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1、教育发展练习试卷 3及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes. 1 Oxford When language learners arrive in Oxford, many ask where the university is, thinking that they will be shown just one building. Its up to th

2、eir teachers to explain that Oxford university is made up of a collection of many different colleges and institutions, each with its own history and characteristics. There are many other surprises that learners discover about the city and its university. Katie Jennings is a social organizer at Kings

3、 St Josephs Hall in East Oxford, and it is her job to organize activities for learners outside of lesson time. She says many learners are surprised to discover that Oxford is a home to a wide variety of nationalities and ethnic groups, and one of the most popular social events is a night out at one

4、of the towns Latin American dance clubs. After a day spent learning English and absorbing the ancient atmosphere of the university, learners can samba the night away. The city also has a thriving Asian community, and the sight of women in saris is as common in Oxfords streets as academics in gowns a

5、nd mortarboards. There is also a mouth-watering selection of Asian restaurants serving curries, as well as shops stocked with exotic vegetables and fruits. The city has attracted such a diverse population not only because of the university, but also because it is an important industrial centre which

6、 is known for car manufacturing among other things. In spite of large industrial areas, the old of the city centre has remained surprisingly intact. Carmel Engin, who teaches at the Lake School, says many learners are surprised to find that the city is free from the usual high-rise modem buildings.

7、“From the centre of Oxford, you can see green hills in the distance, and this will make learners deeply feel that they are in a small, friendly town, but not just another modem metropolis. Some learners will be tempted to explore those green hillsOxford is surrounded by some of the most beautiful co

8、untryside in southem Englandbut, as Engin admits, with so much to do and see in the city, few learners find the time to explore its surroundings. Oxford has developed some imaginative initiatives for language learners. One is a local radio station which broadcasts news and provides information for l

9、earners. They can visit the station to get experience in radio production. Or they can meet university students in pubs and clubs or at one of the many campus sports facilities which are open to language learners. 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (40 points) Translate the following passage into

10、 English. The time for this part is 60 minutes. 2 高考扩招幅度十年最低 教育部日前宣布,今年全国普通高校本专科招生继续扩招,但是扩招幅度是十年来最小的一年。 2008年,全国普通高校本专科招生计划为 599万,比上一年增长5%,其中包括通本科 300万人 ,高等职业教育 299万人。 自从 1997年我国普通高校本专科招生首次扩招以来,招生规模的增幅已连续第 9年下降,而 2008年 5%的增幅是十年来普通高校本专科招生扩招幅度最小的一年。对此,教育部并没有解释扩招幅度下降的原因,但是持续升高的失业率可能是其中一个因素。 据中国社科院发布的社会

11、蓝皮书显示, 2007年,全国有近 20%的高校毕业生没有找到工作。于是,很多应届毕业生选择报名参加公务员考试,从而造成公务员考试一年比一年热。 我国自 1994年开始组织公务员考试以来,公务员已成为求职者最受欢 迎的职业之一,这主要是因为公务员收入稳定,社会地位高,福利待遇好。 2007年约有 53万人报名参加国家公务员考试,竞争 1.27万个职位,录取平均比例为 1:42。根据教育部网站的估计,今年将有超过 80万人参加 12月份举行的公务员考试。 教育发展练习试卷 3答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) Trans

12、late the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes. 1 【正确答案】 牛 津 许多初到牛津城的语言学习者会问牛津大学在哪里。他们以为他们将要看到的仅仅是一幢建筑。老师需要向他们解释,牛津大学是由许多不同的学院和学部组成的,每个学院和学部都有各自的历史和特色。 学生们还会发现这个城市和它的大学还有许多别的惊奇之处。凯蒂 珍妮丝是东牛津皇家圣约瑟夫学院的社会活动组织者。她的工作就是为学生们组织课外活动。她说许多学生都惊奇地发现牛津竟然聚集了许多不同国籍和种 族的人。那儿最流行的一项社交活动就

13、是在城里找一家拉美舞蹈俱乐部泡上一晚。白天学习英文,领略着这所大学古老的氛围,到了晚上便可以跳跳桑巴轻松一下。 牛津城里还有一个生气勃勃的亚洲侨民团体。在牛津街头,穿着印度纱丽的女子和身穿长袍头戴学位帽的学者一样随处可见。还有很多供应咖喱食品的亚洲餐馆可供选择,真是令人垂涎欲滴。当然还有许多商店出售外邦的蔬菜水果。 这个城市之所以吸引了众多不同背景的人,不仅是因为牛津大学的名望,还因为它是重要的工业中心,其中以汽车工业最负盛名。然而令人惊奇的是,尽管牛津有大片的 工业区,城中心古朴的风格却丝毫未遭破坏。 雷克学院的教师卡莫尔 恩金说许多学生都惊异地发现牛津城里根本看不到城市中常见的现代化高楼。

14、 “从牛津城中心你可以望见远处郁郁葱葱的山丘。这使人们感到自己身处的是一座友善的小镇而非仅仅是又一座现代化的大都市。 ” 有些人会忍不住想到山上去探个究竟 牛津的四周围绕着英格兰南部最美的一些乡村 然而正如恩金所言,城里有这么多东西要看,这么多事情要做,几乎没有谁能腾出时间到四郊去做个发现之旅。 牛津为学习语言的人独创了一些学习方式。例如,当地有一家为学生提供新闻广播和信息的电台。学生可以参观电台,切身体验电台节目制作的过程。另外,他们还可以在酒馆、俱乐部或那些对他们开放的学校体育场所结识到其它学生。 【知识模块】 教育发展 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translat

15、ion (40 points) Translate the following passage into English. The time for this part is 60 minutes. 2 【正确答案】 Increase of College Enrollment in China to Hit Decade Low China will continue to enroll more college students this year, but the rate of increase will hit its lowest point in 10 years, the Mi

16、nistry of Education said recently. China plans to enroll 5.99 million college students in 2008, up five percent from the previous year. It includes three million students for undergraduate education and 2.99 million for college-level vocational training. The growth rate, which follows a nine-year do

17、wnward trend, will hit its lowest point in 2008 since China first expanded college enrollment in 1997. The ministry did not give the reason for the trend but a rising rate of unemployment in China is a possible factor. About 20 percent of university students who graduated in 2007 have so far failed

18、to find employment, according to a blue paper issued by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Many college graduates have turned to Civil service. This resulted in highly competitive civil servant recruitment examinations. Since China began organizing the examinations in 1994, civil service has be

19、come one of the most popular professions of job seekers as it offers a stable income, high social status and good welfare insurance. In 2007, more than 530,000 applicants competed for 12,700 government jobs42 people competing for each position on average. This year, more than 800,000 applicants will sit for the civil service examination in December, according to a statement on the ministrys website. 【知识 模块】 教育发展


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