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1、托业(听力)简短对话练习试卷 14及答案与解析 一、简短对话 1 Where will they most likely meet? ( A) In the mans office. ( B) In the building lobby. ( C) In a coffee shop. ( D) At the womans house. 2 Why is the woman changing their meeting place? ( A) The original place is too far from the womans office. ( B) They will likely b

2、e distracted. ( C) The office is closed today. ( D) Her boss wants to meet somewhere else. 3 Why will the womans manager attend the meeting? ( A) To put his signature on the contract. ( B) To satisfy some of his curiosity. ( C) To provide information to the man. ( D) To learn about the contract. 4 W

3、hy didnt the man attend the picnic? ( A) He didnt enjoy the previous one. ( B) He thought it was going to rain. ( C) He had some other weekend plans. ( D) He wanted to stay home instead of going out. 5 How did the woman feel about the man not attending the picnic? ( A) She was upset. ( B) She was pl

4、eased. ( C) She was surprised. ( D) She was confused. 6 What was the weather like at the picnic? ( A) It was sunny. ( B) It rained. ( C) It was cloudy. ( D) It was overcast. 7 Why does the man need some new suits? ( A) He will wear them to an upcoming conference. ( B) He just got a new job. ( C) He

5、was given a promotion. ( D) Hes got a job interview. 8 What does the woman think of the mans choice of clothes? ( A) He doesnt know much about fashion. ( B) He has good fashion sense. ( C) He doesnt need any fashion tips. ( D) He should spend more money on his clothes. 9 Which article of clothing th

6、e man bought did the woman comment on? ( A) A suit. ( B) A shirt. ( C) A necktie. ( D) Shoes. 10 Who is the woman? ( A) A waitress. ( B) A farmer. ( C) A chef. ( D) A homemaker. 11 What is the man considering doing at a later time? ( A) Taking a break. ( B) Applying for a job. ( C) Placing another o

7、rder. ( D) Making a special dish. 12 What does the woman suggest the man do? ( A) Pay for his meal using a credit card. ( B) Have the special of the day. ( C) Try one of their dessert menus. ( D) Tell his friends about the place. 13 Where will the woman look for a gift? ( A) At the hotel. ( B) At th

8、e department store. ( C) At the airport. ( D) At the arts and crafts store. 14 What does the man do? ( A) A construction worker. ( B) Travel agency. ( C) Hotel employee. ( D) Artist. 15 Why is the gift store in the hotel closed at the moment? ( A) It needs renovating. ( B) It is not working hours. (

9、 C) It is preparing to move to the airport. ( D) It has run out of arts and crafts. 托业(听力)简短对话练习试卷 14答案与解析 一、简短对话 1 【听力原文】 M: Ill stop by your office around 11 this morning with the contract. Is that okay with you? W: Actually, why dont we just meet at the front lobby and go to a coffee shop near my

10、 office? Our office floor is being renovated, so we wont be able to talk about anything with all the noise around here. M: All right, that sounds fine. Why dont I give you a shout when I get near there then? W: That would be fine. Ill be waiting for your call soon. Oh, by the way, would it be okay i

11、f my manager sits in on the meeting? He is very interested in the deal, and he wants to ask you some questions that I cant answer. 1 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 简短对话 2 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 简短对话 3 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 简短对话 4 【听力原文】 W: I didnt see you at the company picnic last weekend. You had such a good time at the last

12、 one, so I was surprised when you didnt show up for this one. M: I had planned to go, but when I got up in the morning, it looked like it was going to rain, so I decided to stay home instead. W: It looked like rain? Are you sure about that? It was sunny all day long at the picnic site. M: When I wok

13、e up in the morning, it was really cloudy and overcast, so I just went back to bed. I suppose that the weather cleared up later on in the day. 4 【正确答案】 B 【知识模块】 简短对话 5 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 简短对话 6 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 简短对话 7 【听力原文】 M: I need to buy a couple of suits now that I just got promoted. Would you mind

14、 going shopping with me to help me pick out something stylish? W: Of course I can go with you. You definitely need someone to give you fashion tips. I remember that horrible plaid tie you bought just a couple of weeks ago. M: Thats why Im asking you for some assistance. I thought that tie looked gre

15、at, but apparently no one else shared my feelings. W: Dont worry. Ill help you pick out some good clothes this time. 7 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 简短对话 8 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 简短对话 9 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 简短对话 10 【听力原文】 M: A friend of mine said that your special of the day meals are good here. Could you tell me what that i

16、s today? W: Of course, sir. Today, we are serving our famous meatloaf. It comes with a choice of potatoes or mixed vegetables for the low price of $6.99. M: All right, Ill have that with potatoes, please. Id also like a cola. Ill consider ordering dessert after I am finished with my meal. W: All rig

17、ht, and if you are going to get something, be sure to try our homemade apple pie. It is really good. I think youll be thanking me after youve tried it. Anyway, Ill be right back with your meal and drink in a short while. 10 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 简短对话 11 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 简短对话 12 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 简短对话 13 【听力原

18、文】 W: Is there a gift shop in this hotel? I dont have time to go to the department store before my flight takes off. M: I am sorry. The shop is currently closed due to renovation. There is a very good one at the airport. W: Okay! Ill try that. I hope they have local arts and crafts. My husband likes those kinds of things. M: You can find them there. 13 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 简短对话 14 【正确答案】 C 【知识模块】 简短对话 15 【正确答案】 A 【知识模块】 简短对话


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