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1、托福(作文)模拟试卷 33及答案与解析 Writing Based on Knowledge and Experience 1 A university plans to develop a new research center in your country. Some people want a center for business research. Other people want a center for research in agriculture (farming). Which of these two kinds of research centers do you

2、recommend for your country? Use specific reasons in your recommendation. 2 Some young children spend a great amount of their time practicing sports. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 3 Do you agree or disagree with the followi

3、ng statement? Only people who earn a lot of money are successful. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 4 If you could invent something new, what product would you develop? Use specific details to explain why this invention is needed. 托福(作文)模拟试卷 33答案与解析 Writing Based on Knowledge

4、 and Experience 1 【正确答案】 A center for business research or for research in agriculture? China is currently one of the fastest growing economies in the world. A new research center, whether business or agriculturally based, would be beneficial for both our country and the rest of the world. When cons

5、idering if it would be more valuable to build a business center or an agricultural center, one must realize that both fields of research work hand in hand with each other to develop and expand a countrys economy. In a bustling economy like Chinas, either research center would have great value. There

6、 is no doubt that a countrys economy is strongly influenced by its ability to not only feed its own people, but also to export agricultural products to other countries. In this sense, an agricultural research center would help further development in Chinas sustainability and further the country on a

7、 global scale. An agricultural research center would also be a great idea in China, as our country already has excellent agricultural techniques. By having this type of research center in China, the worlds knowledge on this important field would grow exponentially. Agriculture also has the ability t

8、o employ a large percentage of the population, and through agricultural research, these peoples efforts could be used in a more efficient manner. A business research center would also be an excellent idea in China. As China becomes more and more prone to the power of globalization, a business resear

9、ch center would allow China to not only keep up with the business-minded West, but also, this type of center could possibly allow our country to surpass the West in new business ideas. China has the largest population in the world, and therefore, the business industry is bound to grow at an alarming

10、ly fast rate. In conclusion, I believe that either of these centers would be beneficial to our country. Perhaps the best solution would be to raise funds for both of the centers, and allow the two centers to work together to build a better China. 【知识模块】 作文 2 【正确答案】 The advantages and disadvantages o

11、r young children spending much time practicing sports It is a common activity not only in China, but across the world, for young children to spend copious amounts of time playing and practicing sports. There is much discussion as to whether this is a beneficial way for young people to spend their ti

12、me. In order to decide, we must consider the advantages and disadvantages. There are many advantages to children spending their time playing sports. First, children will be stronger and healthier because they are getting exercise. This not only has the immediate effects of being healthy children, bu

13、t also affects their health later in life, as they will develop good habits for taking care of their physical shape and their health. Second, exercise is known to be an excellent appetite and weight controller. In recent years, with the further development of China, many young people are becoming ov

14、erweight. Playing sports in ones childhood could definitely help this situation. Finally, sports are excellent social activities. If one plays sports early in life, he will learn about teamwork, perseverance, and goal setting. All of these lessons will help one to become a happier, better adjusted a

15、dult. There are also a few disadvantages to children spending time playing sports. For example, playing sports detracts from study time, which is very important. If children are playing sports so often that they cannot concentrate on their studies, they should definitely stop. Another disadvantage i

16、s that sports can sometimes be dangerous, causing life-long injuries to a person that is not careful. Finally, some people believe that sports are overly competitive, and push children too hard at a young age. It is possible that children would lose self-confidence and self-esteem if they constantly

17、 lost at sports. Sometimes, it is the parents that push the children too hard at sports, causing an unwillingness to participate due to a lack of enjoyment. Overall, I think that sports are beneficial to a young persons life. They offer valuable skills that will be useful throughout ones entire life

18、. As long as one is careful and does not overdo it, sports are an excellent idea for all young children. 【知识模块】 作文 3 【正确答案】 Only people who earn a lot of money are successful? China is host to over one billion people. While the majority of Chinas population is not rich; in fact, it is a very small p

19、ercentage of people who hold the status of being wealthy. Does this mean that the vast majority of Chinese people are unsuccessful? The answer to this is irrefutably “no“. There are many measures of success, and money is one of them. However, money is far from the main measure of success. To prove t

20、his point, one need only consider the possibility that a man could be wealthy beyond belief, but not consider himself successful. Perhaps he inherited his money, and has done nothing of value in his life. Perhaps he earned the money through ill means. Whatever the situation, it is more than possible

21、 that a rich man could be considered unsuccessful, either by himself, or by others. Many people believe that the main measure of success is happiness, rather than material goods. Without happiness, even a person with money, status and children would not be successful. However, a low paid schoolteach

22、er might think he/she was very successful if he/she succeeded in getting children to learn their material well. Or perhaps a housewife, who makes no money of her own, would feel successful if she raised a healthy, well-adjusted child and kept her home looking wonderful. It is also important to look

23、at the difference between self-perceived success and ones success in the eyes of another person. Perhaps the outside world views a man as unsuccessful if he does not have a lot of money, but he views himself as very successful because of his achievements in life. Whose opinion is more important? I b

24、elieve that if one thinks he/she is successful, then he/she is, no matter what other people say. In conclusion, money is not the only measure of success. Anyone can be successful, whether they are rich or poor. What matters is how one views himself/herself; if one is proud of ones achievements in li

25、fe, and feels that he/she has lived a fulfilling life, then he/she is successful. 【知识模块】 作文 4 【正确答案】 If you could invent something new, what product would you develop? The world today is moving at a faster and faster pace. An invention that would be exceptionally useful for the human race would be a

26、n intelligent humanoid robot. On a daily basis, millions of people in China perform tasks which are exceedingly tedious, and are a tragic waste of the abilities of these people. Tasks such as house cleaning, street cleaning, some types of farming, some factory work, toll booths and a multitude of ot

27、her jobs would be performed just as easily by a robot as by a man. In some cases, robots could potentially outperform man because they would not need to rest. They could perform these simple tasks at a rapid speed, and therefore would be a significant advantage in some manual labor jobs. Other tasks

28、 that people perform are incredibly dangerous, and often cause life-long injuries, or much worse as to kill people. If these types of jobs were performed by machines, there would be far fewer work-related injuries and deaths. A prime example is deep sea welding on oil platforms. Every year there are

29、 many deaths of workers who hold this dangerous position. In addition, because it is such a high-stress job, the workers lives are often shortened because of inability to handle. As machines obviously do not feel emotional stress, they would perform hundreds of times better than men do in these type

30、s of situations. Humanoid robots would also more efficiently perform complex jobs such as surgeries and manufacturing high-tech materials. For example, eye surgeries and brain surgeries require a very steady, careful hand, and an intensely varied knowledge of the human anatomy. A robot could be prog

31、rammed to complete such surgeries flawlessly. Manufacturing high-tech materials is very complex, as it involves many intricate mathematical problems. A robot could be programmed to perform calculations in seconds that would take a man hours or days to perform. Therefore, I think an intelligent humanoid robot would be incredibly beneficial to the human race, although many of the tasks it performs would need to be supervised by a person, and some tasks would be impossible to perform for a robot. 【知识模块】 作文


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