentation. (D) They are concentrating on their studies.

33、 6 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 发表演说的图片是代表性的题目类型。要熟悉表示 “发表 ”意思的多种动词。 7 【听力原文】 (A) She is strolling in the park. (B) She is shoveling the snow on the road. (C) There are trees at the bottom of the hill. (D) She is raking the leaves on the street. 7 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 (A)stroll是在散步场面中经常出现的动词。 (B)很贴切地描述了正在用铁锹铲雪的动作。用 d

34、ig(挖 )替代 shove(铲 ), “She is digging the snow on the road ”也是很常见的表达同样意思的句子。 (C)有 可能只听到 There are trees就误认为这是正确答案,一定要养成把后面的副词短语听完的习惯。 (D)如果用动词 is raking描述,要在图片中看到耙子 (rake)才可以。 8 【听力原文】 (A) The building has ten stories. (B) Flowers are in bloom near the building. (C) The statue is taller than the build

35、ing. (D) The windows are arranged symmetrically. 8 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 对于没有确切的中心的图片,应该练习快速地观察各个事物的状态,脑海中浮现相关的英语词汇。 9 【听力原文】 (A) The train has stopped at the station. (B) The conductor is checking the passengers. (C) Many people are waiting for the train on the platform. (D) The train is pulling out of t

36、he station. 9 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 (B)究竟是 conductor还是 passenger根本无法区分。 (C)一听到主语 (Many people)就可以确定是错误选项。 (D)如果不知道 pull out of的意思,只听到 train和 station这两个词,很容易选错。 10 【听力原文】 (A) The area is under construction. (B) The buildings look exactly the same. (C) The fence is being put around the site. (D) All the peo

37、ple are wearing safety hats. 10 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 be under construction是描述施工图片时最经常用到的核心短语。 二、应答问题 11 【听力原文】 When is your brother coming into town? (A) Tonight. (B) Its a beautiful town. (C) Ive met him. 11 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 询问到达时间的 when疑问句 回答时间副词 12 【听力原文】 Is your company planning to expand their market

38、? (A) Yes, we are opening a new store in China. (B) I dont think they re expecting us. (C) At 6:00 at the market. 12 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 使用 be动词的 yes no疑问句 肯定回答后再附加说明 13 【听力原文】 Why did Matilda leave so early? (A) She had a dentist s appointment. (B) I have to leave in 10 minutes. (C) She is very punctua

39、l. 13 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 询问过去行为原因的 why疑问句 回答具体原因 14 【听力原文】 How long can I have this copy? (A) That s over a 500-page book. (B) Have this coffee, please. (C) For 10 days. 14 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 询问时间长度的 how long疑问句 回答 “for+时间名词 ” 15 【听力原文】 Can I borrow your calculator? (A) Yes, you are. (B) I think this is w

40、rong. (C) Help yourself. 15 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 Can I?( 我可以 ?) 请求疑问句 允许的回答 16 【听力原文】 How does ordering a pizza for lunch sound? (A) The mailman didn t come yesterday. (B) That was really delicious. (C) Actually, I brought my lunch today. 16 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 How doessound? 做 怎么样 ?)提议疑问句 间接回答 17 【听力原文】 Are

41、 you taking a bus, or shall I give you a ride home? (A) Ron is supposed to take me home. (B) Right. Take care of yourself. (C) At this bus station. 17 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 “句子 or句子 ”选择 疑问句 回答第 3种选择 18 【听力原文】 You worked overtime a few days last week, didn t you? (A) I II manage it later. (B) This proposal

42、 is two days overdue. (C) Every day, in fact. 18 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 确认有几天加班的反意疑问句 回答不是几天,而是每天 19 【听力原文】 What is the fastest way to get to the airport? (A) Im leaving for Rome. (B) Why dont you take an airport shuttle? (C) Yes, the flight will be faster. 19 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 询问手段方法的疑问句 回答看交通信息 20 【听力原文】 W

43、asnt this bag more expensive yesterday? (A) Yes, the prices are going up. (B) 1 prefer small bags. (C) The price was just marked down. 20 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 过去时否定疑问句 省略 yes的回答并且说明详细信息 21 【听力原文】 How long have you been working for JCR? (A) Since 1994. (B) Until the end of this week. (C) I work out every

44、other day. 21 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 询问多久的 how long疑问句 用 since“从 以来 ”回答 22 【听力原文】 You told me that you would be here by 3. (A) I couldn t hear what they were saying. (B) Im sorry. I was stuck in a traffic jam. (C) Just a little. 22 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 间接询问迟到的理由的陈述 句 道歉后说迟到理由 23 【听力原文】 Should I fill out this fo

45、rm for you? (A) That will be a big help. (B) No, Im full. (C) Yes, she submitted it yesterday. 23 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 Should I?( 我要做 吗 ?)yes no疑问句 肯定回答 24 【听力原文】 Have you considered applying for the opening in Brazil? (A) Im still discussing it with my wife. (B) Apply that cream every morning and night.

46、 (C) Brazil is famous for coffee. 24 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 Have you?( 你曾经做过 吗 ?)现在完成时疑问句 有保留的回答 25 【听力原文】 We really need to buy a computer desk, dont we? (A) I cant afford to buy a new computer. (B) Well, this one is still good enough. (C) I put a disk on your desk. 25 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 征求购买东西的反意疑问句 拒绝意思的回答

47、 26 【听力原文】 Excuse me. Im looking for Mr. Wang. (A) Do you know which department he works in? (B) That book is on the right shelf. (C) He found that last night. 26 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 请求找人的陈述句 询问要找的人所在的部门 27 【听力原文】 When will Sue be returning from her trip? (A) I believe sometime next week. (B) From Tokyo

48、 to Seoul. (C) She left in May. 27 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 询问未来时间的 when疑问句 回答未来时间点 28 【听力原文】 Why cant we go to the island today? (A) Because they were isolated that time. (B) We are expecting heavy rain today. (C) That s why we couldn t get there on time. 28 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 询问不能做的理由的 why疑问句 回答因为 “有雨 ”的具体理由

49、29 【听力原文】 Isn t her flight delayed one hour? (A) That s what I heard. (B) One hour ago. (C) I dont like flying. 29 【正确答案】 A 【试题解析】 确认是否是事实的 Isnt否定疑问句 同意意思的回答 30 【听力原文】 Would you like an appointment today or tomorrow? (A) Yes, I d like to see you. (B) She s just been appointed. (C) I cant make it today. 30 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 A or B选择疑问句 选择 B 31 【听力原文】 Which reference do you recommend? (A) I think this one is the best. (B) Ill buy them. (C) Oh, I didn t recognize that memo. 3


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