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1、托福(作文)模拟试卷 29及答案与解析 Writing Based on Knowledge and Experience 1 The government has announced that it plans to build a new university. Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in you

2、r community. Use specific details in your discussion. 2 Some people think that the family is the most important influence on young adults. Other people think that friends are the most important influence on young adults. Which view do you agree with? Use examples to support your position. 3 Some peo

3、ple prefer to plan activities for their free time very carefully. Others choose not to make any plans at all for their free time. Compare the benefits of planning free-time activities with the benefits of not making plans. Which do you prefer planning or not planning for your leisure time? Use speci

4、fic reasons and examples to explain your choice. 4 People learn in different ways. Some people learn by doing things; other people learn by reading about things; others learn by listening to people talk about things. Which of these methods of learning is best for you? Use specific examples to suppor

5、t your choice. 托福(作文)模拟试卷 29答案与解析 Writing Based on Knowledge and Experience 1 【正确答案】 Compare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community The building of a new university is exciting in any city. Picking the right community is very important, and there are a nu

6、mber of things to consider when making such a decision. I currently live in the Dongzhimen area of Beijing, so I will be discussing the advantages and disadvantages of building a university in this community. There are many advantages of building a university in the Dongzhimen area. First, Dongzhime

7、n is located in the center of the Beijing metropolis. Students will have no trouble finding anything they need to further their studies, for example, food, stationary supplies, and other basic daily necessities. This is very important, because any time one spends hunting for needed items or travelin

8、g to get them is time spent away from study. Second, there are also a number of excellent restaurants in the area, offering good, hearty meals at a nominal price. As many students do not have the time to make their own meals, this is an excellent reason to build a university in this area. There are

9、also negative points of building a university in the Dongzhimen area. First, it is important to note that the infamous Sanlitun “Bar Street“ is within walking distance from Dongzhimen. While one would like to believe that students would be able to resist the urge of going to the bars every night, it

10、 could be a draw for some. This would, of course, lower grade point averages and be a major hindrance. Second, the housing situation in this area is more expensive than many other communities in the city. As many students are living on limited budgets, it might be difficult to find adequate housing.

11、 Finally, the last drawback of building a university in the Dongzhimen area is the traffic. As the community is right downtown, there is a constant flow of cars and tracks. With all of the street noise, the students could be distracted from their studies. Overall, I think that Dongzhimen would not b

12、e a good choice for a university. There are too many distractions close by. While it is an excellent area to live in, there are too many negatives of having the university in this area. 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 Which is the most important influence on young adults, family or friends? While some people bel

13、ieve that family have the biggest influence on a young adults life, I maintain that it is friends, and not the family, that hold this influence to a larger extent. First of all, young adults usually spend more time with their friends. When a person graduates from being a teenager and becomes a young

14、 adult, many things change in his/her life. This person will likely leave his/her family home and go to university. University life is very different from home life. One will no longer be spending a lot of time with family, and instead, will usually fill his free time chatting with friends. These fr

15、iends are, therefore, in a much better position to influence the young adult. Moreover, friends will usually have a better perspective on ones life than family. Because the young adult is spending so much time with friends, it is likely that the two friends will have similar perspectives on life, as

16、 they are going through the same situations together. Because of this, a friend can have a better understanding of ones life than a family member. A young adult will probably hold his/her friends influence as more important than his familys, because the two friends think alike. Finally, friends usua

17、lly have a better sense of how the world works based on todays standards. Therefore, young adults are more likely to allow themselves to be influenced by their friends than their family because they see their friends as having a more modern view of how the world works. Many young people in todays so

18、ciety see their parents as too traditional and stuck in their ways. A persons friends, on the other hand, are much savvier to contemporary issues. Because of this, young adults will likely think their friends advice or influence has more value than their parents. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Planning or not p

19、lanning for your leisure time? Some people find it to be a better use of their free time if they plan out all of their activities very carefully. Others enjoy their free time more if they do not make any plans at all. I agree with those in the latter group, and would prefer not to be restricted to a

20、 schedule. Above most things, I enjoy living my life spontaneously. If I decide that I want to go away for the weekend, assuming I have money and can take time off work, I will go. I am able to live my life in this manner because I never bind myself to carefully planned schedules. I make the most ou

21、t of every situation I come across and always enjoy myself. Because of this, there is no need for a schedule. It is much more fun to just wait and see what will happen next, after all, it is a free time. I always enjoy the freedom of an unplanned afternoon. If I need to get errands done, I will find

22、 time for them. If I have free time, I want to enjoy it. I do not want to be trying to finish things quickly just because there is somewhere else that might be interesting on my list of things to do. If I am at a park and am really enjoying myself, there is no reason why I should leave, even if ther

23、e is something else to do on my list that sounds interesting. I believe in living in the moment. What I am doing at the present moment is more important than anything I might do in the future. If, on a rare occasion, I do make a schedule, I find that it quickly runs off track. Perhaps I am just part

24、icularly bad at keeping to a schedule, but I find that some things take longer to do than I expected they would, and other things are finished in much shorter a time than expected. This quickly makes even the best schedule go awry. 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 What method of learning is best for you? There ar

25、e many different methods that people use for learning. Some people learn with hands-on experience, others learn by reading, and still others learn by listening to discussions of other people. It is generally believed that learning is a subjective process, and it is important to discover the ways in

26、which one learns best. I find that personally, learning by doing things is the best way. First, I find that the hands-on method is right for me because I am a very visual learner. If I can see what is happening, I have a much easier time understanding it. Reading a book does not give me this ease. W

27、hen I read a book in order to gain knowledge, particularly technical one, I sometimes have trouble visualizing exactly what is being explained. However, when I actually see the process happening, it is much easier for me to understand. I also use a visual method when I am studying English. For examp

28、le, if I am working on new vocabulary, I will write the words down, and then draw pictures of the words to remind myself of the meaning. Going through the process of drawing the pictures greatly increases my ability to memorize any type of information. When a picture is too simple to be enough or is

29、 hard to draw, I will close my eye and draw a mental picture that serves more helpful. It seems as though most businesses prefer people to have this hands-on experience as well. It is rare to find a good job that does not require applicants to have spent a certain amount of time doing a similar type

30、 of work in the past. By having this past experience, it shows that they have learnt to do a particular task well, and that they have practical knowledge of the job. In conclusion, I think that hands-on learning is best for me, and beneficial for my future. As stated above, however, everyone learns in a different style, and it is important to find the most efficient method for themselves. 【知识模块】 作文


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