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1、笔译三级实务模拟试卷 34及答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes. 1 A recent study in the United States reports that the family life, education and health of Americas children are generally improving, though chi

2、ld poverty has risen for the first time in a decade, according to the governments broadest measure of childrens well-being. The report shows that the teenage birth rate is down, young people are less likely to be involved in violent crimes and the death rate for this group has declined. Experts say

3、that teenagers who give birth are less likely to finish high school or to graduate from college than other girls of their age. Also, infants born to teenage mothers are more likely to be of low birth weight, which increases their chances of blindness, deafness, mental retardation, mental illness and

4、 cerebral palsy. The study shows that young people were less likely to be victimized in a serious violent crime murder, rape, robbery or aggravated assault or to commit one. In 2002, there were 11 serious violent crimes per 1,000 people aged 12 to 17, compared with 15 per 1,000 youths in 2001. Child

5、 mortality declined, too. In 2000, there were 18 deaths for every 100, 000 children aged 5 to 14; a year later, there were 17 deaths for every 100,000 children in this age group. The infant mortality rate slightly increased. Seven of every 1,000 infants died before their first birthday in 2002, comp

6、ared with a record low of 6. 8 per 1,000 in 2001. Still, children are more likely to be overweight than they were before and child poverty has inched up after several years of decline. The number of overweight children increased to 16 percent between 1999 and 2000, compared with from 11 percent in t

7、he early 1990s and 6 percent in the late 1970s. That development “jeopardizes our childrens future, making them vulnerable to chronic conditions such as diabetes and hypertension previously associated more with adults than with children,“ said Edward J. Sondik, director of the Center for Disease Con

8、trols National Center for Health Statistics. The report said Mexican-American boys were at the highest risk, with 27 percent overweight followed by non-Hispanic girls at 23 percent. The child obesity issue is a major cause for concern, a health expert said to reporters. “This is a trend thats been a

9、t work since 1980. and as a trend, it shows no sign of reversing,“ the expert said. Child poverty also grew, reaching 11. 6 million in 2002, compared with 11. 2 million a year earlier. Children living with single females continued to experience a higher poverty rate in 2002 than their counterparts i

10、n married-couple families 40 percent compared with 9 percent. In 2002, 73 million children under 18 lived in the United States and made up 25 percent of the population. 二、 PART 2 Chinese-English Translation (40 points) Translate the following passage into English. The time for this part is 60 minute

11、s. 2 北京上周宣布人民币不再盯住美元,给全球货币、债券和商品市场带来冲击波。北京新的影响力由此清晰可见。 通过购买国库券,中国向美国消费者和政府提供着廉价资金。如果人民币转而盯住一篮子货币导致中国减持美元资产,那么美国的债券收益率可能就会上升。美国的中国抨击者们要求人民币再上调 25或者更多,他们这下应该小心了。这种大幅重新定值一定会将债券收益率推向一个更高的水平,从而严重损害美国经济。其实,如果说调整人民币币值会对美国的贸易逆差产生什么实际影响,那不会是通过重新定值本身,而是因为债券收益 率升高压缩了国内需求。 美国的贸易逆差主要是开支过度和储蓄不足引起的,并非源自中国的不公平竞争。如果

12、说美国贸易逆差的责任中国也有份,那不是通过压低汇率,而是通过降低债券收益率从而刺激家庭过度借贷和开支。从这个角度看,现在制定全球货币政策的是北京,而不是华盛顿。 笔译三级实务模拟试卷 34答案与解析 一、 PART 1 English-Chinese Translation (60 points) Translate the following passage into Chinese. The time for this part is 120 minutes. 1 【正确答案】 据美国一项最新研究报告说,按照美国政府关于少年儿童福利的最低标准,尽管少年儿童贫困率在近十年里首次出现上升势头,

13、但是美国少年儿童的家庭生活、教育以及健康状况普遍得到了改善。 这项研究显示,少年儿童生育率、涉及少年儿童的暴力犯罪率以及少年儿童死亡率都有所下降。 专家们指出,跟别的同龄女性比,少年妈妈完不成中学或大学学业的可能性更大,而且由少年妈妈生产的婴儿多有体重偏低者,而体重偏低的婴儿更容易患失明、聋哑、精神发育不全、精神病和大脑性麻痹症。 研究表明,少年儿童成为谋杀、强奸、抢劫或加重恐吓行为等严重暴力犯罪的受害者或从事此类犯罪的人数有所下降。 2002年,年龄在 12一 17岁的未成年人中涉及严重暴力犯罪的比例是 11起 /1 000人,而 2001年则是 15起 /1 000人。 少年儿童死亡率也有

14、所下降。 2000年,年龄在 5一 14岁的儿童死亡率为 18100000,到 2001年则下降为 17 100 000。但婴儿死亡率稍有上升。 2002年,未满周岁儿童死亡率是 7 1 000,超过了 2001年 的历史最低点 6, 8 1000。 不过,少年儿童肥胖症较之以前有所增加,而且过去几年呈下降趋势的少年儿童贫困率开始抬头。 少年儿童肥胖人数,从 1970年代末的 6和 1990年代初的 11,增加到 1999年到 2000年之间的 16。 疾病控制中心下属的全国健康统计中心主任爱德华 J?桑迪克说,这种状况 “会危及孩子们未来的发展,因为肥胖容易引发像糖尿病和高血压这样的慢性疾病

15、,而以前这些疾病以成人患者居多。 ” 报告显示,墨西哥裔男孩患肥胖症的比例最高,达到 27,其次是非西班牙 (或墨西哥 )裔女孩,达到 23。 一位健康专家对记者说,儿童肥胖问题应当引起人们的关注。这位专家说, “从1980年来,这种情况早已成为一种趋势 而且现在并没有任何逆转的迹象。 ” 此外,少年儿童贫困人数也有所增加, 2002年达到 1160万,而 2001年是 1120万。 2002年,与单身母亲生活在一起的少年儿童,继续保持高于生活在婚姻家庭中的少年儿童贫困率 前者为 40,后者为 9。 ) 2002年,美国 18岁以 下未成年人数为 7300万,占全国总人口的 25。 二、 PA

16、RT 2 Chinese-English Translation (40 points) Translate the following passage into English. The time for this part is 60 minutes. 2 【正确答案】 Beijing announced last week that the Renminbi (RMB) yuan would no longer be pegged to the US dollar, which brought Shockwaves to global currency, bond and commodi

17、ty markets. Beijings new influence was clear from it. China has provided cheap finance to Americas consumers and its government by buying Treasury bonds. If the switch to a currency basket causes China to reduce its new purchases of dollar assets, then American bond yields could rise. Americas China

18、 bashers, who demand a further RMB revaluation of 25% or more, should therefore be careful. Such a large-scale revaluation would surely push bond yields higher and badly hurt Americas economy. Indeed, if the yuans adjustment has any real impact on Americas trade deficit, it will not be through the r

19、evaluation itself, but because higher bond yields squeeze domestic demand. Americas trade deficit is due mainly to excessive spending and inadequate saving, not to unfair Chinese competition. If China has contributed to Americas deficit it is not through its undervalued exchange rate, but by holding down bond yields and so fuelling excessive household borrowing and spending. From this point of view, global monetary policy is now made in Beijing, not Washington.


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